Finally, Felix understood, and Dumbledore's rear hand appeared again.

Three of the Deathly Hallows, in addition to Harry's Invisibility Cloak, Dumbledore held the other two in the last years of his life. Felix originally thought that with the demise of the Resurrection Stone, the Deathly Hallows would no longer be able to gather together, and the Elder Wand would lose its meaning with Dumbledore's undefeated death.

"Dumbledore asked you to turn it over to me?" Felix asked softly, wanting to explore what Dumbledore really thought.

"He let me judge for myself." Snape's eyes were a little struggling. "He said that he would prefer to see the ownership of the Elder Wand become a permanent mystery, but he was worried about the big changes in the wizarding world in the future... It should be right now."

Felix scrutinized Snape's face. "I don't think it's time yet," he said. Snape's expression stiffened.

"The situation is not so bad - the window for dialogue has been opened, we can remain optimistic to a certain extent, compared to the sporadic riots in some places abroad, it is relatively stable - oh, yes, the future world company has opened again. two branches."

Snape looked stunned.

"Dumbledore can't predict what's behind him, so he needs a pair of eyes - I think he must trust you very much." Felix said with emotion, "You can observe for a few more years, you are sure in your heart. More than one candidate, right?"

Snape stared at him for a while, then said slowly, "You're the one in front, then... Potter," he paused, "I thought about Minerva and Amelia Bourne too. s."

Felix helped him analyze with great interest. "Dumbledore knows I have no shortage of wands, remember that ebony wand? I found myself able to fit the Book of Runes into a wand, and I recently got a good one; as for Harry—hmmm , he still has potential, and can get a step closer with the Elder Wand, but you two don't like each other, and you won't be happy to give it to him; Minerva... well, she's not young after all; Amelia may have been Very strong, but now she has no time or mind to study magic as Minister of Magic, and she may be the most unlucky Minister of Magic ever."

"So don't make decisions lightly. The next generation, or the next generation, should have a good candidate. The key is that they can perfectly match your heart." He finally concluded.

Snape took a deep breath, anger on his thin cheeks.

"What do you think this is, this is the biggest crisis the wizarding world has ever seen, and Grindelwald is fanning the flames-"

"You know what Grindelwald did?"

"I read the news, Felix Happ!" Snape panted. "There are reports of him appearing in the Land of Chaos. He proposed the Ten Laws of the Wizard. One of them is retaliation, and wizards are not weak. creatures; there is also a call for wizards to unite and not allow any behavior that steals the power of wizards; another example is the return of magic to magic... these theories have a market."

"What do you think of these laws?" Felix asked calmly.

Snape's eyebrows twitched.

"Too aggressive."

"But it's very much like what came out of Grindelwald's mouth, doesn't it? It can be changed anyway, and the relevant laws are still blank -" Felix said lightly, and Snape looked over in horror.

"Oh, I mean, Grindelwald can only shout slogans, we are really qualified to negotiate." Felix said: "By the way, I actually have a more important thing."

"What?" Snape looked grim.

"If the negotiation goes well, there will inevitably be trade exchanges between the two sides, and potions are an important part of it, but you should know that some potions are only effective for wizards-"

"Lupin told me," Snape interrupted.

"Yeah, in the future, the potion formulas, laws, and standards surrounding ordinary people will need to be done by someone."

"So you thought of me?"

"That's right."

"Slughorn is a better fit than me."

"He's more suitable for dealing with government departments, he's good at dancing, and he's so happy... I need someone who can calm down and do research." Felix said, "And obviously, I trust you more."


The next day, the Ministry of Magic.

"Grindelwald did it," said Ms. Burns with a serious expression as she spread a newspaper out on the table while Felix, senior officials of the Ministry of Magic and several members of the Order of the Phoenix stared at the magic photo Grindelwald, who was attacked by flames and artillery fire, and the woman next to him were ignored by everyone.

"What's going on?" Arthur Weasley, gasping for breath in consternation, asked worriedly, "A war started?" , he was exceptionally allowed to attend the meeting.

"Not yet, he's still bound by the oath," Ms. Burns said happily. "He's here to save people."

"Saving people?" Ludo Bagman's round eyes widened, and he pointed to the ruins in the photo, "He did it to save people? Then who did these things?"

"Of course it's the other person in the picture," Burns said with an ugly face. "Unfortunately, what I'm saying is true, he didn't attack anyone. Muggle TV has captured some pictures, which are more complete than the pictures. —Percy went to get the equipment."

The door to the office was pushed open from the outside, and Percy walked in, followed by a set of projection equipment.

