On the last weekend of February, in the ancient Rune office, the Owl delivered that day's Daily Prophet.

Felix spread out the newspaper, and the foreign news headline on the sixth page was "The Magical Congress of the United States Announces Temporarily Not Introducing Exclusive Wands, Squibs Attack the Woolworth Building". After he read it carefully, he found that the reporter hadn't learned much by himself.

The living environment of wizards in the magical world of America is completely different from that in Europe and Africa.

Taking the British Ministry of Magic as an example, it will choose to maintain single-line contact with the Muggle Prime Minister on important events, and the Ministry of Magic of other European countries has followed suit; and Africa is another scene: because of the prevalence of local mysterious culture, information dissemination is slow, there In fact, there are many wizards in the United Kingdom who have semi-public activities under the identities of 'witch doctor', 'sacrificial' and 'divine master' - there are also some in the UK, but they absolutely dare not be so rampant.

The result of public casting is the second Carlotta Pinkstone. So Felix and Ms. Burns felt that the wizarding world was really forced to open up, and the possibility of problems in America and Africa was far greater than in Europe.

So Ms Burns has commissioned the UK representative to the International Confederation of Wizards to submit an early warning proposal.

Felix has also been criticized a lot during this time, because "the invention of the exclusive magic wand will make the already overwhelmed secrecy work worse", and the Magic Congress of the United States, which has the most unstable domestic magic environment, was the first to make such a decision. Not unexpected.

At least more countries' Ministries of Magic choose to be cautious about adopting exclusive wands, and that's enough for him.

The chaos in the Magical Congress of the United States has long been foreshadowed.

For example, recently, Minerva has hosted many American wizarding families. These parents hope to let their children study at Hogwarts, and they are also planning to relocate to the UK nearby.

"The Noel family is just the most sensitive, and possibly the least timid."

According to the information Felix learned from her, it was not uncommon for this kind of thing to happen. During the First Wizarding War, many British wizards took refuge abroad, and smuggling was rampant during that time.

Because it is much easier for wizards to get from one end of the earth to the other than for muggles.

In Felix's view, many wizards don't really have a sense of distance. Going abroad - from England to France and to the Americas is almost the same time - only a door key is needed, and the only thing reminding them of the difference is the Galleon that they paid.

These wizarding families did not return to England until after the war, but some chose to stay abroad.

Now the Magical Congress of the United States, the Reformation Association and all walks of life are gearing up for a big discussion, and even arguing at the International Federation of Wizards and Wizards, causing a headache for the new chairman of the Federation.

Felix didn't expect himself to be the source of this incident.

Warren was lying in front of the special Pensieve and curiously looked at the silver substance inside. It held a special wand and glanced at Felix alertly. Seeing that Felix had no response, he stirred the inside with the tip of the wand. Thought.

A young voice with a little echo appeared:

"I don't look down on Hagrid, Professor Dumbledore. I just think...it's too dangerous for him to keep a tarantula in the castle. I'm the prefect."

Warren was a little surprised, and hurriedly pulled out his exclusive wand, the silver substance in the Pensieve swirled slightly, and another person's voice came from inside, Warren's small black eyes stared round, although it also echoed, But it could be heard that the Great Demon King was speaking.

"...I heard that you are looking for the legendary Slytherin Chamber? It's a mess, I'm going to transform it into a playground, and you agree that the entertainment of Hogwarts students is too lacking? What do you like..."

Felix looked out the window and glanced at the mark on the calendar for a while. He ticked on March 10, stood up and moved his neck.

"Let's go, Warren. Let's walk around the auditorium and see what those students have done for half a month. If we're lucky, maybe we can catch up with the split!" he said lazily, "I have a student who only takes a few days. Just barely grasping Apparition, it's terrifying..."


Harry was discharged from the hospital earlier today, and when he returned to the common room with a determined attitude of getting rid of Madam Pomfrey's entanglement, he was surprised to find few familiar faces.

"Harry, you're out of the hospital?" Gryffindor Quidditch player Gut said happily, announcing loudly: "Hey, everyone, welcome back to our 'Ghost Captain'." The lounge was crowded. With a few face-saving slaps, batter Perks whistled loudly.

"What about the others?" Harry asked.

"A 'apparation class' in the auditorium," he said.

Harry thanked him, waved to Perks and Demirza Robbins in the distance, and walked around the dormitory. There was no one inside. He was a little dazed to find that there was a sheet on the bed. The Apparition certificate, and a small bag of Galleons, he counted, it was exactly twelve, he knew that this was the fee he paid for the Apparition class before he returned it.

