In a coffee shop near Paris Grand Prix, Amandine Zoe and her colleagues came out after paying and were surprised to see the pedestrians on the street all looking towards the south bank of the Seine.

"What are they looking at?" her colleague asked, puzzled.

Amandina raised her head silently, her eyes first fell on the Eiffel Tower a few kilometers away, everything was normal, nothing seemed to happen, and then she caught six or seven black dots, some Do you plant birds? But she immediately denied herself, there were two little dots hanging motionless in mid-air, there shouldn't be any kind of bird that could do such a thing, right?

In the blink of an eye, one of the stationary birds suddenly opened its wings - Amandine felt strange because it was only sticking out her left wing - the next second, a huge green sign hung high in the air, not for a long time. scattered, like frozen fireworks.

Exclamations came from far away.

"It's a man!" cried her colleague, grabbing her arm tightly, and exclaiming, "God! Gosh! Look--Amandine, is it some kind of big outdoor magic? We can Can't invite them? How did they do it? Wire, cables, tempered glass?"

"I don't think so," whispered Amandine.

Just a few seconds after they spoke, the six or seven dots suddenly spread out and quickly swept in all directions. One of the black spots was just close to them, and the black spots became clearer and clearer, and now the two of them could clearly see the black robe he was wearing.

"What is he sitting on? Some kind of flying machine?" someone asked.

"It's a broom! That's witchcraft!" a man with thinning hair and a scruffy appearance shouted.

The man passing over their heads seemed to hear this, and he turned back and hung in the air, looking down at the Muggles in the street below. The man raised his arm, and Amandina saw that he was holding a small wooden stick in his hand, and a white light flashed.

The sloppy man with thinning hair floated uncontrollably, screaming in panic, struggling desperately.

"It's magic!" the man sitting on the broom laughed.

Amandina was in a trance, and a memory vaguely emerged in her mind. It was when she was in school when she heard a good-looking boy ask the teacher in a serious tone in an open class: "If one day, Does magic really appear in reality?"

Now, the magic really happens!


United States, New York.

François Crutoy walks on the famous Broadway, an important place for American plays and musicals, he was invited to perform here, but the performance is scheduled for tomorrow, so he is interviewed by reporters Afterwards, he declined the staff's invitation to sneak out alone to breathe.

There is no doubt that his magical experience was once again turned up by reporters and questioned, and he was as tight-lipped as ever, taking what happened that night at the 'House of Magic' in Surrey as a secret that belonged to him alone. However, in the past few years, he has been collecting information on occultism. His idea is: if the mysterious man who brought him back to life is not a 'god', there must be a group of human beings with special talents in this world.

After pondering, Francois thought that the latter was more likely, because the person who healed his arm later appeared at his concert - the real god should not be so busy, right?

It's a pity that he couldn't speak, and I don't know if that person understood the meaning of the song he composed.

The Angel of Worry...the Goddess of Magic...François doesn't know what the power to heal himself is. It may come from religion, or the magic of magicians. He has learned from many fantasy novels that magicians worship the goddess of magic. ...

Before he knew it, he came to Manhattan and stood in front of the Woolworth Building. The local staff recommended to him the well-known buildings nearby. In addition to the well-known theaters, this skyscraper was also on the list.

Francois had heard its name. The Woolworth Building was built at the beginning of this century and was legendary as the tallest building in the world at that time. Even putting aside its height, its neo-Gothic style has great aesthetic value. While thinking about it, a group of men in black formal suits came out of the artificial sliding door.

Francois glanced at them in amazement. His previous attention was attracted by the magnificent revolving door, but he did not pay attention to the small door. These people walked in a hurry with solemn expressions, and the leading man gave orders solemnly.

Francois turned his back to them, pricked up his ears, and some words floated into his ears:

"...The level of exposure to the magical world is abnormal... It must be related to Grindelwald... Went to England, attended the funeral... Got the authorization of the security director, and can use force if necessary..."

Francois turned his head curiously, he seemed to hear magic? Francois was excited for a while, he quickly followed the group of people, but he didn't dare to get too close, he could only hang in the back, those people turned into the gap between the two buildings, he quickened his pace, The last man was seen pulling a small wooden stick out of his suit pocket.

Magic wand? He thought excitedly, but it seemed a lot smaller than what he saw in comic books...