Percy shoved a box of tapes in, and then deftly pressed the button, and after a while, a moving picture was projected on the wall. All eyes were fixed. The picture in the lens is constantly shaking, but the surrounding scenery is still recorded.

The place looks like a chemical factory, the surroundings are a bit desolate, the tall fence is hung with barbed wire, the gate is closed, the helicopter's propeller makes a loud noise, a hand appears in the picture, and then disappears, accompanied by a rush and excitement Voice: "Over there!"

Then the camera glanced at the corner of the factory.

Black flames soared into the air, gushing out from a row of windows and gaps in a huge flat like a workshop. These black flames seemed to come from hell. The huge tongues of flames twisted like the palms of giants. Burning things are caught in a sea of ​​fire.

"It's--fiery?" said Mr. Weasley feebly.

The window suddenly burst open, and a figure jumped out. It was a dark woman, her hands and face were scratched, her hair was mushy, and she looked very embarrassed. But she laughed wildly. Those in the room recognized her as the woman in the newspaper standing with Grindelwald.

Everyone looked at this scene in shock. The woman waved her wand desperately, and the flames jumped high with the command of the wand, and had a tendency to spread around. Looking down from a height is like smashing an ink bottle on the ground. The reporter's inhalation sound came from the screen.

"Edith Pandorani," Ms. Burns said. "The news came from the Magical Congress of the United States that her daughter mysteriously disappeared not long ago. She asked the Magical Congress for help, but Congress has already made a decision. The decision to completely hide it will naturally not change for her. She disappeared for a few days, and no one knew what happened during the period, only that she suddenly appeared here at five o'clock this morning, unleashing a terrifying fiery fire."

"Her daughter... dead?" Sirius asked, staring.

"I don't know at the moment—"

"Don't fool me!"

"I really don't know," Ms. Burns sighed, "but there—" she pointed to the huge factory building, "is a secret laboratory, supposedly for wizards, so her daughter Chances are she won't survive, or she won't..."

The people in the office were solemn, and the atmosphere seemed to freeze. Everyone looked at the screen silently.

Edith Pandorani swings her wand so wide that her emotions are felt, even though she is a small part of the frame. Li Huo seemed to be alive, and gradually began to deform, and the flames were thrown away, burning the ground black, and some of them almost hit her, but she had no intention of evading, but kept manipulating the flame to make it become bigger.

"She wants to destroy this place." A senior Ministry of Magic official saw the clue.

"She can't! She's not skilled in magic," someone said.

"Unless she's dead," another shouted.

"Where did she learn this magic from?"

"The investigation shows-" Ms. Burns said with a stern face and an ugly expression: "Edith Pandorani has never learned the Fire Spell before, and the US Magical Congress found that she is an ordinary wizard who is best at It's housework magic."

"Could it be that Grindelwald helped her?" Someone asked, thinking of the two people in the same frame in the photo.

"This question is also unanswered, but—well, Grindelwald didn't show up for the first time, and he seems to have seen it on live TV. Keep watching."

An ant-sized team gushed from the edge of the camera, and the gunshots rang out, and Edith Pandorani turned to fight back, but she was quickly injured and hid behind a gray metal can. Someone in the special operations team shouted, but they were answered by a succession of red lights, so the team spread out in an orderly manner, besieging her from all sides.

A blast of sand and stone.

Edith Pandorani seemed to have released an immature hurricane spell. The 30-40-foot-high cyclone spread out with the gray metal can as the center. The offensive was suspended, and the woman was temporarily invisible from the picture. . Suddenly, a hurried voice came from near the camera: "It's a military helicopter, great!"

Two helicopters brushed them and warned reporters to evacuate immediately, but the reporters ignored them. "They don't even have a fuselage number." . Immediately afterwards, two machine guns protruded from the cabin, and the muzzles spewed dense flames. For a moment, everyone thought Edith Pandorani was over.

The smoke dissipated, she was intact, but there was one more person beside her - Grindelwald. Grindelwald held up a huge shield and blocked all the attacks. But he didn't move on, but lowered his head and talked to the woman.

The scene on the magic photo just matched what was happening now.

"Pull in! Pull the camera in!" the reporter shouted, and the screen shook for a while, and then Edith Pandorani's desperate face was revealed, but the despair was immediately replaced by joy, and then turned hideous again , unless it is difficult to understand these changes in it, she pointed at the factory and said something fiercely.

Grindelwald shook his head slowly, he raised his palm to show her, then looked at the black fiery again, his lips squirming. They seem to have come to an agreement.

