The owl flew into the blue sky with the letter, quickly turned into a small black spot, and finally disappeared. Felix had a hunch that it would be a long journey.

In the last school year, he had several exchanges with Yuria, in which he briefly mentioned some of his real ideas, such as using newspapers to compete for public opinion positions, using systems to improve regulations, using pilots to accumulate experience, and using powerful forces to escort , and be patient enough.

The experience of his new pen pal deserves his vigilance. If he is too hasty, he will be the enemy of the whole world. Although he is confident that he will not fall into the situation of Grindelwald, the failure to realize the blueprint in his heart is itself a failure, let alone let the world caught in a war.

If he had to describe Felix's mentality, he thought of a philosophical debate - the paradox of Theseus.

A ship of Theseus that has been at sea for hundreds of years, as soon as a board rots, it is replaced, and so on, until every sampan, every cable on the ship is not the most The ones that started. So is the resulting ship the original Theseus ship, or a completely different ship?

There are still many speculations that extend from this, but Felix is ​​not interested in the answer to the question, especially he will not discuss it with others. Because such problems have a unified feature, that is, there is no generally accepted standard for judging, what is new, what is old, what is part, and what is whole, and everyone's understanding is different.

His thinking is more pragmatic. Felix knew that if the ship had not been replaced with rotten boards and had not been repaired regularly, it would definitely not survive the bumps and corrosion for hundreds of years, and there would be no later tormenting problems.

The same goes for replacing the Ship of Theseus with the Ship of the Wizard.

Felix intends to be the one who keeps changing the planks. As for who will be the philosopher who will break the casserole and ask the question to the end, Felix smiled narrowly, who cares! He just hoped that the sooner this person appeared, the better. It's better to wait until he knocks the wizard ship from top to bottom, and the people on board are surprised to find out: how is it different from the beginning?

"I just want to be a snowballer and save time and effort...and now I'm a ship repairer. And what is Voldemort? Rats that eat planks, mold that eats hulls? Where's Dumbledore? Grindelwald won't Was it the last grumpy ship repairer who was forced to be laid off?"

When Felix walked towards the ancient rune classroom, he hummed softly: "I'm a boat repairer, and I have strong repair skills~" He happily walked into the classroom and stood on the stage for the seventh-grade students. Attend class.

"Professor seems to be in a good mood," Cedric whispered.

"Professor, do you have any good news to share?" Li Jordan raised his hand and asked.

"Ah," Felix said languidly, "there is one. Professor McGonagall invited me to take the student club exam. I haven't tried it before, and I think it must be interesting."

"Is there such a thing in the school?" Lee Jordan asked blankly. "I remember when I started the 'Big Voice' club, I only had to fill out a form. That was four years ago..."

"How many people are there in your club?" Cedric asked in a confused tone.

"Just me," said Li Jordan.

"So you've never applied for an event venue?" Cedric took a breath.


"Is there any activity funds from the school?" Cedric stared at him with deep grey eyes.

Lee Jordan opened his mouth wide, as did Fred and George.

"That's the point." Cedric concluded in a low voice.

"We seem to be missing something, George," Fred recalled slowly.

"Yeah, we haven't heard a word." George said reluctantly.

"Ahem," Felix cleared his throat, "It's normal that you don't understand. I also asked Professor McGonagall to know that relevant information will only be sent to those student groups who have registered their names in the student union... Okay. , we are starting the class, and today we are going to learn a set of rune circuits, which are suitable for various items that need fire protection, such as amulets, or house building materials..."

As soon as the get out of class bell rang, the twins rushed out of the classroom, turned down the stairs, ran to the bulletin board in the foyer, and scanned it with wide eyes.

"Sure enough, there is nothing on it." Fred said disappointedly.

"Hi," Harry greeted with a form, with Ron and Hermione following him for lunch.

Fred and George looked at them viciously, startling the three of them.

"What's in your hand?" Fred asked.

"Uh—Professor McGonagall gave the form, saying that it was related to the frontline observation station. I haven't read it carefully. I haven't read it carefully." Harry said vaguely.

Fred jumped over suddenly, grabbed Harry's shoulders with one hand, and spread out the parchment that Harry was holding with the other hand. George's movements were almost in sync. Harry kept protesting.

