For the next two weeks, Hermione became visibly happy, beaming throughout the day, and more than once Harry noticed her suddenly using her wand as a baton while she was studying, pretending to be conducting a concert.

"Hermione is crazy, our exams are over for this year," Ron whispered quietly to Harry.

"Maybe it's some kind of magic exercise?" Harry guessed, as he spoke, a string of ancient runes like colored notes surrounded Hermione, chasing the soft white glow of her wand in her hand. tip of the stick.

When Hermione started adding new notes to the Herbology textbook, The Complete Carnivorous Tree, Ron asked her curiously, "What's the matter with you being so happy? Like—well, winning the Daily Prophet. annual award?"

"Oh, the lottery won't be drawn until July!" said Hermione cheerfully.

"Either you came out on top in the Wizards Weekly test," said Ron firmly.

"I do look forward to this year's Most Enchanting Smile Award," Hermione said. "The woman Rita Skeeter seems to be busy with other things, even contributing less to other magazines, which makes some became pretty."

Harry knew that Wizards Weekly was a magazine popular with witches, and that the library contained a number of past volumes that he would occasionally flip through. However, he is not interested in the above content, most of which are celebrity news, fashion trends, quizzes, consulting columns, quick divination, recipes and so on. Ron's mother is one of its readers.

It is worth mentioning that this magazine selects the 'Most Charming Smile Award' every year. Harry's second-year Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, Gilderoy Lockhart, was once the darling of the magazine for five consecutive years. received this honor this year.

When Lockhart was disgraced and sentenced to prison, Ron asserted that "at least half of the British witches were in tears, and the sales of this witch's magazine would be greatly reduced."

But Harry was not worried, in his opinion, whether it was Professor Hepp, or the experiences of Dumbledore and Grindelwald in his youth, and the many brilliant wizards he saw in the Pensieve, any of them Taking it out alone is more topical and worth discussing than a thief who only rambles and steals other people's memories.

The biggest change that Dumbledore's class brought to Harry was that he had a deep understanding of the structure of the entire wizarding world, especially the British mainland. Sometimes Harry closes his eyes and wakes up to the fact that he's connected to hundreds of wizards, that he knows them, their past and their present. The wizards were like a large glowing web that spread all over the place, allowing Harry to know where he was even in the dark.

This feeling is getting stronger as the memory approaches the current point in time.

Last Saturday, in the headmaster's office, Harry finally mustered up the courage to confirm Professor Bagshot's identity.

That night, he and Dumbledore kept moving in memory, spanning two decades. Not only did Harry see once again the full picture of Grindelwald's speech in the underground theatre of Father Lachaise's cemetery (the memory belonged to someone else), he also met another member of the Dumbledore family.

"Credence. Grindelwald bewitched him and named him Aurelius Dumbledore."

Harry was taken aback.

"The name and Ariana—"

"Somewhat similar, isn't it?" Dumbledore asked softly, and Harry nodded, especially the first two syllables. "But he's my nephew. He's Aberforth's child, just as ill-fated as my sister." He explained to Harry: "The mother of that child was a Muggle and they were in love, but then Aberforth and I didn't even know the child existed at the time."

"Later, he was adopted by a Muggle institution that hated magic, and had to suppress his magic. In the end, like Ariana, he became a silent one."

Harry fell silent. He didn't know the mood in which Dumbledore calmly said all this. His own heart was very heavy, and he thought of another thing.

It was the day they saw Aberforth at the school gate.

According to the results of his private discussions with Ron and Hermione, Aberforth chose to hand over his memories because his sister had compromised. But now he's not sure if he heard it wrong, maybe in addition to Ariana, another person with a similar name also holds a lot of weight.


Another weekend, Felix returned to the office after washing up and saw Phoenix Fox and Sniff Warren sharing a can of fresh fish on the small table beside the sofa. Fox's sharp beak poked a hole in the can.

Warren, who just wanted to help, shrank his hands in fright and patted his chest with lingering fears. Fox tilted his head and looked at it innocently.

It was still a little chilly in the morning in May, and Felix put on a coat as he pondered in his mind how to convince Fox to wear the Sorting Hat next time. He must be lonely, with no friends, perhaps a well-meaning confusion. The spell reminds it of those happy times.

Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw and Salazar Slytherin. The years when the four school founders lived together in harmony were theoretically the good childhood of the Sorting Hat.

At this moment, Fox, who was staring at Varen unscrewing the lid of the can, suddenly made a "clicking" sound, signaling Felix to come over. Felix walked over and sat on the sofa, facing the big fiery red bird, the clenched claw on its abdomen loosened.

The black resurrection stone ring fell on the table, jingling, and there was a small piece of rolled paper in the ring of the ring.

A long leg like a crane swept lightly, and threw the ring to Felix's hand, and Fox gave him a low cry.

"Oh, it's because of this." Felix woke up, "Headmaster Dumbledore sent you?" He picked up the ring, took off the note, unfolded it with a short line of small print,' we said earlier OK ’

So, Dumbledore doesn't need the Resurrection Stone for the time being? Felix thought.

The silhouette of the silver Swift Patronus was outlined in the air - "You know who to look for, right? Luna Lovegood, and, remember to remind her to bring the letter." Swift's little head nodded, Then it spread its wings and nimbly flew out of the window.

Felix once again turned his attention to Phoenix who was eating fresh fish with his head down.

"Tell me about Dumbledore, and I'll return the Resurrection Stone to Miss Lovegood as soon as she finishes using it." After he finished his business, he asked curiously, "Fox, how old are you?"