François stood on the edge of the building and took a few deep breaths, thinking in his mind how to introduce himself, how about starting with "I know a friend who can do magic"? When he felt ready, he rushed into the shadows.

François looked around blankly. Those people had all disappeared, and there were only a dozen or so bicycles swaying around. He went back and forth in disbelief twice, but nothing happened, and he was back on Broadway again.

The street was full of people, but there was no one he was looking for. Of course he didn't know about Apparition, much less that a battle between wizards was about to take place in Times Square at the intersection of West 42nd Street and Broadway in Manhattan not far from here.

At the same time, on the top of the Statue of Liberty standing on Liberty Island in Hudson, a saint turned his wand lightly, and the torch held high in the Statue of Liberty suddenly burst into flames.


London, England.

Mr. Granger worked as usual in his dental office, and Mrs. Granger came to help. They had just seen off a guest, and Mrs. Granger was talking to her husband as she turned on the clinic's TV.

"Hermione is back today, we'd better close early," said Mrs. Granger.

"I remember, I ordered your favorite restaurant," said Mr. Granger, washing his hands. Suddenly Mrs Granger screamed and he rushed out in a panic, dripping from both hands.

"What's wrong? What happened?"

Mrs. Granger's eyes were fixed on the TV, speechless. Mr. Granger looked at the TV screen, and the camera kept shaking. Only half of the head of the female reporter who was broadcasting was recorded. She had exaggerated blond curly hair, but Mr. Granger's attention was all attracted by the tornado behind the reporter.

If it weren't for the conspicuousness of the Houses of Parliament in the background, he would not have realized that the disaster was happening in London. He glanced out the window uncertainly, the weather was surprisingly good, and he didn't feel the wind at all. An urgent voice came from the TV—

"Rita! Look, there's someone in the tornado—did you see that? And those two guys who were flying over on broomsticks?"

"You don't need to remind me!" the female reporter shouted angrily, then she took a deep breath to calm herself, and then said to the camera: "Everyone in the audience—although it's a little weird, a tornado suddenly appeared in the center of London, eh— - It is not clear why, maybe the temperature difference between these two days is too big? I believe that meteorologists will give a reasonable explanation, please don't believe the rumors - Oh, Merlin's beard!"

The reporter cried out in panic. But Mr. Granger couldn't blame her for her speechlessness. Anyone who saw this scene would be horrified - a young man suddenly squeezed out of the air, and the camera went dark for a moment, and the Grangers could only hear sound.

"Hey, be careful, need help?"

A few seconds later, the picture returned to normal, and the young man who suddenly appeared reached out to help straighten the camera, with a big smile on his face: "Are you journalists? Should be? I can be interviewed - please allow me Introduce myself, I'm a wizard, I graduated from Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and I made the tornado behind me--my companions also helped, we learned combination magic at school--"

Rita Skeeter was dumbfounded, and the Grangers in front of the TV were dumbfounded, and the audience members who happened to be in front of the TV were equally dumbfounded.

Rita Skeeter swallowed and racked her brains:

"Obviously, this is an occult lover, or his brain is not normal. The interview is over, the tornado is coming soon, and we must evacuate as soon as possible-" She was suddenly speechless, her body stiff, like a block The stone was motionless.

Just when everyone was surprised, the camera was forced to the other side, and the young man's face took up most of the picture.

"I have a normal brain," said the wizard, who claims to be a graduate of Ilvermorny. "Again, I'm a wizard. We can talk - don't worry about the tornado behind you, it won't get bigger. , don't worry about this female reporter, a simple petrification spell. Huh? She looks pissed off..."

The next ten minutes were completely reduced to his personal performance time. Thanks to him, many British people knew for the first time what a wizard is and what the secrecy law is.

"Personally I think Ilvermorny is the best wizarding school in the world, but the Brits I just met today don't think so, oh sorry, forget I'm in England right now—" There was a violent cough. "Objectively speaking, Hogwarts isn't bad either..."

In the end, he even took the initiative to undo the spell on Rita Skeeter and asked her, who had a stiff expression, to ask a few questions. He seemed to have a strong desire to express. He could go on and on for hours.


"Is it April Fool's Day, dear?" the red-haired Rebecca asked, staring at the TV.

