A Certain Hogwarts Magician Professor

Chapter 533 Brewing and Lucky Potion

In the library, Harry, Ron and Hermione were sitting together to do their homework, but there were voices all around discussing the article, and they couldn't avoid it. Mrs. Pince had already swung the feather duster away to drive away the three groups of little wizards who were red-faced, but unfortunately it had little effect.

"Harry, isn't your wand core from the same phoenix as You-Know-Who?" Ron asked.

"Yeah, all from Fox," Harry said slowly, not wanting to admit it.

"Wouldn't your wand also make the list?" Ron said in a low voice excitedly.

Harry's heart jumped suddenly.

"Probably not," he said. "It's said in the papers that wands and wizards complement each other, and I'm just a student." Having said that, Harry couldn't help but fantasize that he might one day achieve something similar ...No, he gets nauseated at the thought of Voldemort, and it's better to be someone else, Headmaster Dumbledore or Professor Hepp.

His eyes gradually blurred.

"But why isn't Headmaster Dumbledore's wand on it?" Ron flipped through the newspaper, eagerly looking for new topics.

"As stated above, only people who have publicly praised their wand will be selected," Harry said casually.

"And what happened to Salazar Slytherin?"

"Maybe it's because his wand is so unusual." Harry recalled Lucius Malfoy's cane, equally impressive.

At this time, another pair of little wizards quarreled, and they seemed to be lovers.

"How could a professor kill someone?"

"But the papers say—"

"It must be a rumor! And it just said 'maybe', maybe the rules themselves are wrong."

They quarreled, and were eventually driven out by the irritated Mrs. Pins.

Harry, Ron and Hermione looked at each other.

"Has the rumors developed to this point? It's only been one morning—" Hermione said incredulously, and she re-folded her book. "We'd better remind the professor that it's obviously someone with a motive."

"How do you know?" Harry asked.

"There are many flaws." Hermione lowered her head and spread the newspaper in front of them, some key points on it were lined: "Look, first, the article is not signed, which is very abnormal; second, only the Elder Wand is on the list. The reason is not because of a certain wizard, but just a fairy tale! Although the reason is vague, the article mentions the cruel inheritance of the Elder Wand, and also puts the professor's name on it... Think about it, even we just stole it by accident. After listening to the professor's talk, I learned the name of the professor's new wand, and how did the others know about it?"

"Hi~" Ron took a breath and made a mouth gesture: "Snape?"

"Not very likely—" Hermione shook her head, looking left and right, whispering, "Turn your earplugs off." The spell turned their voices into an indistinguishable hum.

"Why? I think it's possible," said Harry, his resentment against Snape reaching new heights recently, and in the last confinement yesterday, Snape told them to clean old jars, which smelled like smoke.

"Because he has a good relationship with the professor," Hermione said simply.

"It's not impossible," Ron lowered his voice: "Who knows how his information came from, even Sirius doesn't know, plus his whereabouts are mysterious, I want to say, maybe he has been visiting himself throughout the summer vacation. Buddy, inquire with his 'old friends'...he's got a good relationship with Malfoy's dad!"

Hermione sighed.

"Although I don't like him either, but Headmaster Dumbledore and Professor Hepp trust him. Do you think they are both stupid?"

Harry and Ron were speechless, and that reason was enough to erase all doubt.

"Well, you're right," said Ron sullenly.

"The problem now is that this rumour can't be allowed to spread," said Hermione grimly. "Better remind the professor."

"Is it necessary?" Harry asked. "Professors are not vulnerable people."

"It has nothing to do with vulnerability, remember the second grade, you were mistaken for Slytherin's heir? And the fourth grade, we were mistaken to throw our name into the Goblet of Fire?" Hermione analyzed: "If the students listen to the rumors, Professor There may be a risk of school closures."

Realizing the seriousness of the problem, they packed up and left, looking in high spirits as they passed the Slytherin House students.

"Nice job..." said a sixth-year Slytherin student, blushing with excitement.

Harry asked incredulously, "Are they gloating?" It didn't look like much.

"They're happy! They don't care how the professor got the Elder Wand, remember that article? Invincible..." Hermione whispered. Hearing their tone of voice about whether or not Professor Hepper can beat Headmaster Dumbledore, it seems like he can't wait."

"What a bunch of weirdos..." Harry shook his head.

On the other side, Felix came out of the principal's office.

His face changed.

The Elder Wand actually existed, something he didn't know before. To be precise, the Headmaster himself admitted that the power of the Elder Wand is far more powerful than ordinary wands. He did not inquire about the origin of this wand, because Dumbledore was obviously reluctant to elaborate.

