A Certain Marvel Super Player

Chapter 318: Professor X is a mutant traitor

"I want you."


Just like Locke's Q\u0026A with Carrie, after Locke answered Cordelia's question truthfully, Cordelia's reaction was the same as Carrie's at that time.


Cordelia did not take a step backward as Carrie had done.

Locke said with a smile: "If I told you that I was here to save you, would you believe it?"

Cordelia said quietly and looked at Locke warily: "What do you think?"


"We don't need to be saved by anyone."

"Hiding in the dark and being hunted unscrupulously by a group of ordinary people who call themselves witch hunters. If this is the way for witches to survive, then it is indeed true."

"We can live in peace with ordinary people."

"Female Professor X?"


Locke smiled, lowered his head, and stared at the body of Hank Fox at his feet: "After knowing that your husband is a witch hunter, and has personally killed nineteen witches in the past few years, and even captured countless witches. After being sent to be burned, do you still think so, do you think you can live in peace with ordinary people?"

Cordelia pursed her lips and stared at her husband, Hank Fox, who looked at her husband Hank Fox with a resentful expression until his death.

"Want to hear a story?"


"In the past, or rather, in a certain parallel world, there were no witches, but there was a group of people who suffered the same fate as witches. In other words, mutants!"

Locke put his hands in his pockets, laughed, and made a gesture with Cordelia to go out for a walk. Then, he looked at Cordelia with a smile, who hesitated, but still followed: "In that mutant group , there is a person like you who can live in peace with ordinary people, called Professor X."

Cordelia: "..."


Locke likes Magneto more than Professor X.


Locke felt that if Professor

Under the moonlight.

Locke slowly told about the love and murder between Professor X and Magneto, and how much unforgettable pain Professor X's innocence brought to mutants.

It can be said that almost all the disasters suffered by mutants were caused by Professor X's soft-heartedness.


After Locke finished speaking, he looked at Cordelia with a smile and said softly, "I don't like you being Professor X, Cordelia."

Cordelia paused and looked at Locke, who looked like a noble master under the moonlight: "So, you are Magneto? Mr. Broughton?"

Locke shook his head: "No, Magneto is my father-in-law."


"What fate said, not what I said."

Locke smiled and looked at Cordelia: "I don't agree, but if you really want to be Professor X, I don't mind being Magneto. Believe me, what I want to do, No one can stop me."

If there was Professor X, a witch, in this world, but there was no Magneto.


So what if he becomes Magneto?

No one can stop him from completing his mission.

If Cordelia couldn't do it, he would replace her immediately.

Different road non-phase plan.

At first, he thought that the task of letting go of the witch required him to open his arms, accept the witches, and form a witch army that believed in him.


Locke doesn't have this idea, or in other words, he doesn't have this idea at the moment. Again, right now, his task is mainly to earn academic points. He needs a stable environment more than anyone else.

The turbulent world will only hinder his rhythm of earning points.


Yesterday, Locke thought about it again. If a witch is not under his control, it seems that it is not in line with the rhythm of the mission. After all, this is his game, with him as the main player, rather than letting him cultivate a potential witch by himself. enemy's.


Locke felt that there must be some details that he hadn't noticed yet. After all, he was the protagonist, not God, and he didn't have a God's perspective.

Cordelia looked at Locke's eyes as he stared at him and said in a deep voice, "I believe you will."

After all, Locke kills people without hesitation.


Cordelia still frowned and said, "What exactly do you want to do?"

"I said that."

"You don't need me at all."

Cordelia shook her head and looked at Locke: "You have a girlfriend, you said so, and I can feel that you love her very much."


Locke smiled slightly. He was very happy that someone finally knew that his love for Gwen was not enough to make him cheat on her and do scumbag things: "I need you to become the Supreme Witch."


"I'm not familiar with other Salem witches. You are the only Salem witch I know, and you are also the first Salem witch who spoke to me when I came here."

Locke said: "I think this is fate."

"I don't think so."


