Felix's vision suddenly became dazed, and he whispered:


Hermione froze for a moment, feeling dizzy. She took a step back, trying to keep her tone calm. "Professor, this is Hermione, Hermione Granger."

"Your middle name isn't—"

"Jane!" Hermione blurted out. She stroked her hair, and her thoughts gradually became clearer. "I heard from the Ministry of Magic staff that Umbridge's middle name was also Jane. I hated her so much, so I changed her name." She emphasized again, "My name is Hermione Jane Granger now."

"Oh, uh, that's fine."

Felix suddenly felt a strange feeling in his heart, empty, as if a friend who had been in touch for a long time but had no chance to meet had disappeared forever. Just as he was about to speak, Sirius, Burns, Dedalo Digg, the short Professor Flitwick, Sprout, Neville, Harry, Ron, Seamus and others all gathered around him.

Sirius wrapped his arms around Felix's neck.

"You startled everyone, man! We almost thought you weren't coming back." He grinned. "Come on, what did you see on the moon? You can't wait."

"Yeah, professor." Some students jeered.

Felix glanced at Hermione, who was pushed behind. He stretched out his hand and shook it in front of everyone. Moon soil and two containers appeared out of thin air. He waved his hand again, and a huge free-floating and stretched blue bellflower-like flame appeared above his head, allowing everyone to see what he was holding.

"This is it?" said Ms. Burns incredulously, holding her breath.

"I brought it back from the moon." Felix said, the crowd was silent for a moment, as if trying to understand the meaning of the sentence, and then they suddenly cheered loudly, clapping enthusiastically, and the noise attracted the attention of the audience. The students in the castle kept pouring into the courtyard...

Harry clapped his hands too. He was very excited. It turned out to be true. There were indeed traces of wizard activities on the moon. Neville's eyes lit up with excitement, "It's amazing! I want to go to the moon too."

There are not many who think like him. Harry had the same idea. He even regretted failing the O.W.Ls exam in astronomy. Those boring star maps and convoluted names of celestial bodies suddenly became vivid, and they were entrenched in the deep and cold starry sky. , looks so charming.

Besides the moon, what will be the next goal of Professor Hepp?




Harry looked around for Hermione's opinion, but found no one. He turned his head and looked behind him, and found that Luna handed Hermione a light blue handkerchief with a calm expression. After Hermione took it, Luna caressed her back casually, as if tending to a sick little animal. . Harry suddenly understood something.

Harry looked back at Professor Haipu, who was congratulated by everyone. It was night. The blue bellflower flames illuminated the professor's face very clearly and brightly. Like in class, that smile Harry had seen countless times in Dumbledore's Pensieve.

On the contrary, because the people around the professor were standing with their backs to Harry, they could only see the black backs of their heads.

"He's too dazzling, isn't he?" Luna asked dreamily.

Hermione didn't answer, just returned the handkerchief to her. So Luna stood quietly beside Hermione, and the two looked at Felix who was surrounded by the crowd. "He looks so calm and smart, and the wizarding world needs this right now." Hum: "Extraordinary wisdom is the greatest wealth of mankind."

"What are you trying to say?" Hermione asked stiffly.

"You look a little upset," Luna said bluntly. "I think you need some comfort or something."

Hermione rolled her eyes. She should have thought that Luna's reaction was different from that of ordinary people. She sincerely hoped that Luna's article would not infect too many people. But her mood suddenly improved a lot, and she asked curiously, "Luna, have you never been troubled?"

"Yes," Luna said.

Hermione pricked her ears to listen, but after more than ten seconds there was still nothing to say. She blinked, realizing that in Luna's mind, she had already answered the question. "I mean, how do you solve the troubles in your life?" Hermione said patiently, and she gave her own solution, "I usually look for answers in books, but I don't think it will work right now. "

"Think of happy things," Luna said, shaking her head, the little carrot earrings hanging from her ears almost tossed Hermione, "You can only do one thing at a time, when your mind is occupied by other things. , the troubles will not come to disturb you. I like to draw, and recently I have become obsessed with writing articles." After she finished, she nodded affirmatively.

"However, the problem is still not solved!" Hermione exclaimed. She actually wanted to refute Luna. Her greatest hobby was to be alone and immersed in her own world, but she had a premonition that if she said this, the topic might immediately deviate from the right track and turn to some creatures that only existed in Luna's fantasy. superior.

She didn't want to spend the rest of the time arguing about the existence of Slugs and Heliopa, Hermione glanced at Felix, oh yes, and Moon Frog! She bet Luna would definitely find a chance to ask.

Luna's light-colored eyes were fixed on her, and her large, bulging eyes revealed a calm madness. "It will always work out in the end, albeit in ways we didn't expect—"

"Like what?" Hermione raised an eyebrow.

