"Tong Fuyuan is ill."

Fu Qing picked out a few things that Major General Lu sent, chopped them together with the thousand-year-old ginseng, and poured them into the pot of thick pulp. A slender and forked black snake suddenly stretched out from the side field, quickly curled up its roots and left.

The python's head was hidden in the crevice under the sofa, and a pair of vertical pupils looked at the iron basin on the coffee table and then at Fu Qing, with vigilant eyes full of anger. Especially when seeing Fu Qing add things to its body, the python tasted the ginseng whiskers, and the taste was quite right, but the vigilance and daring to resist, the restlessness still hadn't disappeared completely, a restless The python head pushed the sofa out of a hole.

"It's something that restores your body."

Fu Qing said calmly. But looking at Mang Ling's self-defeating stabbing posture, he has a posture of "whatever you say, I can't beat it anyway, the celestial master is very bad". Qingling Gu climbed down from Wu Rong's body, moved to Python Ling's side to comfort him, and finally let him say, "The whole world will persecute the python!" ’ The sadness and desolation continue.

"The yang energy inside is still a bit heavy."

Wu Rong glanced at the python pulp that had been mixed with ginseng medicinal materials, and the tip of his nose moved: "It's not yin enough."

Although Fu Qing had already used the method of beating once a day to clean up the filth in the python spirit's body, the lunar eclipse made all previous efforts in vain. In order to control the python spirit and make it recover from losing control, Fu Qing chopped it with a mahogany sword more than a dozen times.

Don't look at Wu Rong and Fu Qing's solution to the python spirit disaster this time seems to be an understatement, but if it is placed on Major General Lu or Director Zhao, it may cause an irreparable disaster last night. Thanks to Fu Qing and Fu Qingnan's mahogany sword, completely restraining the python spirit, it can have the current effect.

But the spirit body of the python spirit has been polluted long ago, and its intelligence has also been damaged. Sometimes it is smart and sometimes stupid. Suddenly, a large amount of pure yang energy will not make it return to normal immediately, but will make its body collapse and disintegrate— as it is now.

It's a good thing Fu Qing didn't behead him, otherwise it would be possible to chop Mang Ling to death in that situation.

"There are still two days."

The meaning of what Major General Lu said to Fu Qing before is very clear, the higher authorities will not let the ghost mask reappear in the human world, and they will not ignore it after knowing the cracks in the python spirit and the Great Tiankeng. Two days later, Young Master Lu will come to see Mang Ling, and these two days are the time left for Wu Rong. Regardless of whether Tong Fuyuan is really sick or pretending to be sick, under the circumstances that he has already aroused the suspicion of Major General Lu, Tong Fuyuan showed an attitude of "no meddling, nothing to do with me".

These two days are an excellent opportunity that must be seized.

After adding some negative substances, Fu Qing put the lid on again, letting the python pulp in the iron basin suffocate to recombine. Then he listened carefully to Wu Rong's account of what happened in the corpse cave.

"I suspect that the painting on the slate is related to Kukuka's experience."

Wu Rong noticed that the python spirit's head protruded from under the sofa, and everything related to Kukuka could arouse its nervous attention.

"You hold it down."

Wu Rong said to Fu Qing, "Press it tighter."

He's going to try it out. Wu Rong actually wanted to try it a long time ago, this time the python spirit's body was out of shape and its strength was greatly reduced, it was an excellent opportunity.

Fu Qing never objected to Wu Rong's words, and never even asked why. Seeing that the python's head was not right, I wanted to hide it deep in the sofa, but Fu Qing fished it out with one hand. It opened its mouth fiercely and hissed threateningly, but in the next second, Fu Qing grabbed hold of it and tied its mouth with a red thread. The top of the head was pressed by Fu Qing, the mouth was tied with a red thread, and even the lid of the pot of python pulp was pressed with a mahogany sword.

The python spirit is like a fish put on the chopping board, completely irresistible, and can only be slaughtered, but the energy in its eyes is still full, it is the kind of fierce snake that gets stronger as it gets into adversity, and is ready to fight back at any time. If it could shoot poisonous needles out of its eyes, Fu Qing's hands would have been tied into hedgehogs long ago.

Wu Rong asked her mother to go upstairs with Qingling Gu, and not to come down no matter what happened. In fact, his preparations in advance are all correct.

In front of the python spirit, Wu Rong let the ghost dog out.

Wang Bang!

It was the monster that was screaming.

The python spirit trembled, and the conditioned reflex suddenly raised its head, making a deterrent posture of a fierce attack, but the huge body covered in bruises curled up even tighter, completely blocking the young soul partner behind.

Even though it has become less intelligent and its mind is always muddled, the python still vaguely knows that what it is doing now is all useless. After the cub has completely returned to normal, those ferocious beasts will still tear it to shreds, snatching the cub out and eating it.

But even so, the python spirit still tried its best to raise its body, staggered, and assumed a guarding posture.


The weak partner seemed to be calling it, but the python sense was vague. Its originally beautiful ruby-like pupils were blind, leaving only two **** pits. The golden scales under the sun were damaged by countless bites, stained black, rotten and smelly. It hid its partner under the soft white scales that were still intact on its abdomen, and tried its best to protect him.

The partner has been viciously cursed, and will be resurrected every time he is swallowed alive, and the cycle repeats, forever immortal. But python spirit is different. Even if it has signed a soul contract with its partner, the sacrifice is not it. Every time the python spirit tried its best to fight those monsters until now. It was seriously injured and almost died, unable to move, and could only linger on.

Occasionally, when his mind is a little clear, Boa Ling can feel the cold water dripping on his body.


Soul mates are crying over it.

The partner is a very quiet human cub, very small, compared to the age of the python spirit, it is like a scale on its body. He doesn't speak loudly, he's very good, and if it wasn't so painful that he broke the limit, he would never cry. Every time his partner cried, Boa Ling would fight the monster with all his strength, until he was seriously injured and fell into a coma. The python spirit is very resilient, as long as the monsters don't eat it, it can always continue to fight for its partners.

But this time the python spirit was injured too badly, it sometimes fell into a coma and sometimes woke up. Even when he was in a coma, the python spirit would wake up from his partner's crying and pain, and fight for him. But in the days that followed, Python Ling hardly heard the cub crying, and every time he woke up, his mouth always tasted of flesh and blood.

The cub is feeding it his flesh.

No need.

The python spirit is about to lose its hold, it has lived for a long time, and has witnessed a tree species grow from falling into the ground. It may be that it has lived for too long, and there are gains and losses. After the spiritual recovery, it does not have the wisdom and consciousness comparable to human beings like some other beasts. The python spirit is still the thinking of a beast.

It's dying, it's useless, and while there are still parts of its body that aren't polluted, partners can eat its flesh.

This will make it less painful for him. Meat with energy will make your partners stronger, and you may be able to defeat those monsters.


eat quickly.

The python spirit didn't understand, it struggled to pull out its relatively intact and soft abdomen, but the young partner didn't bite. The blind python spirit couldn't see anything, so he could only urge him to spit out the letter. It felt the partner's hand caressing the scales on its abdomen, and the hard touch was bone. If you don't eat it now, you will be dragged away by the group of monsters when the flesh on your partner's body grows again.

The python spirit couldn't protect him, it was useless.

Why not eat it.

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