A Certain Hogwarts Magician Professor

Chapter 640 Tempting Training

The students once again saw the cunning of Professor Hepp.

He didn't even intend to give the students much time to think about - let alone a week, and while the others were hesitating, he called Harry up by name. "How can an aspiring Auror lack courage?"

Before he could react, Harry was dragged into the golden circle and stood up.

"Since it's an experience class, let's just save some trouble, what do you think?" Felix asked with a smile, Harry's heart skipped a beat, and he said, "That's right—um—" "Great. ' said Felix, and then he reached out, and Harry's body shrunk rapidly into a grey rabbit of the same size as Susan Burns.

"Wow!" Susan exclaimed, and couldn't help but get closer.

"No touching," said Ron warily. Susan rolled her eyes angrily, but she couldn't bear to look away from the furry little guy lying on the ground.

"Are you still keeping your sanity, Potter?" Felix asked Harry, the rabbit on the ground nodded sharply and opened its mouth blankly. The suppressed screams seemed to be Harry's admirers. Felix glanced at her, fine, you'll be next.

"So, let's start asking questions...the first..."

Harry found himself in a strange state, his consciousness seemed to be rudely stuffed into a small drawer, overcrowded, making him uncomfortable. Then his brain shuddered, and all kinds of incredible information came flooding in—first, small loud noises, the rustling of clothes, the squeak of shoes against the floor, laughter, whispers... ...they seem to have been filtered through some kind of container, and then burrowed into their ears;

Professor Hepp's tone was also different from normal, and became more sharp.

Then there are changes in sight and smell.

It was the first time Harry could see directly behind his head - he could see both Professor Hepp and his classmates in front, and Professor McGonagall and the rest of the students behind him, and their skin color was also different. It became very weird, showing a dark and cold tone with the surrounding tables and chairs, and it was a little blurry. Harry didn't know if it was because of his shortsightedness.

If this factor is ruled out, the remaining reason is obvious: the rabbit's eyesight is not very good, and it may not be able to catch up with itself. But Harry found their sense of smell pretty good, and he could now clearly tell the smell of bear biscuits in the air.

"Potter?" Felix asked with concern. "Have you gotten used to it yet?" Harry came to his senses, shaking his head first, then nodding. Felix smiled understandingly, and raised the volume slightly so that others could hear his voice.

"There are many differences in sensory organs between humans and animals, so it is often difficult to adapt after transformation, causing unnecessary panic. This is also a difficulty when Animagus first transformed..."

"Is that so?" someone in the crowd asked Susan in a low voice.

Susan shook her head in confusion and whispered, "It seems like this, my hearing and smell have become more sensitive, but my eyesight has deteriorated greatly, but I was too scared at the time, and only thought about the professor's question-" "No wonder you have a paragraph Time has closed its eyes." Her companion suddenly realized.

Several students whispered "Oops!"

Felix almost repeated the question just now.

Harry lasted a few minutes longer than Susan Burns, but not to a surprising degree.

When he was watching Susan Burns' experience before, he thought about how to deal with this situation if he encountered it. His first thought was to rely on Occlumency. But when he was really transformed, he found that the real situation was completely different from what he imagined: he seemed to have lost his magical ability, and Occlumency was no exception, and he could only resist with will. But sojourned in the body of a beast, his mind inevitably became confused, the instincts in the body began to manifest, and gradually gained the upper hand, and he found his will becoming heavier and more tired, as if a voice said, get some sleep...

At this time, Felix raised his wand, and after the loud noise, Harry returned to his original shape. He was gasping for breath and felt a little dizzy for a while, and Felix helped him up. "I'm fine—no, no need for medicine," Harry panted, as Occlumency kicked in, removing any remaining unpleasant effects from his brain. He returned to the team.

"Your reaction is a bit big," Ron said worriedly. "Is it really that powerful? More exaggerated than the Imperius?"

"It's okay," Harry muttered softly, "it's like a temporary change of body, I kind of understand the fall--" There was a gasp from the side. "—Why is Voldemort out of his mind?" He insisted on finishing his words.