"I don't have the potential to become the Supreme Witch. You've found the wrong person."


Locke shook his head: "You have this potential, so you need to become the Supreme Witch. There is only one way for you not to become the Supreme Witch, and that is, you think that ordinary people stabbed knives into the witch's chest, and you think that the witch can fight with Ordinary people live in peace, and if you want to be Professor X, I won’t ask you to do that, so are you Professor X?”

Cordelia looked at Locke's gaze.

Very feminine.

It’s also very cold!

Cordelia had no doubt that if she said she was, the next second she would become as cold as the two corpses in the warehouse behind her.


Cordelia pursed her lips: "This world is the world of ordinary people. White witches should abide by the laws of ordinary people, but if they attack us, we cannot be bullied."

If she really stood on the side of ordinary people, then she wouldn't be indifferent to watching Locke kill Hank Fox.

Either obey the laws of ordinary people, if ordinary people lift the table, they will also lift the table.

Or start another massacre.

The lesser of two evils.

Cordelia just chose a path that seemed easier to achieve peace.

Locke smiled slightly: "I can't say that I'm not satisfied with this answer, but it's okay."

That's not what Professor X thinks.

Although Professor in the camp.

every time!

But Cordelia?

Cordelia just now proved that she is not a hypocritical person like Professor X after her husband died.


Locke thought this in his mind, smiled, turned around, and prepared to leave.


"……What's up?"

Cordelia looked at Locke who was about to leave: "You're just going to leave like that?"

Locke smiled: "Didn't the coven of witches start? You will become the supreme witch, Cordelia. Before that, I need to deal with some things."

It’s time to deal with the Dolan Church here.


It would be bad if these guys came out to cause trouble during the witch gathering.

"We will meet soon."

Locke said with a smile: "Cordelia, I believe you will guarantee my identity. Only you know my identity. If a third person knows it, believe me, I will be very angry."


There was a boom.

Locke disappeared directly.

Cordelia looked at Locke who disappeared like a ghost and opened her mouth. Her mind was filled with countless question marks.

at this time.

Cordelia came back to her senses, turned around, and returned to the warehouse. Her eyes fell on Hank Fox, who was lying on the floor with his eyes open and his soul had been completely sent to hell.

Miss Robbie Chox's Academy for Distinguished Girls!


Cordelia walked out of the white mist holding Hank Fox's body, and then, with a thud, she threw Hank Fox's body to the ground.

Cordelia's sudden appearance frightens several witches in the hall.

Especially the three witch students.

"Cordelia, this..."

"Hank, her husband."

Fiona said to the curious baby Zoe, stood up, looked at Cordelia, and frowned: "You have the aura of darkness and vampires on you."

"He's not a vampire!"


Cordelia shook her head, looked at Fiona, and pointed at Hank on the floor: "Get rid of him."

"what happened?"

"court death."

At this moment, Cordelia looked at Hank on the floor and felt nothing but strangeness: "You are right, the mouse's son can make holes!"

Fiona was stunned for a moment, then understood something: "He was killed by the dark witch?"


Cordelia shook her head: "The dark witch is his mistress!"


There was too much information, and Fiona felt like she couldn't keep up. She waved her hand and put out the cigarette in her hand: "What's going on?"

Cordelia raised her head and looked at Fiona: "I said, he is a witch hunter, and the dark witch is the mistress. Now, they are all dead, and the dark witch's body was burned. His, I won't Fire Magic needs your help, so I brought him back."

That's it.

She wasn't trying to resurrect Hank Fox with witch magic.

Unless she is insane.

When she thought about the fact that she once shared a man with that black witch, Cordelia felt that her whole body was itching, as if her whole body was dirty.

Cordelia raised her head, walked towards her bedroom, and said without looking back: "Remember to deal with him!"

Fiona turned to look at Cordelia, feeling that her daughter seemed to have become a stranger.

The three of them, Curious Baby Zoe, opened their mouths as they analyzed the amount of information just given.

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