A Certain Hogwarts Magician Professor

Chapter 644 Observation Report

"You didn't reveal a word, didn't you?" Harry said with a grin.

Ron looked at the twins' clothes.

"How much will this cost?"

Fred shook his head with a pretentious sigh, took out his wand and waved it lightly, and three goblets flew over and landed on Harry and the others. Fred and George stepped forward to clink glasses with them and drank it. "Then I'll leave you alone," Fred said.

"People keep saying your names." George said with a smile: "Especially the fat professor, who is mentioned once in three sentences on average. We suspect that some of you have secretly cursed him."

The two moved out of the way - "Wait, wait!" Harry shouted, but it was too late.

"Harry, my child!" Professor Slughorn saw the three Harrys sharply, and he immediately walked towards them with his big belly bound by the brown vest, a few shiny gold buttons staring like creature eyes follow them.

There was silence in the office for a few seconds, and all kinds of eyes shot from all directions, which was one of the reasons why Harry didn't like this environment. Luckily he saw Mrs Weasley waving at them happily, which made it easy for Professor Slughorn to drag him.

"And you two," Slughorn told Ron and Hermione as they walked away, "I talked to your parents for a long time—er—the importance of homeschooling." But he didn't Take Harry to the Weasleys and the Grangers, but bypass the crowd and join the conversation with Amelia Burns.

He placed Harry forcibly between Ernie and Cormac McLaggen, and said with a smile, "Look, you'll never find a bond stronger than the friendship you made in school." Harry stared at him , with a stiff expression.

He didn't know when he had a 'strong friendship' with Ernie and McLaggen.

For the next period, Harry remained silent the entire time.

He found that Professor Slughorn revolved most of the conversation around Ms. Burns, occasionally devoting some attention to Sirius. This seems to coincide with the thoughts of the McMillans and the McLagans, so Sirius only needs to occasionally echo two sentences, and the rest of the time is used to observe the uncomfortable godson.

Ms. Burns's answer was concise and clear. During the whole conversation, except for smiling at Harry, she was basically expressionless, but this was more in line with the image of an iron-blooded minister - Azkaban More than 300 foreign wizards are still imprisoned.

Out of the corner of Harry's eyes, he caught a glimpse of Susan Burns sitting in the corner, nibbling at the apple, and seemed to catch Harry's gaze, and she slipped away nimbly, mixing into the crowd.

At this time, Felix and Snape came together.

Neville tugged at his father's sleeve. Frank Longbottom was chatting with the Grangers about the exclusive wand. "Gee—that's amazing. We've always wondered whose talent our daughter has inherited..."

"what's wrong?"

When Neville's father looked up, his expression was first of joy, and then the joy on his face quickly turned cold when he saw Snape following Felix. Snape glanced here, whispered a few words to Felix, and turned to look for Damocles Belby.

Felix joined the conversation eagerly.

On the other side, when Ms. Burns saw him, she quickly responded and walked towards him. At the same time, an old woman sprang from the corner, her hair was gray, and her footsteps were hurrying. The eyes of the two met and each stopped.

Felix showed a hint of surprise at the right time. Burns quickly weighed the pros and cons in his mind, turned to face the old woman, "Ms. Pinkstone, we need to talk." The old woman gave her a contemptuous look and left.

"Who is that woman?" asked Mr. Granger curiously.

Felix shook his head, so Mr. Granger continued to tell the story of how he got his exclusive wand, "I also signed up with my wife with the attitude of giving it a try, and the staff told us that there might be a long queue. The team has to pass various reviews... As a result, I received a notification the next day, and the whole process went incredibly smoothly."

Felix winked at Hermione, who blushed.

"I don't think anyone would refuse to give a favor to the Merlin Medal winner."

Mr. Granger froze for a moment.

"Oh, is that right?" he said suddenly, somewhat disturbed. "I heard that man has been arrested? We subscribed to several magical newspapers and kept a close eye on the situation... It is said that the mysterious man - the name is strange. - Made a deal with the former Azkaban prison guard, and traded human emotions for powerful spellcasting abilities."

"Dad - as I said, let you watch The Quibbler less!" Hermione cried, blushing even more.