A human life may be involved.

Felix was walking in the corridor, and occasionally he could hear the enthusiastic discussions of the students. Some of them were also guessing, where did Professor Hepp's Elder Wand come from? When the Elder Wand's bloody inheritance rules were made public, he was bound to endure the suspicious gaze.

Doubt is inevitable.

Even Dumbledore couldn't avoid it.

What's more, he vaguely had some guesses.

Headmaster Dumbledore's hands-on record is meager, but no one will ignore the legendary duel in 1945 - in which Dumbledore defeated a generation of Dark Lord Grindelwald in a public duel.

The indirect result was the disintegration of the group of saints that claimed to number one hundred thousand.

But Grindelwald is still in Nurmengard, he is alive and well, so the rumors are wrong, it is not necessary to kill the original owner, maybe it is just a malicious disarming spell?

From a few conversations with the headmaster, Felix came to a conclusion: the Elder Wand is like a power booster and guide. It amplifies the power of the wizard holding the Elder Wand, which is still obvious, but Felix understands:

Because the Elder Wand has had many owners in history, and each holder is a strong one on the duel arena.

Why do young wizards prefer to choose brand new wands with no other owners? In addition to wanting to choose the most suitable one from many wands, another more realistic reason is that second-hand wands will have the spellcasting habits of the original owner, and only white paper is good for drawing.

That article has made it very clear - wands choose wizards, and wands and wizards grow together.

"This also means that the wand has the ability to grow. Of course, this kind of growth is actually optional for the owner, at most it is more convenient." Felix thought to himself: "But if this wand is In the hands of someone else who fits it perfectly?"

If the original owner of the wand is a master of Transfiguration, regardless of rejection, this wand will help the new owner to learn Transfiguration better.

In his own case, his wand was extremely exclusive, after all it was his hair. But it is not impossible to adjust, he can change the main selection rule of the wand to a wizard who is proficient in ancient Rune.

Although this is difficult and not easy to do, Felix is ​​also very accomplished in wand science, at least he is very sure: if he spends enough time, or cooperates with Mr. Ollivander, Maybe really change the rules of the wand to minimize rejection.

Perhaps thousands of years later, after his wand has absorbed the wisdom and spellcasting habits of ancient rune masters, it will also become a legend, an existence similar to the old wand.

In Felix's mind, the Elder Wand may have been just a powerful wand at first, with top-notch materials, wand cores, and manufacturing techniques, possibly incorporating alchemy techniques.

But the most important thing—what makes the Elder Wand different from ordinary wands—is that it can claim itself.

This quality is enough to allow it to acquire knowledge and spellcasting habits from multiple masters over a long period of time. Felix pondered, Godelot regarded his wand as his partner or even a mentor, and used the power of the wand and his own knowledge to write "Toxic Magic"...

Dumbledore made it clear that the Elder Wand doesn't think and communicate like a human, so is it just a faithful record?

After all, its former owners were all very strong, and occasionally a few of them could not support the wall, but they would leave a deep impression on history, because they were manipulated by the evil knowledge hidden in the wand.

Felix let out a long sigh of relief.

It is not known why the wizard who made the Elder Wand did this. Anyway, Felix himself has strong doubts about the existence of the god of death. After all, the poet Bedou is a person of the fifteenth century, and there is no similar legend before him...

To save others by himself, Felix thinks that the wizard who might make the Elder Wand is an extremely clever alchemist and wand maker. As for the reason...it may be a whim or an attempt.

Some of the notes left by Nick Lemay were eye-opening to Felix, one of which was the legend about the cornucopia:

'People are often intensely curious about areas they don't understand, and if they don't get an explanation, they tend to fill in the blanks with their existing knowledge. Whether it's wizards or Muggles, this is a bad habit.

Taking the folklore cornucopia as an example, I can think of at least a dozen ways to achieve it, removing some of the blindfolds (such as using a traceless stretch spell to hide a batch of gold in advance, and then you can sit down and watch the show), and more. Complicated operations (of course, it is closer to the role of the legendary cornucopia, which is enough to be fake in ancient times when information is blocked):

The specific method is to attach some small devices that cannot be seen by Muggles to the alchemical items. These devices have a strong sense of gold. They are designed to take the initiative to attack when a Muggle falls asleep, and the steal may be hundreds of kilometers away from him. The wealth of some innocent wealthy businessman outside.

It wasn't difficult, and a Muggle at the time (usually a simple peasant) would marvel at the fact that he had a treasure that would spontaneously produce gold, a cornucopia, without doubting the flying wealth In fact, it belongs to other people. If you do it skillfully, you can also melt the stolen gold into a fixed shape, and then mark it with a unique mark...

