"Swipe la la la ~"

The sound of scales rubbing against scales filled the ears of the girl god, and it came from in front of her, as if there was a giant wriggling, swishing, swishing.

she opened her eyes...

But there is nothing in the God Realm, no snakes and no gods, there is no living thing here, it used to be called a glorious place, but now there are only messes and ruins everywhere... The gray area makes the God Realm look very dull. dim.

Only the teleportation array under his feet is outlined and glowing.

"As expected."

The girl god who was feeling so emotional looked at the earth-colored ruins around her... She had thought about many possibilities, and she had also imagined that she would become what she is now.


However, she did not expect that the God Realm could be destroyed so thoroughly... just like the material that made up the [Perfect Physical Model—Zero-Friction Surface] that sealed her.

The materials used in the buildings of the God Realm also have their own outrageous features...

However, it is still completely destroyed here.


Either, the person who destroyed this place has creativity above the gods, and can crush the thoughts of all the gods with wisdom...or...

It is violence that overrides everything, and a personality that is unreasonable and ignores logic.

Which one is it? The girl god doesn't bother to think about it at the moment... After all, according to Ira, [Snake] is barely on Ila's side, so it can basically be reluctant, and the snake is on the side of the world?

After two reluctances, the conclusion drawn may not be considered the truth...

But that's something for Ira to think about.

In this kind of thought, the girl god simply walked through the empty God Realm, with broken walls and ruins all the way, and the once beautiful crystal luminous body (similar to a suspended street lamp) is now just muddy and lost. The look of buoyancy.

Just lying quietly on the side of the road.



A touch of green became the most conspicuous thing in this gray world, and at the same time made the girl god stop in her tracks... She looked at a tree standing on top of the ruins.

Yes, a tree.

A tree that looks the same size as an ordinary tree, but seems to be extremely luxuriant, with a wider and more lush crown and leaves than real trees, and is very suitable for enjoying the shade.

If such a tree appeared on the main plane, then it would not be surprising. At most, I would just lament that it was a green and beautiful tree, and I could foresee how many young girls would have their names carved on the trunk.

But such a tree appeared in the current God Realm...then it can only be described as "out of place".

"Dornie's backhand?"

The girl god was doubtful talking to herself like this, and casually called the name of [God of Vegetation——Adonis]. She approached the visible tree bearing red fruits, and gently put her hand on it.


Nothing happened, maybe this tree is just a simple [Survivor].

"Miss La, what are you touching?"


After the voice from behind her, the reminder with a slight smile, the girl god also turned her head... Looking at the beautiful woman in front of her, she immediately saw the vertical pupil in the other's eyes.

To be honest, although the face of the girl god was as calm as ever at this moment, she actually didn't notice at all when this woman appeared behind her.

"The [snake] of chaos?"

Regarding the girl god's words, Shexie shook her head first, then nodded, she walked gently to the side of the girl god, put her hands on the big tree, and said, "It's a snake, but not chaos... I really don’t know how the name came about.”

In other words, the other party does not deny that he is a [snake].


"Do you want to test my strength?"

At the same time when the girl god had transferred a part of her power, Shexie said this, she didn't seem to care, and looked up at the tree slightly, with her back to the girl god, and said: "You are too conceited gone."

In this case, it seems that the snake in front of her is too proud, but... judging from her [deeds], it seems that she does have the qualifications to be proud and conceited, but...

This is not the reason for the girl god not to act!


The moment the decision was made, the girl god had already disappeared from the spot, leaving only a circle of air vibrations that represented her rushing towards the snake slough at an extremely fast speed, so fast that people could not see her figure clearly.

It can only be clearly seen that a slender glow appeared at her original position and the direction of the snake's slough, and at the end of the glow was a bursting blue-purple explosive flame.

It is undeniable that although the snake slough was understated, she was still at the moment, as if she was being bombarded head-on, and her whole body was shrouded in explosive flames.

And, right after... the girl's god's fist gathered dots of golden light, and on the trajectory of her sprint, the punch left a golden trace, and it was about to hit the snake slough in the explosion head-on!

But...yes, anyone knew it was going to be a [but].

Um, but no but.



Hit! !


It was clear and audible, the sound of a certain person or two people's bones being smashed, no, it was not [or], but only this one person! First there was the sound of bones breaking, and then... the sound of bones smashing.


After the pressure from the punches and the explosive flames dissipated, what appeared was the girl who turned around and took a punch from the girl god head-on, but with a flat face... and the girl who had lost her entire arm God.


"Tick tock~"

"Tick tock~"

The entire God Realm, after the extreme noise just now, ushered in extreme silence... only the sound of blood dripping from the broken arm of the girl god came out here.

Shexie looked at the girl god whose arm was recovering rapidly, and looked behind her - the fist of the girl god was not useless, at least it wiped out the small half of the God Realm behind her....

The ruins behind him turned into nothingness, and the original ruins became a flat open space.

The residual heat of the blue-purple flame still remained in the air, and the residual temperature alone caused the air to appear distorted from time to time.

"Look, I don't even need to hide."

When Shexie said that, she really didn't suffer any injuries, not even a scratch on her skin. She simply looked at the girl god, and then shook her head helplessly in the other's silence.

"Sure enough, even if it is the fusion of gods and disasters, it is still a bit far away."

The snake slough who was talking looked a little disappointed, but no one knew what expectations she had for [the fusion of gods and disasters (girl gods)]...so she was just talking to herself .

"What's the meaning?"

To the girl god who asked, Shehui shook his head, patted the tree trunk in front of him, reached out to catch the falling apple, and said, "Don't worry...you give me a piece of candy made by Ira...I'll take it Apple will trade it with you."

Like a child, the snake slough quickly changed the topic and asked the girl god for candy.

"This apple is very good. After eating it, it is enough for you to kill Mana, the God Against Stars."


It sounds like such a snake slough is at a disadvantage.

"What's so special about Naira's candies?"

The girl god asked, and her arm completely recovered,

"Of course not, but after all, it's made by Ira, and I want to try it."

The snake slough replied,

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