A Certain Hogwarts Magician Professor

Chapter 632 A new beginning, seventeen magic rules

When Harry came out, his head was still dizzy, as if his consciousness was still stuck in Professor Bagshot's office. They sat on the soft sofa cushions, reflecting the red, flickering fire in the fireplace, and chatted about their insights into magic.

Professor Bagshot's theoretical knowledge is very extensive. It's comprehensive, but not overly verbose, and can always use some subtle demonstrations to clearly show personal ideas. In comparison, Harry felt like he couldn't speak, and his mind was a mess.

The thought frustrates him, since he has also taught many student spells in the Frontline Lookout Club.

Harry couldn't help but compare the professors he had come across in this class.

In his first and second grades, he met Quirrell and Lockhart, but he didn't learn much useful knowledge from them.

Quirrell was possessed by Voldemort at the time, and he might have been plotting how to capture the Philosopher's Stone all day long, and was not in the mood to teach. Because it is said that his theoretical knowledge is quite solid, this statement has a certain degree of credibility. Harry has experienced the curse that Quirrell put on his broomstick; of course, it may also be that Quirrell's mind has been corrupted. Always upside down, nervous.

When Harry first learned that he was a Horcrux, he was suspicious for a while, suspecting that Quirrell's face would grow on the back of his head.

And the other - Lockhart - is nothing but the Oblivion Curse, and is currently suffering in Azkaban. But Harry had to admit that if he had to compare the level of excitement in the class, Lockhart was definitely better, because instead of stammering, he was excited and full when reading the text and performing without physical objects. Quirrell, who couldn't even talk, was much stronger.

Harry just thinks that watching Lockhart jump up and down when he's not using himself as a prop to play some sane character can be quite a relief.

Harry's real education in Defence Against the Dark Arts should have started from Professor Damocles Belby (not counting the duel club).

Professor Belby is a master of potions and has developed the wolf's poison potion. To a certain extent, he and Snape have chosen the exact opposite. But Professor Belby himself had said that he was here to fill the void, but Harry still found his series of defense lessons around the Forbidden Forest useful.

In the third grade, the students welcomed Professor Lupin. I don't know if it's mixed with extra subjective emotions, Harry thinks this is the best Defense Against the Dark Arts professor he has ever met, Remus is mild-mannered, friendly to students, and because of his hidden werewolf identity, Lu Touched and dealt with many difficult dark creatures and evil magic. "I'm part of them," Lupin said bitterly at one point, and Harry vehemently opposed the idea. The reason is that many students still miss him dearly - fourth grade at the time, tormented by Moody's teaching methods, and "maybe Professor Hepp asked you to go over and save an ad!"

Harry's perception of Professor Moody was equally complicated, because he knew that part of his admiration and yearning for the legendary Auror was actually disguised by the little Death Eater Crouch, but he decided not to go to the horns. Also learned a lot about how to deal with dark wizards, and absolutely reliable.

Last year the professor of the course was Sirius (in a recent contact, Sirius said he had seen Rita Skeeter on Muggle TV about BSE). Harry guessed that Sirius should also have special tasks as a professor - such as training students to deal with emergencies and actual combat under the threat of the shadow of war. Students in Harry's year generally feel comfortable doing their O.W.Ls practice exams.

And Professor Bagshot-Harry's heart sank, probably because he used to be a saint and held a lot of hostility to Muggles, or, in other words, 'differential treatment'. Harry thought of the speech he had seen today, and it was clear that Grindelwald thought wizards and Muggles were two different groups, and the two were in competition.

Isn't there a secrecy law?

A voice in Harry's head asked himself, what if the secrecy laws were broken? He couldn't think of a solution at all, and it made his heart sink. A sudden cold wind blew snowflakes against his face, and Harry raised his eyes to find that the windows in the hallway were open.

He stepped forward, some tiny ice crystals stuck to the window sills, his fingers were icy cold, he knew winter was coming--"What are you doing?" Filch suddenly appeared, holding a special glowing wand in his hand.

"Close the window," Harry said.

"It's about to turn off the lights, still wandering in the castle, I suspect..." Filch said in a cold, menacing tone, Mrs. Norris hid under the shadow of her master, rubbing comfortably against Filch's trousers.

"So it's not curfew time yet?" Harry exclaimed. "Thanks for the reminder!" He strode away, and behind him came Filch's gasping voice, and then he heard Filch muttering in a low voice. A spell was cast, and the window slammed shut.

Some relationships are difficult to improve. Harry thought to himself as he climbed the stairs, he thought of Draco Malfoy, they were destined to be difficult to be friends, there were too many grudges in front of them, unless force majeure forced them together - like in class. Group training.

Thinking that in two more years, the two people after graduation may not have contact for the rest of their lives, Harry inevitably felt a little melancholy. In his mind, Hogwarts was the first place he felt like home.

