A Certain Hogwarts Magician Professor

Chapter 636 After Halloween

The office door opened.

"Hello," Felix stared blankly at Harry, Ron, and Hermione, who took a flinching step back. "Staying up so late... Swimming to the door of the professor's office... looking for me?" Behind them, Ginny rolled her eyes, her eyes kept jumping between them; Luna looked dazed.

When I heard the word 'night tour', all the questions were smothered in my throat.

Hermione hid her fierce eyes, held Varen up, and whispered, "Oh, Professor, let's come and give Varen back to you... Do you know where we found her? Run away. so far."

Felix blinked his eyes and muttered, "I'm surprised too, just after drinking a glass of water, the little guy disappeared... Thank you."

He reached out to take Varen over, but Hermione pulled it back, leaving him in the air. She hugged Warren and glared at him at the same time, as if shocked that he was able to get away with it. Warren fluttered excitedly in Hermione's arms, chirping at him with a heartbroken look.

"What is Warren talking about?" Hermione asked knowingly.

"Thank you for sending her back." Felix glanced at the angry Sniff and said calmly.

Hermione puffed out her cheeks. The only person who can be so irritating is the professor herself. She put aside most of her worries, gave Valen to Felix, thought about it and said, "Hmm...Professor? I recently saved some questions on ancient runes. , can I come over and ask you for advice tomorrow?"

"...don't come too early, I want to sleep in." Felix said dryly, so Hermione pretended to be obedient and stepped back to stop talking, and he turned his eyes to the others.

Harry and Ron shook their heads quickly. They were forcibly pulled over by Hermione. Although they had doubts, it was obviously not a good time to ask questions. There was already a gray-green glow in the sky. The howling made them just want to go back to their warm and comfortable beds and get up early tomorrow and have training.

Ginny also waved her hand, indicating that she had no doubts. Luna asked calmly, "Professor, does the Crooked Snorer really exist?"

Felix hesitated for a moment and said, "I can't give you the answer either, maybe it really exists in some corner of the world--" Luna's two-way bulging eyes opened in surprise. "That's what I thought too! So I took the Fantastic Creatures class!"

"—Well, that's fine. But you have to be mentally prepared that not all searches have good results."

"Like the Resurrection Stone?" Luna asked.

"Yes," Felix said slowly, "but it's not the same. I promised you to keep an eye on it, remember?"

Luna beamed.

"Oh, yes! I remember," she said. "Maybe Firenze was right. When the time comes, it'll show up on its own. Like the things I lost." Ginny said sternly. " You didn't lose them at all, someone deliberately hid them to play tricks on you."

"You're right," Luna said calmly. "Good night, oh, good morning. I'm going back to sort out my dad and my letters. Dad sends two letters a week this year, and I've already I can't carry them down, so I can only put them up first." She fluttered away.

Ron stared at her back.

"What letter?"

When they were all sent away, Felix closed the door, and when he looked back, he saw Warren jumping on the sofa, writing in the air with a quill in his hand, two lines in the blink of an eye, and he didn't stop at all. I mean, it seems to be preparing for a long speech.

Felix glanced at the word at the beginning, it was 'liar', he walked over and grabbed Niu Niu with a smile, "Oh, what words are you practicing, it's so late, sleep, sleep."

Warren watched in despair as the indictment got further and further away from him. "Bang!" The bedroom door was closed, and the magic light went out. Only a few crooked lines shone in the darkness, proving that the night was not peaceful.

The castle became icy and snowy. It snowed for two days in a row, and the grounds were covered with a thick layer of snow that was knee-deep.

Felix was lounging on the sofa, wrapped in a quilt, with a letter on the small table from Carlotta Pinkstone, the seventy-four-year-old activist fondly calling him For 'my dear comrade-in-arms that I have never met', obviously, Carlota thinks that she can win Felix on her side. For this reason, she may have made up a lot of lessons these days and mentioned him as best she could. Contribution to the magical world, and now 'deeply hope to meet'.

She also told Felix to be cautious, saying that she was 'inconvenient at the moment' because the evil Ministry of Magic had sent two people to watch over her, 'one clumsy, with an overly enthusiastic dazed look; the other sneering, aristocratic hypocrisy and arrogance. ’

Felix only thought for less than half a minute, then picked up the quill and wrote a brief letter to Tonks, asking about her current situation.

The owl brought a reply in less than half an hour.

Felix took out the map and searched for a while, and found the two names in the Three Broomsticks pub in Hogsmeade village. Unexpectedly, he also saw Collins Foley, but he couldn't find her with him. 'Aristocratic hypocrisy and arrogance' are linked.