Harry was a little surprised. Did it take a whole year for the Ministry of Magic to remember to bring them the certificate? Can't it be mailed directly? He felt that if he got it all, Ron and Hermione would certainly not have to mention it.

When he came to the auditorium, it was full of people. The students were chatting in twos and threes in the auditorium. There were hundreds of wooden circles for practice on the ground.

Harry turned his head and looked around, not even a shadow of a professor could be seen. what is the problem? Fortunately, he saw a familiar person, and he walked over, just in time to hear Ron share his experience of practising Apparition.

Hermione and Neville were there, along with Ginny, and she could tell she was having a hard time holding back.

"...The more I'm afraid, the more I can't, really! I had several severe splits when I was learning Apparition... Yes, Professor Hepp helped once or twice, and then we solved it by ourselves, like It's the loss of an eyebrow, a small incision or something..."

"It's really hard," Ron said. "I've always had a hard time getting my bearings... Harry's really good at that."

In order to maintain their renewed friendship, Ron was not stingy in touting Harry, knowing that the next topic would normally be "Weasley's 100 Thrilling Apparitions".

"Harry!" said Ginny in surprise, jumping over to give him a hug. "We've also discussed visiting you for a while."

"I don't want to stay until Easter," Harry whispered.

Then he was a little embarrassed to find that the people around him were looking at him with interest.

"I remember Harry using Continuous Apparition to get the golden egg from the dragon's protection," Parvati Petil said.

"I thought it was a coincidence," said one student.

"Of course it's no coincidence, Harry is very good at this!" Ron said even more vigorously after seeing Harry: "Remember when I used 'Apparation and Stunning' to defeat Nona in the third event of the Tournament. What's the matter with Raibert? Casting spells in Apparition is very difficult, it's an advanced technique in the Auror community."

Ginny rolled her eyes.

She got some Auror training materials from Tonks a long time ago. She knew a little bit. Apparition combined with fast casting is a high-level dueling skill, but many people think it is flashy because it is easy to make mistakes. After that, you will be laughed to death by the enemy.

Not to mention that most people can't overcome the directional imbalance at high speeds. Knowing how Professor Hepper grades magic, Tonks' opinion is that "Apparitions below level four are not suitable for use in combat."

On the other hand, Ron became more and more mysterious, scratching the students' hearts.

"Harry, we haven't seen you show at the club. Now the professor isn't—" Dean said. The crowd booed and asked Harry to show them. Harry glared at Ron, but he found himself too eager to say, "I need a target."

"Happy to help," Ron said with a smile.

They walked towards a clearing in the corner, and Ron whispered in a whisper as he passed Hermione and Neville, "Remember to come and save me if I can't stand it."

A dozen Gryffindor students stood up and sparsely formed a half circle.

Ron stood by the wall, raised his wand and cast a Sensation Charm on himself.

"Are you ready?" Dean acted as the referee consciously. Both Ron and Harry took their attitude seriously. "Three-two-one-start!"

A disarming spell flew towards Ron, who leaned over to dodge the spell. At this moment, Harry suddenly disappeared from the spot - the crowd burst into cheers - he appeared on Ron's right side, and the red light that was ready to go out from the tip of the staff shot out, and Ron quickly condensed in his chest A small piece of iron armor was cast to block the spell.

The students resting in the distance noticed the movement here and gathered around them one after another.

In the next dozen or so seconds, the two of them fired some non-lethal spells at each other, such as disarming spells, restraining spells, stun spells, petrification spells, as well as their favorite mischief among the students. Ron tried a toe spell on him.

"They're all amazing," said a junior student in shock.

"I'm not surprised by Harry's performance, but Ron - is he so good at Silent Charms?"

"Oh, he didn't do well in Transfiguration class and still can't hide his freckles smoothly. His first silent spells were basically dueling spells..."

"What kind of magic is that?" another seventh-grader asked in shock.

In the field, the two of you come and go, shooting spells at each other. Their footsteps are constantly moving. They can hide from the magic arc that is flying in the face. , and then immediately counterattacked at a dizzying pace.

"Like the Humanoid Iron Armor, it is one of the advanced techniques of the Iron Armor," Neville explained.

From time to time, Harry would suddenly disappear, emerge suddenly from the corner, and cast a spell at Ron. At this point, Ron quickly backed away, turned his back to the castle wall, and caught Harry's figure in his eyes; or turned in the opposite direction. Casting a complete iron armor spell, focusing on the other side, plus the sensory improvement brought by the super-sensation spell, I finally managed to cope.

