A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 650: Doctor

Gao Yang panted very badly, which was an instinctive reaction in a hurry, but, at the moment of shooting, Gao Yang could hold his breath until he gasped again after the shot, so his shortness of breath did not affect his Shooting accuracy. . .

Seeing that someone tried to pick up the rpg that fell to the ground, Gao Yang did not shoot. The distance was too far, and it was too difficult to hit the moving target. He just aimed at the rebel who tried to pick up the rpg, knowing that the rebel picked up the rpg. When holding it against his shoulder and aiming on one knee, Gao Yang fired a shot.

Gunshots sounded, and although the rpg was picked up, it failed to fire.

Immediately after killing the enemy, Gao Yang breathed again in a hurry and shouted, "Test tube! Take care of yourself first."

Rescuing comrades-in-arms, this is the duty of a military doctor, and it is the greatest meaning of Bruce in the Satan Mercenary Corps, but when Bruce himself is injured, Gao Yang hopes that he can save his life first.

If Bruce is dead, then everything is over.

Bruce ignored the high-pitched roar. He insisted on cutting Raphael's dress at the wound. After glancing at it, Bruce yelled, "Don't move, I need to stop the bleeding for you. Take the shrapnel out, quickly. "

Bruce is worthy of being the top military doctor. Although he lay on the dry, dusty ground, he dared to perform emergency surgery, and he used a knife without anesthesia.

It is good for mercenaries to be rescued by military doctors. It is difficult to expect to be lifted to the rear like an army of a big country for treatment. As for the helicopter to send the wounded away, this kind of thing. Don't even think about it.

No matter how good the mercenary regiment. It ’s just mercenaries. It is stronger than the free mercenaries who are pure cannon fodder, but they also have no logistics and no support, and they can only rely on their mercenaries for anything.

Most mercenary regiments do not even have a qualified military doctor. The bullet is either killed immediately, or it is dragged for a long time, and then died after a long time of pain, or the injury is not serious or the life is strong enough to be sent to the hospital, and finally survive. . If you encounter a military doctor who can perform surgery on the battlefield immediately, get the chance to save the life to the greatest extent, steal it.

Bruce is definitely a good military doctor, the top level, his level has been verified, so, with Bruce, everyone in the Satan Mercenary Corps has a much greater chance of surviving. After all, he is shot directly on the battlefield. The few killed were still mostly, and most of them were not treated after serious injuries. Or it is too late to get effective treatment before dying.

The problem is, Bruce is a good military doctor. But even when he was injured, things were difficult to handle, very difficult to manage.

Raphael ’s injury was heavier than Irene ’s, but the weight was limited. Bruce spent two minutes and cut a knife from the left side of his back to take out a shrapnel that was only about the size of a rice grain. , The wound was too late to be stitched, and the wound was glued together with a piece of emergency adhesive used in the field.

Although Raphael inevitably suffered another knife afterwards, his wounds would definitely not get worse, that is, his life was carefree.

After finishing Raphael, Bruce sat on the ground, and after slashing his pants with a knife, he scolded: "Fak, Fak! My main blood vessel on his mother's leg was injured, and the lateral femoral artery was rotated. I will perform hemostasis surgery on my arteries, otherwise I will die. If I give myself a successful operation, you need to let me undergo a blood transfusion and blood vessel connection within four hours, otherwise I will be dead even if I do n’t die. ! "

While Bruce yelled, he prepared himself for surgery. Raphael lay beside Bruce and shouted, "What do we need to do!"

Bruce gritted his teeth and said, "You can't help, do your business, no, no! You look at me, if I'm dizzy, wake me up!"

Bruce ’s legs were bleeding, but unfortunately he did n’t hurt the large artery, but got to a smaller artery, but Bruce had already done hemostasis, but he still had to get the injured artery bleeding as soon as possible. .

Bruce can only come by himself.

Bruce was fierce against others, and fiercely against himself.

Bruce poked on his thigh with a sneer, then pulled it out, and then shouted: "Fak, Shett, it hurts me! These **** rebels, Fak oil!"

Lucica's face was full of tears, and she finally couldn't help but look back at Bruce, but she just turned her eyes and turned her head back immediately, then continued shooting at the approaching rebels.

"These **** rebels, I hate them! Let them go to hell, go to **** all, ah, leaked a blood vessel, Fak, I will not die."

Bruce ’s painful face was green, and he was screaming in order to divert his attention to the pain. In order to stop the bleeding, he had to make a bigger wound on his leg, so there were more small blood vessels to be treated. Yes, he can't even use anesthesia unless he can guarantee that he will not affect his thinking and movement after using the anesthetic.

Bruce clamped the blood vessel with a small hemostatic clip. After the wound no longer lost a lot of blood, he took a painless spray that was not very effective and sprayed it toward the wound for a while. Then, he held the spray to prevent infection. The agent sprayed again.

After spraying himself, Bruce lay down on the ground, panting and gasping: "Guys, I can't move, God bless you, no one is hurt anymore."

"Man, you can pass out, that's a little bit better."

Bruce glanced at Raphael and smiled bitterly: "Man, I can't faint, it's not the right time, um, man, give you this, if I can't hold it, you will give me two injections, One has no effect on me. "

After receiving two potions from Bruce ’s trembling hands ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Raphael glanced and said: "What is this, morphine? No, this is not morphine, what is this?"

After hesitating, Bruce whispered, "Cocaine."

When you are in a hurry, everyone will shout unconsciously, but the intercom that promotes them is automatic, which is originally suitable for use by small-scale teams. If there is no setting, it will automatically pick up the sound, which means everyone ’s speech Others heard it, so they did n’t have to shout, and Bruce and Raphael heard everything clearly, Gao Yang heard clearly.

Now, Gao Yang finally knows why a friend of Grolyov ’s military doctor was poisoned. He also knows why Bruce was addicted to drugs before. While staying awake, doping seems to be the only option.

Not only military doctors, stimulants are also very common in special forces, of course, mercenaries are also commonly used, but the Satan mercenary regiment never uses these things.

At this moment, Grolev said in a low voice: "Test tube, you have done your duty, we will no longer be injured, relax and faint." (To be continued ...)

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