There was a knock on the door.

Felix stared blankly at the door, the door opened by itself, Hermione jumped in happily, she came the next day, and the reason was to ask how to use the Book of Runes. But Felix had been waiting for her to ask her about the night she strayed into the Hogwarts campus in the 1940s.

"Sit down, Miss Granger."

Felix stood up, wrapped himself in the quilt and changed into the bedroom, returning with two cups of hot cocoa. "Thanks," said Hermione, pointing to the letter on the table. "They were in Hogsmeade last weekend. Oh, sorry, I accidentally saw it when I moved the table."

"Hogsmeade? Who are you talking about?"

"Tonks, Collins, and Carlotta Pinkstone," Hermione said, sipping her hot cocoa, squinting happily, "Ron ran into them last weekend in Hogsmeade. "

Felix nodded, not wanting to talk more.

"Professor," Hermione inhaled softly, "if you're not going to make contact with her, it's best to tell her directly."

"This is not the time," Felix muttered.

He thought for a moment, then said, "You write me a reply and say - well, I can't go against the Ministry of Magic, the rules are important - yes, just tell her that." Hermione wrote quickly. Sending a text message and showing it to him, Felix smiled, "Very good."

When the owl flew out the window, Hermione said, "She's definitely not going to let it go."

Felix shrugged. "But that's a matter of the future. Well, Miss Granger, let's continue talking about the Book of Rune. There are only two people in this world at present, and the sample is too small. Many conclusions can only be guessed and then verified... What do you think? Did it help you much?"

Felix wanted to know the effect of the Book of Rune on the 'normal' people, that is, those who were not Master Rune.

"I can't say it either," Hermione thought seriously, "I've been busy filling my understanding of Rune for more than a month. The feedback you mentioned is very little, but I do feel that my control of ancient Rune has changed. It's stronger... I just don't know if it's an illusion, other students have made great progress."

"How many ancient magics have you mastered?"

"Five in total, including the two taught in class." Hermione held out a hand.

Felix was lost in thought.

"You may not see the effect in the short term. When you are looking at the Book of Rune in the future - I believe you will do this. If you suddenly feel that you have any fantastic idea, don't suppress it, and let your reason rest for a while. Give it to your own inspiration, and maybe there will be unexpected harvests.”

"Yes, Professor."

It was nearly noon when Warren came out dazedly wrapped in a small blanket that looked like he was wearing a fur cloak. It came over, let out a feeble cry, and said hello, and climbed onto the sofa. Hermione scratched Varen's chin.

"Harry and they're training?" Felix asked, and they were now talking about something unrelated to Rune.

"Oh, yeah." Hermione laughed, and couldn't help it. "They've been training hard, Harry and Ron, and Ginny. Because the original Quidditch commentator, Lee Jordan, graduated this year. Now, Luna's ready to apply, no, she's been picked, she's the only one...Harry is horrified."

Felix blinked and smiled. As we all know, Luna is a very special girl, no one knows what her hosting style is like, and since she is familiar with half of the Gryffindor players, it is naturally Harry and the others who are most affected.

"Professor? Ms. Burns recently gave me some information about the living conditions of the humanoid race, and I found out..."


The Halloween party went by without a hitch. Not much changed from previous years, except that a student led a ten-foot-tall fire dragon into the auditorium, frightening all the little wizards. When people calmed down, it was discovered that the student had sneaked into the Transfiguration classroom and stole a batch of Transfiguration smoke that Professor McGonagall had purchased privately.

The atmosphere was very lively. Although the details of the fake fire dragon are slightly rough, but with the cheerful festive atmosphere, it still won the whole house. Just because the effect was so good, even Professor McGonagall was alarmed. After that, the students never saw the student at the dinner party again.

"Fred and George have successors," said Ron reassuringly.

"I don't know which House," Hermione said in surprise. "Hopefully not Gryffindor."

"It's unlikely." Harry said in a low voice, "I heard a group of students in the lounge discussing the traditional activities of the 'Swear to Keep the School Rules' club, and someone mentioned the fire dragon..."

"what is that?"

"Fire dragon?"

"No, it's a 'traditional activity'."

"You said that!" Ron interjected cheerfully, "No one knows the truth - but they say Fred and George leave an invisible rule before they graduate, and every member must contribute to the success of the school rules, so —"

"In this way?" Hermione stared.

"Yeah, at least next year's Halloween, no one will be leading a fire dragon through the market."