"But only this newspaper gave an explanation..." Seeing his daughter's expressionless face, Mr. Granger decisively changed the subject, "Mr. Hepp—"

"You can call me Felix."

"...Okay, Felix," he said. "We bought a whole set of magic projectors, and I especially liked the 'immersive' mode, it's amazing, it's like we've also become characters in the movie, However, when using it, the doors and windows must be locked, and the sign of 'no foreigners' must be hung up."

"Hermione," said Mrs. Granger with a deliberate sullen face, her attention being on other things, "look at your hair—you didn't send home a speed smoother? And clothes, don't you always Are you all wearing this?"

Hermione let out an annoyed cry and ran away angrily. Mrs Granger ran after him.

"My daughter—well, she was stubborn from an early age," Mr. Granger tried to explain.

"...I can understand."

On the other side, Harry and Sirius, finally freed, wandered around the arena with food in their hands.

"That woman is Carlotta Pinkstone?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, a complete nuisance, leave her alone, Harry." Sirius slurped a piece of strawberry pudding into his mouth. "As if we weren't in enough trouble."

"What's the matter?" Harry asked worriedly, thinking of Sirius' investigation mission. "It's not going well?"

Sirius sucked Jabana fiercely.

"Smooth - that's why the problem is big." He had a toothache expression, "a lot of things are on the bright side."

"What's that for? You don't look like you're okay."

"Well, I just tested someone's theory, in fact—go this way, Harry." Sirius looked up and saw that the two had unknowingly slipped to Felix's side, and Felix showed him the White teeth. He hurriedly pulled Harry around and continued, "Like I said, just running errands and handing in Felix's books is not bad."

"However, I have figured out one thing in the past few months."

Sirius became serious: "Muggles are different from wizards, they can derive huge theories through simple principles, and because there are enough people, they have enough people to fully realize the potential of these theories. They named 'Basic scientific theory' stuff..."

"This means that the speed of Muggle development can be estimated - of course there are exceptions, but roughly the same - I can feel more and more that there is a line ahead, and once this line is crossed, the wizard It's going to be very difficult for us to keep it a secret."

Harry listened with a heavy heart. He remembered the clip of the speech Professor Bagshot showed him. Did the man from more than half a century ago, like Professor Hepp, foresee the inevitable exposure of the wizard? It's just that Grindelwald finally chose to start a war and try to enslave Muggles.

He vaguely described Professor Bagshot's point to Sirius, who stopped chewing and looked at Harry thoughtfully.

"I don't know what Dumbledore was thinking, but since he picked this Mr. Bagshot as the Defence Against the Dark Arts professor, it means he's aware of the problem. You think that professor is hostile to Muggles?"

"Neither," said Harry, searching his stomach for the exact word, "I guess he thinks wizards and Muggles are two groups, and once wizards are exposed - you know, there could be a conflict - "Speaking, he suddenly stopped breathing.

He thought about war.

Sirius caught the anxious look on his face, seemed to guess what Harry was thinking, and said sternly.

"Rest assured, it's not a big problem. I agree with Felix that we have at least a few decades to prepare - don't forget, the Minister for Magic has actually been in touch with the Muggle Prime Minister, not completely closed. "

He spoke suddenly in a lower voice, and Harry leaned in to hear better.

"Frankly, I have some admiration for Felix - but don't tell him, save him complacency - both for pointing out the problem and for doing those things quietly and laying the groundwork for us... Ami Leah already has a general idea."

"What idea?" Harry asked, holding his breath, his eyes following the godfather to Professor Hepp in the crowd.

"Gradually increase the connection between the two sides." Sirius said, picking up a spare rib, "The Squib problem is a good entry point. Now that there is a special wand, the number of Squibs that can cast spells will definitely increase in the future - we It has not been released yet, but there is a trend-a conservative estimate, there are hundreds of thousands of squibs in the country, or even more, because squibs also have descendants."

"Amelia is going to wait two years for the situation to stabilize, and use this as an excuse to secretly negotiate with the Muggle government to set up a special department that is kept secret from ordinary people."

"Why keep it a secret from ordinary people?" Harry asked incredulously.

