A Certain Hogwarts Magician Professor

Chapter 566 The illusion of truth

In the club room, Harry, Ron and Hermione were arguing.

"Harry, we'd better keep our heads down, remember, in first year you thought Professor Snape was planning to steal the Philosopher's Stone, but he was the one who was watching Quirrell. He was still Quirrell trying to get you off the broomstick. Apply protection when going up and down."

Hermione locked the door with magic, and chanted a few more distraction spells so they could talk about dangerous topics without any hesitation.

"I know." Harry said sullenly.

"There's still a second grade—"

"Thank you for mentioning second grade, he wanted to fire me and Ron as soon as school started, not to mention he wanted to protect me, Hermione, his brain circuits shouldn't be magically connected to Dobby, and he wasn't at that time. Knowing that the Chamber of Secrets will be opened."

"Oh, uh..." Hermione was at a loss for words, "third grade, he's on our side..."

"Need a medal for him? Thank him for not agreeing with the Dementors?" Harry said irritably. "Hermione, why do you keep talking for him? He used to be a bloody Death Eater!"

Hermione was silent for a few seconds. "But Headmaster Dumbledore defended him. You told us that, Harry, remember? You saw it in the Pensieve..."

"He's--also--unworthy--trusted," Harry said through gritted teeth.


Harry didn't speak.

Ron and Hermione looked at him uneasily. "You mean Headmaster Dumbledore—what do you think—"

Harry was silent.

There was a huge secret in his heart that weighed down on him, and he didn't know if he should tell Ron and Hermione. The secret had nothing to do with Snape, but with Headmaster Dumbledore. In the stack of letters that Sirius gave him, he learned a fact that shocked him.

"Have you had any nightmares lately, Harry?" Hermione asked softly, looking at Ron, who shook his head to show he didn't know anything.

"No," said Harry blankly, but Ron and Hermione looked more worried. Harry hesitated, took a letter from his pocket and handed it to Hermione.

Hermione immediately read:

"Dear Bigfoot—" she stopped, "whose letter is this from?"

"My mother," said Harry, "read on."

"Oh fine.

Dear Bigfoot:

Thank you, thank you for the birthday present to Harry! This is his favorite toy. He was only a year old and could fly around on a toy broom, he looked so happy. I attach a photo for you to see.

I'm sorry you can't come...

James was a little bored here, he tried not to show it, but I could see that the Invisibility Cloak was still with Dumbledore, so there was no chance to go out. How happy he would be if you could come.

Bug came over last weekend and I think he's down, but maybe it's the news from the McKinnons. I cried all night after hearing that.

Bathilda came over a lot, she was a funny old lady who told Dumbledore stories beyond imagination. I don't know if he himself will be happy to hear that! To be honest, I don’t know how much to believe, it’s hard to believe that Dumbledore once met Gellert Grindelwald, the dark lord who ravaged Europe, and they became friends because of their philosophical reconciliation!

But Bathilda said that she was Grindelwald's great-aunt. If this was true, it would be difficult to fake other things. After all, she really didn't need to lie. She also revealed the detail that the slogan that was later used by Grindelwald as a justification for all his atrocities and which made him famous - 'for the greater good', is said to have first appeared in Dumbledore's writings to On the letter of my close friend Grindelwald, it was incredible.

There are even more bizarre things that I can't reveal in the letter, maybe we shouldn't blame a seventeen-year-old young man. Come to think of it, how stupid we were back then, James still thinks the whole world should know about Quidditch!

Let's just write this, I heard Harry crying, hope it wasn't because James was too bored or I'd knock him hard on the head... ugh, I still have a hard time believing Dumbledore and Gellert · Grindelwald makes friends. Personally, I think she's a little confused!

Unlimited love Lily. "

Harry saw the shock written on Ron and Hermione's faces, almost exactly the same as when he first saw the letter, and he was still feeling through his mother's handwriting for a second that had never appeared in his memory. The gentle eyes in her were pulled back to reality by the cold facts in the next second. His heart seemed to be torn in two, half joyful, half sad, he knew they once had a cat, Sirius bought him his first broom, his mother was like everyone told him Gentle and kind, maybe a little sentimental...

But the other half, Harry didn't know how to describe his mood, he came into contact with a more real Dumbledore, a seventeen-year-old Dumbledore, only two years away from him now. But at that time, Dumbledore had become a good friend of the Dark Lord Gellert Grindelwald, who was destined to show his talents in the future, and 'idea reconciliation'... How ironic it sounds!

And the Invisibility Cloak, Harry thought. Dumbledore took the Invisibility Cloak, why? Archmage like Dumbledore can become invisible without using the Invisibility Cloak. He thought of an unreliable conjecture that he, Ron, and Hermione had put forward, the Deathly Hallows... the invisibility cloak in the hands of the third of the three brothers...