Phoenix tilted his head and looked at him, blinking in confusion.

"Don't remember? Living too long or influenced by Nirvana?" Felix murmured.

Quiet in the house. After eating the canned small fish, Fox shook hands with Warren with one paw, spread his wide wings to leave, and quickly asked the question in his mind, "You should know Grindelwald, right? In the war years?"

Fox's beautiful eyes flickered, it looked at Felix reproachfully, raised his head and screamed, and his body disappeared into flames. Stars and stars sprinkled down.

Felix crushed the sparks into embers, and was amazed in his heart. He actually saw the shadow of another person in the eyes of the phoenix, a young wizard with black hair.

It turns out Fox didn't follow Dumbledore in the first place.

Felix remembered that he had read an unconfirmed message in a book about an ancient wizarding family, and it was said that when a member of the Dumbledore family was in urgent need, the Phoenix would respond.

On the other hand, because it was the weekend, Harry got up a little later than usual, and when Harry showed up in the common room dressed, he saw Ron sitting there with a worried expression on his face.

"One less, this time Elvira," he complained.

"Who?" Harry asked.

"Don't you remember? She's a member of the Anima Gospan. Plus I've seen her at Creevey's club," said Ron.

Harry blinked, and the image of a girl who likes to ask questions appeared in his mind. In his impression, Elvira's talent is good, that is, every time he sees him, he will ask all kinds of messy questions, which makes him a little overwhelmed.

"What's wrong with her?" Harry asked casually, only to find Ron glaring at him, protesting, "Did you listen carefully?" Harry raised his hands, "I'm sorry, just woke up..."

"She didn't show up this morning, I asked Susan, and she said Elvira had failed," Ron rambled. Because I was too excited, I forgot to get up early to recite the mantra, then Virgil, Shabini... I heard that on the night of the last full moon, only four students signed up."

Harry didn't know how to comfort Ron, Ronka had been in the second step of the Animagus Transfiguration for more than a month, and there was no progress so far.

Hermione looked up from the book and said angrily, "Leave him alone, Harry, he asked for it."

Harry was a little surprised by her attitude, he thought Ron would retort, but Ron didn't, it just seemed to be in a worse mood. "What's the matter?" Harry asked as they went downstairs to breakfast.

"He's a little resistant to his metamorphosis," Hermione said first.

Ron said in a low voice with an abnormal expression: "I don't think my Patronus is imposing enough."

Harry instantly understood his concerns. According to the previous successful examples, the Animagus form was generally the same as the Patronus form. Because the Patronus is often related to the wizard's heart (with a few exceptions), this is why Harry, Hermione, Neville, Hannah and others seem to be able to practice Animagos with ease.

"But I think Hounds are pretty good, don't you like Fangya?" Harry asked in confusion: "You didn't think that way when you practiced Patronus... oh, you won't be influenced by Malfoy, right? Don't listen to him, think about Sirius..."

Ron was somewhat persuaded.

"Well, maybe I'm on the horns. Are you still going to Dumbledore's today? The exams are coming."

Harry nodded.

"Last time I saw Rita Skeeter in the Pensieve, maybe soon my parents, oh, and Professor Happ."

"It's strange, haven't you learned anything else?"

"Yeah, I-"

He talked too much, and collided with a figure who was flying over. Harry fell to the ground, rubbing his forehead in pain, tears streaming down his face. Harry said in surprise, "Luna?"

"Oh, Harry? Hello." Luna said with a little pain, covering her forehead with one hand and the cardboard box with the other.

"Are you all right?" Harry asked dully, suddenly feeling the wrong touch on his hand. He looked down and found an envelope glued to his hand. No, there were six or seven letters lying within his line of sight, and he glanced around quickly, they seemed to be overwhelmed by envelopes.

Ron helped Harry up, and Hermione crouched down to help Luna gather the scattered letters on the floor.

Harry picked up one of them curiously. The envelope was painted with a strange pattern, very Luna's own style, maybe some kind of imaginary plant, he thought. In the middle of the pattern is written 'To my dear wife Pandora'.

"Thank you, Harry," Luna said, looking at the letter in Harry's hand, which Harry handed to Luna. Luna put the last letter in the box and said, "I have something else to do, so I'll go first." She waved to the three of Harry.

"She's going to send so many letters at once? I don't think adding all the messengers in the owl shack is enough for her," said Ron in surprise.

"It might have been saved before," said Hermione, noting the writing on the letter, too. "But who is Pandora?"

Hermione didn't expect an answer, but Harry did.

"It's Luna's mother."

"Oh, oh—" Hermione seemed to understand it all at once, and she inhaled, tears welling up in her eyes.

Ron's eyes widened, "But didn't she die long ago? Because of an accident?"

"Remember Luna looking for the Resurrection Stone at the beginning of school?" Hermione whispered. "Now we know what those letters are for."

A few minutes later, the ancient rune office.

Felix stood at the door and said inside: "Then, Luna, according to the agreement, you have one morning. I have to remind you that the resurrection stone is not perfect in any version of the story, be careful not to be deceived by it."

"Thank you." Luna said in a calm voice: "Although I feel sorry for my mother, I still have a father, and I never feel that she has left us, but we can't see her and have to use some tools. My father and I both I cherish this opportunity.”

Felix stood there for a few seconds and closed the office door. At this moment, Luna's voice reading the letter came faintly from the door.

The weather outside became sultry, Felix and Warren standing on his shoulders came to the courtyard, where the bushes grew very lush, you could smell the strong fragrance of flowers, and finally, June came.

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