The next day, at the auditorium table.

"So, Professor Bagshot didn't punish you at all and discussed magic with you?" Ron's tone sounded a little jealous.

"Yeah," said Harry, telling Ron and Hermione about last night's experience over the porridge (minus the saints).

"He's not so unkind," Ron smacked, his attitude towards Professor Bagshot was much better, and even Hermione was slightly surprised, "But why did he keep you in jail?"

"My thesis does have quite a few problems," Harry said with a shrug.

He didn't think he'd make excuses for Professor Bagshot, but he really didn't want to expose that the professor was a saint, that's all over, isn't it? Propaganda will only make Professor Bagshot embarrassed. He thinks of Remus's werewolf identity. When Remus confessed to them, it didn't take long to submit his resignation.

"By the way, Hermione," Harry asked casually, "how much do you know about Grindelwald?"

Hermione took a breath, though he had tried to understate it. "Why do you suddenly remember to ask this?" "Well, because . . . when I was eating chocolate frogs in Professor Bagshot's office yesterday—" "He Would you like some snacks?" Ron interrupted. "—Yeah, I drew a Dumbledore card, you know, we know Nick Lemay, but we don't know much about Grindelwald's past."

Hermione frowned slightly, as if thinking seriously.

"Harry, there are very few existing research materials on Grindelwald, oh, it's not that I didn't mention it, I mean, the part about him is pitiful, his childhood, his upbringing... He seems to be Suddenly he became a well-known figure, inciting riots, disrupting local order, and creating all kinds of sensational violence. It's all documented..."

Hermione kept talking, but stopped when she saw Harry's expression.

"What's wrong?" she asked anxiously.

"Is there a record of his speech?" Harry asked softly, trying to keep the direction in his words less obvious, as if it was just a whim, "I think he should be a very attractive person, after all To pull up such a large army of wizards..."

Hermione shook her head, and she whispered, "I don't know."

"So all we know is that he's a powerful dark wizard, inflammatory, and—he uses the Deathly Hallows symbol as his logo." Ron concluded, "Sounds like a tough opponent, but luckily he's been Dumbledore defeated."

After speaking, he continued to deal with the fried eggs and sausages on his plate, obviously not taking it to heart. Harry didn't want to attract attention, so for the next two days, he just took the opportunity to consult the reference books, stood by the bookshelf in the library, and quickly browsed the few books mentioned by Hermione.

From the point of view of the book, Grindelwald is a bad man, the enemy who undermines the stable cornerstone of the wizarding world.

On Thursday evening, Harry stumbled across Luna walking across the grounds, dressed in new fashion, and suddenly realized that it was the weekend, and he hadn't given Luna an answer. Ron and Hermione took opposite views on the matter.

"Why are we going to smelly sewers?" Ron's face puckered. "Not to mention going into the girls' bathroom—I don't want to deal with Myrtle anymore."

"You don't have to," said Hermione.

"Leave Ginny alone? Mom would kill me if she knew," Ron cried.

That's right, the content of their discussion has changed, not whether to teach Luna that Parseltongue, but whether to take time to accompany them to search the secret room. Harry didn't want to go in the bottom of his heart, because this adventure was doomed to fail, and the real Resurrection Stone was on Dumbledore's hand!

"...you don't know how much training you've been doing lately, Perks and Gut call you a tyrant in private," Ron said to Harry, who was stunned, "yes," Ron nodded understandingly, "thankfully Katie Bell educates them about how Wood tortured players when he was still around, and you're better than him."

"Maybe I should add a little more training so they don't have time to gossip," Harry said through gritted teeth.

Ron shrank his neck.

"Let's find a night, go and get back," Harry said with determination, and Hermione raised an eyebrow. "If I understand you right, you want a night tour—" "Yeah," Harry said.' You finally know the look of', "It's not the first time, not so bad. I can't delay Quidditch training for two days on weekends," he emphasized.

"I think it's fine," said Ron. "I don't want to sneak into the girls' bathroom during the day. I'm a prefect now. If something goes wrong, it's going to be a lot of fun."

Harry also thought of the possibility of being discovered by Mafalda and her bees (what some refer to as the little wizard who worked part-time in the "Mystery Wall" tabloid), and the sensational headline, 'Gryffindor Level Long and the team captain's eccentricities', he froze all over, and the thoughts in his heart became firmer.

"It's tomorrow night!"

Harry broke the news to Ginny later, and at breakfast the next day, Luna ran over to thank him happily, almost slipping the tongue, and Harry was so frightened that he cast the Glue Jaw Curse. Luna was dragged away by Ginny with a bulging mouth.

After breakfast, they went to the ancient rune class, which has now entered a new stage.

