A Certain Marvel Super Player

Chapter 333: Visiting the Witch Academy

Madison is back at the academy?

Good guy.

Madison was killed by Fiona, and she knew it.

If you say so...

"Jingle Bell!"


"...Of course, I will go."

Locke hung up the call from Cordelia, who also called to invite him to a college dinner. He seemed to have thought of something, smiled, and looked at Gwen: "Are you going?"

Gwen said, "Of course."

Come on, that's a witch academy.

What about living witches?

Although Gwen was not so rude due to the profound knowledge brought by her god of learning, she was a witch after all. How could she give up the opportunity to face the witch up close?

"My favorite TV series is Charmed. When I was a kid, I would fantasize about whether I was also a witch with witch blood."


Carrie next to her was stunned for a moment, looked at Gwen, and blinked: "Aren't you afraid of witches?"

Gwen said: "There are good people and bad people in every group, but I believe that whether it is humans or witches, there are still good people in the majority."

"I love watching Doctor Who."

Locke said this, thought for a while, got up and walked towards the bedroom: "I'll make a call, and then we'll go there."

In the bedroom.

Locke recalled the frequency of the phone number Clyde Sheldon borrowed his cell phone to dial, and then dialed it directly.

one second.

The call is connected.

"Uni-President Insurance Company, how can I help you..."

"RET, number 023."


Locke listened to the voice on the phone and did not continue.

after awhile.

The female voice disappeared and turned into another female voice that sounded very capable at first sight: "Code."

Locke said: "Ask Anonymous yourself. He knows my name, Locke Broughton."


Locke hung up the phone directly.

He didn't have Jane Doe's phone number. The last time, he contacted Jane Doe through Clyde Sheldon. However, Sheldon was traveling with his wife and daughter, so it was not good to call and disturb someone else's vacation.

Walk out of the room.

Locke put away his phone, looked at Gwen who had put on her down jacket and a stuffed bunny hat again, and smiled: "Let's go."

He told Gwen that he contacted the Witch Academy in the name of the CIA.


This is no joke, Locke thinks the same way. Even if Gwen doesn't come, pulling the CIA's skin in order to complete the mission is still part of Locke's backup plan.

It's just that Gwen's arrival made him change plan B into plan A.

Miss Robicheaux's Academy for Distinguished Women.

After Gwen got off the car, she raised her head and stared at the college in front of her, which was like a small castle with white exterior walls. She exclaimed, especially when she saw that when Na walked to the door, Na seemed to sense that they were coming and automatically walked towards Looking at the iron doors opened on both sides: "If you just walked through it from the outside, you would never believe that this is a witch academy."


No one would believe that a witch academy could be in a city.

Even Gwen felt on the way here that this witch college should be in the wild, or deep in the lush woods, or at least in an inaccessible place.


"All right."

Gwen nodded and said: "Maybe this is the so-called hiding in the city."

Locke has become accustomed to Gwen's Dongguo words popping up from time to time. Because of Locke's license plate number, Gwen, who has turned on the god of learning attribute, is becoming more and more advanced in Dongguo culture day by day.

Now, sometimes, Locke has never heard of many of Gwen's ancient poems, which makes Locke a little frustrated. Fortunately, he has fair skin in this life. From a certain point of view, he has not given the old poems to him. The ancestors were disgraced.

Locke comforted himself like this.

Enter the academy.

Gwen looked at the internal architectural layout, spinning in circles and looking around. Then, she paused, covered her wrist, and looked at the woman walking down the stairs leading to the second floor.


Royal sister style.



Locke stepped forward, smiled and shook Cordelia's hand: "Thanks for the invitation."

Cordelia smiled and said: "I should thank you, thank you for finding Madison."

"Easy to do."

Locke smiled and made a pun: "The stability of the witch world is good for both of us."

Cordelia smiled, then her eyes fell on Gwen, and she stepped forward: "Hello, Ms. Stacey."

"Just call me Gwen."

"Interested in hearing about our history?"

"Of course, I wish for it."

