A Certain Marvel Super Player

Chapter 304: Ways to Empty a Man’s Wallet


Locke was slightly stunned when he heard the news brought by Inspector Cope Thornton.

after all……

These days, there is still surveillance that was in place at the time of the incident.

This is nothing short of a miracle.

Locke did not let the Wushuang assassin take him away that time because his monitoring failed. He did it deliberately and deliberately let the Wushuang assassin appear on the same screen as him.

This time?

Could it be that the other party has some high technology that can modify the surveillance video without any trace of being seen?

Locke raised his eyebrows.

If he were to play such a trick in front of an expert whose hacking skills are so advanced, are you sure he is not just trying to do what he does best?

The next second.

Kaopu said: "But I definitely won't be able to make it today. Have you booked a place?"

It's almost five o'clock in the afternoon.

Time to get off.

Locke said: "It's booked, it's at the nearby Hilton Hotel."

Copp was stunned for a moment and looked at Locke: "It seems that George is right, you are indeed a rich man."

Locke smiled: "It's just a few lawsuits."

These days, can the money earned from part-time work be earned as quickly as the money earned from litigation?

And the lawsuit was fair and aboveboard.

Just a little frustrated.

But there's no other way. You're making money. If you don't get criticized by others, how can you take others to court?


That's too underhanded.

Locke wants to make money, and he wants to make it openly.

Kaopu looked at his watch and invited Locke: "Let's have a meal together?"

Locke smiled and said, "Of course."

Of course.

The meal was paid for by Locke.

Although Locke and George have always been at odds with each other, when they go out, and they still come out under the name of George's future son-in-law, no matter how they don't deal with George, George's name must be considered.

To put it simply, when he interacts with George's friends, he essentially represents George.


Hotel entrance.

After Carrie and Locke got out of the car, they watched Copp drive away in a tattered car. They looked at Locke with some curiosity: "Is the salary of a detective in the New Orleans Police Department so low? "

Locke laughed, turned around and walked towards the hotel behind him with Carrie: "The annual salary of the chief detective here is about US$70,000."

Carrie was a little surprised: "It's not too low."

Locke smiled.

Even though Locke keeps talking about it, he only has tens of millions in savings, but that was earned with his life.

If it had been anyone else who had been targeted by the black braised egg, they would have been gone long ago.

Or I don’t even know how Killer 4 died.


George is now a senior superintendent of the New York Police Department. His current annual salary is only about $150,000, and that's still in New York.

This is New Orleans, a city where a well-decorated villa of 500 square meters only costs more than 200,000 US dollars.

"Good evening, sir."

"Broughton, Rock Broughton!"

Locke took out his credit card.

Soon, the young and beautiful hotel receptionist handed Locke the key to a luxury suite that cost two thousand dollars a night: "Mr. Broughton, I wish you a pleasant stay."

"I will."

Locke said something, smiled with the beautiful receptionist, and then walked towards the elevator with Carrie. Behind him, there were two attendants in white clothes carrying his and Carrie's luggage.

After Carrie walked into the elevator, she was a little surprised: "His suit jacket is an old style from five years ago, his wallet is also the same old one, and his car..."

No matter how you look at it, this doesn't look like the configuration of a successful detective.

Frankly speaking, if she had gone alone, she would have seriously doubted whether this Kaupu was impersonated by a homeless man.

Carrie, who has lived in New York for nearly a year and is a good friend of Betty, who is at the forefront of fashion, has accepted Betty's transmission of fashion during this year. Carrie, who is no longer introverted, can see everything at a glance. Knows what Locke is worth now.

Locke's suit was handmade in Italy and cost at least $50,000.

But this is not the most expensive thing about Locke.

The most expensive thing about Locke is the pair of square and gorgeous cufflinks on the white shirt inside the suit. The square in the middle is like a small piece of bright starry sky, shining with little rays of light.

Carrie knew this cufflink because she had seen it last year when she and Betty were looking at a magazine. It cost $680,000.

Not to mention Locke's tie and leather shoes.


After a year of baptism, Carrie has completely grown from a country girl to an urban girl with New York vision.

But precisely because of this, Carrie felt a little incredible.

Does a police detective with an annual salary of $70,000 need to make himself so miserable?

Is he saving money?

Carrie thought in her heart.

After Locke waited for the two attendants to bring their luggage in, he took out two hundred dollars and handed it to the attendant as a tip. After the attendant closed the door, he walked towards the hotel wine cabinet: "You know, is there any way I can make this happen?" Does a man’s money disappear quickly?”

Carrie was slightly startled.

Locke stood in front of the wine cabinet, selecting wine, and said without looking back: "There are many ways for a woman to spend money, such as cosmetics, clothes, bags..."

