There was a big hole in the cell wall of Nurmengard Castle.

The moonlight poured in, but it was far less bright than the faint blue light in the house.

Grindelwald stared at the firebird outside the castle.

This is a very strange bird. Its body is silver-white, as bright as moonlight, and it looks like a patron saint. But its delicate head, slender neck feathers, back and wings were covered with deep blue flames that kept dancing. Its eyes are almost identical to Grindelwald's.

"Go ahead and bring my wand back, we've got a lot to do after that," he said quietly.

The flamingo crossed the dark night and flew into the distance. Grindelwald took a few steps outside, and the air outside blew in. He stood near the black wall, on the edge of the towers of Nurmengard Castle.

Far away, where the sky meets the ground, it transitions from pure black to deep blue.

Grindelwald stared down at his left hand.

The spell in his body is extremely stubborn and cannot be solved in a short time, otherwise he will not be trapped here for decades. Previously, he burned most of the spells in his body with blue flames, but there were still a small part left, which was difficult to eradicate. Grindelwald could clearly feel that they were all over his body, bit by bit consuming the magic power that he had managed to recover with ease.

The sky gradually brightened. He must make a decision as soon as possible.

Grindelwald glanced back at the corner of the cell, there was nothing to hesitate, now was the best chance. Dumbledore - or someone else, should have been there to stop him as he tried to break free, but there was no one.

Oh, he just broke the wall by the way, the magic on the wall has nothing to do with Dumbledore, but maybe the International Confederation of Wizards can get news.

The magic in the body gathered on the left hand, and his body became empty, and then those small spells seemed to be attracted, and poured into his left hand, constantly gathering and merging along the way, becoming complete, but Grindelwald let it be. By all this happens.

Finally, the remaining pieces of the spell were kneaded together. They seemed to be alive, flexibly and greedily chasing the magic power that devoured his left hand. These spells sparkled and became more complete every minute and every second. At this moment, Grindelwald seemed to feel something - through the spell - he vaguely saw a vague shadow.

The man seemed to notice, and raised his head, his face blurred, but his pale blue eyes were impressive.

Grindelwald's heart sank, the last hope was lost, and he brought up a cruel smile.


The violent black fire burned violently, crackling, burning his flesh and blood and completely destroying the last spell. After doing all this, he was sweating profusely and trembling all over.

But it was all worth it - a new power appeared, a new, unspell-contaminated magic was born from the depths of his soul, perfectly merging with his now nearly depleted body.

He was reborn.



Felix glanced out the window and blinked in confusion, he seemed to have seen old Grindelwald just now. Is it an illusion? Or is it a new ability brought by spells? But he was still a little short of being able to fully control the spell... His heart sank, and nothing would go wrong, right?

Half an hour later, Felix showed up at Nurmengard Castle.

It was his first time here, and he was not used to the humid air and the smell of rotting straw, and there was also a burning smell in the air. He scrutinized the large hole in the wall, where an extra line of black writing appeared: All for the greater good.

He had a headache. After a while, a dozen figures fell from the sky outside the castle. Felix retreated and hid in the darkness. He didn't want to meet these enforcers yet. After coming out of Nurmengard Castle, he went to several nearby towns again, and the spell on his arm did not respond at all.

Felix stared at his arm in a daze, wouldn't this thing be useless?

He just got it.

When Felix returned to the school, it was completely bright, and the school was the same as usual, with some early risers eating at the table. He found Professor McGonagall, who knew she was even more excited when she saw her, and dragged him to the staff lounge without saying a word.

"Arginbad received a letter from an owl this morning, and then his face changed drastically, and he left in a hurry without even having breakfast," she said first.

Felix asked thoughtfully, "Did he say why?"

"No. But his expression is very panic, it must be a very important thing." Professor McGonagall guessed.

"Well, Grindelwald escaped last night."

Professor McGonagall's eyes widened, she looked very excited.

"Felix... You mean, Gellert Grindelwald?" Her voice trembled a little, and Felix suddenly realized that she had also experienced Grindelwald's most active years, and the impact on him The power is very clear. Felix recounted what happened, including the information that Grindelwald disguised himself to teach at the school.

