A Genius and a God Fell In Love

Chapter 75 The BOSS appears

Everyone is afraid of the cyan mark, and he wants to get it by any means necessary.

What normal person would make such a bet that has no basis and is based solely on speculation.

Crazy, crazy, crazy...

"You will not succeed. The cyan mark and the hidden dangers of black water will not be offset. They will gather in your body and grow stronger...and then, it will be your death!!"

The girl gasped violently, and blood poured out of her mouth.

Finally, she tilted her head and became silent.

The long-haired monster with a big mouth bit her, and its long hair wrapped her into a cocoon.

After a while, the girl's body was devoured.

Then, he rolled his long tongue and licked his lips.

Turned his head sharply.

The man in the suit swallowed. He quickly took out a yellow charm from his pocket and put it on his forehead.

The figure disappeared on the spot.

Big Mouth screamed and looked around, but he couldn't be found.

The man in the suit is actually still where he is.

After using the invisibility charm, not even ghosts can see him.

This invisibility charm was his reward for winning the novice game.

Can be used three times in total.

This is his first time using it, and it works so well.

However, the invisibility charm is only effective for ten minutes.

Without wasting any more time, he hurriedly ran outside the village.

The man had already run away, and the big-mouthed monster was still looking for him nearby.

After running to the end of the village, the man took off the invisibility charm.

Panting, he sat on the big rock and panted.

When his breathing became calmer, he quickly rolled up his right trouser leg.

The blue marks are very obvious in the moonlight.

The man in the suit's heart was beating very fast.

It worked.

He became the new host of the cyan mark.

Suddenly, his expression changed.

He turned his head and vomited loudly.

The vomit was all black water, and the mouth tasted not only bitter but also fishy. The black water was mixed with invisible blood streaks.

The man in the suit opened his eyes wide, no, no.

His deduction was not wrong.

This can be counteracted by fighting fire with fire.

He was polluted by black water, and the cyan mark was also polluted. Couldn't the two be offset by mixing them together?


Before he could even take a breath, he started vomiting violently again.

I couldn't help but vomit out, as if I was going to vomit out my intestines.

Until the end, no more black water came out of his mouth, and even saliva stopped secreting.

His arm holding the stone trembled slightly, and he gasped for breath.

The whole person looked particularly weak.

After a while, I remembered something and quickly pulled up my right trousers.


The man in the suit opened his eyes suddenly.

He bent down and looked at his ankle carefully.

Really gone.

The blue marks are gone.

Not at all.

He laughed heartily.

The bet was right, his guess was right.

Regardless of his appearance, he casually wiped his mouth with his sleeve.

He stood up and strode towards the cemetery.

The village is only a few steps away from the cemetery, so we arrived quickly.

From a distance, I saw a few people standing in the cemetery.

Just as he was about to run over, he saw a thick branch turning into a sharp blade and chopping down from the sky——

Screams penetrated his ears.

The strong wind blew him back a step, and the air was filled with the cold smell of blood.

The man in the suit suddenly covered his mouth and jumped to the field to lie down and hide.

what happened?

Did the BOSS appear?

He stared over there nervously, holding the invisibility charm in his hand, ready to escape at any time.

The two players fell to the ground amid screams.

The branches with claws and teeth slowly gathered together and turned into a person.

The moonlight was light, but it illuminated his face clearly.

It was the young man who was sent to Old Man Gao for treatment.

How could it be him?

The man in the suit was shocked.

He mutated because he broke a willow branch and had it penetrated into his body?

[Warning, warning, the BOSS has appeared, please be prepared for defense~]

The man in the suit's heart stopped instantly.

He is BOSS?

how come?

He was obviously a player who came in with them.

How could he suddenly become a BOSS?

Could it be that he is possessed by a hidden BOSS?

Is that willow tree the sleeping BOSS?

The man in the suit was so frightened that cold sweat broke out on his face, and his arm accidentally touched a dry branch.

The crisp sound of "click" attracted the boy's attention.

He turned his head quickly, and his face in the shadow of the moonlight was extremely gloomy, like a ghost crawling out of a graveyard.

The next second, the young man was already at his side.

The aura on his body was completely cold and forbidding.

He was completely different from what he looked like before the accident. He was a completely different person.

The man in the suit trembled with fear and slowly moved his arms, trying to quickly put on the invisibility charm and escape while he wasn't paying attention.

"You are really smart."

The boy spoke, and he stepped on the ankle of the man in the suit.

"You can actually think of the method of 'fighting fire with fire'. Haha, human beings' minds work very fast."

He looked him over from beginning to end, "There are two kinds of anger in this village, the resentment of the villagers and the curse of the cyan mark. These two are incompatible, so you used the right method."

The man in the suit pursed his lips and said, "What about you? Are you possessed by the player?"

The young man laughed loudly, "He woke me up, and since he couldn't resist my power, he naturally became my host body."

The man in the suit suddenly looked behind him, "Little girl, run!"

The young man turned his head.

The man in the suit immediately put the invisibility charm on his forehead, got up from the ground and ran away.

You can no longer enter the village.

I don’t know if there are any players alive.

If all those people are killed by the BOSS, then he will be the only one left in this round of the game.

The man in the suit's heart was beating fast, and he was planning countermeasures in his mind while running.

He is going to the house on the hill.

They have found clues in the entire village, and now only the old house is left.

The name of the game is the dilapidated house, so that should be the end point.

He must win the game before the BOSS finds him and before the countdown ends!


The outside of the house was filled with pale moonlight, and the ghost fire was faint inside.

The room full of teenagers and children with pale faces looked even more eerie and cold in the blue light.

Netherworld ghosts, nine gods.

The two actually stayed in the same room and coexisted peacefully.

This picture is really novel and different.

Now there is one more human being.

Nangong Nan pointed to his head and nose and said, "It's collapsed, it's ugly."

The restorer said: "This child is born with a flat nose."

He pinched it symbolically, his slender fingers in stark contrast to the pale skin of the head.

At this moment, Nangong Nan once again clearly felt the divinity of compassion for all living beings from him.

Sitting in the temple, his face is peaceful.

Give fair and just blessing to all things in the world.

"What now?"

The idol spoke.

Nangong Nan came back to his senses, looked at it and said, "It looks much better than before."

The restorer chuckled: "Kid, you are still a face-controller."

He raised his eyes and waved to the kid who had only air above his neck.

The headless kid immediately came over.

But I didn't dare to get too close to him, and my posture was obedient, which was a bit flattering.

The restorer pushed the head back on it.

He straightened him out and said, "Okay."

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