A Genius and a God Fell In Love

Chapter 11 Sleeping for Two Hours

At some point, she found that her heart stopped hurting.

But the attacks on human faces did not stop.

The girl's complexion was pale, and her body was still very weak.

She avoided human faces with difficulty, and was almost succeeded by them several times.

In the end, she exhausted her strength and fell limply to the ground.

Human faces flew from all directions.

The sound is noisy, like a hodgepodge in a downtown area.

All of the brains got into her body.

Nangong Nan was astonished.

She struggled to get up and found that her body didn't hurt, and there was no wound.

Nangong Nan narrowed his eyes, so these faces will not cause her harm? Just scary.

If there were eyes on the floor, she would surely be able to see the shrewdness in her eyes.

She was right.

The face brushed past her arm just now, and her arm didn't feel any pain at all.

It was as if a cloud of mist had bumped into it, silently.

So, she guessed the faces weren't hurtful.


Since she couldn't do any harm, why did she waste her time and effort dealing with them.

Nangong Nan went to the ground and decided to have a good sleep.

She is very tired, very tired and very tired.

When was the last time you slept?

Can not remember.

Because she hasn't slept for a long time.

Above the head is still a scary expression pack flying around with teeth and claws.

And the weak little girl had already fallen asleep.

Her consciousness was drowsy and she did not sleep peacefully.

There seemed to be many people and many pictures in my mind.

Every picture is full of endless horror and blood, as well as sadness and anger...

Nangong Nan refused to have a memory dream.

She desperately struggled out of the dream, but she regained consciousness, but she couldn't move her hands and feet.

She clenched her teeth and tried to break free.

No one can suppress her!

The next moment, Nangong Nan suddenly opened his eyes and sat up.

"Nangong, get out of the way!"

The strong wind hit her face, blowing her long hair back.

Zhao Feiyuan ran in front, followed by a big fat sheep like a hill.

It scratched the black cloth with its sharp horns, and then trampled and tore it with its sheep's hooves, showing its fierce appearance.

It was completely different from the goats they were used to.

This is a crazy monster sheep.

The bleating sound was long and strange, and the bloodthirsty ferocity of the whole body made people tremble.

Nangong Nan's face turned pale immediately after returning to ruddy, and before he could react, he was pulled up by Zhao Feiyuan and ran forward.

"Run, my belt is broken, there is no time to tie it together, I can only run for my life first."

She explained out of breath, and she still had time to look back at Nangong Nan, "You look much better in spirit."

Nangong Nandao: "I feel much better after sleeping, I'm sorry Feiyuan, I've slept for so long, I didn't even notice the guard beast appeared."

At such a time, Zhao Feiyuan can still laugh.

She has a really good temper, and her eyes become two slits when she smiles.

"You slept for two hours, this is already the second gatekeeper after you fell asleep."

Nangong Nan opened his eyes wide, "I slept for two hours...?!"

"Don't stop, the guard beast is still chasing after you."

"sorry Sorry."

The girl quickly apologized, feeling extremely guilty.

"I really shouldn't, I'm still sleeping when the danger is coming, leaving you alone to face the gatekeeper, I really, really... sorry, if your teammate is someone else, it won't be... "

"Don't blame yourself. The last guard beast was a mutant dog, which is easy to deal with. If my belt hadn't been broken, this fat sheep would be no problem."

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