A Certain Hogwarts Magician Professor

Chapter 544: Snake Wooden Staff

Outside Hogwarts Castle, many people wandered aimlessly on the steps, occasionally glancing at the school gate in the distance.

They were full of curiosity about the ancient Rune international exchange that took place in Hogsmeade, but unfortunately, the school did not let them out at all. "It was clearly premeditated," one student pointed out angrily. "They even put off the first Hogsmeade weekend for it!"

Harry, Ron, and Hermione were sitting on the steps near the foyer. They had come for the third time, but there was still no familiar figure. Harry looked at the dark clouds overhead, expecting a rain that would fall at some point.

"There seems to be something in the cloud?" Ron asked suddenly.

Harry stared at the low dark cloud, and as Ron had said, there was something glowing in the cloud. More and more students noticed the strangeness above their heads. Countless tiny beams of light were pierced from the thick clouds, and then scattered into soft light, illuminating the entire castle.

"Is this... Illumination?" Harry opened his mouth wide.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a severe stinging pain from the scar. He covered his forehead, suspecting that his head was about to split, and blurry pictures appeared out of thin air in his mind.

"Harry? What's the matter with you?" Hermione immediately noticed something was wrong.

"Yeah, it's Voldemort..." Harry said, fighting back the pain. "Where is he, he's so happy!" Harry gasped and stumbled out a few steps, nearly falling off the steps.

Ron hurriedly grabbed him, Harry's hand gripping Ron's arm like a pincer, leaning most of his body weight on him, causing Ron to gasp in pain.

"Hey~ did you see him again?"

Their strangeness attracted the attention of others, and several members of the frontline lookout station ran over, "What happened?" Seamus asked in surprise, and he shouted into the distance: "Come to the professor, whoever it is! Harry! Sick, his scars—"

"Don't!" Harry whispered, covering his head, his face contorted in pain, Seamus was horrified, and Neville squeezed desperately, "Harry, do you want me to call Professor McGonagall? Or Professor Black and... Professor Snape?" He had a tragic expression on his face when he said the last name, knowing that he usually avoided Snape.

Hermione gave him a deep look, knowing that the people Neville had mentioned were members of the Order of the Phoenix, she said decisively, "All three of them will do, hurry up!"

As Neville spoke, Harry's scar seemed to be on fire, he felt his skin melting, and a picture appeared before him: a towering complex on top of a hill, the surrounding environment and Hogwarts. Ci is a bit like, both surrounded by dank mist and dense forest. There were two tall human-shaped boulder statues on both sides of the main entrance, but they appeared in the corner of the line of sight, so that Harry could not see clearly. An unfamiliar thought became clear: he sensed its existence and was connected to his bloodline...

The legend is true...

Harry staggered and sat on the steps, the soft white light breaking up the dark clouds overhead and falling on his face. It made him feel better, and he closed his eyes, a sudden cold touch coming from his mouth, "Harry, drink it," he heard Hermione say nervously.

Harry reluctantly opened his eyes and saw a small bottle of potion dangling in front of him, "No, I don't want it." He murmured softly, "It's too noisy." There was a commotion around, and there were students shouting everywhere, making him very uncomfortable. It's hard to get into Voldemort's mind.

"Quiet! Don't make any noise!" said Ron's voice, and Harry caught sight of him waving his arms to disperse the approaching crowd.

Harry tried his best to resist the spontaneous operation of Occlumency, I want to see more things, I don't need you for the time being... Two pictures appeared alternately, footsteps on one side, "The professor is here!" The other side is suddenly reflected The lush giant tree in front of his eyes, the leaves swayed without wind, and made a "rustling" sound, and he felt two joyful emotions stacked together.

One of them came from Voldemort, and the other came from the tall snakewood, which seemed to have its own consciousness, cheering the arrival of its new owner.

"What happened... Potter?" Snape appeared blankly, with Draco Malfoy and a pale Neville by his side.

'The first one I saw was him. ' Neville looked helpless.

"Harry's scar is hurting again!" said Hermione anxiously.

"That's how vulnerable people are, easily overwhelmed by a little realistic pressure... If his performance in Potions class is still so unsatisfactory, I can only say-"

"You know what I'm talking about!" Hermione yelled at him.

"Gryffindor deducted ten points for defying the teacher." Snape said subconsciously, and then he saw the twisted snake shadow on Harry's face, he maintained the mocking expression on his face, hesitating, hesitating, After a few seconds, he said slowly, "I can't help, it's better to take him to the school hospital."

"You old pervert...#¥*\u0026"

Ron's voice was mixed with Sirius who had heard the news, the footsteps of Professor McGonagall, and the loud questioning, which made Snape only hear the first sentence. Pushing him aside, he simply stood there without saying a word.

"What happened, Harry? Harry! Your scar is starting to hurt again?" Sirius cried anxiously.

Harry didn't answer, his voice was low and hoarse, with a creepy "hiss" coming out of his mouth. Sirius' eyes widened, and he reached out to do something.

"Don't touch him." Hermione grabbed him, her expression terrified and determined, and she said, trembling, "It's Parseltongue, Harry hooked up with that guy."

Sirius's outstretched hand froze, and his heart was extremely tormented, hesitating whether to stop this dangerous behavior.

Fortunately, the Parseltongue soon disappeared, and Harry slumped on the cold steps, gasping for breath. At this moment, a stone in front of them turned into a stretcher. "I'll take you to the school hospital first, Harry." Professor McGonagall said calmly, "and then notify Headmaster Dumbledore."

Harry didn't speak, and an even more incredible picture appeared in his mind. The huge snake tree was rapidly withering, the bright leaves became dull, gray-yellow and dilapidated, and the trunk was crumbling, as if it had finished walking in just a few seconds. Millennium time.


The trunk split open in the middle, revealing a large hole.

A wand floated out of the dark pit.

There were several soft buds attached to the wand, but these buds lost their luster and fell off in an instant, and the surface of the wand became dazzling, as if the wand had sucked all the vitality of the giant snake wood. Waves of joy flooded in, making Harry unable to distinguish between reality and illusion. The last image in his mind was a slender, pale hand holding it.

Harry fell into an ice cave and woke up instantly.

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