A Certain Hogwarts Magician Professor

Chapter 541 Letter from Nurmengard

Following Ginny's question, Mafalda's attention was placed on her for the first time, and the two weighed each other.

Harry noticed that both girls looked somewhat similar to Mrs Weasley, and both had reddish hair, but they were very different. Ginny's hair is like fire, the most recognizable even of the seven Weasley children, and she doesn't look aggressively most of the time - except now, she looks like A turkey that was suddenly told to be brought to the table was badly fried.

"I've only met Aunt Molly once," Mafalda said, "but I've seen more of your dad, who took me around Diagon Alley and bought some things ahead of time. He also gave me an owl, and I wrote to him when I went back, and he was very diligent at first, but then slowed down."

"Maybe it's because he's busy, or you have too many questions," said Ginny word for word.

"Maybe, but I don't need him to take me with me, I can do it alone." Mafalda said, "I persuaded my parents to allow me to go to Diagon Alley. How do you say that? Come on... get to know the wizarding world."

"I'm interested in everything in Diagon Alley. Old Tom at the Leaky Cauldron has lost all his teeth, but he cooks delicious food; when I asked about Mrs. Malkin's marital status, she kicked me out Come out...I also persuaded the clerk at Lishen Bookstore to allow me to sit in the corner and read. My favorite is "Simple Spells to Confuse Muggles" and Gilderoy Lockhart's seven-book series of adventures. I picked the former. A few spells to learn, the effect is quite good, the latter has opened my eyes..."

"Wait!" Harry felt that her speech was beyond ridiculous, and he wasn't alone. Ron, Hermione, and Ginny shouted at the same time, and Mafalda stared at them. Somewhat funny, everyone looked at each other for a while.

"Okay, let's talk one by one." Hermione sighed. From the moment the little girl approached her and said that she had important information about the Death Eaters, she knew that this was not a student who followed the rules. Sure enough, they both shocked.

She looked at Mafalda and asked patiently, "Miss Prewett, Mr. Weasley should have told your parents that the wizarding world is not peaceful now, how did you persuade your parents to let you go to Diagon Alley alone? "She actually wanted to accuse Mafalda's parents of being irresponsible.

"They don't get along very much," Mafalda pointed to herself and Ginny, to indicate the parents of the two families, "My dad and Aunt Molly are relatives, but maybe they don't have a good relationship, that's from their relationship. Hard conversations can tell—"

"That's exactly what I'm going to say." Ron interjected. Everyone looked at him. He swallowed and whispered, "Mom does have a cousin from afar, but he is not mentioned much at home..."

"Dad is a Squib, even though he refuses to admit it...he's an accountant now and occasionally trades stocks. Mum is a Muggle, and neither of them had anything to do with the wizarding world," Mafalda said. "Except me." she added.

"But—" Hermione struggled, "even so, Mr. Weasley couldn't help reminding—"

"Oh, that's easy, I told Mom and Dad - there's someone waiting for me behind the door of the Leaky Cauldron, and that's Bill Weasley, and I know he works in Diagon Alley." Mafalda glanced smugly. glanced at her and said.

Hermione was shocked. Ginny let out an angry cat-like meow.

"So you're lying?"

Mafalda shrugged, the answer was self-evident.

After a moment of silence in the abandoned classroom, Harry asked, "You know Lockhart is one, one..." He hesitated.

"A liar?" Mafalda asked, and Harry nodded. "I like the way he tells the story, that's all," she said quietly.

This was the end of the cross-examination, and even though Ron and Ginny didn't like Mafalda very much, they pinched their noses and recognized the relative.

"What is the purpose of your visit today?" Ginny asked bluntly, "You should know that Gryffindor House and Slytherin House are deadly enemies, if anyone finds out..."

"That's why I sneaked in here," Mafalda said unpleasantly, taking out a green notebook from her pocket—Harry knew from a few details that it was from a Muggle The products of the world - she turned a page, but instead of showing them, she buckled in front of her and said, "I can give you information on Slytherin Academy, about the Death Eaters... but in exchange —"

"Death Eaters?" Harry, Ron, and Ginny lost their voices.

The three looked at Hermione, and Hermione waved quickly, "I don't know more than you, she—er—" Hermione discovered the problem, a little girl from a Muggle family who knew nothing about the wizarding world before. , can you know what information?

"What's the matter?" Mafalda looked at them strangely. "Is it difficult to understand? I continue - of course I will not contribute in vain, as a condition, you will be the protagonists in my story."

Harry looked at her in confusion, what was this all about.

"What's in the story?"

"The main character in the story," Mafalda shook his finger at him, "Didn't I tell you, I like history and writing, you know Bathilda Bagshot?"

Harry nodded reluctantly. He knew this man, a brilliant historian who now wrote the textbooks in the History of Magic class, who lived in Godric's Hollow after her retirement. Godric's Hollow...he felt tight.