"The progress is slightly faster than I expected," Felix said. "It may be related to several large-scale detentions..." The students below stared at the professor. "...We learn something new today."

He stopped suddenly and looked around the classroom, "Who didn't come to class?"

The students began to look around, and Pansy Parkinson raised his hand.

"Professor, Daphne has taken leave and is now in the school hospital."

"What's the reason?"

"It is said that bad blood grass powder was mistaken for parsley powder and added to food by mistake, causing mild encephalitis symptoms," said Pansy, who was sitting with Bryce Sabini in an intimate manner.

"That's a headache, a slight disturbance of consciousness..." Felix said, Pansy was a little stunned, why did he describe the symptoms again?

"Is that so?"

"Yes, it is."

But there is more than one reason for this symptom of taking bad blood grass by mistake. Felix thought that it might also be a Confusion and Oblivion Charm.

What a coincidence.

Generally speaking, the sequelae of the Confusion Curse are very mild. If it only interferes with the sanity of the cursed person for a second or two, it will not even cause any reaction. He was under the influence of Confusion Curse and Imperius Curse for a long time, and finally became unconscious and had to receive professional treatment.

A figure appeared in Felix's mind, the saint who followed Grindelwald's trail, Nicole Noel. Felix had previously suspected that she might be the real owner of the house-elf Bundy, so she had no doubts that she could contact Grindelwald, but now it seems that she should have used Daphne Greengrass to deliver the message.

Whether this is the case or not, you can find out when you go to the school hospital to see after class.

This also reminded Felix that the saints were not harmless little white rabbits. They were once well-organized and had a clear division of labor, which was far from being measured by the dimension of "force". The same thought came to Harry, who knew even more than Felix - he had seen Daphne meet a strange woman and receive a gift box that ended up in Bar In Professor Saud's office.

It's just that Harry thought at the time that the old woman in the trench coat might be one of Daphne's elders. He looked at Professor Hepp. He should know something, right? But the professor has already started lecturing.

"...I'm glad to see that most people have mastered the art of making the Practical Rune Wands manifest, and have gained some dexterity in casting spells as a result, but that's not the point," Felix said. "A single ancient Runes are not very powerful or adaptable, and there are better spells to replace them."

"Next, you will be exposed to the extremely practical content of ancient Rune, a technique derived from the Rune circuit. Is anyone willing to cooperate with the demonstration? Bonus points-"

Several arms were raised.

"Anthony Goldstein." Felix called a Ravenclaw boy's name.

Goldstein stepped forward nervously.

Felix waved his hand, and more than a dozen Rune symbols appeared out of thin air, and they were closely combined with each other. "Try to grab it," Felix encouraged, and Goldstein reached out—the students below watched with bated breath—and his fingertips touched the chain of snapped runic circuits.

The string of runes seemed to be attracted by Goldstein, and he took the initiative to blend into his skin and drilled up with his fingers. Goldstein was startled, rolled up his sleeves, and was surprised to find that the string of runes looked like some kind of mark. cauterized on the skin of the wrist.

Goldstein blinked.

"Professor? This is..."

He was a little worried that the things on his wrist would not be removed, but in the next second, he found that his body became light and fluttering. He just tiptoed, and the whole person flew in the direction of Professor Haipu. Professor Haipu dodged, he went straight Jump at the window.

"Don't use too much force," Felix reminded him.

"What?" Goldstein asked in his busy schedule. He stretched out his hand and stopped it on the wall. As a result, the whole figure seemed to have no weight. And out of time was caught.

Goldstein's feet fell back to the ground.

"Try again," he heard the professor say to him.

Goldstein took a breath of excitement, "I seem to have gotten the hang of it." He's in a state of being a bit like a levitating spell, but he's not completely out of control of his movements.

He stood there and jumped slightly. The next second, he found himself jumping into the air, rubbing his head against the ceiling, and the students below looked very short, looking at him eagerly, he couldn't help laughing.

He fell lightly in the air, like a feather, and had time to say hello to his good friends one by one.

Felix grabbed his wrist and made him stand firm. When he took his hand away, Goldstein found that the rune on his wrist was gone, and he was so heavy that he almost sat on the ground.

"You can go back, Mr. Goldstein. Ravenclaw plus ten."

"A rune circuit that reduces the weight of objects." Felix said with satisfaction: "It's usually used on rune creations, but why can't it be used on the human body? You should have come into contact with human body deformation, right?" Some people in the classroom The student nods.

"You can think of the rune circuit as a frozen spell - of course, what you will learn next is carefully selected and created by me, you will find that it can not only be applied to objects, as long as you follow the seventeen rules 'The Law of Spell,' which also becomes part of everyday spellcasting."

"Moreover, it has its own unique advantages, such as long-lasting, difficult to crack and target, higher degree of concealment, etc."

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