The students were dizzying to see, but they didn't see a continuous Apparition.

"Harry, go harder," Dean yelled.

Harry held his breath and met Ron's gaze, and the two exchanged a tacit glance. "They're all waiting," said Ron, grinning. The next second, Harry disappeared suddenly, his wand pierced straight out, and the Disarming Charm shot out with a sharp whistle. Then he disappeared, appearing in mid-air close to the ceiling of the auditorium, as if blending with the clear, tile-blue sky overhead.

Harry, who was hanging in the air, waved his wand lightly, and more than a dozen candles smashed down. At this time, the onlookers were still searching for Harry's figure, but the students who had just walked by and just walked out of the staff lounge. The professors who came out of the meeting saw this scene.

Draco Malfoy was constantly tossing a white peacock transformed from a goblet, but he turned his head and stared at Harry, his eyes flashing a trace of unwillingness.

"Oh my God!" said Professor McGonagall, clutching his chest. The other professors were also stunned, only Felix's mouth showed a smile.

Harry's attack didn't end there.

He disappeared again in the process of falling and appeared on Ron's right side - in fact, normally he should appear behind the enemy, but now it's just a show - his wrist continued to shake, one red and one gold two spells followed the front Combined with a continuous attack, it rushed towards Ron like a tide.

Surprised screams erupted from the crowd.

Ron, who had been prompted in advance, was casting spells in a hurry at the moment. He quite pursued a dramatic effect. At the last second, he let a spherical magic barrier protect him, bang bang bang bang - Harry's spell It slammed into the barrier one after another, causing ripples, and the candle crackled and fell to the ground, breaking into two or three pieces.

The eyes of the students jumped with the candles on the ground, and the auditorium fell silent. A string of hurried footsteps approached, and everyone turned their heads. They couldn't help but shrank their necks to get out of the way. It was Professor McGonagall who strode over. She appeared in front of the crowd through the crowd and asked sternly, "What's going on?"

"We're demonstrating Apparition," Harry said honestly.

"Yeah, Professor McGonagall," Dean said with help. "Didn't Professor Tekros take Harry as an example before? It happened that Harry came over today, and we wanted him to demonstrate it to everyone." Harry and Ron nodded desperately.

Professor McGonagall raised an eyebrow.

"Minerva," said a pale-skinned wizard reassuringly. He was what Dean said was the apparition trainer sent by the Ministry of Magic, Wicky Tekros. "I did mention it before, and it can be seen that Potter and the others are very restrained and did not use illegal spells. I believe that with this wonderful demonstration, other students will take Apparition more seriously."

The surrounding students made low-pitched echoes.

"Well, in that case—" Professor McGonagall's lips pursed into a thin line, "then there will be no deduction, but you are so free, why don't you stay as Professor Tekros's assistant and help maintain order. Save you..."

Harry opened his mouth, not daring to raise any objections. Ron readily accepted.

"Okay," Tekros clapped his hands, "back to your respective positions, this time I hope someone can successfully appear in the wooden circle..."

The classmates dispersed, and Grindelwald did not know when he appeared. He stood in the corner, chasing Harry who was following behind Tekros. He observed it carefully, his lips trembling slightly, as if he was looking at a rare treasure.

The Apparition class didn't end until noon. Several professors moved the long dining table back to its original position, and the exhausted sixth graders and some seventh graders stayed straight to wait for lunch to begin. Harry took the opportunity to ask about the certificate of Apparition.

"Professor Tekros didn't say the reason directly, but I think it may be due to concerns," Hermione said softly to Harry. "After all, if the Ministry of Magic issued us a certificate last year, it would obviously violate the rules, but this year is different..."

It took Harry a long time to figure out the logic, they didn't use Apparition at school, and the school year was almost over in July, only a month before he came of age, and it didn't matter to the Ministry of Magic at all.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Harry stood in front of the stone monster in front of the headmaster's office and said the command "Blow Treasure Super Bubble Gum". The monster jumped aside, the wall behind it cracked, and Harry stepped up the spiral stone staircase, and as he ascended the stairs he couldn't help but fantasize about what Dumbledore would teach him later.

The stairs stopped, and a brass knocker in the shape of a griffin hung from the gleaming oak door.

Harry caught his breath and clenched the doorknocker.

Knock knock knock! The door opened silently.

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