There was a pause.

Locke's eyes lit up, he opened the wine cabinet, took out a bottle of bourbon, and walked towards the bar in the room: "But there are only three ways to make a man's wallet dry up quickly."


Locke held up three fingers.

"First, women, there is no doubt that a man will spend every penny of his money for his beloved daughter, and he is even willing to overdraw his future money."

"...It doesn't look like that."


"Ever since we saw Copp, he didn't have any personal phone calls, even when eating. However, there was a female detective in the police station who looked at him differently."

"Then the second one is uncontrolled drug abuse!"

"It's not like that. You hate those kinds of drugs the most. Otherwise, you wouldn't be carrying out drug removal work in the school. Besides, George also hates those kinds of drugs. If Kaopu is, it shouldn't be George. friend."

Locke smiled.

He is promoting drug eradication in Zhongcheng University. There is nothing he can do about it. He was not in his position before, so it doesn't matter, but he has become the president. His territory would rather have a casino than a poisonous field!

There are even a few poisonous bugs who plan to distribute poisonous bugs from Midtown University. The longest one has been missing for almost four months.

Locke nodded, looked at Carrie who was walking over, took out two cups, and looked at Carrie.

Carrie waved her hand: "I drink juice."


Carrie stretched her right hand to the side, and the refrigerator not far away opened automatically. Then, with a whoosh, a bottle of juice flew straight into Carrie's hand.

Movement of thoughts.

Locke will too.

But Locke doesn't have to.

Locke smiled, poured himself a glass of bourbon, took a sip, and looked at Carrie: "Then there's the last one left, bet!"

Carrie was slightly startled.


"Yes, the harms of gambling and drug addiction are the same. From a certain perspective, neither dog gambling nor drug addiction deserves forgiveness and sympathy."

"...Don't you also bet? Also, doesn't your friend Dylan also bet?"

"Dylan and I are here to make money, not gamble."

Locke drank the wine in one gulp and explained to Carrie what it means to make money and what it means to gamble.

"Besides, Dylan and I are not addicted. Even if we don't go to the gambling table for a year, we won't feel itchy."

Locke poured another glass of wine into his glass. Speaking of Dylan, his firefighting business has been booming this year, and he will probably attend his and Maggie's wedding soon.

Carrie nodded: "Then, it's just a bet. How did you tell?"

Locke said: "Looking at the corners of his eyes and his fingers, most of the gamblers who stay up late to go to the gambling table are pretty much the same."

Carrie nodded thoughtfully.

From the very beginning when Locke shook hands with Copp, he discovered that Copp was a gambler addicted to gambling.


This has nothing to do with Locke.

Moreover, Kaopu seemed to be able to control himself. After all, a gambler who was addicted to gambling and couldn't extricate himself could not care about his own job. He only focused on size and how many points.

Carrie frowned and had an unpleasant feeling: "I don't feel very good."

She always felt that tomorrow would not go so smoothly.

Locke smiled and sipped the wine in his glass: "Adapt to the ordinary, rather than get used to the ordinary. We are extraordinary. However, I always like to be polite before attacking!"

I came all the way here to play with the rules, but you don't follow the rules.

What else can be said?

If you don't abide by the rules, then don't blame me for inviting the assassin Wushuang, the witch Roko, or the vampire Cain. If that doesn't work, there will be Dimension Cero to help you flip the table.

Late at night!

In a somewhat noisy and dirty underground casino.

There was a snap.

After unbuttoning his suit, Kaopu, who had lost his image, was holding a cigarette in his mouth. He once again threw the cards in his hand onto the card table and said to the dealer: "Continue."

The croupier was unmoved.

Kaopu's eyes were slightly red and he looked up at the dealer.

A black man in charge of watching the scene walked up to Cope: "Inspector Thornton, our boss invites you to come over."

Copp glanced at the unmoved dealer, then at the black man who said it was an invitation, but it didn't feel like it was an invitation, and he laughed and stood up.

It's the same office filled with smoke and dirty air.

A white man with a mustache looked at Copp who came in with a surprised look on his face. He stood up and waved around to signal his men to go out: "Inspector Thornton, long time no see. How are you doing today?"

Kaopu's face turned dark.

How's your luck? Once you open a casino, won't the people who borrow money know about it?

The white man with the mustache laughed and slapped himself in the mouth: "Inspector Thornton, I'm sorry, I said the wrong thing, but I'm just unlucky, but the $200,000 bill... …”

Kaopu said in a deep voice: "I will think of something..."

The words have not yet fallen.

The white man with the mustache had already said: "Actually, I don't need the $200,000 bill."

Kaopu frowned: "..."

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