There is only a very short line on the paper: "The student association under the Student Union - Frontline Lookout Station is invited to participate in the professor review. Those who pass will receive a venue, equipment and activity funds provided by the school. Please prepare relevant materials in advance."

Below is a list of material names, which Fred looked at roughly, probably including the purpose of the club, the scope of activities, the list of current members and so on.

After reading it, Fred let out a long sigh.

"George, we mustn't miss it, this is our only chance to keep the 'Mischief League' name in the prize room."

"Prank League?" Harry asked in surprise. "Why haven't you heard of it?"

"It was just established," Fred said immediately.

"When did you become model Percy?" Ron circled them with a deliberately surprised look on his face.

Fred shook his finger. "Oh, little Ronnie, we're not like Percy, this is just one step in our grand plan," he said in a low voice, "George and I are doing everything we can to leave more marks in the school. —"

"Yeah," George winked at them, "we mapped Black Lake, buried 72 secret treasures, and ventured into Filch's office to make copies of our years of contraband... "

Ron swallowed and looked at him in awe.

" Mafalda," George gasped.

"For whom?" Harry was startled, nearly throwing Fred and George out.

"Mafalda," Fred said, rubbing his shoulders. "I have to admit, this relative of ours is a genius. She recently started a new business, writing biographies."

Harry, Ron, and Hermione's expressions froze, as if petrified.

"Think about it," George finally patted Ron on the shoulder. "Sneak a biography of our glorious history into the library and wait for someone to find out..."

Hermione snorted, "I think you want to train a few more students to inherit your prank career."

"You said it." Fred smiled happily.

"This is our dream." George nodded.

They kicked away.

"Know what I'm thinking?" Harry said through gritted teeth.

Ron and Hermione looked at him. "Riddle's diary," Harry said strangely, "they know the Marauder's map and will definitely do something similar to guide mischievous students to find their buried treasure... "

After lunch, Felix appeared in the staff lounge. Professor McGonagall was here as expected. She looked very busy, with a stack of papers on the makeshift desk.

Another person in the staff lounge was Cuthbert Binns, professor of the history of magic. He seemed to be asleep, the ghostly body lying on a transparent couch, leaning against the burning fireplace, snoring and snoring.

Professor McGonagall raised his head and pushed his glasses, "Is the news out?"

"I know what I need to know," Felix pulled a chair from the side and sat down, "there are those students with loudspeakers, this matter will soon become an open secret, and it is estimated that the registration will be at that time. Overcrowded..."

Professor McGonagall smiled faintly, then pursed her lips. "Will it work?"

Felix shrugged.

"Something is better than nothing. We all don't want to see Slytherin students isolated because of the war, and this foreseeable trouble is one less. After my run at the Rune Club. Try it, now is the time to roll it out to schools."

"So you recommend that each club contain at least two academy members?"

Felix nodded, "I agree with Hogwarts' practice of assigning young wizards to different houses, which brings one obvious benefit: a sense of belonging and a sense of competition for new students as soon as they enter. But There should also be cooperation after the branch, so as to increase the cohesion of the four colleges."

Professor McGonagall smiled unabashedly.

For a long while, her sharp eyes looked at Professor Binns and the couch he was lying on from behind the round glasses, and if she was not careful, she might have seen them as a whole: like a grotesque ghost chair, the feet protruding from the chair seemed to be. Going into the fireplace.

"Can I take out the items in Classroom 7?" Professor McGonagall asked softly.

Felix thought for a while, "Students definitely can't bring them out. But ghosts are special. Didn't they bring food to the auditorium last Easter? I guess it should last for a while..." The ghost group is not concerned, there are only two who really care, and they have gone on bravely.

Since classroom No. 7 was opened to students, everything in it has been handed over to a few memory management.

Over the next two days, clubs of all kinds have become the new center of conversation, as Felix expected. The students began to do everything possible to inquire about the details. When they learned that the first step of the activity—as long as they found three people, they could report to the Student Union. , These students finally couldn't hold back and started to take action one after another.

Especially when Ron said unconsciously, "If I start a music appreciation club, can I apply to buy a magic gramophone?"

As soon as these words came out, the stone was shocked.

