"Bang bang bang——"

At three o'clock in the morning, not long after Lu Boyan fell asleep, there was a knock on the door, accompanied by Uncle Xu's anxious voice: "Master, Master!"

Lu Boyan woke up easily, opened his eyes suddenly, stood up and opened the door.

"Koshikawa just called. Building 4-17, which was just built in the fourth phase of Fountain Gardens, suddenly... collapsed." Uncle Xu was always calm, but his hand holding the cane was trembling slightly at this moment, "Many workers who stayed at the construction site were injured, and two workers unfortunately...died."

Real estate is one of Lu's three pillar industries. From development to property sales, it has always been smooth sailing. Such a big accident happened this time, and the impact on the Lu family... Uncle Xu couldn't imagine it.

For a moment, Lu Boyan's eyes were filled with dark waves.

But within half a second, he had calmed down and calmly ordered: "Have Yue Chuan rush to the construction site immediately and ask Uncle Qian to prepare the car and wait for me."

When I returned to the room, I found that Su Jianan had woken up at some point, sitting blankly on the bed and looking at him uneasily, obviously having heard Uncle Xu's words.

She lifted the quilt and got out of bed: "I'll go to the construction site with you!"

Lu Boyan looked out the window. Under the night sky, which was as dark as thick ink, the cold wind made the branches tremble. The world... was turbulent.

He held Su Jianan's hands: "It's too cold outside. If Kang Ruicheng was responsible for what happened this time, he must have informed all the media, and the scene must be in chaos now. Obedient, don't go, wait for me back at home .”

Lu Boyan was pressed for time, so Su Jianan had no choice but to listen to him and nodded: "I'll get your clothes."

Lu Boyan quickly changed his clothes and came out. Su Jianan put a scarf around his neck. The window reflected a white light from the car lights. Uncle Qian must have prepared the car.

She straightened Lu Boyan's collar and said, "Go ahead."

Lu Boyan placed a kiss on her forehead and turned around to go out.

As he expected, the scene of the collapse was chaotic.

The panicked construction workers, police, media, and people from the construction company, as well as other residents who came from several periods after hearing the news, gathered outside the cordon. Everyone was talking about it, and it seemed that there was a lot of people in the silent night.

As soon as Lu Boyan's car stopped, a large number of media rushed over like a cold wind and blocked him in front of the car door.

"Mr. Lu, two construction workers died and many others were injured. Can you tell me what happened?"

"Mr. Lu, this accident may have a huge impact on Lu's real estate. How does Lu's plan to deal with it?"

"Mr. Lu..."

Lu Boyan didn't answer any questions, just looked at the collapsed building not far away.

The reporter was right. Kang Ruicheng's move really dealt a fatal blow to the Lu family.

"Mr. Lu," two police officers walked away from the reporters and showed their police badges. "Based on the confession of the construction company, we need your cooperation in the investigation."

As if the reporter smelled big news, the radio was pointed at two police officers.

"Police officer, can you tell me what the person in charge of the construction company said?"

"Police officer, is the most responsible party for this accident Lu's Real Estate?"

It was impossible for the police to reveal the content of the interrogation, but they just kept pushing the reporter away, and the reporter had no choice but to point the finger at Lu Boyan.

"Mr. Lu, can you say a few words?"

Lu Boyan's deep black eyes, against the backdrop of the night, were calm and deep: "Lu will cooperate with the police to investigate the cause of the accident, and will hold a press conference to give an explanation to the media and the workers who were injured in the accident."

"Mr. Lu, does this matter have anything to do with you? Did you expect this kind of situation to happen before the community was developed?" The reporter asked sharply, almost saying that Lu Boyan was the murderer.

For a moment, the surrounding area became quiet. Dozens of pairs of eyes stared at Lu Boyan, but he remained calm, and there was not even a slight fluctuation in his eyes.

He spoke slowly: "How many people do you think would do something as stupid as smashing their own sign?"

The media were speechless for a moment, and smelled a cold warning from his calm tone. Shen Yuechuan and the security took the opportunity to dismiss the media and let Lu Boyan get in the car.

This time Shen Yuechuan and Lu Boyan were in the same car, and Uncle Qian was driving.

As soon as the car drove out, Shen Yuechuan said: "I understand the accident clearly, what should I do next?"

In the chaos just now, Lu Boyan had already figured out something: "We will bear the medical compensation for the dead and injured workers and appease their families. Let Mu Qi check the cause of the accident - focusing on Kang Ruicheng. In addition, arrange for someone to check Fang immediately." Every building in Ting Garden should issue a safety report as soon as possible."

"You also suspect that Kangruicheng has tampered with this?" Shen Yuechuan shook his head, "But now the media and uninformed people probably think it's a problem with the construction and the Lu family - this is also Kangruicheng's purpose."

In fact, it was precisely because the accident was so serious that they did not suspect that it was a construction problem.

The construction company has been cooperating with Lu for a long time, and there has never been any mistakes. Even if they really ignored some problems this time, they would not ignore such a serious accident. The architects and on-site supervisors are not just freeloaders. .

The collapse of a row of buildings can only be caused by man-made damage.

At the police station, Lu Boyan was taken away to cooperate with the investigation. Shen Yuechuan asked Uncle Qian to send him to the company.

