A Demon’s Path

Chapter 578: Snake Women

Biyun Cave, the territory of the Snake Clan, is located in one of the three largest and richest territories of the Monster Clan, forming a triangle with the Great Demon Xia Yuhua's Purple Qi East Island and the Golem Clan's Vientiane Plain.

Although Biyun Cave has the word "dong" in its name, the buildings there are actually no different from those of the human race. The reason for choosing the word "dong" is naturally because the ancestor of the snake girl tribe lived in In the snake cave.

The entire snake woman clan is not only snake women, but also snake men. It's just that this family respects women, they can choose their male spouses at will, and they can also have polyandry, which is simply a paradise for women.

Of course, the only ones who can enjoy this kind of treatment are the women of the snake woman clan. If the women of other tribes fall into the hands of the snake woman tribe, the end will be as miserable as it can be.

Being a slave or a maidservant is still a trivial matter. Being caught as a sex slave by those vicious snake men and women, and they can't survive or die, that kind of torture will not end until they have no value.

Women from other clans will end up miserable if they fall into the hands of the Snake Girls, but it does not mean that men from other clans will end well if they fall into the Snake Girls. Snake men have a habit. Like the human race, they believe that the body complements the body. Their favorite food is naturally the man's lifeblood that can enhance their abilities.

Therefore, the fate of men from other tribes who fall into the hands of the Snake Girl tribe will become eunuchs just like those writers who do not write the ending of novels in later generations.

Ling Xiao and Li Yuanchong naturally knew this, so they were very careful. After killing the two snake men on the road, he disguised himself as the two snake men and sneaked into the main city of the snake woman clan, Biyun City.

"Wow! The main city of the Snake Girl Clan is really different, haha!" Ling Xiao looked at the women with snake waists and plump breasts all over the street, almost drooling.

It's just that Ling Xiao has a question, these women's lower bodies are snake bodies, how did they create the next generation?

"We're calling, we're calling, the Five Princess Mansion is calling." A blond snake girl in a thin golden silk shirt shouted loudly at a stall on the street. Behind her, there were more than a dozen snake girls wearing the same style of clothing, but the thin shirts on them were not as luxurious as that of the blonde snake girl.

"The fifth princess mansion is calling again..." When the snake men heard that the fifth princess mansion was calling, all of them showed bitter faces and ran away in fright.

Ling Xiao and Li Yuanchong stopped a snake man in a small alley, and caught the snake man's sight with a topaz: "Brother, we want to ask a question."

The snake man put the topaz stone away at once, and then said with a look of knowing everything, "Brother, if you have anything to ask, just ask."

"Why did the Five Princess Mansion summon people, and you all hid everywhere in fear?" Ling Xiao asked curiously.

The snake man let out a long sigh: "You probably are new to this city, right?"

Seeing Ling Xiao and Li Yuanchong nodding their heads, the snake man went on to say: "It's like this, the fifth princess, She Meimei, is the beloved daughter of the head of the snake woman clan, She Yue. Although she is indeed very beautiful, this woman is extremely beautiful. She is lustful and has a heart like a snake and a scorpion. She sucked up all the men who were called into the mansion by her. If you say this, who would dare to go to her princess mansion?"

Heart like a snake? When Ling Xiao heard that this word was used to describe the snake girl, she couldn't help but secretly scolded the snake boy in her heart. Are you not snakes? Your heart is originally a snake heart, so why are you saying that your heart is like a snake?

The man ignored the white eyes of Ling Xiao and Li Yuanchong, as if he wanted to tell Ling Xiao everything he knew at once: "If we don't run away, the fifth princess will find a man, and they will snatch them in the street! Although the biggest dream of us men is to be beautiful, but compared to life, the biggest dream of being beautiful has to be abandoned. Alas! Dreams are precious, and life is more expensive!"

This guy can still say such a poetic sentence, which makes Ling Xiao and Li Yuanchong's impression of him slightly changed.

"Okay, thank you brother." After dismissing the snake man, Li Yuanchong knew Ling Xiao's plan, and followed Ling Xiao to that street again.

On the street at this time, all the snake men have escaped, and the rest are only snake women.

Seeing that she couldn't complete the task, the blond snake girl couldn't help but want to grab the man. However, even if she wanted to grab it, she had to have a man to let her grab it!

Looking around, the streets are full of women, how can this be snatched?

Just when the blond snake girl was burning with anxiety, two decent-looking snake boys appeared in her line of sight, which immediately made her eyes shine.

"It's better than nothing." The snake girl stuck out her snake-like tongue and waved her hand: "Catch those two men!"

"Yes!" More than a dozen snake girls swarmed up and rushed towards Ling Xiao and Li Yuanchong.

