New confidence and strength have nothing to do with liking.

It's because she can feel that brother Yinuo really understands and supports her.

At this moment, he was not only someone she liked, but more like her family.

At every law school, she was often told that she was too idealistic.

After studying law for so many years, why not choose a glamorous career path with considerable income?

Only her family understands her and supports her all the time.

Now, there is one more brother Yinuo!

"I will work hard!" Ye Zhiwei nodded, as if to cheer himself up, "I will work hard so that more people can hold the sixpence tightly and look up at the moon!"

The city is too busy.

Even the river is floating with bright light.

Su Yinuo felt that the little girl in front of him was not in this brilliance, but was covered in bright moonlight - she was the purest and most sacred person in the world.

It's time for them to get down to business.

Although all living beings are important, their happiness... is also very important!

"Weiwei, do you remember that I told you that I know a person who studies law, and her goals are completely different from yours." After saying this, Su Yinuo turned around and leaned against the railing like Ye Zhiwei, facing the River surface.

Ye Zhiwei was startled.

Of course she remembers!

Brother Yinuo told her at the barbecue stall.

At that time, she didn't know anything, but now she can realize that he was talking about the senior sister.

So... Brother Yinuo wants to tell her that he has been in love with his senior sister?

Just by looking at Ye Zhiwei's expression, Su Yinuo knew that the little girl had reacted.

So he continued: "What I'm going to tell you next...I haven't told anyone, including my family."

Ye Zhiwei believes it.

Xin'an told her that although the family

#Every time verification appears, please do not use incognito mode!

Everyone knew that Brother Yinuo had been in love, but even the two brothers who were roommates didn't know who Brother Yinuo was in a relationship with and how it started and ended.

Brother Yinuo never mentioned a word about that relationship to his family.

Now, he chose to tell her, which must have a special meaning.

But for some reason, Ye Zhiwei suddenly felt a little sad.

The content of the senior sister's diary was deeply engraved in her mind.

Brother Yinuo didn't say anything, but she also knew that he and his senior sister had really liked each other.

However, they ended abruptly.

The reason for the end may be the scar in Brother Yinuo's heart.

What makes her sad is that brother Yinuo's sincerity has been let down.

Now, he has to uncover his own scars himself.

But, she needs him to confess!

"Since I have this honor, I will listen carefully!" Ye Zhiwei folded his hands on the railing, then lay half of his face on his arms, looking at Su Yinuo with bright starry eyes, "Brother Yinuo , from now on, don’t think of me as your little sister, think of me as a tree hole!”

Su Yinuo smiled, crossed the railing with his hands, intertwined his fingers, and looked at the river...

After a moment, he said: "You also know that person - Qiu Yixia - we have dated."

Sure enough, I guessed it right!

Ye Zhiwei wanted to look surprised, but she couldn't, so she simply nodded to express her understanding, "How long have you been dating, and then...why did you break up?"

All she cares about are the important points.

Su Yinuo said truthfully: "We dated for more than a year and broke up because... I was not a qualified lover for her. One day, she was with me

Between you and another person, choose another person. "

What's the meaning?

Could it be that the senior sister cheated on her?

Ye Zhiwei slowly raised his head, "Was it...during your relationship? Did anything go wrong with your relationship at that time?"

It should be said that there have always been problems with their relationship.

Qiu Yixia has a brain, a plan, and an ambition.

Sometimes, Su Yinuo felt that she was not a flesh-and-blood person, but a machine to realize her planned plan. .??.

In the beginning - for example, when he saw her persisting in exercising outdoors on a snowy day, he admired her very much.

After dating her, he hoped that she would not be too tight and occasionally experience the joy of life.

Because of this, they quarreled many times.

Later, they decided to study and live in their own ways, just meeting regularly to eat, chat, and add entertainment activities, such as going to a coffee shop or watching a movie.

One night after dating for more than a year, Su Yinuo suddenly couldn't contact Qiu Yixia.

He used his connections to finally find her, but found that she was in a first-class five-star hotel.

He rushed to the hotel, and the man who opened the door was a man who had just taken a shower.

Qiu Yixia saw him and said calmly: "Yinuo, I'm sorry, I..."

"We're done."

Su Yinuo only left this sentence, then turned and left.

Su Yinuo did not elaborate on the details of the relationship, but only told Ye Zhiwei temporarily.

Ye Zhiwei knew that they had dated and that they really liked each other, but she didn't know that in the end, Su Yinuo was the one who was betrayed.

The senior sister actually... betrayed brother Yinuo.

But it can be heard that brother Yinuo does not want to reduce his ex to nothing.

#Every time verification appears, please do not use incognito mode!

Ye Zhiwei tried to control his emotions and said, "Brother Yinuo, the one who was wrong was my senior sister. You... I believe you are a very good person. You were also hit hard after the breakup, right?"

Su Yinuo retracted his hand and turned to Ye Zhiwei, "Do you want to hear the truth?"

Ye Zhiwei nodded, "Of course!"

"This incident itself did not bring me much of a blow. Because I know this is unforgivable, all I need to do is end this relationship. On the contrary, some discoveries after the breakup made me realize that this relationship is nothing but failure."

After the breakup, Su Yinuo discovered that during their relationship, Qiu Yixia maintained close contact with many friends of the opposite sex.

As soon as she said she broke up, many people came up to confess and wanted to give her new love.

And she regarded such things as a manifestation of charm.

Su Yinuo fully accepted that she had friends of the opposite sex, but could not accept such a concept.

What he could not accept the most was that the diary that revealed true feelings was fake.

In her diary, she wrote about their encounter on a snowy day, how she was moved later, and how she finally fell in love with Su Yinuo...

But Su Yinuo discovered that the notebook was only put on sale by a stationery brand a week ago.

So, the so-called "love diary" was actually something Qiu Yixia rushed to write after he broke up.

Su Yinuo did not expose her, but just told Qiu Yixia that there was no way back between them.

Then, he locked everything related to Qiu Yixia in a drawer.

After the breakup, they met by chance several times, but there was no communication.

Until the day they saved the red panda, they met by chance at the airport.

But at that time, Qiu Yixia already had a fiancé.

Finally, Su Yinuo said, "I didn't expect that she would return to City A to develop."

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