At the dinner table, the conversation between Felix and Sirius continued——

"As long as Kingsley agrees, he's the nominal organizer," Felix whispered.

"I'll talk to him, but he probably won't be here until tomorrow morning, you know, as an Auror at the Ministry of Magic," Sirius said, spat out a chicken bone.

The relationship between the Order of the Phoenix and the Ministry of Magic is interesting. The two are independent of each other, but they are inextricably linked, and many members of the Order of the Phoenix are also officials of the Ministry of Magic.

Amelia Burns knew this, but she didn't plan to do anything.

On the one hand, it is out of respect for Dumbledore, and on the other hand, it also has a more positive practical significance. The staff of the Ministry of Magic is complex, and many wizards can climb a relationship with the pure-blood family after a few turns. It is not an exaggeration to say that the Ministry of Magic is a sieve.

Anti-thief waterfall can only wash away the spell, but cannot probe the heart.

In some important tasks - such as guarding the Hogwarts Express, Ms. Burns must carefully select the participants in addition to strict confidentiality in advance, in order to prevent leakage.

In terms of keeping secrets, the Order of the Phoenix has a natural advantage.

After dinner, Felix estimated the time and picked Hermione from her house.

"I set up magic near your house," Felix said. "It's like a trace wire effect - when someone nearby casts a spell, I will get the news immediately. And the situation is not so serious at the moment, Voldemort adopts a contraction strategy, You don't have to worry about the safety of your family."

"I understand." Hermione nodded slightly, but her brows were still full of sadness.

"You look worried, Miss Granger." Felix pointed to a bench under a lush sycamore tree. "Why don't you just sit over there. I was resting there." When the Department of Mysteries came out, Hermione easily understood what he meant.


At this time, the two were sitting on a bench, watching the crowds passing and strolling from time to time in the Muggle community.

Felix turned his head slightly, facing Hermione's direction, staring at the beautiful sunset.

"Can wizards and Muggles really not coexist?" Hermione asked hesitantly.

"What do you think?" Felix said softly.

"I think," Hermione held back for a moment, then gushed out, as if these words had been held in her mind for a long time and had been drafted a few times, "I certainly hope the two can coexist, after all I Sandwiched between them, I mean my origin. But, I read from books - well, similar assignments were given in the History of Magic class - that wizards and Muggles were not historically separated, but turned out to be It's not wonderful, they were hostile to each other, there were many conflicts, and the vigorous witch hunts of the fourteenth century were only a microcosm of this background."

"That's right," Felix agreed.

"Also, many wizards choose to stay away from the crowd. The explanation in the book is to avoid violating the Secrecy Act, but in fact, this phenomenon existed long before the Secrecy Act was implemented. There is also a saying that wizards cannot see Go Muggle, can't stand the smell on them, but—"

"Sounds like a loser's self-consolation?" Felix smiled uneasily.

Hermione hesitated for a moment, but nodded slightly, "But shouldn't wizards have the upper hand? After all, they have magic?"

"Well, this question is more complicated, and I'll try to explain it. You can see from the social structure of wizards, a mature wizard is equivalent to a miniature society, and he can use magic to meet most of his needs. This leads to- -Wizards are far less connected than ordinary people, in other words, it is difficult for you to organize them to work for a common goal. As far as I know, the last person who did it was still in Nurmengard."

"Gellert Grindelwald?" Hermione whispered, the name seemed to hold magic.

"Yes, but he also took advantage of people's dissatisfaction with the Statute of Secrecy." Felix said calmly: "Also, you are overlooking a very crucial point, magic is rare in the real world, but quite rare in wizards Ordinary-"

"Isn't that natural?"

"Of course not," Felix said in a scholarly tone. "I've been in contact with some occult societies, and they take magic very...well...maybe use the word 'sacred'? You think they can Imagine a real wizard using magic to do laundry, cook, and make fires?"

Hermione frowned, thinking hard.

"So - um, wizards are used to using magic to solve all kinds of troubles, and everyday life magic is the mainstream?"

"They were people, or pragmatists, but never warriors," Felix summed it up briefly. "Magic in their hands is not a weapon, but a tool—at least for most wizards. So When faced with emergencies, they don't make smarter choices because of magic, especially children. In order to protect their families, wizards choose to back down."

"But there are exceptions," Hermione affirmed, "the fourteenth-century fortune-teller Wendling was very fond of being burned, and he had himself caught in various disguise, as many as forty-seven times. "

"In those days, wizards who were 'unconcerned' were always more at ease," Felix said.

The two sat quietly for a while, until the sky gradually darkened, casting shadows on the ground. They watched a young couple out for a walk, their child, perhaps only a year or two old, staggering ahead.

"Professor, when did the word Muggle appear?" Hermione asked again when the family passed by.

"Ah, that's an interesting question. I'm guessing you're asking if the word has a derogatory connotation?" Felix asked with a smile, and before Hermione could answer, he continued, "The exact origin is out of question. , no one knows what the first wizard who said 'Muggle' was thinking, but he did take advantage, because at that time there was no unified name for 'non-magical people' in the magic world, so this Words are accepted by more and more wizards."

"As for whether it has a derogatory connotation, it depends on the tone of the speaker. The Weasleys and the Malfoys both use the word, but they must have different ideas. You should have some experience with this?"

The shadow belonging to Hermione nodded.

"But in general, if you use this word in conversations with ordinary people, there is still a hint of arrogance and disapproval that belongs to wizards. Very subtle differences, maybe only young wizards from Muggle families can understand. ."

