A Queen

Chapter 195 She is in business~~~

If Han Baikong still didn't know that Daili was from the Ye family, then he would have been totally screwed in those days. Now the muscles on his face trembled violently, and he had to spit out with great difficulty: "Mr. Ye, in fact, these are all misunderstandings. ..."

"Misunderstanding?..." Ye Yunkai sneered silently, his sullen expression without anger and self-respect was scary. ***[****$****]**

The people in the crowd were shocked and were extremely sad. They made their money back today. The performance of this big show was so wonderful!

There are twists and turns, ups and downs, and blood everywhere...

A descendant of the Ye family? Xi Qingyi was startled, and then looked at Dai Li carefully for a while. Several people behind her were also stunned, eh, Ye family? The Ye family of the Duke's Mansion?

I've never heard of this young man.

It's not that they know the Ye family well, but it's obvious that Dai Li is a very tall and talented person who can make a big splash in the Immortal Sect. He should have been famous before, but they didn't realize it at all, so... ..

Either the Ye family hid her, or she grew up outside.

The beautiful middle-aged woman hesitated for a moment and asked in a low voice: "Miss, this person is..."

She has the responsibility to protect Xi Qingyi, and she has to take care of everything. Although her young lady is extremely smart, she is still very young and may not be able to guard against some people who are interested... Well, it is always good to have an extra eye.

It never hurts to think bad of people.

"Huh?~~~" Xi Qingyi made a slight nasal noise, frowned slightly, and then slowly said: "A friend I met in Hantie City...a very good friend."

After a pause, she added, "It's quite interesting, isn't it..."

Forehead? interesting?

Everyone looked at each other, they only felt that a young man who grew up like this and had such a terrible temperament would always be very dangerous.


When Ye Yunkai was about to explode, Dai Li glanced at him and said lightly: "Third uncle, let's forget about this matter."


Calculate. never mind?

Did he hear it correctly?

Is my nephew saying forget it?

Something's wrong~~~

Ye Yun was stunned for a moment,

He suddenly turned his head and looked at Han Baikong with an increasingly gloomy and terrifying look.

Damn it, my good nephew's brain has been damaged by you...I still have to remove your head!

Ye Yunkai is not a wild horse, but a fox up and down, but that does not mean that he will not explode when he is extremely angry. The murderous intention comes out at the moment...

Dai Li sensed that his cultivation was much higher than that of Han Baikong. The Ye family really has a profound foundation...

"My mother told me not to cause trouble without cause,"

Ye Yunkai heard this. It was like boiling water being doused in an instant. Turning around to look at Dai Li. That's so frustrating...

Damn, his nephew...why is he such a ghost!

Eat him to death!

This is wrong, he is her uncle! Why did she teach me a lesson in turn...

As expected of a Confucian killer, Ye Yun opened his eyes and screwed up slightly. Daili looked at each other for a long time, then suddenly smiled and returned to his original gentleness and chicness, "Oh, you kid, I understand... You are awesome! Come on, I don't care about this..."

As soon as these words came out, Han Baikong's weak legs straightened up!

But Zui Linglong had already walked over in a swaying manner, in front of Ye Yunkai. Chao Daili raised an eyebrow and said, "Young master... I am from the Ye family... Ten thousand middle-grade spiritual stones."

Ye Yunkai raised his eyebrows, "Zui Linglong, how dare you take advantage of me..."

"I didn't take advantage... Seeing that she was quite pleasing to the eye, I gave her a half discount... But I didn't blackmail her..."

Slim and graceful. Looking at Ye Yunkai, "I'm blackmailing you...Can you still refuse to pay back the money for your nephew?"

Dai Li smiled when he heard the words, and immediately came to Ye Yunkai's side, as if our uncle and nephew had a good relationship... "Boss Zui is really discerning... He can see through the phenomenon and see through the essence at a glance. No wonder the business is so big..."

By the way, he patted Ye Yunkai on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Third uncle, I knew you were the best to me..."

"You never called me third uncle before..."

"Don't I expect you to compensate me..."

"It's so candid..."

"My mother taught me... to be honest, just like I would not tell my aunt or cousin that you came here to take a bath..."

Ye Yunkai: "..."

When talking to this nephew, why does he have the urge to collapse? This little bastard, what a ghost!

I'm here to save you, not take a bath!

Everyone: "...."

Watching these two uncles and nephews talking, why do they feel so gloomy.

Also, did the young master with the arrogant, cool, noble, and unyielding face take it?

Although Zui Linglong was like a royal sister, she also burst out laughing, "Okay, let's discuss... who will pay..."

"He pays..."

"I have no money!"

Dai Li and Ye Yunkai said at the same time...

Everyone was silent, so what, something is wrong with this situation...

Dai Li was silent. He had no responsibility for his third uncle, so he could only rely on himself... "Boss Zui, you can consider going to the Duke's Mansion to borrow a piece of land to grow carrots..."

Ye Yunkai suddenly froze...glaring at Dai Li, almost strangling her to death...