"I've been thinking about what I'm going to do after I graduate," Luna said solemnly. "The average job might not be right for me—"

Hermione covered her mouth and chuckled. She had a hard time imagining Luna's future work. Compared with her, Fred and George were both mature and stable.

"Then you found it now?"

"I think I should become a magical zoologist and run around the world." Luna said calmly: "I can search for undiscovered magical animals in the local area in my spare time, draw them and write them in words. Documenting the discovery of them. I already have the first target."

"Where?" Hermione asked in surprise.

"Arctic," Luna said excitedly. "Felix said there is a magical ferret-like creature there that likes to eat hot dogs."

"It's impossible!" Hermione said flatly. "How can there be magical animals who like to eat human food?"

"Nothing is impossible." Luna asked unexpectedly: "Isn't it Warren?"

"That's different. Warren was raised by the professor." Hermione said subconsciously, she suddenly had the urge to immediately drag the professor over to ask him what he said to Luna.

Luna was stunned and said vaguely, "I'll prove it to you." Then she became dazed, as if thinking about what kind of hot dog to prepare, and then she suddenly woke up and asked, "How about you? ?"


"I heard you wanted to be Minister of Magic."

"Oh, oh, yeah."

"I hope you succeed." Luna said seriously, she seemed to think of something and asked, "You don't like goblin pie, do you?"

"Luna," Hermione said softly, "there is no such food."

The chat fell into an embarrassing situation again. Hermione decided to change the subject before Luna brought up the Auror's Rotten Tooth Conspiracy, maybe she could have a few words on that too? Hermione considered herself an authority on gum disease, but she reluctantly gave up the tempting idea.

"Haven't you thought about going to the Ministry of Magic? To work in the Department for the Management and Control of Magical Creatures? If it weren't for Ms. Burns' new department, I'd love to go there after graduation - and you'll meet many old friends, Harry, Ron, Neville...different departments though."

"I was friends with them," Luna said.

Hermione knew that Luna would only communicate with people on topics she was interested in, and when she wasn't interested, she would immerse herself in her own world, appearing in a trance from the outside, or, like now, the topic went elsewhere. ——Hermione gave up trying to convince Luna, stared at her, clasped her fingers with interest, and said a string of club members’ names, “…and Firenze, Hagrid, Grapp, Yunbo, woolu— —"

"Who is Woo Lu?" Hermione asked reflexively, "I know the others, I didn't expect you and Graup to know each other too, through Hagrid? And Yunbo, when I went to the school kitchen Saw him, he likes to study recipes," she said in one breath, as if answering questions in class.

Luna waited for her to finish before saying, "Woo is a Thestral, and Hagrid calls him Wuwu."

Hermione pondered for a while, "It seems that there is such a thing, Hagrid mentioned it in class... Oh, by the way, have you found the King of Thestrals?"

"I found it," Luna said.

This feeling is really strange. Hermione never thought she'd open up to Luna one day (she thought Luna's concerns were all too ethereal), but when it did, she found out that it wasn't bad, like it was Halloween. Pumpkin whispers.

Luna left and wandered to a corner of the courtyard. At this time, the crowd gradually dispersed, and Professor Hepp handed the moon soil and two containers to Ms. Burns. "I took it to Gringotts for identification first, and it happened that Bill told me about the Pan-Magic Alliance during the day, and the goblins had an ambiguous attitude." She shook her head.

Pan-Magic Alliance?

Hermione's eyes lit up. Chase in the direction Ms. Burns left.

Felix stopped her discreetly, and hesitated: "Granger—" "I see, Professor!" said Hermione, and she ran away. Felix was a little stunned, what happened, did he understand it wrong?

He stared at Hermione's back. The moon in the sky and the torches in the courtyard created two shadows. The two shadows first overlapped and then separated. Then Hermione turned into Hogwarts Castle.

After a while. Harry sneakily pulled Ron into the hallway.

"What's the matter?" Ron looked towards the door. "Neville and Dean went to the kitchen to get something to eat. They said they wanted to celebrate."

"We'll talk about it later," Harry said uncertainly. "By the way, are you still in touch with Collins?"

"Is there?" Ron thought about it and said, "I saw it at the Ministry of Magic two days ago, and she is now a team captain..."


A few minutes later, Hermione returned.

"Ms. Burns said yes!" she announced gleefully.

"Promise—what—" Harry asked in surprise.

"I asked Ms. Burns, and she said that the establishment of the Pan-Magic Alliance was slow, so I asked if I could help, and she said yes!" Hermione said as she walked up the stairs: "The Ministry of Magic staff are here. Stalled negotiating with centaurs and goblins. The former are not interested in forming alliances, you know, they like to live behind closed doors, they don't like anyone, and they don't like dominatrixes and vampire……"

"But the biggest problem is with the goblins. They want to be neutral, but Bill hears more than one voice inside the goblins, and they can change their attitude at any time. This stems from the gunpowder-smelling relationship between goblins and wizards over the centuries, and the earliest conflicts can be Back in the early days of the school—"

"Why didn't I know?" Ron interrupted.