"why is that?"

"Would you like to be labeled," Felix asked rhetorically, "especially if you don't know what that label means?"

"Of course not—" she realized, "so you never used the word 'Muggle' when communicating with my parents."

"I'm trying to reduce communication barriers," Felix nodded slightly. "It's obviously easier to understand when you use 'normal people' or 'non-magical people', but if you're standing across from a wizard, it's very weird and peaceful to talk like that. Crepe crepe."

Hermione understood a little. She prefers the professor's approach, which shows respect for the listener.

"What about the first question?"

"Can wizards and Muggles coexist? I can't give you an answer, Miss Granger, but I think the trend towards fusion is inevitable, and it's more accurate to say that I think it's a matter of time before the wizarding world is exposed to the common man. Son."

"Oh, I see! So, Professor, you set up the 'Future World' company?" Hermione asked sharply.

Felix chuckled lightly.

"I want to create a buffer zone, which is a natural responsibility of us, the Muggle-born wizards."

Hermione smiled, and although she was never ashamed of her origins, she still felt angry and sad when Malfoy said she was a 'mudblood', and from today, if Malfoy said that again, She would only pity him, thinking he was shallow and ignorant.

Although Malfoy has not said much for two years.

Is it also because of the professor? Hermione thought she regretted not seeing this in time travel. At first she was like a shadow that shouldn't exist, out of tune with the whole world, wandering aimlessly between the castles and grounds of Hogwarts, even the ghosts couldn't find her.

But she also saw a lot of secrets that she couldn't access before.

Hermione got through the toughest days with the food in the beaded packet, but the food comes at a time when she thought she'd be trapped in time and starved to death like all those time travelers she used to be. , the god of luck finally came.

The time-turner cracked open.

At the same time of nervousness and fear, Hermione discovered that she had an entity again. She hurriedly sneaked into the kitchen to steal food. After a full meal, Hermione was in the mood to consider whether her actions had changed history, or whether she was Hogg Part of Watts' many bizarre rumors.

A ghost stealing food?

But she was too hungry to care so much. Facts have proved that what she did is correct-two hours after that, she was taken on a time jump, and her body returned to a state of almost nothingness, but fortunately, she gradually found out the law , can do things she previously wanted to do but couldn't.

Like sending a letter.

After about a month and a half like this, Hermione found that she also had a physical body under normal conditions, like wearing an invisibility cloak. She guessed that as she got closer to the normal timeline, she herself was gradually moving towards reality. Sooner or later it was discovered.

So she escaped from school and returned home, ready to document her experience and spend her final moments with her parents. After that... Hermione pursed her lips and looked at Felix: "Thank you, Professor."


"Oh, I mean, I seem to have found a new target, including the old one—Professor, I plan to go to the Ministry of Magic after graduation," Hermione said.

"Bad news, I thought you would choose Future World." Felix said with some headache.

"I won't give up the ancient runes either," said Hermione greedily.


Felix and Hermione returned to Black's old house, and before a few words were said, it was time for bed. Mrs Weasley stopped Ron from touting his new broom and drove them back to her room.

"That's Nimbus 2000!"

Ron and Ginny shouted in unison. But right away Ron looked at Ginny warily. "You wouldn't expect me to lend you a broom, would you?"


Ginny snorted and stood up proudly like a proud cat.

"Okay, boys, go to bed early too, and you'll have a lot of trouble tomorrow," said Mrs. Weasley with experience. "I have to wake you up early, or someone else will get lost..."

She was told. In the early morning of the next day, the whole house was in chaos. Mrs. Weasley and the portrait of Mrs. Blake hung in the hall, shouting hoarsely at the same time.

"—no magic! You two idiots—"

"—dirty bastard, defiled my ancestral home—"

Harry got dressed in a panic, stuffed the toiletries in his suitcase, and the others seemed to be in a hurry. They didn't breathe a sigh of relief until they boarded the Hogwarts Express.

"Fred and George tried to cast a spell on the suitcase and nearly hit me..." Ginny explained to Harry about the morning.

Harry scratched his head, not sure how to deal with Ginny alone - just now, Ron and Hermione had gone to the prefect's carriage, "Um, are you all right?" He felt terrible as soon as he said it. .

"I'm fine." Ginny smiled. They carried their luggage and searched for the empty carriage, and a blond girl with tousled, dirty, waist-length blond hair walked in front. "I saw Luna, let's go there," Ginny said.

Harry raised his head, and even though only a back was captured, Harry recognized her immediately from the movement of the man drifting into the carriage in a trance.

They made their way through the crowd, picking up Neville on the way. "Oh my God, Harry, I thought I was late," he said happily. "Just a little bit."

On the other side, Felix came to a front carriage, he opened the door, and several Aurors and members of the Order of the Phoenix sat quietly inside.


Kingsley, Dulix, Moody, Dedalo Diggle each nodded to him.

Felix chose an empty seat and sat down. It could be seen that with so many people sitting in the narrow compartment, Moody was nervous. He was uncomfortable, his eyelids were twitching, and his rough hands were always thinking. Grab something.

"You mustn't smoke a wand, Alastor," said Delaro Digger, who was sitting next to him, cautiously.

Felix blinked, thinking that the trip had become more interesting, he took out another coin and let it jump between his fingertips, his mind also turned. The words that Dumbledore showed up and said to him in the middle of the night reappeared in his mind, um, what reason to leave then? Looking for a snack cart to buy snacks?

He sighed silently, always feeling that it didn't quite fit his image.

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