Hogsmeade village, Felix is ​​talking to a representative of the French Ministry of Magic.

The man named "Giles Fitzgerald" was a very chatty man, and the whole process was quite lighthearted, ignoring his frequent movements of reaching out to smooth his miserably thin hair.

"I heard that Mr. Hepp is still the trustee of Beauxbatons, a talent discovered by Mr. Nick Lemay... He really picked the right person, Mr. Lemay has always been generous, and I got a sum of money when I was in school. A lot of scholarship, and he's such a good man, isn't he, Myron?"

Giles turned to look at the middle-aged wizard next to him, who was Beauxbatons' vice-principal.

"You are right." Myron said solemnly, "Mr. Lemay's departure is a loss to the French magic world."

Giles cleared his throat, "That's it, but we have Mr. Hepp again, and history always turns around..."

"Yeah," said Vice-Chancellor Myron briefly.

Felix smiled without saying a word. The conversation took place when Giles made roundabout inquiries about his arrangements for the Beauxbaton Scholarship. When Giles learned that it was business as usual, Giles spent a full ten minutes touting him disgustingly, but when Giles was told that it was business as usual After discovering that Felix wasn't interested in his part of touting himself, he turned his head and praised Nicole LeMay's contribution in a high-profile manner.

Nick Lemay left a lot of legacy, but Felix took only the most useful part of him, and left the rest intact. Including Nick's vault in the Gringotts branch in France, he has only been there once, and there are not many alchemy items worthy of his attention.

So when the Gringotts goblin came up with a thick stack of contracts, he didn't choose to rescind any of them.

Felix thought it would make him happy.

"It's a little windy today," Giles muttered, reaching to one side to brush aside the lock of hair that was tugging at his nose in front of him.

But soon, there were bursts of clamor from a distance, Felix raised his head and looked into the distance, his expression became serious.

He stretched out his hand, and a small black dot appeared in the palm of his hand. The dot was like ink dripping in clear water, and it quickly smeared open. In the blink of an eye, a book appeared in his hand.

"Mr. Hepp?" Giles asked in surprise, looking at the rune book in his hand curiously.

"We're in trouble, Mr. Giles. Tell the others to hide for now," Felix said calmly, his figure suddenly disappearing, and when he reappeared, he was already standing near the edge of Hogsmeade.

An exaggerated black tornado hit the village of Hogsmeade. Wherever the black tornado went, it uprooted rocks, turf, bricks and trees along the way, and the wizards made a mess.


Felix heard Amelia Burns' loud voice say, but the effect was very limited. Everyone was frightened by the sudden natural disaster. Although the tornado was still some distance away, the howling wind and rainwater vapor had already begun. As soon as he arrived, he was smashing his head and covering his face.

"Ministry of Magic Aurors, Striker, stand against the storm with me." Ms. Burns shouted loudly as Ministry staff emerged from hidden corners.

Felix pressed his hand on the Book of Rune, and the pages of the book turned "crashing", and a dozen orbs of milky white light flew out from it, rushing straight towards the mighty behemoth.

"It's Illumination!"

"Professor Hepp is here."

The black tornado swallowed the ball of light. After a few seconds, the volume of the tornado expanded rapidly, as if it was about to roll down the clouds in the sky, piercing the dazzling beams of light from the whistling vortex, just as it rushed in. Break it up before the village.

The black tornado was forced to disperse into a dozen small whirlwinds, rushed into the village and began to wreak havoc. The rocks and branches that followed fell from the sky. Felix saw a rock the size of a human head knocking down the roof of a shop. A large hole was smashed, and the ensuing cyclone blew the furniture all over it, looking like some kind of vomiting monster.

Felix had to stop after breaking up a small tornado. He stood in the scattered air, staring at the sky, a black-robed wizard appeared in the air, his facial features were blurred, and his skin was pale.

His red eyes looked down at the mess below, and he grinned silently. Are thousands of wizards useful?

"Come up." He mouthed.

Felix was unmoved, his silver eyes fixed on Voldemort. From Thestral's perspective, his soul glowed black from the inside out, and more than one piece was missing, like a rotten pumpkin that had been gnawed by wild beasts and discarded.

A thought flashed through Felix's mind: Voldemort's soul was uglier than his appearance.

He counted it several times, and there were seven gaps in total.

In other words, Voldemort made a total of seven Horcruxes... Counting the body, he divided the soul into eight parts.

They have destroyed four of the Horcruxes, the diary, the crown, the Gaunt ring, and the snake. There are three pieces left: Slytherin's locket in Dumbledore's hands; Harry, who is a half-horcrux, can't be stripped at the moment; and the last one - unknown.

