Absolute Great Teacher

Chapter 1013: Sun Hei Dog

Remember in one second【】

In the history of Blue Star, the fight between imperial power and theocracy has never stopped.

In fact, to put it plainly, it is not a dispute of interests?

In the Middle-earth Kyushu, the divine power is next to the power of the division, and it has the powerful power to suppress the imperial power.

Because of the existence of aura, the people of Kyushu can cultivate and give birth to famous teachers, and almost all of these people are taught by famous teachers.

Whether ordinary people want to admit it or not, the world is in the hands of people with power.

And the power of these people comes from a famous teacher.

They learned well, entered the court, served as high-ranking officials, herders, and helped the locals. Even if they were not good enough, they could literally and hyphenate, they could also become a small official and a treasurer of the account.

The existence of the Holy Gate is to strive to maintain the relationship of being a teacher for a day and being a father for life, making it a golden rule that everyone cannot violate.

In this way, Shiquan is like a big invisible net, shrouded in Kyushu, and stretched its tentacles to every corner of the country.

Sun Mo just came to Kyushu and didn't quite understand why a teacher could have such a high status?

With continuous integration and understanding, Sun Mo understood.

The famous teachers in Kyushu are based on knowledge and strength.

They have all the knowledge.

Ordinary people who want to live a good life can only learn a skill from a famous teacher, and they will naturally become their own.

There is also the existence of the Dark Continent. Only a famous master can analyze the unknown knowledge. Otherwise, even if the ancient magical skills are dug back from the ruins, no one can understand the ancient words on it, and it is useless.

Then there is force!

The famous teachers may not be the most able to fight, but the ones who can fight the most are taught by them.

No matter how powerful a genius is, it is impossible to know it by birth.

And what is the responsibility of the teacher?

It is for them to stop making the mistakes of their predecessors and to run fast on the right path until they succeed.

It's like the top coaches in the football world who have won the championship. Some of them are not even professional players, or when they are players, they are completely unknown.

Such as Mourinho! Such as Guardiola!

After thousands of years of operation and development, this model has become very mature and has become a giant.

To put it harder, even those emperors were taught by famous teachers, but if they sat in this position, their interests would conflict with the power of the teacher.

However, the emperor could not eliminate the right to teach, because if he wanted to govern the country, he had to use scholars, and the knowledge of scholars was learned from famous teachers.

Therefore, in Kyushu, the saint is heaven.

And Yasheng is only one step away from this highest state!

Therefore, Zhou Xingtong's arrogance is not without reason, because he is not the second generation of teachers, but the superior second generation of saints.

"Master Zhou, you have misunderstood what I mean. I didn't want to say to treat Lingsun!"

After Sun Mo finished speaking, the old housekeeper jumped up, like an old dog biting wildly!

"Then what do you mean? Amuse my master?"

Zhou Xingtong's face had already sunk. If Sun Mo played around with him, he would let him understand how terrifying it is to offend a holy second generation.

"I just have a proposal!"

Sun Mo smiled lightly.


Zhou Xingtong didn't even bother to use the word "please speak" and was rude at all.

"Although I haven’t checked Lingsun’s body, I’m willing to give it a try and try my best to treat him, but if it succeeds, I hope you can tell Zhou Yasheng to ask him to apologize to my disciple, saying that he has missed his eyes, Apologize for the hurt."

Sun Mo's voice is very flat, like discussing where to eat at noon with a friend?

But it fell in the ears of these onlookers like thunder, making them all silly.

What did Sun Mo say?

Let a saint apologize?

Is his brain broken?

Because the amount of information in this sentence was too shocking, for a while, the top floor of the entire Yanhuang Building was silent, as if dead.

It was the old housekeeper who responded the fastest. He was longing for Sun Mo to die. At this time, seeing him actually seeking his own way of death, he was so ecstatic that he could not wait to call all his concubines for a grand celebration every night. However, on his face, he wanted to show the grief and anger of the Lord's humiliation.




The voice of the old housekeeper was higher than the other, and the vocal cords were torn: "What are you, how dare you let my saint apologize to a little girl? You are not afraid of losing your life."

Tong Xugao was dumbfounded. He was the first time he heard such words as a famous teacher for nearly two hundred years. A tremor and tension bred in his chest.

Let the saint apologize?

How can you say this?

Even, in the eyes of the famous teachers, the teacher is the sky. Although they may make mistakes, let them apologize? This kind of thinking is not dared at all, and should not be.

This is totally treachery!

Zhou Xingtong was so angry that he couldn't speak, and his body was shaking. He pointed at Sun Mo, wishing to tear him up with his teeth and eat him.

This is blasphemy, this is an insult, this is a defilement and provocation to the glory of the Zhou family.

Sun Mo, **** it!

The gourd children were also stunned, especially Xian Yuwei and Helianbei

^0^Remember in one second【】

Fang these two barbarians.

Although they have distinct loves and dislikes, and hate Zhou's family, they never thought about asking Zhou Yasheng to apologize.

This...this is death!

After Li Ziqi was shocked, his chest was filled with deep worship and Confucian admiration, as well as an inexplicable sentiment.