"One step at a time," Sirius shrugged, "actually, cooperation means that there will be more government workers who know about the existence of wizards. First, open a hole and send people from both sides to jointly manage what happens in the Muggle community. After a few years of perseverance, the two sides will have a foundation of mutual trust, and then let go of the wind a little bit..."

Harry swallowed.

"Don't think it's simple, but it's very complicated to do, and there are various details that need to be clarified. For example, we are still in a blank in the relevant laws, and both parties need to make concessions. It's a headache to think about. "

That's enough. Although he still didn't know the full picture of the plan, Harry's tense mood had relaxed. Just now he thought conflict was inevitable, but after a few minutes things took a turn for the worse, and for a moment Harry felt like he didn't understand anything.

"You're still in school," Sirius smiled understandingly. "A lot of knowledge can't be learned on campus. I strongly recommend that you travel for a year or two after graduation, and then enter the Ministry of Magic as an Auror."

Harry lowered his head and remained silent, as if thinking about the feasibility of the plan.

"What if conflict is inevitable?" he blurted out, Sirius looked at him in amazement, and Harry explained in a low voice, "I mean, we're all looking for the best right now, aren't we? If there's an accident, like The Muggle government does not recognize the status of the Ministry of Magic—"

"They have to admit," said Sirius flatly, "do you think the Ministry of Magic just keeps wizards from being discovered? Who is suppressing the power of the dark wizards? Who restrains the dark creatures from going out and harming people? The Ministry of Magic You can hide at any time, or even withdraw from the UK, and then what? It's going to be a paradise for dark wizards, you don't think dark wizards are stupid enough to take on the Muggle army head-on?"

After a long silence, Harry opened his mouth several times, unable to imagine the consequences of this happening.

"Let's talk about something happy," Sirius said suddenly excitedly: "How is your Animagus study? I heard that more than two dozen students got excellent in the O.W.Ls exam?"

Harry laughed too.

"Yeah, you're very gifted as a teacher. But—well, we're stuck at the first step, and even Hermione can't think of a surefire way."

A smile crossed Sirius' face, and he made a sudden grimace at Harry.

"To be honest," he said with a stern face, "do you think we elders are quite useless?"

"How is that possible—" Harry quickly denied.

"What makes you think Animagos is easy? It took James and I almost three years to do this, with a little bit of luck, and we're not sure if we can do it again. Something went wrong." Sirius said angrily, "It would be nice if you guys could finish it before graduation."

Harry was stunned.

"But you're not talking about Animagus' achievements in Transfiguration—"

Sirius grinned and winked at him, which reminded Harry of Fred and George's successful prank, "Actually, I'm not lying, if you really do it all at once, you really don't have to worry about your Transfiguration class grades. now..."

The atmosphere in Slughorn's office was rapturous, and a heated argument had just ended in the bathroom not far from here.

Ms. Burns came out in a rage, she was talking in vain, Pinkstone was too hostile to the Ministry of Magic, and no matter what she said, Pinkstone thought he was cheating on her, and the only purpose was to stabilize her , waiting for her natural death.

Burns took a few deep breaths to calm his emotions, then turned and strode toward the banquet. A moment later, Carlotta Pinkstone also appeared, her face gloomy.

"You're arguing fiercely, Carlotta," said a voice, and Pinkstone turned sharply. She hesitated at first, then stared deeply at the pair of silver-blue pupils and opened her mouth wide.

"G, Green—"

"Shh." The man put his index finger on his lips and said softly. Pinkstone fell silent immediately, his pale face flushed with excitement, and he stammered, "Really, I didn't expect to meet you here."

"But I've been waiting for you. From the first time I heard your name, I had a hunch that the little English girl who single-handedly came to me half a century ago would appear in front of me in an incredible way. It's tough, but you like it, don't you?"

"Yes, yes, I only hate that my claim has not been realized." She looked at Grindelwald expectantly, "Are you coming out to do something this time?"

"But - Carlotta - there are small differences in our ideas."

"Yes, but—"

"Can I trust you?"

"Of course! What do you need me for?"

A moment of silence.

"Wait," Grindelwald whispered. "Just know that our business has not stopped."

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