In my long life, I have actually seen similar behavior, and because of this, I have been careful to control the outflow of my work. My research is only for the research itself, of course, because I made a bet with Perenal...'

Felix walked by the black lake, feeling the breeze blowing freely, watching Varun chasing a butterfly, its scarf fluttering high behind him, this feeling is very good.

To sum up, is there a god of death in this world? He wasn't sure either, but unless Death really stood in front of him, and he couldn't beat it, the question was moot, whether it was the Elder Wand, the Resurrection Stone, or the Invisibility Cloak, he just thought of it as an extremely smart guy. The work of an alchemist.

When you come across it, borrow it for research.

It also made him think that there was really no need to dwell on the Elder Wand and Death.

In his hand, he also holds the production method of a large number of magic items such as Philosopher's Stone, Horcrux, and oh, yes, and a time-turner. He has no shortage of time energy.

"If there really is a god of death in the world, I hope you will appear in front of me and shatter my three views..." Felix whispered, but soon he changed his mind again, "Well, it's better to have a few days in the evening. Years, when we can sit down and talk about magic."

On the way back, he heard movement behind him and looked back to see Harry, Ron and Hermione jumping out from behind the pillar.

"As it happens, I'm still looking for you," he said to Harry.

"Professor," Harry panted, "we've heard some rumors, and now everyone's guessing where your wand came from."

"You'd better clarify, it's going to get more and more outrageous if you let it go," Hermione added.

The first two had finished speaking, and when it was Ron's turn, he could only nod his head.

"So this is skipping the authenticity and defaulting to me holding the Elder Wand?" Felix said with a smile, "Don't worry, someone will explain it to me, you wait and read the latest newspaper. Instead, I'm curious. The next development - whether they choose to believe a story that sounds a lot like that, or they want to know the truth at all costs."

Harry and the others were really terrified by these words and froze in place. Felix then said: "I mean those dark wizards who have crooked minds."

The three immediately sneered, "Ah, of course, what else could it be."

"Here, Harry, it was given to you by Mr. Slughorn." Felix threw the vial containing the Flux to Harry.

"Mr. Slughorn?" Harry took the vial, looked at the golden liquid inside, shook it at will, and the golden droplets jumped like swimming fish. He asked suspiciously, "What is this?"

Hermione covered her mouth. "Oh, god, god."

"Felicity." Felix replied.

Harry still didn't understand, he spent most of the potions class messing around, he had very low expectations for this class, just passing it, and the lower grade textbooks didn't include the magic potion. Introduction to medicine.

Felix looked at Hermione, and it was a win-win for her to give her the task of explaining.

"Fu Lingjian, it has another name, lucky potion! The effect is to bring good luck, no matter what you do, you can go smoothly." Hermione said that she had seen it from a professor in the second grade. This rare potion—she was trying to inquire about the information on the compound decoction at the time, but the professor took out several bottles of powerful potions, including the Fuling potion, which was exactly the same as the small bottle in Harry's hand.

Unsurprisingly, Harry and Ron opened their eyes at the same time, and Harry felt the vial in his hand was so hot he couldn't remember how he took it from the professor.

"That's right," Felix nodded at Hermione, then turned to Harry: "You can ask Miss Granger about the dos and don'ts of this potion, and I'll ask you one more thing, you won't Do you really think potions can change your luck?"

Harry looked at him blankly, "Isn't it?"

"Let me explain it this way," Felix said to them. "Have you ever had such an experience? You didn't perform well enough on some important occasions because you were nervous, and you were so annoyed afterwards that if you could do it all over again, you would definitely do it again. better?"

The three were thoughtful.

"I think so after every exam." Ron murmured softly, "Can the Flux help?"

Felix smiled, "If you have never been exposed to this part of knowledge before, it can do very limited. Flux will stimulate your potential, make you sharper and more accurate, as if everything is there. Mastering...so you can easily do things you normally would never imagine, but the truth is, you already have this potential."

Harry looked at the potion in his hand, and the eagerness in his heart gradually calmed down.

"So... Fuling is a lucky potion, but not a wishing potion," he said.

Felix nodded with a smile.

Harry's eyes widened suddenly, "Wait, that Teaching Your Mind Cabin—" Doesn't that have a similar effect? He knew that one of the branch functions of this magic was to speed up the mind, which sounded similar to the effect of the Flux.

"Ah," Felix said slyly, "don't you know? Charms and potions are interchangeable, so in a way, you're right." Like his name, he You can also let 'lucky' come at any time.

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