Felix's lips twitched as he told Dumbledore in a corner of Hogsmeade. After doing all this, he kicked the stone away from his feet and jumped into the air, facing Voldemort at a distance.

"I have a high opinion of you, Voldemort," Felix said. "The self-proclaimed ruler is killing innocents indiscriminately."

"Just to say hello, do you care about accidentally hurting an ant or two?" Voldemort said lazily, holding a snake-wood stick in his hand, looking at Felix's silver eyes, his snake-like nostrils expanding excitedly, " Sure enough... you also transformed yourself, you chose Yestral?"

"Ah," Felix said calmly, "after all, it is a creature that has something to do with death."

"But they're too weak, and I tend to basilisk," said Voldemort in a condescending tone: "I bred a few, but none of them grew, probably because some key steps were missing. Later I found that I preferred Black magic, I did some experiments on myself, some were successful, some were unsuccessful... This is the price of being at the forefront of the entire magic world, and I have to make some trial and error."

Voldemort enjoyed this pre-war communication, one of his few interests. But there are very few people in this world who can discuss magic with him, especially since he and Dumbledore have nothing in common - Dumbledore has always greeted him with Transfiguration, and opening and closing his mouth is "the power of love".

"Why didn't you see Dumbledore, you fell out?" Voldemort said maliciously, his snake-like pupils looking down.

"Isn't this what you expected? Before you appeared, I killed more than a dozen dark wizards. He may not be able to see it and leave early." Felix said.

Voldemort scrutinized his face carefully, as if examining the truth of the words.

"It doesn't matter," he said. "He's no longer my opponent."

"Tsk." Felix smacked his lips.

"You think I'm talking big?" Voldemort narrowed his eyes.

"I don't know. But it looks like you've finally found the right wand for yourself, and that's why you dare to show up," Felix said, and Voldemort had put his wand in the most visible position from the start.

"The wand made by Salazar Slytherin himself, inherited by his finest descendants." Voldemort spread his hand, and the wand in his hand shone with emerald light and hummed.

"That's a good fit for you," Felix said slowly.

After a brief exchange, a fierce battle broke out.


The village of Hogsmeade is in chaos.

The short and plump Mrs. Padiff ran out of her dilapidated shop, looking very embarrassed. Her shop door was blown away, and she didn't know where she went at the moment. When she saw Voldemort in mid-air, she slumped on the ground and said absentmindedly, "It's true...he's really back..."

The relatively calm wizards gathered together to fight the small tornado that Felix had just broken up.

The staff placed in advance by the Ministry of Magic came in handy, and some wizards with good combat power also took the initiative to join in. The owner of the Pig Head Bar smashed a small tornado while cursing, and raised his head to see that he was not far away. A somewhat similar white-bearded old man.

"You're useless," said Aberforth bluntly.

Dumbledore waved his hand to disperse a whirlwind, and listened carefully. After a few seconds, his eyes showed complex expressions, surprises, regrets, and hesitations. When he looked up, he found that his brother was staring at him with vicious eyes, as if hesitating to punch him in the nose.

"Ah, sorry, what did you just say?"

Dumbledore glanced in the distance, the battle had already started, Felix led Voldemort out of the village, the sound of the battle between the two resounded through the valley, and the black thunder, accompanied by the dazzling golden flames, plowed the earth over and over again. , followed by a rain of spears, a rain of gold coins, and... is that a Butterbeer cork?

In the corner, a plump wizard with a walrus beard poked his head around, smiling awkwardly when he met Dumbledore's gaze.


A large golden-red bird descended from the sky. It had a golden tail and a pair of sharp claws of the same color. A string of people hung on its legs, especially one on its tail. Fox uttered a dissatisfied cry, Throw away the guy who is pulling its tail feathers all the way.

"Oh my God--"

"Ouch! Don't press me."

"Don't talk, stay alert!"

Harry, Ron, Hermione and Neville got up from the ground and saw Sirius looking around warily with his wand. "Get your wand out, boys." It was a mess, with gravel everywhere, the window displaying the goods was tattered, and not a single window was intact. The sign of a shop was smashed all over by something, and a thick layer of dust was spread.

"That's Mrs. Padiff's shop, where's her door?" said Ron, pointing to the teahouse with its doors wide open.

A figure staggered into the shop, it was Draco Malfoy. He almost scrambled into the teahouse.

"What's wrong with him?" Neville asked in confusion.

"Probably regretting it," said Ron contemptuously, "and no one begged him, he was the one who grabbed Fox's tail."

Harry stared silently at the Lady Padiff Teahouse, suddenly feeling that he had been deceived.