"Damn!" Looking at the "wave" of a group of women rushing towards him, even Ling Xiao, who likes beautiful women, couldn't stand the stimulation for a while, and his mind went blank for a while.

Later, while he was still in a daze, he and Li Yuanchong were tied up by Wuhuada and sent to the blond snake girl.

The blond snake girl seemed to be looking at the goods, patted Ling Xiao's cheek, and then patted Li Yuanchong's chest. She felt that the hand felt good, so she nodded in satisfaction: "Send these two to the fifth princess first." !"

"Yes, Sister Ling!" A dozen or so snake girls responded, and lifted Ling Xiao and Li Yuanchong up, like ordinary people slaughtering pigs and cattle, and carried them to a very fancy courtyard. among.

Before they had time to react, four snake girls dressed as maids immediately stripped the two of them naked, threw them into the bathtub, and then rubbed their bodies desperately with a big soft brush.

Ling Xiao had never enjoyed such treatment before, so she couldn't help closing her eyes and enjoying the hot spring with a faint floral fragrance.

Like Ling Xiao, Li Yuanchong had never enjoyed this kind of treatment, but his reaction was completely opposite to Ling Xiao's. Being rubbed by two women with big brushes, even though his body was disguised and used the skin of a snake man, Li Yuanchong was still not used to this kind of high-level treatment.

There is indeed a big difference between people.

After washing, the bodies of the two were wrapped in soft towels by the four maids, and then they were dried and sent to a woman's room, where they were placed on two small beds. Hands and feet were tied to the crib.

Afterwards, the four maids quickly left the room and closed the door behind them.

"What is this?" Looking at the iron chains, handcuffs, and leather whips hanging on the wall, as well as the candles, clips and other objects placed in the corner, Li Yuanchong frowned, unable to figure it out. Is it a woman's room, or a torture room?

Ling Xiao's eyes were wide open, he never expected that this She Meimei would like to play this trick. It seems that not only the world of the human race is crazy, but the world of the snake women is also crazy.

Ling Xiao couldn't help sighing: "Yuan Chong, instead of asking what these things are, you might as well ask what they are for?"

Li Yuanchong turned his head to the side, looking at Ling Xiao's expression of hell if I don't go to hell, although he still doesn't understand, he understands to some extent that these things are related to Ling Xiao's hobbies.

While Li Yuanchong was still thinking about what these things were for, the door opened with a creak, and then closed with a bang.

The two looked around, and a well-dressed snake girl appeared in front of them.

The appearance of this snake girl is extremely seductive, and her full head of blond hair matches her seductive appearance, showing her wild color. What's more, the glamorous and beautiful silk dress on her body is extremely transparent, it is the same as if she is not wearing it, fully revealing her perfect body in front of Ling Xiao and Li Yuanchong.

Li Yuanchong couldn't help feeling hot on his face, and subconsciously turned his face to the other side. Ling Xiao was not the same, his eyes fixed on the snake girl's body, his Adam's apple moved with difficulty, and his face looked greedy.

The snake girl immediately had a panoramic view of the expressions of the two of them, and she had some understanding in her heart. For Ling Xiao's expression, she has seen a lot of snake beauty, but she rarely sees such a "shy" man as Li Yuanchong, so she can't help but feel curious: "Today, let's eat this first, haha!"

She Meimei walked up to Li Yuanchong, put her face in front of Li Yuanchong, and looked at this "shy" little man carefully. Li Yuanchong turned his head to the other side with disgust on his face.

She Meimei's desire to conquer immediately mobilized Li Yuanchong, and immediately pressed Li Yuanchong's chin with her hand, and forced Li Yuanchong's face in front of her own.

She Meimei's green eyes looked at Li Yuanchong's stubborn face, and the strange light flowed: "There has never been a man who refuses to face up to this princess, and you are the first."

Looking sideways at this wonderful scene, Ling Xiao secretly cursed at the injustice.

Not only did She Meimei and Li Yuanchong's cheeks were almost close to each other, even the soft parts were pressed against Li Yuanchong's chest. Ling Xiao felt hot all over when he thought about it, but this kind of treatment was out of his reach.

Ling Xiao couldn't help crying in her heart, why is there such a big gap between people!

She Meimei doesn't care what Ling Xiao is thinking, she is full of lust now, and can't wait to vent it on Li Yuanchong.

She immediately turned around, took down the leather whip from the wall, slammed it on the ground a few times, and said with a crackling sound: "Let me reward you with the whip first, let me see if you will still be so stubborn!"

Li Yuanchong frowned, as if he was talking to himself: "Ling Xiao, what is she trying to do?"

Ling Xiao laughed strangely: "She wants to slap you, just let her slap you twice."

Li Yuanchong snorted and said, "I'm not as perverted as you, I just like this. If I don't do it again, I'm going to do it."

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