Mafalda didn't notice Harry's strangeness, and she followed the previous words: "Bahilda Bagshot wrote The History of Magic, and she has a saying that I particularly agree with, 'The happiest thing for a historian is to be able to Dialogue with history itself.'"

"Do you understand what that means?" Hermione raised an eyebrow.

"That's what I'm doing now," Mafalda said.

Ron pondered and said slowly, "So you're going to include us in your story? Hmm—you just said you liked Lockhart's books?" He gave them a meaningful look, "Think about it. Want to see it."

"Harry wouldn't agree!" said Ginny, raising her eyebrows, looking at Harry uncertainly, "right?"

"Of course." Harry nodded decisively, he didn't want to be followed by a follower, and Brother Creevey was enough for him. He said firmly to Mafalda: "Sorry, I have a lot of things to do this year, O.W.Ls exams, Quidditch, clubs... I don't have time to play house games with you."

Mafalda blinked, and just when Harry thought she was about to give up, she lowered her head and stared at the open notebook, and read out the names: "Nott, Avery, Gagson, Cypher Erwin, Crabbe, Goyle, Malfoy...well, he's not sure, should I keep reading?"

Harry's mouth opened wide, Ron's mouth was not much smaller than his, and Hermione looked at her in shock.

Mafalda stared at their faces and smiled.

"Looks like I'm right?"

"How did you guess—" Harry said with difficulty, hearing Voldemort himself say these names in the cemetery, and each of these surnames held an important place in the wizarding world. But they were humbled in the dirt before Voldemort and had to kiss Voldemort's robes to gain forgiveness.

Sirius told him that, because there was no evidence, the Ministry of Magic had no way of arresting anyone, and at the moment could only resort to surveillance. Of course, his original words were not like this. Sirius was as annoyed as Harry about this incident: "Amelia doesn't agree to arrest them and give them two pounds of Veritaserum..." He calmed down afterwards, and he himself admitted this The idea is unreliable, "Unless we plan to cause chaos in the magic world, and if we do, we must first arrest ourselves..." He said with a gloomy expression: "Pure blood is like this, and it can bring out a bunch of them."

Mafalda laughed like a fox. "The name Prewett is unexpectedly intimidating and not as eye-catching as Weasley. So, you see, I'll be a good undercover agent for...justice. business, how is it?"

"I disagree," Harry said slowly.

"Why?" Mafalda asked in surprise. She never expected that she would be rejected after showing her ability.

"Harry, if there's a Slytherin student willing to help us, even if..." Ron said.

"No," said Harry. "No," he repeated. "What if she's found out?"

"Don't worry," Mafalda chimed in. "From what I've observed this month, Slytherin House is not quite what it's been rumored to be..."

"Do you know what you're doing? You're not just dealing with bad students, you could be real Death Eaters! If any Slytherin student mentions you to the family, investigates you behind your back... your cleverness Does it work?" Harry glared at her, a surge of unprovoked anger, "You're putting your family in a dangerous situation, and they don't even know magic."

Mafalda pointed at Hermione in disapproval, "As far as I know, her family environment is no different from mine."

Hermione was silent.

"Because she didn't have a choice—" Harry's chest was bleeding into his face.

"I know you're referring to Muggle status—"

"Not only that, but because she's my friend," said Harry in a low voice, looking at Mafalda breathlessly, "yes, she's a friend of the famous Harry Potter, and Ron. , he has no choice, since he was on my side in the first grade... I have no choice, I was forced to have a relationship with Voldemort when I was a baby, if nothing else, we must Die one, or die together."

Mafalda's body froze suddenly.

"I do not have--"

"I don't know what you think of being undercover, it's fine if it's just a prank, but you're capable, I can see it. It's worse, I don't think you ever thought you'd see yourself in the paper one day A picture of the house in ruins with a Dark Mark on it?"

"I'm not—you're wrong!" Mafalda cried.

"Then talk about it," said Harry, looking down into her eyes.

Mafalda glared back at him, her eyes shining with water, "You wait for me!" She gave them a hateful look, then turned and ran away.

Harry stared at her back, thinking of the picture of Godric's Hollow he had read in an old newspaper. It was a ruin, just as Moody had told him...and there were some white flowers around the ruins. and candles, all left by wizards who came here, "with deep condolences..." The book said that when Harry saw these words, he felt that all this was meaningless, and his family would never come back. .

Sometimes when Harry lay in bed, he thought, if only he could get the Resurrection Stone, even if the Resurrection Stone couldn't bring the dead back to life as Luna had said so eloquently, it just had the function in the story of the Three Brothers. , let him see the souls of his loved ones... not just a green light in his head and his mother's pleading voice...

"Harry, you better be careful, she doesn't look easy to mess with," said Ron, looking in the direction of the classroom door.