If Dumbledore had a good relationship as a young man with a man who aspired to a new wizard-led order, were they interested in the legendary Deathly Hallows that could be masters of the god of death? Build eternal rule together, like Voldemort? Harry was ashamed of his own thoughts, how could he put Dumbledore and Voldemort side by side? But it was hard for him to find an excuse, and it was hard not to let himself have an afterthought: If Dumbledore hadn't taken away the Invisibility Cloak, wouldn't their family possibly not have died?

Harry stubbornly ignored the fact that Dumbledore, Professor Happ, and Professor Moody had all seen through the Invisibility Cloak, holding on to the possibility that could never be verified, and repeatedly changing between hope and hatred. He buried it all in his heart, locked it tightly with Occlumency, and couldn't help but burst out suddenly when he was talking to Hermione.

He felt resentment running in his veins, he looked at Ron and Hermione eagerly, look, Headmaster Dumbledore is not as beautiful as we thought... He felt the shock from the expressions of Ron and Hermione on the verge of collapse. Array of pleasure.

"Harry," Hermione hesitated, "I know it's incredible, but it's understandable—"

"Understandable?" Harry yelled. "Understood—understood—you know he—"

"Yeah, I know." Hermione stroked her hair distractedly, walking around the room, "I know...talented people always have a lot of ideas, let alone when they're the most creative. age, some people are much more outrageous than this..."

"Who are you talking about?" Harry asked suddenly.


"You say some people are far more outrageous than Dumbledore, I can't think of--"

"That's not important!" Hermione said angrily, "We all know that Headmaster Dumbledore is sitting in the Headmaster's office now. He didn't participate in any of Grindelwald's speeches and atrocities. On the contrary, he stopped him."

"He took the Invisibility Cloak," Harry said stubbornly through gritted teeth.

"Ah, I...I'm sorry, I know you're feeling bad, Harry, but we all know that the Invisibility Cloak can't stop Voldemort and Voldemort, and their fates were sealed from the moment Wormtail betrayed—"

"I! No! Believe! Fate!" Harry shouted, his breathless voice deformed with anger.

Hermione glanced at him cautiously, and motioned for Ron's help with his eyes. Ron didn't seem to have recovered from the shock. He racked his brains and said, "Yeah, Harry, I think Hermione is right..."

"Which makes sense?" Harry said through his teeth.

"That's, that's... genius ideas are always different, they're all precocious, like Professor Heppe, and of course you—" Ron said slowly.

"Me?" Harry looked at Ron in disbelief, his anger strangely lowered a little, not because Ron called him a genius, which was ridiculous.

"That's right, it's you." Ron's tone became much smoother, but still very slow, it sounded like it was made up. "No child of the same age has experienced more than you. To put it mildly, even Dumbledore..." He pursed his lips, but still didn't say anything rude, "You put the strongest wizard in the world. One of them was the target of chasing, and he thwarted his conspiracy again and again, and you also established the Auror Reserve—"

"My grades—" Harry opened his mouth.

"Honestly, it's outrageous. I collect Chocolate Frog cards, you know 'Andros the Invincible'? He's known for summoning a giant-sized physical Patronus, and you did it when you were fifteen— "

"I used the rune—"

"At least no one has publicly demonstrated it except Professor Haipu, right? You also have actual combat ability. You are now above the level of the average Auror. You defeated Sirius in training, so he is embarrassed in class. call your name..."

"That's a sparring." Harry blushed a little.

Ron patted him on the shoulder. "Harry, do you know what other graduates say about you? A student leader you deserve. No one dares to admit that except you."

"I'm sorry," Hermione interjected coldly, "I haven't heard that before."

"Because you're not a graduate." Ron said without hesitation, "Collins told me, and there are videotapes of the next two games of the Tournament, you don't know how popular it is... Harry, you're famous. , not just because of the scar on the forehead. Well, speaking of it, I'm also quite famous, and some fans write to me..."

Harry and Hermione stared at him.

Ron said embarrassedly: "Of course not as many fans as you, but what else can I blame?"

Harry felt very strange in his heart. He didn't know how the topic turned to the question of whether he was a genius or not, but there was no doubt that his resentment against Dumbledore was much less in his heart, and the haze that had been pressing in his heart these days had disappeared. few.

"Even if what you're saying makes sense, at least it means that Headmaster Dumbledore can make mistakes," he said bluntly.

"I have a good idea," said Hermione.

Harry looked at her and asked, "What is it?" But there was not much hope in his heart.

"Write a letter." Hermione's mouth twitched slightly. She took out the blank parchment and quill from her bag. With a flick of her wand, the quill automatically wrote on the parchment. different methods.

Harry and Ron approached her from left to right and opened their mouths in astonishment when they saw the first sentence - 'Dear Felix'.