Professor McGonagall took a breath all the way, clutching the clothes on his chest with his hands, and his body was shaky.

"I didn't expect it at all! He turned out to be Professor Bagshot, obviously—" She paused, her eyes flashing with memories, as if she had found evidence from her past interactions with Grindelwald, such as his superb magic Knowledge, a hostile attitude towards Muggles.

Professor McGonagall tried to calm down. "Albus—why?"

"I think it's because of a prophecy," Felix said softly, and he held out his hand to show her the image of the anti-Wizard parade. "A year ago, Grindelwald escaped from Nurmengard Castle. He came out and came to the UK. He got his exclusive wand at the Future World Company in Diagon Alley - the qualification review was not as strict as it is now - after that, maybe he saw the recruitment information in the newspaper, so he asked you Now I see the picture in exchange for a year of teaching at the school."

"...The current president of the International Federation of Wizards, Akinbad, also knows about this. They sent someone to check on Grindelwald's physical condition during the summer vacation last year and determined that he was still bound by magic, and the magic power was polluted. , the strength is not as good as before, and finally they agreed to this approach."

The actual situation is of course more complicated.

Felix still doesn't know whether Dumbledore agreed to this condition, whether reason prevailed or emotion gained the upper hand, but in short, there was a new Defence Against the Dark Arts professor in the school.

According to Felix, Dumbledore may have been under a lot of pressure - presumably the people of the International Confederation of Wizards wouldn't mind tricking Grindelwald into finding out what he knew before kicking him back into the cold, damp and dark The prison, of course Grindelwald knew this, so he found Dumbledore as a guarantee.

"There was something wrong with the transfer last night?" Professor McGonagall asked keenly.

"Yes, Dumbledore has a way to monitor Grindelwald's state, which is probably similar to a double-sided mirror..." Felix briefly explained the principle of the same origin of confinement magic and surveillance key, "I guess He probably didn't think about transferring the spell to other people when he improved this magic, so there was a loophole. Of course, this is hard to tell, if it wasn't for Dumbledore holding the key, Grindelwald might go to jail Been in jail for a few years..."

The process of transferring the key of the spell only cuts off the connection with Grindelwald, but does not invalidate the confinement magic, so Felix's words are very credible.

"Okay, I get it." Professor McGonagall slowly accepted this reality. She was once thankful that the school had been safe this year, but she did not expect that there would be a storm in the dark, and she unknowingly and the dark wizard Green Devore worked together for a year, and she even gave Dumbledore a lot of small reports...

"So no one knows where Grindelwald is now?"

"I didn't find him at Nurmengard Castle, but," said Felix, after a moment's hesitation, remembering the writing on the wall, and shaking his head, "he won't be content with hiding. I'm concerned about other things. one question--"

"What's the problem?" Professor McGonagall asked painfully, rubbing his forehead.

Felix smashed two boxes of letters on her desk, "We should put these letters into categories. To be honest, there are a lot of them, and there are only two of us, so we can't ask for help."

"Why are you looking for help?" Professor McGonagall glanced at him and put on square glasses, as if preparing to do the work assigned by the previous principal before he officially became the principal.

Felix felt a little uneasy in his heart.

He wasn't sure if the letters would be of any use, since Grindelwald probably guessed Dumbledore's death. The question is, will he dispel the illusion that Dumbledore is still alive? This question had been on his mind since he came out of Nurmengard Castle, and he did one thing for it-nearly one-fifth of the letters in the box were addressed to Grindelwald, and Felix would This part of the letter remains.

They were busy with it until noon.

Grindelwald can't find anyone now, and I don't know where to hide it. Maybe it's to support his body. Felix has seen how weak Dumbledore's body is after transferring the spell. Of course Grindelwald can't be intact, even he At this moment, there is still a question mark about how much strength is left.

If it is himself, Felix will definitely find a picturesque place to secretly cultivate his body. After a few years, he believes that his strength will become more mature, and time is on his side.

"Oh, by the way, Voldemort died last night. He used some kind of evil black magic to survive, and he could only be kept secretly. But all this came to an end last night, and he was completely and forever. Died far away."

In the gap between work, Felix announced another big news calmly.