"Gryffindor's sword," Hermione said briefly, and Harry and Ron understood immediately that goblins had a sick view of ownership, insisting that as long as it was made by goblins, it was theirs, even a wizard. Paid. When the wizard dies, the goblin has the right to get the item back.

And Gryffindor's sword was forged by the goblin king at the time. Will Hogwarts give the Gryffindor sword to the goblin? Totally impossible.

"The Ministry of Magic will not agree that the goblin's name as neutral is actually a separation from the magic world, especially since they are also in charge of the magic world's economy and coinage! Before negotiating with the government, we must first reach an agreement with the goblins."

"Okay, I almost get it," said Ron slowly, "but what does this have to do with you?"

"I drafted the earliest papers!" Hermione exclaimed, as if she had been stomped on her tail, "I also spent a lot of time studying the cultures of different races and their taboos, and now all I have to do is find a set of Accepted rhetoric..."

"It's not easy," muttered Ron. "And I didn't say anything. Don't get excited."

"Yeah, Hermione, you've been a little sentimental lately," Harry interjected, half-truthfully, "I thought you were in a relationship."

Ron was taken aback, then looked at Hermione brightly, "Really? With whom?"

Hermione gave Harry a vicious look.

"It doesn't matter." She retorted fiercely: "If you think I grew up, read so many books, learned so much magic, and suffered so much just to fall in love with people, then you are wrong. The current situation is far more complicated than what Voldemort brought us. If there is a slight error, everything we value may be destroyed. This is a change that has not been seen in a thousand years since the establishment of Hogwarts, and we cannot expect a professor to be alone. Did everything."

"I talked to Luna, she plans to become a magical animal expert in the future, and go to the North Pole to find ferrets that love hot dogs." Hermione said, Harry and Ron stared, did they hear it right? Hermione raised her voice. "Will this wish come true if the world is full of war? Will she be forced to join the Ministry of Magic, raise her wand and fight Muggles? End up dying in a conflict?"

Harry's heart sank, he couldn't imagine the scene.

Crazy, eccentric, but smart and kind Luna Lovegood, always at peace, as if nothing could move her, but if Mr. Xenophilius Lovegood died in the conflict ... He shook his head sharply, not wanting to think about it, he didn't want to know what Luna would become.

"There's nothing wrong with Luna wanting to be an expert on Fantastic Beasts. I want to be Minister of Magic, to be involved in a series of major changes in the wizarding world that are bound to happen when we move towards peace, and you two want to be Aurors - well, we Achieving your own ideals while protecting the ideals of others—”

She suddenly turned the gun and looked at Ron. "Didn't you ask if there will be our names in Professor Heppe's legendary story?" Ron was stunned for a moment, then desperately recalled: "Well... there is such a thing, Neville said that in the storybook There's more than one person present."

"Actually there is another way," said Hermione.

"What?" Harry asked quickly.

"Everyone—" Hermione pointed to Harry and Ron, then to herself, "you, me, everyone in the wizarding world, we're all part of this legendary drama, we're all legends!"

Say something from your heart.

The book is coming to an end. In order to write a complete story, the problem of the heroine must be solved, and there is no way to turn a blind eye. Either a single heroine or no CP. Now I'm sure the heroine is Hermione.

Some readers will remember that until the end of the fourth grade plot, it was impossible to determine who the time traveler was, and Harry and Hermione got the same information, anyone can. Because the author himself can't make up his mind, it was not finalized until the last minute (if Harry is determined, the follow-up line of Ms. Jane will be invalid).

The entire sixth-grade plot was added temporarily, not in the outline. It was originally intended to directly make Dumbledore die in the battle with Voldemort, escape from Grindelwald's cell, and disrupt the world. Why did it become like this? Because I couldn't bear it, I didn't want to let Dumbledore have regrets.

Hence the sixth grade.

This plot is actually a little thin, so the recovery of the previous foreshadowing, the intersection of the wizarding society and the Muggle society, and the adulthood (growth) of the trio are all important parts.

Out of concern, Hermione's upbringing has been moved to the present.

The author said before that he would not write ambiguous plots, and I do think that the last chapter is not ambiguous. It is like writing about Ron's character flaws to write about his growth.

Of course, there is another reason, because it is confirmed that Hermione is the heroine, and there must be some points for recall, so as not to mention a violation at the end.

Why did you choose the former among the single heroine and no CP? It's also because of impatience. The protagonist can live for many years, and everyone can expect him to become the principal, hide behind the scenes, explore the starry sky, and overlook the vicissitudes of the world. If there is only one person, it will be too lonely.

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