A Certain Hogwarts Magician Professor

Chapter 527 Hagrid's Experience

Felix was standing at the gate of the castle. It was almost completely dark, and looking down from this angle, the lights in Hagrid's cabin could be seen lit. At this moment, the sound of footsteps and voices came from behind.

"I should have guessed, Neville said his parents came back a week ago and took him to Diagon Alley to buy textbooks...I mean, since they went to the same place as Hagrid, they didn't Hagrid is so slow," said Harry.

"Because their missions are different." Sirius explained, they appeared at the gate of the castle, "The Longbottoms fought off the Death Eaters who rushed to support, barely getting revenge, and they came back when the matter was over. now, and Hagrid... hi, Felix." He greeted.

Felix nodded to Sirius, not surprised by the arrival of the three of Harry, "Given your relationship with Hagrid...it's good to meet once, otherwise the next time may wait a few months."

"What's wrong with Hagrid?" Harry asked eagerly.

"He will stay in the Forbidden Forest most of the time, today is an exception. He has to deal with the injury." Felix replied briefly, "Let's go, go early and return early."

The five of them walked down the marble steps. Harry was full of doubts. Ron poked him in the ribs. "Look over there." Harry followed his gaze to the dim light of Hagrid's cabin. cheer him up.

They crossed the spacious grounds to Hagrid's hut. Before getting close, Fang Ya's cry rang out.

Sirius stood at the door and shouted, "Hagrid, here we come!"

There was a chaotic noise in the house, and after a while, the door opened. Hagrid came out of it, startling everyone. His face was dirty, and his head turned into a strange shape, like a pumpkin that was smashed with a hammer: his left eye was swollen to a slit, and the blood stains at the corner of his eye had solidified. If the nose was still bleeding, no one would have been able to find the correct position; the exposed skin—hands and face were bruised and bruised.

Hagrid closed the door carefully, with the inconvenient hand, and one had to suspect that his bones were broken.

"You, are you all right, Hagrid?" Hermione asked softly.

Hagrid tried to open his eyes and seemed to recognize Hermione's shape, and he grinned, "Ah, it's so nice to see you, I was going to show up some time later - I don't have much time now, and like this I can't see anyone." He pointed to his face, trying to smile, but the wound on his face was affected.

"I didn't quite believe it when Dumbledore told me," Felix looked up and down Hagrid, "but it seems true... How was your giant trip with Olim?"

Hagrid's face was embarrassed, he waved his intact arm, "It's not a success, Olim and I... can only say that we met the minimum expectations, the giants chose not to help each other, in fact, they have no time to care. We...they, they split."

"Split?" Felix asked in surprise.

"It's incredible, isn't it? They didn't have many in total, but they were still fighting..." Hagrid led them into the depths of the Forbidden Forest, telling his story along the way, "At the beginning of the holiday, me and I Olim set off to lobby the giants."

"Is that Madame Maxime?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, she's a strong person who's not afraid to endure hardship, which is rare, knowing that she's an elegant, well-dressed lady, and I was a little worried when Dumbledore told me she was going to join the team... Facts It proves that I think too much, whether it is climbing rocks or sleeping in caves, she has never complained once, and she can always come up with all kinds of useful things, she said you lent him?" Hagrid looked at Felix s.

"If you're referring to space capsules, which is true, it's a one-off product right now, and if you're going to hold anything else, you have to prepare it in advance," Felix said.

"That's it," said Hagrid, stepping on the dead branches. "We got there very quickly, and there were no accidents. After wandering around in the mountains for a few days, we finally found the cave where the giants lived."

"You don't use magic?" Hermione asked.

"Oh, no," Hagrid muttered. "It's okay to use it on the road, but it won't work when you're near the Horde of Giants. Giants don't like magic, they hate wizards, and there's a deeper reason why Dumbledore is worried about You-Know-Who. We also sent messengers, so we must be very careful... In short, we connected with the giant. According to the method provided by Dumbledore, we successfully sent the gift. This stage is rather arduous, and we must be patient and dispel the vigilance of the giant. , it worked, and we stayed in the tribe longer and longer."

Speaking of which, Hagrid suddenly smiled.

