A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 419: Exchange condition grenade

After Lucica told Gao Yang's words to the child, the child looked dissatisfied. He shook his head and pointed at the pistol in Gao Yang's waist.

"He doesn't need money, he wants your pistol."

Hearing the words of Lucica, Gao Yang was taken aback, saying: "What a joke, my gun can't be given to him, nobody will give it to him."

Gao Yang's reply made the child look disappointed, but he still didn't give up, pointing to the grenade hanging on Cui Bo's chest and starting to speak. His meaning was obvious. It was okay to not give the gun or give the grenade.

Gao Yang couldn't help crying and said, "Tell him that if he tells about Teodoro's whereabouts, I'll give him a hundred dollars. If he doesn't say it, let's say, what children play grenades."

Lucica translated Gao Yang's words truthfully, but the little child said disapprovingly: "Only I know where the people you are looking for in the town, I saw where they went yesterday, only me I saw it. If you want to know, you have to give me a grenade. I do n’t want money. But when I have a grenade, nobody dares to bully me. "

When Gao Yang knew what the child had said, he was rather helpless, saying: "Why is this little child so hard to grenade grenades for him? I can give him other things, such as chocolate. Yes, let ’s forget about the grenade. "

After Lucica translated Gao Yang ’s words, the child waved his hand in disdain: “Grenades, I ’m not unused. Decide quickly, if you give me a grenade, I ’ll tell you what you want to know, do n’t give it to me. Just left. "

After knowing what the kid said. Gao Yang was surprised. "This kid is quite tough. Such a small guy will use grenades. He is not bragging."

This time Lucica did not translate the question of Gao Yang, but directly said in a deep voice: "They are already at the age of the battlefield, and there are many children of his age in the Palano men, Teodoro also has, for him It ’s not difficult to get in touch with guns and grenades. "

Gao Yang still didn't want to give the child a grenade, but Cui Bo smiled and said: "Lucica. You ask him how to use the grenade, and why he had to use a grenade. If he knew, I would give him one."

The child made a gesture, indicating that the handle of the grenade was pulled away, and after the handle was released, the grenade was thrown out, and at the same time said: "My friend Fino has a grenade, he always shows off, I also want to have one, Also. I ’m small, and those older kids always bully me. If I had grenades, no one would dare to bully me. "

Cui Bo looked at Gao Yang and said, "We played with toy guns when we were kids, but the children in this place took real guys. Hey, it's terrible. Give him one. I think he really uses it. "

Gao Yang felt that it was not a good idea to play with grenades for children, but when he wanted to refuse, Lucica said in a deep voice: But for the children here, weapons are not rare, grenades are just for you A few dollars a consumable, but for him, he can exchange for something more precious than money, so give him. "

Gao Yang nodded and said, "Give him one."

With a smile, Cui Bo took out an rgn grenade from his bag and, after twisting his hand twice, reached out to the child and said, "Here you are, be careful not to blow yourself up, hurry up Tell us what you all know. "

After receiving the grenade, the little boy took a look in his hands and turned it over and over again, then pointed to the other end of the road and said, "The people you are looking for are over a hundred people. I live in a big house with a red roof, but they are not here now. They left yesterday and wanted to find them. You have to wait until they come back. "

But after Lucica translated the children's words, Gao Yang said: "Do you know they went there?".

The child didn't take it seriously, but looked at Cui Bo and said with a smile: "I don't tell others, I just tell you, do you want to know?".

Cui Bo also smiled and said: "Of course I want to know, can you tell me?".

The child pointed his finger again and said, "They left the town, where they went, they should have gone to the mountain. They set off at dawn every time, and they would come back in the evening, but they did not return yesterday."

Teodoro was indeed in this town, but he was not there at the moment, but it was a big problem. Gao Yang frowned, and said to everyone: "The enemy entered the rainforest. It is definitely unrealistic for us to go to the rainforest to find them. I I think it's better to stay in the town and fight them in ambush? "

Grolev nodded: "Yes, we will find a place to hide, and when Teodoro returns and fights in the town, we have an advantage."

The kid was very fond of Cui Bo, and Gao Yang didn't even ask himself, and said to Cui Bo: "Rabbit, ask him, where can we hide."

After Cui Bo asked the child with a smile, the child turned his head and turned his eyes around twice, and he looked forward with expectation: "Are you going to hit those people? If so, you killed After those guys, give me a gun, won't it. "

Cui Bo waved his hand and said: "No problem, you tell us that it is suitable for hiding, we can hide and then kill those guys, then I will give you a gun, I promise."

The kid was very surprised and nodded again and again, grabbing Cui Bo's hand and said: "Come with me, I will take you to a place, surely no one will know, then you will kill those guys Find a pistol. I like pistols, with convenience. If I can have a pistol, I am the most powerful person. "

After Cui Bo gave a complacent glance to them, they followed the child to the town, and Lucica whispered the child's words out, and Gao Yang waved his hand, indicating that everyone was following ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ said helplessly: "Ah, the rabbit's IQ is at the same stage as the children of this age. You see how much he talks with the kid."

Cui Bo glared at Yang Yang fiercely, but Gao Yang was right, and although Lucica's translation was needed, Cui Bo had a really happy conversation with the child.

"Little guy, what's your name?"

"My name is Lucas, how about you?"

"My name is Robbit, which means rabbit, how old are you."

"Twelve years old, how about you?"

"What? You are twelve years old? I thought you were only seven or eight years old? You don't look like you are twelve years old."

"I told you all. I'm small and look younger than my actual age. You haven't answered my question yet. How old are you?" (To be continued ...)

ps: I just came home this afternoon, so the update is late. Sorry, I still have two changes today, but the second one will be later. ()

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