In the school hospital, Felix said the same thing to Harry.

After learning that Dumbledore's body was properly placed, Harry still felt panicked. The thought of Headmaster Dumbledore lying alone in the coffin, even the death itself became a secret and not known to outsiders, he felt like a knife twist.

"He deserves a big funeral, not buried somewhere in obscurity," said Harry, staring at the white sheet on the hospital bed, where there was a stain. He thought of Regulus Black, and now everyone knew that Regulus had fought against the darkness alone, but how long would it be before anyone knew of Dumbledore's sacrifice?

"What's happening now is what Dumbledore wants to see," Felix said, his eyes lowered.

After a while, they talked about other issues.

"Professor Hepp—you mean Ba, Grindelwald regained consciousness during the transfer? How did he do it?" Harry asked in surprise.

"I'll remember to ask this question when I see him next time." Felix dragged his chin and said in a puzzled manner, staring at Varen and putting together a pile of candy into a smiling face. Harry stared dazedly at the pattern, and in a flash, he thought of Neville's looking glass.

Although he and Hermione couldn't figure it out, maybe the professor could find something suspicious?

He told his conjecture to the professor, but the professor's response was mediocre.

"The looking glass is bad, there is no doubt about that, only a few of the dozen or so rune circuits are correct, but the problem is that as long as there is one error, the looking glass as a whole will not work, it can't even give an early warning. "..." Felix said, his voice slowing down.

"Professor? Did you think of anything?" Harry asked, breathless.

"If so, then this thought is too clever," Felix murmured, his eyes brightening, and he thought of a possibility - there is actually a better way, but it is better to be above board - using people's psychological blind spot.

The speculum in Neville's hand may have played a role.

It wasn't to remind Neville that the hair that belonged to Grindelwald that was put into the looking glass was the key. This hair, together with the broken rune circuits, constituted the positioning part of the other looking glass.

Felix himself introduced seven different kinds of speculum in class, one of which alerts when the speculum gets too close to the owner of the hair. This kind of looking glass is generally only used as a prank toy, but it can also be used in some cases.

For example, when Sirius was a fugitive, in order to prevent him from getting close to the castle, Felix made three looking glass with his hair hidden in it.

Maybe Grindelwald is doing just the opposite. When the two scopes move away and exceed a certain distance, one of them will issue an early warning. Felix quickly simulated it in his mind and felt that he could do it.

Think deeply, the warning is not necessarily a sound, it may be a vibration, or some kind of strong stimulus. So when Grindelwald is forced to leave Neville (and in fact, Hogwarts Castle) beyond a certain distance, the looking glass will automatically start working.

The above is just a momentary conjecture of Felix, he is not sure how far Grindelwald's understanding of ancient Rune has reached. Grindelwald has never shown his attainment in the field of ancient rune, but he has read the ancient rune magazine, and occasionally takes the opportunity to chat with Felix about the above content, but it does not involve magic skills.

If Grindelwald has had the idea since then, his mind is pretty dire.

Of course, Grindelwald can also make a speculum out of another student's hair, which may be more concealed, but Dumbledore or Felix is ​​not allowed to think of this and conduct targeted inspections.

With limited information, Grindelwald chose the most conservative and safest option.

As it turns out, he succeeded. Felix checked his office, his belongings, the magic that might be attached to his skin, but ignored the possibility that he had swallowed a speculum. And the truth that even Felix doesn't know is that his stun spell is indeed powerful enough. If only the looking glass itself can wake up the comatose Grindelwald is still unknown, at least it must be later than he expected to wake up. , but the stinging spells from the law enforcement team of the International Confederation of Wizards weakened the effect of the stun spell...

Under the combined effect of these reasons, Grindelwald almost woke up as soon as he got into the carriage. But he was still bound by the spell of the members of the law enforcement team, and he couldn't move, except for the speculum in his stomach that would beat every once in a while, and then when Dumbledore and Felix transferred the key to the spell, he also all Feel.

"Professor? Professor Hepp?"

"Oh, I thought of one thing, and I can't be sure for the time being-Is there any problem?" Felix asked back to his senses.