Malfoy said he supported Professor Hepp, but he didn't talk about how to support it, let alone admit that his father was a Death Eater. The only valuable information Malfoy said during the whole process was that he admitted that it was his own hands. Give the diary (horcrux) to Professor Haipu.

But the problem is, Malfoy doesn't know that the diary is a Horcrux.

Thinking about it now, that doesn't mean anything at all. Maybe he was afraid of being controlled by the diary again, so he took the initiative to hand it in, and the professor he chose was Professor Hepu, who was also from Slytherin Academy. As he said, he didn't want to have anything to do with the secret room...

As for whether he had considered the safety of the young wizard from a Muggle family, only God knows.

"Are we late?" Neville asked, still nervous and excited, seeing it as a formal act against Voldemort. "You-Know-Who raided here? But what about the Professor? Headmaster Dumbledore? The staff of the Ministry of Magic?"

There was no one around.

Phoenix raised his head and let out a cry, then flew straight in one direction.

They looked at each other.

"Let's keep up!" whispered Sirius, "remember, we're not here to fight, I fought Voldemort and know how terrifying he is... We must first go with the Headmaster, Felix or the Ministry of Magic at will. The parties meet and tell them what Harry thinks." Speaking of this, he was silent for a while, "You are all students, but also the most determined warriors, I hope you can grow, and I will talk more in class. , it's not as good as a practice. So, don't die."

Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Neville nodded silently, and it really felt different from the usual classroom.


There was a loud noise in the distance, as if a mountain had collapsed.

"It's the direction Fox left, and the professor and Headmaster Dumbledore are probably there," said Harry.

They ran quickly. The streets were full of fragments of buildings, as well as furniture ornaments, books, cages, clothes that came from nowhere... They jumped over obstacles in horror, but fortunately, they did not find a body .


In the distance are densely packed, hundreds of wizards. It seems that everyone in the village of Hogsmeade has gathered there. Phoenix Fox flew all the way forward, sprinkled with stars, and finally stopped on a rusty bracket. Above and below are tattered wooden signboards.

"Pig's Head Bar."

They exchanged glances and were very curious about Fox's stop here. Harry stepped forward and glanced in through the broken window with his probe. As a result, he was almost stunned by the sudden smell of sheep taint. A few people near the door The table was dusty, and the floor was dirty with greasy stains.

The light in the pig's head bar is very dim, and a person can be vaguely seen sitting there. Harry's mouth is open, it is Headmaster Dumbledore!

Why is he here? Shouldn't he be fighting outside? Is it a one-on-one battle between Voldemort and Professor Hepp? Shouldn't Headmaster Dumbledore respect the spirit of fair fight? Harry was so confused that he didn't even hear Sirius calling him, and he pushed open the door blankly.

Fox, who was standing on the stand, took the opportunity to fly in, and it circled the room twice, seemingly unable to find a place to rest, and finally landed on Dumbledore's shoulders.

"Harry? What did you see?" Sirius and the others carefully walked behind, and with the help of the faint light of a few small candles, they saw the only person in the room, "Headmaster Dumbledore?" They shouted in disbelief road.

"Ah, it's you," Dumbledore whispered, turning his head to look at Fox over his shoulder, reproachfully, "You shouldn't have brought them here."

Fox let out a low cry.

"Headmaster Dumbledore, we have important information for you," said Harry eagerly. "Voldemort has acquired Salazar Slytherin's Serpentwood Staff—"

"I know, Minerva told me through the Patronus." Dumbledore played with the teacup calmly.

"And - the headmaster of Ilvermorny was killed by Voldemort."

"I see too," said Dumbledore softly. "Professor Fontana...he shouldn't have died."

"I also know how to use Parseltongue to control the Snake Stick to sleep, and I can help," Harry said.

"Probably not, Harry," Dumbledore interrupted, his blue eyes surveying Harry through the clear lenses, "no," he repeated, "you're not the owner of that wand, it won't listen. Yours, especially when it's in the hands of its true master. And it's too dangerous to have you join the battlefield, I can't possibly agree."

Harry was at a loss for words, and the excitement of seeing Headmaster Dumbledore at first vanished.

"Headmaster Dumbledore, is Professor Hepp the only one fighting outside now?" Hermione inhaled lightly.

"That's right, Miss Granger," Dumbledore said quietly, not seeming to realize the hidden meaning of her words.

"But why - leave the professor alone - the Aurors at the Ministry of Magic -" Hermione stammered.

"That's a long story," Dumbledore's tone was still calm, and he looked down at his empty teacup: "For example, Voldemort didn't choose the battlefield we scheduled, and for example, I was on the edge of the bull's horn before...Reaction Maybe half a beat slower than usual, and having to take the time to protect other people after it happened...but what really made me sit here and drink tea was Felix who stopped me."