"Dear Felix," Felix read the letter in front of him with a strange expression. He thought he would never hear from "Ms. Jane" in his life, and he continued to read--

"Please forgive my rash letter, my attitude was a bit pessimistic in the last letter, but the situation is gradually getting better.

Although the hard times are not over yet, I firmly believe that the future will be better. A lot of whimsy have been popping up in my head lately, like a thousand Billywig bugs arguing, maybe adapting the story in my head into a book would be a hit?

I don't think I'll be a writer, but the characters in this story seem to come to life, and the problems that happen to them haunt me as if they were real in reality. I desperately need valuable advice, if you will...

The story takes place in a remote and closed town. The mayor is a respected elder. He participated in the war and captured the frightening Jiangyang robber with his own hands. Later, he returned to the town and became the protector of the town's civilians. The townspeople respected him very much.

But there are also a handful of once powerful guys who think that the old mayor has touched their interests, and they gather around a brutal and evil leader who wants to overthrow the old mayor and regain his former noble status.

A boy lives in a medicine store in the town, and his neighbor has a cheerful and cheerful girl, they are the same age, and they become good friends.

After school, although the boy and girl were not assigned to the same class, their friendship continued. Two big things happened to the boy during this time, he joined a school group that was very fond of the idea of ​​the evil gang raging around the town, the girl kept persuading the boy to leave, but the boy wanted to gain fame and kept going. Did not agree. Another thing, two years before graduation, he broke up with that girl.

After graduating, the boy secretly joined a criminal gang and the girl became a police officer and married the suitor. The girl and her suitor thwarted the evil gang's plot several times, which angered the gang leader, who killed them himself, leaving only a baby.

After that day, the villainous leader also disappeared, and the townspeople cheered. During the trial, the mayor came forward to bless the boy. Said he was indeed a member of the gang, but at some point he realized his mistake and went undercover.

The boy became the only teacher in the town, and after more than ten years, the girl's orphans also reached school age. Because of the death of both parents, this child was secretly fostered by the mayor in the girl's relative's house. He had a miserable childhood. He always thought he would shovel cow dung for the rest of his life, but he unexpectedly received a notice from the school.

This kid walked into the school with great joy only to be met with hostility from the boy who had the same unfortunate childhood as him - now the teacher - I don't know why, maybe this kid always reminds the boy of him father?

The kid has shown great athleticism and may make a good sheriff in the future. At this time, a criminal gang that had disappeared for more than ten years made a comeback. The girl's orphan wanted to avenge her parents, so she has been doing everything possible to collect information about the leader. He knew that the leader of the comeback had found a new weapon, and he also learned that the reason why the leader didn't die last time was because he used precious materials to build strong armor, and there were six pieces of such armor...

Recently, the child discovered that the teacher who had been targeting him was mysterious, and may also be investigating the secret of the armor. This is very abnormal-because the mayor not only knew the reason why the leader didn't die, but also destroyed several pieces of armor himself-so this teacher is definitely investigating behind the mayor's back.

This child has too many doubts in his heart. He doesn't know whether the teacher who treats him badly is good or bad. If he is a good person, why would he disobey the mayor's order? Especially since this kid has recently discovered that the mayor also made mistakes when he was young, and his image of wisdom and virtue is shaky..."

Felix put down the letter and smiled quite happily. Warren looked at him strangely.

"Oh, someone's secret can't be hidden anymore." He looked at Xue Xiao who was waiting for a reply, and asked, "Your name is Zhu Weiqiong?"

Hedwig hummed, reluctantly, burying her head in her wings.

In the original book, Harry found only half of the letter, and I added the other half. I tried to reduce the number of words in this part of the text as much as possible. The original text is as follows:

Dear Bigfoot:

Thank you, thank you for the birthday present to Harry! This is his favorite toy. He was only a year old and could fly around on a toy broom, he looked so happy. I attach a photo for you to see. You know the little broom can only be two feet off the ground, but Harry almost killed the kitten and almost broke an ugly vase that Penny gave me for Christmas (not a complaint). Of course, Jaime had a lot of fun saying this kid was going to be the next Quidditch star, but we had to put away all the decorations and keep watching him as he flew.

We had a very quiet birthday tea party, with only old Bathilda present, who was always nice to us and especially fond of Harry. It's a pity you couldn't come, but the Order of the Phoenix came first, and Harry didn't know how to celebrate his birthday at such a young age! James was a little bored here, he tried not to show it, but I could see that the Invisibility Cloak was still with Dumbledore, so there was no chance to go out. How happy he would be if you could come. Bugs came by last weekend and I think he's down, but maybe because of the news from the McKinnons. I cried all night after hearing that.

Bathilda came over a lot, she was a funny old lady who told Dumbledore stories beyond imagination. I don't know if he himself will be happy to hear that! Honestly, I don't know how much to believe, it's hard to believe Dumbledore—

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