Zui Linglong was not in a hurry. She looked at Dai Li up and down and smiled, "It's okay if I don't have money... I can't afford the Ye family's ancestral home, but you are really a good-looking guy. , and the talent is so high, if I sit in Huayuanting and keep it..."

Not yet waiting for the substitution reaction.

"No need to say more, I will give you the money..."

"I'll pay..."

"Boss Drunk, these are 10,000 middle-grade spiritual stones..."

"Ten thousand middle-grade spiritual stones... I'll give them to you..."

Ye Yunkai was already so excited that he took out the spirit stone... At that time, three voices came.

After shouting, they each looked at each other.

Wen Jingchen looked at Shang Bielie, and Shang Bielie looked at Xi Qingyi. Xi Qingyi looked at Zui Linglong with a calm expression.

Zui Linglong paused for a long time before covering her mouth with her feather fan, her eyebrows arched and she said, "I have blackmailed so many people for so many years. This is the first time that so many people have given me money... Really..."

But she didn't stretch out her hand. There was one from the Ye family, one from the merchant, and one... She couldn't tell or guess it, because the other party didn't show any breath at all.

I made it clear that I didn’t want to be exposed.

Then let her act stupid.

Daili was stunned, this vampire! It seems that the backstage is really big, which makes Ye Yunkai want to directly use Lingshi to get involved!

And Ye Yunkai was also speechless. He looked back and forth at Shang Bie and Xi Qingyi. Two girls? Nephew, this is okay!

Ye Yunkai is excited!

Dai Li looked back and forth at a few people. Roll your eyes. He said directly: "Come on, don't give me the spirit stones... I..."

Before he finished speaking, there was the sound of horse hooves and the sound of cars rolling across the road. It fell heavily on their ears. As soon as everyone turned their heads, they saw a carriage driving slowly on the straight and wide street.

To put it simply, people in Kyoto are really not interested in this kind of carriage. They value powerful spiritual beast mounts more, but these few guards are in front of them.

The cold eyes and the rock-like body frightened them more than the iron hooves of the fat horse.

There was silence....

The beautiful woman in palace clothes frowned, "Miss. She is the person who followed us before..."

Xi Qingyi nodded, his black eyes flashing slightly.

Who could it be?

The luxury carriage stopped, and the man driving the carriage glanced at Dai Li. Dai Li even felt that he nodded slightly towards him, and couldn't help but wonder. I know him?

Looking again, the curtain slowly lifted, and the people inside were slowly revealed...

Before she even saw her face, she heard a voice that was even more charming than Zui Linglong, like a goblin.

"My little friend, you have several young girls, so why don't you want me..." Such sadness, so lingering, this voice...

Many people who pride themselves on being righteous suddenly felt their legs weaken.

Zui Linglong and other girls also changed their expressions. Who is this person?

The curtain was completely opened, and the face was finally revealed. He stood up from the couch gracefully and walked out of the car... He waved his sleeves gently, stood on the shaft of the car, and smiled at Chao Daili.

That smile made even Baihua Hongfeng dim a bit.

Dai Li, who had a gloomy expression before, twitched his eyes, stared at her, and said: "I knew... You are the only one who likes to ride in such a tacky and luxurious carriage..."

"Oh, we haven't seen each other for a few months, and you actually learned to praise me..."

"I'm not complimenting you..."

"I've learned to be humble..."

After getting off the carriage, dragging the hem of her skirt, she walked over with an absolutely unrivaled aura, her drunken expression...a combination of horror and deep suspicion.

Until she walked up to Zui Linglong, her charming jade hand gently hooked on Dai Li's arm. When she looked helpless, she glanced at the girls in front of her, paused at Zui Linglong, took a glance, turned her head, and pointed He straightened Dai Li's clothes with a look of disgust... "Hey, I thought our big boss came to Kyoto to do business and get ahead, but why are his clothes torn? It's so pitiful... "

big boss?

Everyone was startled!

Is this guy still doing business?

It’s impossible!

The young master of the Ye family is still doing business?

Ye Yunkai's mind is full of confusion now. He does remember this woman. He heard that he met Dai Li, and he also knows that she has an extraordinary background. But at the moment... he really doesn't know that Dai Li has done business with her.

Xi Qingyi is noncommittal, business? It's a talisman shop!

Shang Bieli glanced at Daili, well, he is so versatile... It seems that he really started from scratch and worked hard all the way outside...

Xiyuting was extremely curious and asked in confusion: "What business?"

"Li Chun Yuan..."

Chun Shisanniang smiled brightly and heartlessly.

The girl in green clothes, who is as elegant as a fairy, is a little puzzled. Is the talisman shop still called this? Hmm... It feels quite sunny... It fits Dai Li's eccentric personality.

Shang Bieli: Well~~ Daili must be a person with a high level of education. His name is... very vulgar.

Dansu! Many men are stuck in their brains!

Li Chun Yuan, Li Chun Yuan? ! ! ! So what, why do you always feel like that?

Zui Linglong raised her eyebrows, almost beaming with joy.

"Where is Li Chun Yuan? Does it sell delicious food?"

"It's delicious...men really like it..."

"Ouch, what are you selling?"


"..."l3l4 ()

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