Xiaojie rejected the leader's proposal to register the copyright of"The Ordinary Road". However, in order to pursue his own interests, the leader secretly registered the copyright of the song in his own name and planned to sell the song to the queen.

One day, entertainment news began to report that the diva had purchased the copyright to"The Ordinary Road" and planned to sing the song at a concert. Xiaojie was very shocked and angry after seeing the news. He understood that the leader had violated his rights, but the queen did not know the truth.

Xiaojie decided to take action. He privately raised the copyright issue with his leadership and requested that the copyright be returned to himself or directly authorized to the queen. However, for his own benefit, the leader refused to return the copyright and even threatened Xiaojie not to meddle in his own business.

Xiaojie felt very helpless and helpless. He understood that the problem could not be solved through normal channels, but he did not want to give up his rights and music dreams. So he decided to protect his rights and interests through his own strength and methods.

Xiaojie began to post evidence and information about leadership violations on social media, and called on fans and supporters to pay attention to and support his rights protection actions. His posts and videos quickly received a large number of retweets and likes, causing widespread attention and discussion.

During this process, the entertainment press also discovered this incident and began to report and publicize Xiaojie's rights protection actions. Many people in the media and music industry have also come forward to support Xiaojie's rights protection actions. They believe that copyright issues are the foundation and guarantee for the healthy development of the music industry.

As public opinion fermented, the leader felt more and more pressure, and he began to realize that his behavior had aroused public outrage and condemnation. In order to restore his reputation and reduce losses, he had to negotiate with Xiaojie to resolve the copyright issue and return the copyright to Xiaojie himself.

During the negotiation, the leader said to Xiaojie:"What do you know? I am doing this for the benefit of the company. You are just a newcomer. What qualifications do you have to negotiate with me about copyright?" Xiaojie calmly replied

:"Although I am a newcomer , but I understand that copyright belongs to the creator. Your behavior is not only infringement, but also disrespect for music."

The leader glared at Xiaojie and sighed:"Forget it, I admit that I was wrong. I just I just wanted to make some money, but I didn't expect it would be such a big deal. Now I know, I will return the copyright."

Xiaojie felt happy in his heart, but he still remained calm:"Okay, I hope you can do it. Otherwise, I hope you can do it. , I will continue to defend my rights to the end."

The leader nodded:"Don't worry, I won't make the same mistake again."

With the leader's commitment, the copyright issue was resolved. The copyright of"The Ordinary Road" belongs to Xiaojie. The queen also got the news and she was very happy and grateful. She apologized to Xiaojie and invited him to sing the song together.

Xiaojie happily accepted the Queen's invitation. They started recording songs together and promoted them on social media. The song quickly gained a lot of attention and love, with people praising their collaboration as flawless.

In the process, Xiaojie's system reputation has also been improved. He gained more attention and support, as well as the love and trust of many fans. The system also opened up a new function for him - system lottery.

Xiaojie decided to try a system lottery. He spent a certain amount of reputation points to participate in the lottery and received rare props.——【Music Elf]. This prop can help musicians improve their creative abilities and inspire inspiration and talent.

Xiaojie is grateful for the system's good luck, and at the same time, he has strengthened his belief that he should insist on originality and treat music with sincerity. He believes that with the help of [Music Elf], he can create more excellent works and realize his music dreams.

However, as the situation developed, some attacks and complaints began to appear on the Internet. Some people accused Xiaojie of"hype", some thought he was"taking advantage of copyright issues to gain attention", and others questioned his musical talent. These remarks made Xiaojie feel very troubled and aggrieved.

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