"I'd rather—I'd better look through the calendar!" Jim said uncertainly.


Winnie Valentine hurried out of the law office, beckoning to stop a taxi.

"Go to the famous gold and silver jewelry and handicraft store on the corner." She said quickly without waiting for the driver to ask.

"The one named 'Future World'?" the driver asked.

"That's right—oh, wait," Winnie grabbed her hair, forcing herself to calm down. She changed her mind. "Let's go to Charing Cross."

"Listen to you."

The driver starts the car.

"Maybe take a detour - there's a traffic jam ahead, said to be due to a rare tornado raging, with low visibility."

"Dragon, tornado?" Winnie stammered.

"I guess the traffic announcer drank too much early in the morning. How could there be a tornado in the city center." The driver said casually, "But the traffic jam should be real."


Surrey, Granning \u0026 Co.

Fernon Dursley is the head of sales at the company, responsible for selling more rigs. This morning, he looked particularly irritable. He lost his temper at nine subordinates in his office, and his roar even spread from the ninth floor to the upper and lower floors. This made him ignore some untimely noise in the company. After scolding the last subordinate to the point of blood spraying, and making the relationship between colleagues who were not harmonious at first even worse, he closed the door of the office with satisfaction.

"Don't let anyone bother me, I have a few important calls to make," he growled at his assistant.

Near noon, he was in a better mood, stretched his fat body in the office, and decided to go across the road to buy two donuts. As he walked out of the company's door, Feinong met his assistant, who cautiously told him that his wife had called not long ago.

Feinong felt a little uneasy in his heart. Penny usually didn't call at work, but he was relieved soon. It should be reminding him to go to the city to pick up that freak nephew after get off work. When he thought about it, he felt bad. When he gets up, especially when Dudley comes back from vacation, the first thing he does is not give his old father a hug, but rush into the bedroom to make sure his comic book is still there. He was out of breath.

Feinon stubbornly thought it was a plot by his freak nephew, revenge against them. He dropped a bag of donuts and a bottle of water on the counter.

"Two pounds and fiftypence," said the salesman.

"Two pounds and fiftypence? Why don't you go for it?" roared Finon.

The salesperson shrugged.

Feinon paid the money cursingly, took out a donut and stuffed it into his mouth, watching the TV hanging from the ceiling, mumbling: "The price is going up... the cysticercosis sitting in Whitehall is all about it. What are you eating... Fivepence today, tenpence tomorrow, what the hell is going on in this world?" Gradually, he stopped talking, seemingly attracted by the news on TV.

He rubbed his eyes incredulously, his mouth opened exaggeratedly, which made his double chin protrude even more, and those small eyes were straight. Then he yelled, rushed out of the store, ran back to the company panting, grabbed the car and headed home.

As he drove, he stared cautiously at both sides of the road, lest someone in a bizarre suit and cape pop out. There seemed to be a traffic jam ahead, and he slammed the steering wheel and honked the horn desperately. "damn it!"

He was absolutely over the top, and in just 15 minutes, he pulled into lane four.

"Penny, Penny!" Fenon entered the room. "I saw it on TV—who are you!?" He looked warily at the uninvited guest at home.

In the living room, Petunia and Dudley were sitting on the sofa. Petunia seemed to want to take Dudley into her arms, but Dudley resisted desperately, their eyes fixed on the lanky man standing opposite them— Unfortunately, the man was wearing the robe and cape that Feinon hated most.

"This must be the man of the house. Hello, I'm a staff member of the Ministry of Magic, and I work in the Department of Magical Accidents and Disasters. You can call me Dudley," the man said.

Feinon's eyes widened, looking at the man and then at his son.

"Oh, I found this interesting coincidence too," said the man happily, "your child is also called that name, isn't it? But there's a difference, 'Dudley' is my last name..." The man thought to himself He said to himself, and took out a piece of parchment from his pocket, "Well, as you may already know, the wizarding world has been completely exposed to the eyes of the world, and the whole country has been thrown into chaos. to ask for your opinion-"

"Dangerous? What danger? Our family won't, won't be that damn--" Feinon blushed and looked extremely angry, and he gritted his teeth and said the words that he hated so much:


"Don't be silly," said the wizard, looking at him pityingly. "In the eyes of other Muggles, you're one with us."

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