Cordelia invited Locke and others to go upstairs, and then walked with Gwen one after another, introducing the history of the witch academy at her feet: "Miss Robbie Chox's Academy for Distinguished Women was established in 17 In 1990, it was a finishing college for strange women. During the Civil War, it was used as a military hospital. After that, the management was changed, and it was replaced by us. In 1868, Marianne Wharton , an outstanding East Coast socialite and the Supreme Witch of the time, bought this place and used the name of the school as a guise to build a paradise where young witches could gather together to study."

Locke, who was walking in front, raised the corners of his mouth slightly as he listened to Cordelia's popularity.

Heaven, for witches, is hell.


We walked into a large restaurant on the second floor.

Gwen said curiously: "Are there... many witches?"

"There used to be more."

"It's quite a lot now."


Gwen raised her head and looked at Zoe and Madison, who were walking over from the two doors of the restaurant.

Madison crossed his arms, walked over, looked at Gwen and said: "There used to be a lot of witches, and there are still some now, but most of them are hiding because of fear or because of the pursuit of the Dolan Church. After all, once caught by the Dolan Church, they will be tried by fire as heretics."


Madison stretched out his right hand and shook Locke's hand: "We meet again."

Locke smiled, and then his heart moved.


When Madison shook hands, the palm of his hand moved.

Is this a hint?

Good guy.

After Madison was resurrected, shouldn't he be seducing Zoe's boyfriend, Kyle, who was also resurrected through witchcraft? What, was this intended to seduce him?

Gwen said curiously from the side: "This is very barbaric, but you are witches, haven't you thought about resisting?"

Zoe shook her head, and together with her boyfriend Kyle, who was also resurrected not long ago and needed to relearn life skills, invited Gwen and Carrie to sit down.

After Madison let go of his hand, he crossed his arms and walked towards his position: "Yes, unfortunately, the supreme witch of our generation is a bitch."

Zoe frowned: “Madison.”

Although Fiona is hateful, she is Cordelia's mother after all.

This morning, after they came back, they immediately told Cordelia about the incident, and Cordelia looked shocked.

Of course.

Cordelia actually had a premonition after Madison disappeared, who caused Madison to disappear.


Cordelia chose not to believe it, but when Madison and Zoe talked about who the news came from, she suddenly realized that this was the news brought to her by Locke.

Fiona will not sit back and let others take the position of Supreme Witch.

Locke laid out the plan and named her, either Professor


At noon, Cordelia, Zoe, and Madison stood together, staged a forced uterus drama on Fiona, and drove Fiona out of the academy.

Cordelia tells Fiona that if she doesn't leave, then she will tell the Salem Witch Council about Fiona's murder of Madison and let the council handle the matter.

Fiona has no choice but to leave.

Locke listened to what happened, smiled, and said to Cordelia: "Wise choice, Cordelia."

This is wise, but also the worst choice.

Fiona will not be willing to give up her position as the Supreme Witch to others, even her own daughter.


Delicious food was served one after another.

Gwen attended the witches' dinner for the first time. She looked at the sumptuous meals on the table. While dining happily, she asked Principal Cordelia for knowledge about the witches.


Absolutely not.

Fluffy's reaction is instinctive, it doesn't mean she is afraid.

Because Locke is by her side, Gwen feels that as long as she is by Locke's side, she has nothing to fear.

Cordelia was also very willing to answer questions for Gwen, and said that if Gwen was willing, even though Gwen was not a witch, she could still come and watch during class tomorrow.

Gwen was a little surprised: "Really, Cordelia, can I?"


Cordelia glanced at Locke and smiled: "Locke is our friend. You are Locke's girlfriend. Naturally, you are also our friend. I welcome you to come and attend the class."

Gwen was very happy: "Thank you, I will definitely come over."


Gwen looked at Locke.

Locke smiled and was about to speak when the phone rang.


unknown number.

Locke and Cordelia said sorry, stood up, and walked toward the door.

Mr. Anonymous, who serves as a trapeze artist on his own plane for 360 of the 365 days a year, asked curiously after the call was connected: "Did Sheldon tell you his authorization number?"


Locke stood in the corridor on the second floor with a calm expression: "He called this insurance company once in person."

"...Well, if it's important, I remember you should be in New Orleans."



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