After a few more snowfalls after Halloween, the snow outside the field is now several feet deep, and the students would rather take a detour than pass through the vegetable garden, where the terrain is uneven and easy for some short students to step on Sora buried himself.

The Halloween decorations have not completely disappeared. Occasionally, a few stray bats or jack-o-lanterns with small candles can be seen floating in the hallway. The professors and students find it very interesting, and no one cares about them. , let the candlelight in the jack-o-lantern become more and more gloomy.

"Unfortunately, this class is in the same group with Malfoy again," said Ron, staring at the pale green candle, and he couldn't wait to complain as soon as they came out of the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom.

Harry cast a sympathetic look.

As the content of the course deepened, Professor Bagshot was no longer satisfied with petty fights, but let the students duel in pairs. It's just that the rules are a little different: one side of the duel must close his eyes to the enemy. As for who will do the unpleasant job, it will be decided by lottery. And Ron was always drawn to the next lottery.

Few of the students were able to stay intact until the end of the get out of class, and a large number of students spontaneously asked Harry and the others for tips on the Humanoid Armor Charm.

This spell is well-received because it defends against regular hexes, doesn't need to be maintained, and doesn't interfere with normal spellcasting. Harry, Ron, and Hermione were all proficient at the Humanoid Iron Armor, and Neville, Seamus, Dean and other frontline lookout station members could barely grasp it, so in theory, they were safe in class. But there are exceptions to everything, and Draco Malfoy was that exception.

When he spent a lot of time mastering the Throwing Spell, Ron had a hard time. Although the humanoid iron armor can resist small firearms (from Professor Bagshot's evaluation, which is why he allows students to use this spell), it is obviously not resistant to falling and has no shock absorption effect. When Ron couldn't control the release of the spell , he was greeted by a series of spells such as the Horned Spell, the Tickle Spell, and the Nonsense Spell. Of course, Draco Malfoy was not too bad, and Ron's counterattack was equally sharp.

But Draco didn't know when he had mastered a fairly good healing spell, and he carried all kinds of potions with him, which greatly reduced the effect of Ron's revenge, and he was indignant.

"If I let my hands and feet go..." Ron described waving his arms vigorously at lunch, leaving a tacit pause, and the sausage on the fork was thrown far away, hitting Ravenk. On the dining table of the Law School.

"Are you going to treat him like an enemy?" Hermione said, eyebrows knitted tightly.

Ron opened his mouth and stammered, "How? I, uh, I'm joking." When Hermione got up to leave, he whispered to Harry, "I really want to do this, I can spell a lot of spells. What a pity..."

They followed Hermione to the staff lounge next to the auditorium.

There are already quite a few students in it, Neville, Susan Burns, Bryce Shabini, Padma Patil, Ernie McMillan, Justin Finch, and a dozen They stood in the crowd and waited for a while. Draco Malfoy pushed open the door and walked in. Seeing the few Harry at the door, his face was a little gloomy.

There were a total of four professors sitting in the staff lounge—five people to be exact, but Professor Binns was automatically ignored by them—Professor McGonagall, Professor Hip, Professor Snape, and Professor Bagshot.

Felix cleared his throat.

A huge wooden box fell in front of the students, inside which was bound in volumes of thick parchment.

"The study materials of Animagus, Sirius-Professor Black promised to give you, I hope you haven't forgotten his name... You have four days to preview these contents, and every Saturday for the next two months morning--"



Harry's and Draco Malfoy's voices echoed in the staff lounge at the same time, and they looked at each other, then looked away immediately.

"Any questions?"

"There's a Quidditch match this Saturday morning," Harry said bravely, seeing that Malfoy was silent.

"Okay, then change to Sunday morning at 10am - meet here, Professor McGonagall and I will give you tips on practicing Animagus, we'll start experimenting with real transformations around Christmas break, so You have to choose to stay in school this holiday." Felix said not very confidently, because he had thought about transforming students into small animals when preparing for lessons and experiencing that feeling first-hand. As a result, Professor McGonagall, who was worried, found out and criticized him severely.

Although the process is not very good, but the results are gratifying. Someone offered to help split the work, and Felix had nothing to complain about.

The students' eyes lit up with excitement, this is Animagus deformation! At least on the bright side, only eight people (including Rita Skeeter) have mastered this century. If they can learn it, they will definitely be written about.

But when they leaned over to take out the three-inch-thick material from the wooden box, the faces of these people began to turn pale and their bodies swayed involuntarily. Professor McGonagall, who had a serious expression, nodded with satisfaction. Nearly two-thirds of the contents were added by her strong request.

Well, Felix didn't raise any objections.

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