"Well—I'd also like to ask: why didn't Professor Dumbledore transfer the spell sooner, or put off solving my troubles?" Harry asked, "so maybe Grindelwald won't run away."

"He didn't tell me directly, so I can only guess." Felix said softly: "I guess Dumbledore had a hard time using magic in the last period of his life, and the transfer spell had a great impact on him— —You know magic can flow between a wizard's body and soul, right?"

Harry shook his head blankly, completely unheard of. He wanted to remind the professor that he wasn't Hermione.

"Then you know now," Felix said lightly, "Dumbledore used the resurrection stone as a medium to study the soul very deeply, and he was able to actively integrate most of the magic into his own soul." Just like he saw him that night When Dumbledore arrived, he illuminated Hogwarts Castle with his own soul.

"Why did he do that?" Harry asked, swallowing, feeling that the magic he knew was completely different from what the professor said.

"Maybe it's for experimentation. I suspect that it's not the first time that he went to the 'the gap between life and death' that you said." Felix said calmly: "Don't ask me, I can't show any evidence. But when it comes to solving the problem of soul fragments in your body, Dumbledore and I are about the same idea, which is to improve the success rate as much as possible, and it is best to be foolproof."

"Success rate?" Harry muttered with his head down.

"That's right," Felix said. "We had imagined some possibilities, such as letting Voldemort ingest your blood to resurrect. Dumbledore thought that doing so would make the protective charm that belongs to Lily flowing on you also appear on Voldemort. , um - the power of the spell may be greatly strengthened by then, after all, your relationship is similar to that of a half-brother..."

"But that didn't happen, did it?" Harry said quickly, with goosebumps, "Voldemort used other people's blood to resurrect."

"Indeed. I think we've put too much pressure on him and he can't wait." Felix nodded. "But even if it did happen, it would bring more uncertainty. Either of you The connection between them is already very close, and if you add the shared protection charm, outsiders can't guess at all... Harry, Dumbledore wants you to live, and use the safest method he can think of."

Felix leaves Harry absent-minded. He had asked Madam Pomfrey that Harry was fine and would be out of the hospital in the afternoon.

When Felix left the school hospital, he happened to meet a classmate who came to visit Harry. He called Neville aside, and despite the damaged speculum he borrowed, Neville really took it with him. "Professor, is there something wrong with it?" Neville whispered.

Felix looked at him, shook his head, did not express his guess, but changed the reason: "The people of the International Federation of Wizards need evidence, I will take it first, if they don't need to return it to you. "

In the crowd, Ron and Hermione showed worried expressions, wouldn't there really be a problem with that looking glass? Ron gave Hermione a wink and walked over from the line, "Oh, Professor Hep, I have a question..."


Felix was in no hurry to leave the school and searched the world for Grindelwald. In less than a week, the school year will be over, and he'll be free to try to get Grindelwald's whereabouts from some of the Saints. He wasn't in a hurry these days, and didn't think Grindelwald would jump out right away.

But it backfired.

In the evening, Amelia Burns appeared in a hurry with bad news: Grindelwald had escaped from Fort Nurmengard—of course Felix already knew about it—but she held The news in the German newspapers really surprised him.

A suspected patron saint, but covered in Grindelwald's signature blue flames, a firebird broke into Gringotts Bank in Germany, burned through an underground vault before the goblin guards could react, and swaggered away.

Felix stared at the picture he didn't know who had taken it: the phoenix-like firebird broke free from its magical chains, holding something in its mouth.

"That's—a wand?"

"The owner of the vault below has been identified. He is a saint, but he died decades ago. When Gringotts and the local Aurors questioned his family, they did not know the existence of this place. Means it's a secret vault. And that wand—"

"The first wand Grindelwald ever used?" Felix asked in a deep voice.

Before Grindelwald got the Elder Wand, he certainly didn't cast spells with his bare hands, but after he became famous, and when he dueled in public in 1945, it was always the Elder Wand that he showed to the public, and no one knew where his student wand went. .

"I thought so too," Ms. Burns said sullenly.

Felix's expression became serious, he looked further, and getting the wand was not a big deal. What really caught his attention was that Grindelwald didn't seem to be able to wait these days.

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