"That Gugo - the leader of the giants. Although he is lazy and greedy, he unexpectedly likes to listen to stories. Olim and I took the opportunity to say more good things about Dumbledore, and other giants who knew a few words of English also came over. Listen, it's going well."

The Forbidden Forest was getting darker and darker. Felix threw a milky white light ball into the distance. The light ball emitted a bright and soft white light, illuminating a large area in the forest. In the darkness, the outlines of different creatures could be vaguely seen. Pairs of glowing eyes make one's heart skip a beat.

This is what the Forbidden Forest really looks like at night.

"Three times we gave gifts, and the third time we had an accident and we ran into Death Eaters."

"Death Eaters?" Ron exclaimed.

"As expected... there were two Death Eaters, a man and a woman," Hagrid said. "Like us, they were also treated as guests by the giants, and the giant leaders were foolish enough to introduce each other to us..."

"Did you do it?" Sirius asked sensitively.

"Not at that time. Although the two sides hated each other to death, they still reached a tacit agreement and did not do anything in front of the giants, but—" Hagrid paused, "We came out of the giant tribe and we fought in private, and we were not our opponents. , escaped. They disappeared for a few days, I thought the two Death Eaters gave up, but then we found out when we were dealing with other giants, they changed tactics, always giving gifts to the giant leaders when we were away , so we went to the leader of the giants and directly confessed to him that we hoped that he would be on our side... Now that I think about it, I am a little anxious, after all, rushing is not a business... Later, the Longbottoms appeared, and we only knew about the food. The Dead Apostles sent reinforcements. One night, the giant tribe was in chaos, and the cries were deafening, like thunder. The four of us discussed the situation for a while and decided to go out to observe the situation, secretly, if the giants were having a bonfire party, we would come back continue to sleep."

There was a complicated expression on his face.

"The one who came to the aid of the Death Eaters was a witch. It was said to be Bellatrix, but I didn't see it... She successfully persuaded the No. 2 man in the giant tribe to incite him to rebel at night and be the leader herself. Of course we I couldn't agree! So I joined the fight. When the day dawned, more than a dozen died on the giant's side. Not as good as before, only a dozen or so giants were still willing to follow him, half of them were his wives and children. The remaining thirty or so giants formed a new tribe, stronger and more brutal. The giants split into two , the original leader fled into the depths of the mountain, and the new leader chased after him... If the winner is not decided, they will have no time to care about other things... Here we are."

Hagrid stopped suddenly.

The surrounding woods are dense, but below them is a clearing, which seems very unreasonable. The clearing is surrounded by messy branches, and several pine trees have been uprooted. They heard a rumbling sound, and in the center of the clearing, was a huge round thing, and everyone took a few steps closer to the light from the illumination technique.

"Hi~" Ron took two steps back, "Is that a mound or a person?"

What had been mistaken for mounds or stones was breathing rhythmically. Harry felt like he was about to suffocate when the smooth grey thing moved abruptly and purred loudly - he thought it was a rock, but now it wasn't, it looked like a giant giant monster magnified countless times.

"My brother, oh—my half-brother." Hagrid said hoarsely, "I shouldn't have told you that I am a half-blood giant. After my mother gave birth to me, she left my father and found me. Another giant, where she gave birth to Grapp."

Harry, Ron, and Hermione looked at each other uneasily, knowing that Hagrid was a half-giant. It was at the fourth grade prom, and Harry and Ron overheard Hagrid talking to Mrs. Maxime. In Ron's words, Hagrid was a complete fool, blinded by love, and he thought he was Whispering, the result was not much different than shouting into their ears.

"Hagrid, is he hurt?" Felix asked.

Only then did a few people notice that the rough 'rock texture' was actually wounds, and under the soft white light, it could be seen that the wounds had formed scabs.

"That's right, I, alas, the first day I placed him in the Forbidden Forest, he made a lot of noise, and as a result, Lu Wei was attracted, and they fought hard," Hagrid explained. Several people present - Sirius, Harry, Ron and Hermione's eyelids twitched fiercely, Felix was also a little speechless, Lu Wei is not a human, but a huge three-headed dog, a kind of quite Dangerous magical beasts.

"...I had to ask Dumbledore for help," Hagrid said, wiping his tears. "Dumbledore is a good man. He helped me find medicine for my wounds. I mean, the three-headed dog's teeth are not good. To deal with, Lu Wei bit too deeply..."