On the other side, Felix called up another student, this time a witch, the one who was suspected to be Harry's admirer just now.

"Students who have had transfiguration experience stand together and exchange their experiences against beastization. Miss Elvira, do you want to try it? As far as I know, you have good grades in transfiguration and potions..."

Elvira glanced at Harry, who had walked over to Susan Burns, and agreed after hesitating for a few seconds. Professor McGonagall and Hermione stared at him with rather odd expressions, which Felix pretended not to see.

Elvira only lasted for less than five minutes, and then began to ignore Felix's questions. There was no other way, he could only change her back, and Elvira immediately happily ran to Harry's side and chatted happily with them, seemingly unaffected.

In Felix's very skillful persuasion, all the students actively or passively experienced a rabbit perspective. When the last person finished, these students felt a burst of relief for no reason, and it seemed that it was not as difficult as they imagined. Many people accompany them to persevere.

When the students left talking and laughing, they had already regarded their morning experience as a novel and interesting experience class, and many were ready to brag to their peers.

"Minerva, I'm worried that this class will lead to a wave of imitation among the students. It's best to publicize it in the near future, and it is strictly forbidden to deform the students in private."

Felix groped his chin and thought. Professor McGonagall snorted as an answer, she was not satisfied with Felix's behavior of inducing students with words, "This approach reminds me of Professor Bagshot, but he-" Professor McGonagall hesitated for a while, but still didn't Speaking out her suspicions that Bagshot is a saint, she pursed her lips and said, "He has been placed on probation now."

"Minerva, I'm not the same as Professor Bagshot." Felix shrugged, "I just dispel the fear in the minds of the students and let them know that their fear is just the 'unknown' itself, after all - sometimes we have to Acknowledging that decisions made without knowledge are often neither rational nor objective."

Professor McGonagall opened his mouth, somewhat persuaded. She swallowed, then said, "Okay—you've got a point, but do you know who I'm thinking of?" Before Felix could answer, she simply announced the answer, "It's Dumbledore. Lido. It's all full of outlandish ideas, but the last time he'd been so vocal was trying to convince me to add a Muggle snack to the school menu—"

"You agree?" Felix asked in surprise.

"Of course not!" Professor McGonagall said angrily, as if he had been wronged: "He's already unreliable, especially this semester... Hmph, I won't..." She was rather annoyed Whispering, apparently on his mind for a long time, Felix served as the listener well, nodding, smiling, and echoing in short words from time to time.

"This is real?"

"It really surprised me."

"It's really hard for you, Minerva."

Professor McGonagall stopped, her face flushed slightly, she rearranged her square glasses, feeling a little embarrassed by her gaffe, she changed the subject bluntly, "By the way, what's the matter with your Transfiguration ?" She glanced at his arm suddenly.

"Human deformation." Felix pretended to be stupid.

Professor McGonagall said with some disapproval: "I'm a professor of Transfiguration."

When she left, Felix put his hands in his pockets and frowned. The question that has been lingering in my mind for a long time resurfaced. Is there something wrong with Dumbledore's body? He couldn't see it now, which seemed to mean one thing, Dumbledore went much deeper into the realm of the soul than he did.

But Dumbledore didn't want to talk about it, and he got no response to several sidetracks.

Felix suddenly felt a little tricky.

Time passed by day by day, and in the blink of an eye, we entered December. The middle school students took several more unique Animagus teaching classes, and the content they were exposed to became more and more advanced, involving part of the knowledge of human body deformation.

"What did I say?" Professor McGonagall roared at Ron. "Just be familiar with how magic is mobilized, don't let it work—" Ron grimaced, his arms two normal people. It is so thick, and the skin surface also grows fine scales.

Professor McGonagall waved his wand, restoring his arm to its original shape.

Four weeks had passed since the first class, a few more snows had fallen, and the weather was getting colder. Felix's approach really worked. No students quit voluntarily, only two people were persuaded to quit because they couldn't keep up with the progress. Their willpower and transformation skills were too poor.