"I don't care," Harry replied bluntly.

He suddenly thought of one thing, Luna believed in the Deathly Hallows, does she also have someone she desperately wants to meet? By the way, she can see Thestrals too.

"She looks pretty smart, I mean Mafalda." Ron hesitated. "We've also admitted other students to the dueling study group. I'm sure they won't refuse to fight the Death Eaters—"

"She's eleven," Harry said coldly, and Ron closed his mouth immediately. After a while, Harry asked in hindsight, "She said Slytherin House is different...what's the matter?"

Ron said angrily, "The only one you know has just been kicked out. Why don't we ask Malfoy?"

Harry was a little annoyed, he should have asked first.


At night, Felix continued to work as a promising bounty hunter. Except for the first time he entered the pig's head bar and had a little unpleasantness with the owner of the bar, he just stood at the door wearing a black cold-proof cloak. , before long, the target will 'walk' out on its own.

Hogsmeade has recently added a legend of a powerful ghost.

Of course, because the missing people are all dark wizards, and they are the worst group, so there are not many people who really care about them-these people have been hiding their heads and tails, and they may have left suddenly due to urgent matters.

Some wizards swear they have seen a ghost, it has powerful mana, and can take away the soul of a person just by beckoning.

"He's death incarnate," said an old wizard obsessed with horror stories.

His performance was met with applause, and the old wizard earned himself a glass of Hot Whiskey. The barman at the Pig's Head bar snorted disdainfully, and continued to lower his head to wipe the goblet with a dirty rag.

Felix occasionally finds time to visit unfinished sites.

In a clearing in the middle of the village of Hogsmeade, a lot of building materials are piled up, and black and white marbles are arranged in a random pattern, and there are mysterious star patterns on them. Felix stood in the center of the stars with interest, and looked around, the entire wizarding village was shrouded in a deep night, with only a few sparse stars.

Felix stared into the darkness, where there were faint sounds approaching, like footsteps, but too soft.

From Ye Thestral's point of view, the unknown creature's body looks very blurry, and even in the dark, he can't see clearly. He can only see a blurred circle of light, vaguely pieced together into the appearance of a thin house elf.

This is another pair of eyes that is different from the normal perspective and magic perspective. If he has to define it, he seems to be able to see the soul glowing.

"Hello, Mr. Hepp, Bundy greets you."

said the house-elf sharply, stopping far away and bowing to Felix. When he raised his head to meet Felix's silver-gray eyes, he couldn't help shivering, these eyes made him dread.

"Is something wrong, Bundy?"

"Mr. Hepp, Bundy has a letter for you. I'm sorry, Bundy can't get into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry," the house-elf bowed again as he spoke, "Bundy, Bundy, After waiting around for a few days, I finally see you."

Felix always felt that the scene at the moment was a little familiar, but the last time he delivered the letter was a child, and he also brought Voldemort's invitation letter. He took the letter, and on the envelope was a triangular pattern: a circle and a vertical line inside. He stared at the pattern for a few seconds, then a little more guesswork in his mind, "Nurmengard?"

The house-elf bent his body lower.

Felix opened the letter, which had no magic attached to it. It was a simple line: "You are lying, the Elder Wand is not yours."

Felix smiled, "The Elder Wand doesn't belong to me, but it doesn't belong to you, Mr. Dark Lord." He asked the house-elf Bundy tentatively, "Can I meet Mr. Grindelwald? "

"He has no plans to meet any guests for the time being," said Bundy respectfully.

Felix smacking his lips, it seems that Gellert Grindelwald is still locked up, but he can occasionally communicate with the outside world. Like writing a letter accusing him of...

Is this the end of the first generation of the Dark Lord?

Dumbledore was still too merciful, and Felix didn't think he would give Voldemort a chance to enjoy the same treatment.

He wrote a short reply, full of regret (or sarcasm?) for not being able to meet him, along with a few books from the ring to the house-elf, "Give me to Grindel. Mr. Wo, let him um... pass the time, if he is interested, we can communicate by letter later."

He handed the house-elf another copper nut, "You can contact me through this."

When the house-elf Bundy disappeared, Felix began to look forward to what the Dark Lord's magical path would be? What kind of style does he have?

After staying in place for a while, he was worried that the wording of his reply was too sarcastic. What if the Dark Lord was careful? He was amused by the idea and turned away.


The last two weeks of October were full of violent storms. Towards the end, a blistering cold rain sent the temperature plummeting, and the little wizards changed into thick clothes to withstand the knife-like wind.

Many students wear gloves even during recess, but their minds are more alive: Halloween, the first game of Quidditch, and the exchange of ancient rune will be all over the next week.

As Halloween approaches, the castle is once again decorated with colorful decorations, and the atmosphere in the school is clear.

Finally, October 27th arrived.

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