"What?" Everyone looked at him in surprise.

"Three people brought me messages today, but only the news from Felix excited me the most," Dumbledore said. "I had to restrain myself...because I knew we weren't ready and the conditions were far from it. Far from being mature."

"But if you join up with Professor Hepp—" Harry said eagerly.

"This is the key. It's not what we want to defeat or drive away Voldemort, it's what we want to keep." Dumbledore looked at them with a wry smile: "Felix was fighting outside, and I was thinking about countermeasures. Thinking about how to play... I know very well that even if I join forces with Felix, we won't be able to keep him, it will only start him away. I want to think about the next meeting, even the final battle. He's more conceited, he feels he's winning, or—" He hesitated, thinking of what Felix had told him.

Felix can see the mutilated soul... The last unknown Horcrux remains, which should be the Hufflepuff Gold Cup that disappeared with the locket.

"—Let him turn into a frightened bird, be in a state of fear all day long, and reveal his flaws." He said softly.

Everyone looked at him for unknown reasons, but Dumbledore didn't mean to explain. He raised his head and seemed to be interested in the cobwebs on the ceiling.

Half an hour passed.

Dumbledore suddenly moved. He took off the gloves that he had been wearing for nearly two months, showing his right hand, and his slender palm immediately changed-a little bit of water was lost, as if the invisible flames burned flesh and blood, and changed. It was dry and charred, like a piece of coke fresh from a fiery fireplace.

Dumbledore raised his hand, approached and looked at his own hand, then took out a black gemstone ring from his pocket with his intact left hand and put it on his hand.

"Headmaster Dumbledore." Harry held his breath, "your hand—"

Is it camouflage? Or really hurt? So you're wearing gloves all the time? His memory became clear, and in his several appearances since the start of the term, Headmaster Dumbledore seemed to be wearing white gloves.

"This is not the time to say that." Dumbledore shook his head. "Come on, let's end the fight."

He stood up and his body began to radiate powerful energy.

Although Harry didn't understand what Principal Dumbledore meant, at least he knew that the Principal had decided to join the fight. This information was exciting enough. He had already imagined the picture of Voldemort fleeing in his mind, and they pushed open the broken door and walked away. out.

A thin figure in a robe turned the corner and ran towards the crowd.

Harry recognized it attentively, "Maybe it was Malfoy." He said in surprise, wasn't he hiding in Madam Padiff's teahouse.

"Draco Malfoy? He's with you too?" Dumbledore asked curiously.

"Yeah," Harry said vaguely, he didn't want the Headmaster to keep asking, because it involved Sirius planning to cast the Oblivion Charm on the students, although he knew that Snape would not miss the opportunity to complain, But he still wanted the principal to know as late as possible.

Fortunately, Headmaster Dumbledore didn't ask more, he nodded lightly.

"You stand behind the crowd, don't come forward, and don't show your head," Dumbledore said solemnly at the door, their signboards with boar heads creaked in the wind. "Sirius, watch them."

"Yes, Headmaster Dumbledore." Sirius whispered, since he came in just now, he has not dared to look into Dumbledore's eyes, even though he thought he was right.

When the battle in the distance was at its most intense, the ground was riddled with holes, and various traces of magic could be seen. They approached silently, no one noticed them, and the wizards watching the battle were fascinated.

The two people in the battle were far beyond their comprehension, let alone intervening. The dozen or so shattered puppet guards were the price of approaching rashly.

"Keep your distance, you don't want to be burned to death, do you?" shouted Ms. Burns. A group of Aurors and strikers stood in front of everyone, dividing the battlefield. But at the forefront is a row of tall, burly puppet guards—a third of the Ministry's big purchases are here.

These puppet guards held up one after another magical barrier uniformly, bearing the aftermath of the war.

In the distance, Voldemort's fiery snake and Felix's fiery dragon collided violently. The two seemed to be incompatible with water and fire. Each collision would sprinkle large red and white flame fragments, and these fragments fell. On the ground, burn the ground to blacken pieces.

Stones kept cracking in the cold air and the fire.

Harry looked around and finally spotted Malfoy in a corner. He was draped in a large cloak, and Harry was barely able to identify him by his grey eyes and thin chin. .

At this moment, the eyes that belonged to Draco Malfoy were fixed on the battlefield, and he truly felt the fighting power and oppression of the world's top wizards - it was completely different from what he saw from his father.

Harry couldn't guess what Malfoy was thinking at the moment, but at least he knew he must be very excited now, much more excited than the house elf standing on the trash can next to him watching the battle... Hey, where's the house elf from?

Which wizard brought it? Harry thought blankly.

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