The woman no longer cared about the threat from behind her, and the wand re-directed the fiery fire. Everyone could see that she had no ability to control this magic at all. She just kept stacking flames with resentment. The consequences of doing so would be out of control, but since Grindelwald Present, they are not sure about the result.

The machine gunfire was briefly stopped by the sudden appearance of Grindelwald, and the fire continued. Two flashes of fire suddenly appeared below the helicopter, Grindelwald glanced back, waved his wand, and the missile exploded in the air.

Then, from the tip of his wand, a tiny blue light burst out, like a liquid flame, like a burning stream of water, and the blue light flew a foot from the tip of the wand and disappeared out of thin air, as if being transferred to something else place to go. No one knows what magic Grindelwald used.

But people in the room saw it in action the next second.

A round of missiles were launched, and they suddenly exploded when they approached the two of them for hundreds of feet, as if they hit an invisible wall - "There should be an invisible magical barrier in the air!" Sirius said excitedly.

In the next half-minute, missiles exploded around the two, but neither could break through the barrier.

Grindelwald seemed to do it casually, and after confirming that the helicopters and ground troops could not interfere with them, he set his sights on Edith Pandorani. Under the nourishment of extreme emotions, Li Huo climbed to a certain peak and turned into a monster composed of black flames.

These monsters also inherited the master's state of mind. They looked crazy and brutal, trampled the ground desperately, and charged in all directions - Edith Pandorani fell to the ground, watching all this happily.

The people at the Ministry of Magic realized that the spell was out of control.

Sure enough, the fiery monster rushed towards the only two beings in the field, constantly charging at them, but was blocked by an invisible force.

Grindelwald pulled the woman up, raised his wand flat, and instantly gained control of Fiery Fire. The black flames became incomparably well-behaved in his hands, and the flame creatures were kneaded into a ball again, like a ferocious monster entrenched in the original location of the factory.

Then he waved his wand again, and a hurricane that was a hundred times stronger than the previous Edith Pandorani appeared out of nowhere. This cyclone seemed to be connected to the clouds in the sky, and the black fiery was also torn apart by the strong wind. Deformed, condensed into a stream and rushed towards them.

The fiery fire merged with the hurricane, and then expanded rapidly. The helicopters in the sky dodged quickly, but the flames were not aimed at them. The whole factory was wrapped up and burned to the ground. Grindelwald looked at the camera in the sea of ​​fire, and then the flame vortex suddenly shrank, and the factory was wiped from the ground. Also disappeared with Grindelwald and Edith Pandorani.

The helicopter slowly approached, and a huge deep pit appeared on the spot.

The screen is now over. There was a long silence in the conference room.

"Both the International Confederation of Wizards and the Magical Congress of the United States have sent personnel to collect the whereabouts of the two men, but in the end they have found nothing. They are worried that this matter will lead to greater confrontation and conflict." Ms. Burns said dryly.

"Then let them go to Grindelwald," Felix said disinterestedly.


The incident of burning the laboratory caused a lot of repercussions around the world. The pictures they saw in the Ministry of Magic were analyzed and interpreted frame by frame by relevant departments of various countries. It was obvious that Grindelwald did not use all his strength. But the conclusions reached are still chilling.

"If this magic appeared in the city, it could destroy dozens of blocks."

Grindelwald's past experience is no longer a secret, and is reported by reporters and the media in turn. Correspondingly, the Unbreakable Oath and the Ten Laws of Wizarding also appeared openly in Muggle newspapers, attracting waves of heated discussions and condemnations.

Several more newspapers received 'Letters from Students'. Two newspapers were neutral, and the others were critical of the letters, perhaps trying to attract protests from disgruntled wizards, but naturally they didn't receive any follow-up letters.

But these are little things.

After Felix picked out the students who participated in the special afternoon tea, he immediately started special training for them. The Ministry of Magic also sent special personnel to train them on etiquette and eloquence. What questions can be said and what can't be said, when confronted with provocation How to deal with it etc.

The students noticed that Professor Hepp seemed to have developed a new habit of looking up at the moon with a pensive look. Of course, this was a red flag to Hermione.

"Professor, you don't want to go to the moon again, do you?"

"Miss Granger, do you think there are traces of ancient wizards on the moon?"

"Well, unlikely, right? If ancient wizards really lived on the moon, they would surely have left some architectural wreckage to be discovered by modern telescopes..."

"What if they masked their existence with magic?"

"Professor, there is no basis for empty words!"

"Well, actually I saw it in an ancient document..."

"Professor, your tone is weird. What's the name of the document, can I read it?"

"...Don't show it, you will believe it when I bring back a few antiques from the moon."

Felix is ​​about to tell one big lie - maybe more than one.

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