The teacher actually asked a sage to apologize for me?

This will definitely offend the dead.



Li Ziqi rushed out, stood beside Sun Mo, bowed directly to Zhou Xingtong, and respectfully explained: "Please forgive me, Teacher Zhou, my teacher drank too much."

"Is this something you can say after drinking too much?"

The old housekeeper was aggressive.

"Teacher, hurry up...explain a few words, it's not worth it for me."

Li Ziqi secretly pulled on Sun Mo's sleeve, and wanted him to apologize, but when he thought about the teacher's behavior, it was definitely impossible, so he changed to an explanation.

"Everyone, at the age of fifteen, I broke the one-star master teacher assessment record and became the youngest master teacher in history. Is this kind of student considered excellent?"

Sun Mo asked back.

Everyone was silent, of course it was considered excellent, still the kind of genius-level excellence.

If this were his own children, even the poorest parents would find a way to kill all celebrations in the first year.

"Since Ziqi is excellent, Na Yasheng's original judgment was wrong. People apologize for their mistakes, what's wrong?"

Sun Mo asked again.

Everyone remained silent.

It is okay to apologize, but the problem is that it is Yasheng!

"Sun Mo, do you know that throughout the ages, due to earthquakes, floods, insects and famines, the emperor would occasionally sin against himself, admitting that he had failed in his own virtues, so that God condemned him, but the saint has never sinned against himself?"

Zhou Xingtong glared at Sun Mo: "Because the words of the saints are all great wisdom and great principles!"

"You also said that the saint does not apologize, I agree, but your father is not, otherwise why is he called Zhou Yasheng?"

In the end, Sun Mo deliberately emphasized syllables on the three characters Zhou Yasheng.


Tantai Yutang was stunned. He always felt that the teacher was incompatible with many personalities, and occasionally leaked surprising words, but he did not expect that he was so different.

"The teacher is so domineering!"

Qin Yao's eyes were full of brilliance.

This teacher, don't lose.

"Sun...Master Sun, just say a few words?"

Tong Xugao smiled bitterly.

"Zhuzi, do you kind of say it again?"

In Zhou Xingtong's body, aura was brewing like a storm.

"Everything in the world has its first time. How about letting Zhou Yasheng be the first person to apologize to this saint?"

Sun Mo suggested: "The history books compiled later will definitely give a positive evaluation, saying that Zhou Yasheng dares to face himself."

Is Sun Mo panicked?

In fact, he didn't panic. He also knew that what he was doing was crazy, but to be honest, he was not from Kyushu, and he was still in awe of the title of Yasheng.

It's like modern people. Don't scold leaders on the Internet, just slander the local police station chief, or you might be detained across provinces.

Directly add a few thousand fines to a package for 15 days in the small black house.

But scolding Trump, scolding Xin fat, then it must be fine.

Sun Mo is in this state of mind now.

If he was a native, he would definitely not dare to make such a mistake.

"Fart, isn't that stinking for thousands of years?"

When the old butler finished speaking, he slapped himself fiercely: "Criminal, sin, I have no intention of offending the saint lord!"

"This old man is so cruel, he gave the teacher eye drops at this time!"

Jiang Leng was very angry.

"Look for a chance to die him tenderly!"

Tantai Yutang proposed.


Zhou Xingtong took the shot, but was stopped by Tong Xugao as soon as he shot a single palm in front of Sun Mo.

"Tong teacher, are you going to be an enemy of my Zhou family?"

Zhou Xingtong roared.

Tong Xugao gave a wry smile, then looked at Sun Mo, and after hesitating for a while, he reluctantly shook his head: "Master Zhou, this incident is your family's failure."


Zhou Xingtong was surprised.

What kind of charm does this Sun Mo have, let a seven-star master teacher offend a sub-sage for him?

Zhou Xingtong's gaze subconsciously fell on the little book in Tong Xugao's hands.

This is Sun Mo, who convinced him with knowledge?

"If you can't tell, hit someone?"

Sun Mo sneered.

"Let's go!"

Zhou Xingtong didn't want to bother with talking any more, anyway, this matter was endless.

The old butler did not leave immediately. Instead, he came to Sun Mo and ridiculed in a low voice: "Sun Mo, you are dead, rest assured, every Qingming Festival, I will go to your grave, have a good drink, and give it to you. Shit!"


When Li Ziqi heard this, his face paled~www.wuxiaspot.com~ he was about to kill on the spot.

Sun Mo stopped the little purse, looked at the old housekeeper swollen into a pig's head, and laughed: "It's a pity, you have no chance, because you are about to die now."

"I'm going to die? Haha, how to die? Do you dare to kill me?"

^0^Remember in one second【】

The old housekeeper sneered.

Sun Mo ignored the old dog, but looked at Zhou Xingtong and kindly reminded: "Zhou family style, it's time to clean up."

Zhou Xingtong ignored it.

With a curl of Sun Mo's mouth, it seemed that he could only be a killer.

"Zhou Xingtong, is your body uncomfortable recently?"

As soon as Sun Mo said this, Zhou Xingtong's body trembled fiercely.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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