As students became comfortable with the course itself, Felix thought of new and less labor-intensive teaching methods.

for example--

One day, Professor McGonagall came a little late, and when she arrived, she found that the staff lounge was full of single-person tables used for wizarding rank exams. On the table were small animals, including rabbits, owls, ferrets, Honey badgers, foxes, lion cubs, eagles, hounds...they stayed on the table, their movements stiff, like a row of taxidermy.

Two or three inches above the heads of these animals, there are all kinds of snacks suspended, nuts, fruit preserves, owl food, sausages, meat patties, etc., emitting a tempting aroma. The creature beneath the food raised its head from time to time to survey it eagerly, then quickly looked away.

Professor McGonagall was stunned.

In addition, Felix also specially set up supervisors.

A house-elf stood respectfully in the empty chair, hands clasped nervously at his chest, as if in prayer. He has a bulging nose and big bat-shaped ears swung around with his head, dutifully surveying the wonderful scenery in the staff lounge.

Soon his eyes lit up. "Mr. Hepp," the house-elf shrieked suddenly, gesturing excitedly at a honey badger. Professor McGonagall looked in the direction of his fingers. The little guy supported his body on his two hind legs, and his forelegs waving comically in the air, trying to reach a piece of yellow honey above.

"Nice job, Uncle Yun," Felix praised, turning a page of the book without hesitation, then flicking his wand.

The Honey Badger turned into a wizard in the blink of an eye, and Justin walked over to the chair next to him and sat down. "Thirteen and a half minutes, not bad." Felix said calmly. But he was the first to fail, Justin thought disappointedly, even a few girls outlasted him.


He lowered his head and saw a sniffle looking up at him, holding a piece of parchment in his hand, urging him constantly.

The professor really spared no effort... Justin thought, not only brought Sniff to the ancient Rune class, but now he uses it as an assistant. He took the parchment and began to fill in the contents on it carefully. It is said that these questionnaires will be collected by the Hogwarts Library and are likely to be stored in the forbidden books area.

"Thinking - relatively clear; self-judgment, seven points; today's deformed sample - um - honey badger, feeling... not used to it, restrained... no feeling like a duck to water as mentioned by other students... prepare to choose next time- —" He raised his head, looking for inspiration from among the small animals.

After thinking for a moment, he lowered his head and wrote, "Pine Marten." Justin put a question mark on it, thought about it, and decided to cross it out and fill in "pheasant" instead. Today, many people have chosen their Patronus form, maybe he can try it too.

Soon, the second student was restored to human form, and one after another, they skillfully found a place to sit down and began to fill out the questionnaire. Others picked up a can of softener from the table, poured a small glass for themselves, drank it silently, and enjoyed the moment when others made a fool of themselves.

A white peacock walked up and down the table with majesty, and then flew down, making an "oh-oh-" cry. There was a flash of white light, and Draco Malfoy appeared pale, staggering onto the table.

His eyes collided with the little lion lying on the table, and Draco gave it a stern look, then turned to stare at the slick hound. A few tables away, a pocket-sized beaver kept cocking the tip of its nose and its whiskers up and down.

Within five minutes, they were all students.

Before get out of class, Felix and Professor McGonagall gave the students some fresh leaves one by one.

"Is this a mandrake leaf?" Ron looked at his share in amazement. "It doesn't look like much."

"Because that's not Mandrake, Weasley." Felix smiled slyly, "I grabbed it from the Christmas tree that Hagrid moved into the auditorium this morning. He didn't even notice it. curse……"

"Nice job, Professor." Ron whistled softly.

Professor McGonagall ignored the stupid remarks between them, cleared her throat, and said to the crowd: "Christmas is two weeks away, and now is the time - now that you've come this far - I and I Felix intends to gradually introduce you to the preparations for Animagus from today."

"The blade that was given to you is enchanted, and next time we meet, I want you to make sure it's still in your mouth."

"I'll send out real mandrake leaves then."

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