Soon some students put it into practice, and what is even more outrageous is that he even succeeded, and the student union recognized the name. So various clubs have sprung up.

Felix, of course, knew that when enthusiasm waned, most clubs would be left alone and automatically abolished the following year. But he is also very sure that there are certain clubs that will remain, and each club is equivalent to a small Rune club, acting as a bridge between the four academies.

Borrowing the original system of the school and changing it a little, so as to achieve his own goal, Felix is ​​quite satisfied with this. He, the boat repairer, replaced another rotten plank.

What would Hogwarts end up being like if the time were extended? Felix believes that time brews everything.

The only hard work was the two male and female student council presidents. They had to review all kinds of weird clubs. Although they understood Professor McGonagall's suggestion and relaxed the review standards a little, they were still frightened by the more outrageous things.

"Prank League? What is this?" The President of the Boys Student Union looked shocked.

The president of the girls' student union took a look and said angrily, "I knew it was the Weasley twins! I caught them digging holes all over the school two days ago!"

"Then what?"

"Of course it's rejected! Oh, forget it, let them change their names." The president of the girls' student union thought for a while, "We can't let the two of us suffer, I'll call some helpers..."


Ron and Hermione were still a little confused when they were called over, and even more confused when they saw Malfoy. Then, the two student council presidents brought over a thick stack of documents and said to the prefects of the four colleges: " Each person is responsible for a part, and strive to complete the review today."

Malfoy frowned and looked at the empty-handed student council president, "What about you?"

"We are responsible for the final check," said the president of the Boys Student Union as a matter of course.

"Be careful not to use the name of the school, not to use discriminatory terms, not to induce violations, and not to think about names like the Prank Alliance!"

When the work was distributed, the time spent quickly became one tenth of the original time. After almost a night of work, all the audit work was finally over.

On the weekends, a huge piece of parchment was taped to the bulletin board in the foyer, and the parchment was illuminated by groups of four magic lights.

There was a group of students at the bottom.

"It is hereby declared:

The list of all clubs approved by the Student Union is as follows:

Music Appreciation Group, Muggle Movie Appreciation Club, Crackling and Exploding Solitaire Club, Magic Puppet Duel Club, Chocolate Frog Card Fighting Club, Classroom 7 Exploration Squad, Horned Snorer Must Exist Club, Frontline Lookout, Grilled Fish Alliance, Weekly Reading A Book Association, Bouncers League, S.P.E.W…

The above clubs can recruit members in the school auditorium on the last weekend of the month and participate in professor reviews on the first weekend of December. Those who pass will receive support such as event venues, professors' guidance, event equipment and start-up funds.

Member requirements:

1. At least three full members;

2. At least two colleges are included;


Harry, Ron, and Hermione stood at the bottom of the announcement, reading all sorts of unreliable names, trying to figure out who founded these clubs.

"Look, Harry Potter Admirers Club! Dennis, our application is approved!"

Harry closed his eyes in pain, his face flushed with fever, trying to pretend he didn't care. He glanced quickly to the side, and sure enough, he saw Brother Creevey hugging their heads and cheering, Ron said strangely: "This name is so strange, 'Swear to Defend the School Rules' club, who named this? If it weren't for Percy After graduating, I must have thought it was him..."

As he spoke, Ron opened his mouth wide, and Fred and George were high-fives happily.

In addition, they also saw-

"S.P.E.W.?" Harry stared at Hermione, dumbfounded.

Hermione turned her head away in guilt, blushing, "Well, I thought, if S.P.E.W. can become a regular club in the school like the Gobstone Club, there will always be people concerned about the treatment of house-elves... I Guarantee, will not delay the activities of the front line lookout station!"

Harry and Ron looked at each other.

"Know what I'm thinking?" Ron asked palely.

Harry nodded understandingly. At the moment, S.P.E.W has only Ron and Harry as its members except for Hermione, the promoter. At the thought of their names being printed under "vomit", they will be exhibited in the auditorium in two weeks, and most likely in a month. When it was read aloud in front of the next group of professors, they were heartbroken.

Harry's only thought at the moment is, whether it's the Harry Potter Admirer's Club, or the so-called S.P.E.W., please, don't recruit anyone!

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