"My God," Hermione said in a vague tone.

"Yeah," Hagrid thought Hermione was echoing him, "Glopp can actually heal on his own, but it's too slow. I can't watch him go bloody. I'm going to teach him some etiquette before bringing him with him. When he meets people, I am the first to think of you, this will be a good start..."

"Hagrid, what are your plans for his future?" Felix asked softly.

"I, uh, I didn't think about it, actually...it would be nice to have him in the Forbidden Forest, there's not a shortage of food here, and there aren't many creatures that can harm him," Hagrid said hesitantly, "I think he can do it. My second-in-command. Of course—after his character has gotten better." He added hastily, because the three minors present looked like they were about to faint.

Harry couldn't imagine the scene that Hagrid described in a warm tone. He originally thought that Hagrid, who was twice as tall as a normal person, was considered a giant. Anyone who saw him for the first time would be shocked by Hagrid's huge size. Shock, like the Dursleys. It takes a few more encounters to realize that Hagrid is quite a friendly person, but now, the thought of Hagrid's future tour of the Forbidden Forest followed by a purebred giant much taller than him makes his scalp tingle. .

"Hagrid, is it—well, how tall is he?" he couldn't help asking.

"About sixteen feet," Hagrid estimated.

"My God, my God," said Hermione incoherently.

"Then, uh, I'll wake him up, and then—you get to know him, he's much better tempered than before, and only gave me two punches today—while I'm trying to convince him to stay here." Hagrid was full of anticipation. Say, pick up a branch from the ground.

"W-don't," Hermione jumped, seeming terrified, "well, I mean, I don't get it...wouldn't he like to be here?"

Hagrid stopped and said gloomily, "Yeah, he always wanted to go back, and I forced him out."

"But why—Mrs. Maxime agrees?" Hermione asked sharply.

"She—well, she understood what I was doing at first," said Hagrid uneasily. "You didn't see how Grapp was bullied. If left alone, he would definitely be beaten to death by other giants. , he's too short."

"Short?" said Hermione. "Short?"

"Among the giants, yeah," Hagrid said. "Olim would help me subdue Grapp when he was crazy, but it didn't take long for her to get a little bored, and I have to admit, Graup Her brain is not very good, her temper is still short-tempered, and she is not easy to get along with... After helping me transport Grapp to the other side of the strait, she said goodbye and left in a hurry."

"But things are getting better," Hagrid tried to strengthen their confidence, waving the long branch in front of him: "We've been back three days, and he hasn't lost his temper all day today, which I think is a good sign. He's getting used to life here. I could try something more intimate, like giving him a hug or something. You know, make him feel valued and liked so he doesn't always want to go back."

Hagrid poked the sleeping giant vigorously with a branch, the giant roared, his huge body stretched out, a broad palm the size of a sunshade rested on the ground, and the thing connected to the top of his arm that looked like a head moved. woke up.

Felix raised his head and watched the curled giant rise from the ground. According to legend, the giant can draw a tie with the fire dragon, so he was very curious about this creature. Grapp had gray-white skin and an astonishingly large face. His facial features seemed to be hewn out of a round stone. The only thing Felix had a similar association with was the face of Mad-Eye Moody.

Grapp rubbed his eyes vigorously, and then, without warning, stood up agilely at an astonishing speed. Everyone saw more clearly, they looked at his stubby nose, crooked mouth, yellow teeth, and cloudy brown-green eyes, and they were speechless for a while.

Harry used to think that classroom 7 was omnipotent, but now he finally knew what was wrong. There were no giants in there. The textbook on the history of magic described giants as completely unhuman, but Harry always thought these descriptions were exaggerated. , because he has more real examples around him.

Hagrid was a half-giant, but he looked like an extra-large human being, but the thing in front of him—this purebred giant, was, as the books said, a deformed humanoid monster.

Felix's gaze fell on the giant's ankle, where a rope was tied, and the other end of the rope was connected to a thick tree in the distance.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione kept backing away, not feeling much comfort from the wand in their hand, and the creature in front of them—well, Hagrid's half-brother, Grapp seemed to have one Fingers can crush them.


Grapp let out a deafening roar and creaked the other end of the rope, and the Forbidden Forest was dead silent except for the giant in front of him.

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