At home, Su Jianan could not sit still. She could only watch the night being dispersed by the morning light. She called Lu Boyan for the fourth time, but no one answered.

She searched for news online, and various reports and discussions came overwhelmingly. Lu was already labeled as an unscrupulous developer.

First, he was suspected of huge tax evasion, and then a collapse accident occurred in a residential complex under development. Lu's vitality was severely damaged, and his future destiny was put into question.

What should she do? What can you do to help Lu Boyan?

Su Jianan forced herself to calm down and called Shen Yuechuan, only to learn that Lu Boyan was cooperating with the investigation at the police station.

After washing, she ate a few bites of breakfast, packed up Lu Boyan's portion, and asked Uncle Xu to take her to the police station.

A large number of media reporters blocked the door of the city bureau. Just as Su Jianan wanted Uncle Xu to take a detour and enter through the back door, the reporters recognized her car with sharp eyes and swarmed over. She had no choice but to get out of the car.

"Mrs. Lu, Mr. Lu has not come out for so long. Is he detained by the police?"

"Mrs. Lu..."

"I'm sorry." Su Jianan lowered her head slightly, clutched the thermos bucket tightly, and turned away the microphone that was about to drown her out, "Give me a moment."

She was no match for the experienced reporter, and she couldn't squeeze out. The reporter provoked her with questions to try to get her to speak, so she had to ask Uncle Xu for help.

Finally, several bodyguards rushed over and forced the reporter away, and Su Jianan successfully entered the police station.

After asking some colleagues, they told her that Lu Boyan was still in the interrogation room. She walked over and happened to meet Lu Boyan coming out of the interrogation room.

She almost rushed to Lu Boyan: "What's going on?"

When such an accident occurs, the first person to be interrogated should be the person from the contractor. Lu Boyan entered the interrogation room first, which can only mean one thing - someone has provided testimony or evidence that is very unfavorable to him.

Lu Boyan frowned and stroked her slightly blue lower eyelids with his long fingers: "Why are you here so early?"

Su Jianan pulled Lu Boyan to her office and opened the thermos bucket: "I asked the chef to make porridge. You can tell me what happened while you drink it."

"Jian An," Lu Boyan said, "I'm going to the company."

"No!" Su Jianan insisted almost stubbornly, "You must have breakfast before you can leave my office!" She ran over and locked the office door with a click.

Lu Boyan reluctantly took the small bowl she handed him and drank the porridge in mouthfuls.

Su Jianan asked uncertainly: "Are you sure? Is it Kang Ruicheng who did it again?"

"Other than him, who else dares to touch Lu's development properties?" Lu Boyan stopped and looked at Su Jianan, "Reporters may come to you in the next few days. No matter what they ask, you just need to answer that I don't know. .understand?"

Su Jianan knew that Lu Boyan didn't want her to get involved in this matter.

As long as she doesn't know anything, even if the final consequences are very bad, she can escape unscathed.

Lu Boyan had already prepared for the worst, and Su Jianan became increasingly uneasy: "This matter is much more serious than the last time Lu was reported, isn't it?"

"Yes." Lu Boyan did not deny, "There were casualties among the construction workers. Kang Ruicheng will definitely manipulate the Internet public opinion. Now -" he smiled, "Lu may already be an unscrupulous developer in the eyes of netizens. "

"..." Su Jianan didn't dare to tell Lu Boyan the news she saw that morning.

Lu Boyan took the last sip of porridge and rubbed Su Jianan's long hair: "I'm going to the company."

Su Jianan hesitated to speak, and silently walked over to open the door for Lu Boyan. Before she could push the door open, someone suddenly hugged her from behind, and a pair of hands gently wrapped around her waist.

"Go to work and don't think too much." Lu Boyan's reassuring voice was close to his ears, "We will not always be caught off guard by Kang Ruicheng."

"...I want to help you." Su Jianan said.

Lu Boyan smiled and pulled Su Jianan's shoulders to turn her around to face him: "Mrs. Lu doesn't need to take action on this matter."

Su Jianan didn't know whether to laugh or laugh loudly, so she pushed Lu Boyan: "Okay, you go to the company."

Lu Boyan raised his eyebrows and said, "You won't send me off?"

Su Jianan took Lu Boyan's hand and sent him to the door of the city bureau, but he didn't let her out. He said there were too many media reporters outside and asked her to go back to the office.

She nodded and watched Lu Boyan walk out. Sure enough, a large number of reporters rushed up quickly. Fortunately, the bodyguards reacted quickly and pulled up security lines around Lu Boyan, so the reporters could not get close to him.

The reporter asked the same sharp and direct questions, but Lu Boyan didn't answer them. He only looked back at Su Jianan, then got in the car and left.

Su Jianan was just about to go back to the office when she saw Jiang Shaokai rushing over and asked him what was wrong. He just said: "I have work."

They were a team. Jiang Shaokai had a job, and there was no reason why Su Jianan didn't know about it at all.

Without thinking too much, Su Jianan understood: "The person who died in the collapse of Fountain Gardens, right?"

Jiang Shaokai said "Yeah", "You and Lu Boyan are husband and wife. According to the regulations, you...can't touch this case."

Su Jianan nodded understandingly: "I know the rules, you go ahead and do your work."

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