The shops in Diagon Alley were much quieter than usual.

"That's normal, if you have rows and rows of Death Eater pictures on the door of your store..." Mrs. Malkin said, measuring Felix's body.

Felix received warm service in the robe shop.

He glanced at the wanted notices in the window, and the various purple banners, and thought her words made sense. The passers-by on the street outside the window were in a hurry, and everyone went straight to where they were going. Don't linger long after shopping, and leave quickly by the communal fireplace.

After coming out of the store, he walked into Sword Castle with a vanilla ice cream he bought from Florin Fusco's ice cream shop and stayed there all day.

"The principle of anti-thief waterfall is very complicated. The key point is the mixture of seventeen alchemy materials and various magic spells. Some obscure places may use the unique magic of goblins. I checked the time when the anti-thief waterfall technology appeared. It happens to be the honeymoon period for wizards and goblins?"

"You're absolutely right, Mr. Hepp," said one of the Ministry of Magic staff members who had been sent over. "The goblins are so wicked that they kept a hand in the communication!" said the chunky wizard angrily.

"But you haven't noticed either." Fred whispered to George in the crowd.

In the next time, everyone will work together and perform their duties. Cremy was right, the research wizards in the company were extremely efficient. Several Ministry of Magic staff members present were amazed, and they found that their knowledge of Anti-thief Waterfall was quickly understood and digested, as if the opposite was not a single individual, but a humanoid creature with dozens of heads.

By the time they got off work, the researchers of Future World had caught up with the previous progress of the Ministry of Magic and successfully restored the ratio of the three alchemy materials.

"Today I'm going to spend the night in the old house," Felix told Fred and George, who were now in a room on the top floor of Sword Castle with a modest interior, like a vacant office. , but the fireplace here is connected to Blake's old house.

If Tonks and Sirius connected the Ministry of Magic with the Order of the Phoenix, then Remus Lupin connected the 'Future World' company headed by Felix and the Order of the Phoenix. In a way, Fred, George and Penello play a similar role.

It took a while to wait for Percy, who arrived half an hour later than expected.

"Ms. Burns used you too hard." Penello said dissatisfied.

"The Department is seriously understaffed," said Percy happily. "It's time for me to show my talents." He hastily rolled up a few papers and stuffed them into his large pockets. Then across the fireplace, just in time for a hot pot of food.

Mrs. Weasley received Penello very warmly.

"We came back too late yesterday. Not only did Harry's birthday party have to be cancelled, but I haven't had much chance to talk to you."

"Mom, there will be time later," muttered Percy.

"But the first few times are the most important," Mrs. Weasley said sternly.

At the dinner table, Bill was talking about his new job.

"I really didn't get used to it at the beginning. It was all office work, which was far worse than before. The advantage is that I have a lot of time to work for the Order of the Phoenix... My partner is a group of old gentlemen whose pace of life is terrifyingly slow. ." He imitated his colleague and handed the bottle of ketchup to Harry in the next seat, moving more than ten times slower.

Everyone around the table burst into laughter. Harry inadvertently met Ginny's eyes, Ginny's grinning mouth closed immediately, and the movement of holding the knife and fork became elegant. "Yes, Ginny is the best imitator," Bill exclaimed loudly.

Hermione sneered.

"What's wrong?" Ron looked at her puzzled.

"It's nothing," Hermione said immediately, and she turned to look at Harry, whose face was suddenly hot and he didn't know why.

Dinner was stew, syrupy fruit tarts, and vegetable soup, and Felix swiftly put down the utensils before Mrs. Weasley poured the soup for himself, so Mrs. Weasley turned her attention to Penello.

"Is the food unpalatable, my dear?"

"Oh, no," Penello said, only to find his soup bowl filled instantly.

Sirius arrived late, and when he came back, everyone had almost finished eating, and they were chatting with each other. He sat in the vacant seat, gulping down the rest of the food.

"The interrogation is only a third of the way through—" he drank the soup from his bowl, "thank you, Molly, fill it up a little—everyone lied that they were under the Imperius Curse, but Amelie Ya isn't going to let people go lightly, especially McNeil and Rookwood, both of whom have previous convictions."

Felix knew that the former was regarded as the mastermind of the Quidditch World Cup troubles, while the latter was a surefire Death Eater who had been squatting in Azkaban for more than ten years before breaking out of prison for a few days. Damn it if Ms. Burns was happy to let it go.

Sirius swallowed a rolled pie in two mouthfuls, sighed comfortably, and slowed down.

Ron stared at him without blinking, like he was watching a funny TV show.

"By the way, Sirius," Felix asked, "I heard that a silent man was injured?"

"What's the matter?" Sirius raised his head from the soup bowl.

"The one named Bode." Felix reminded.

"Bode," Sirius thought and said slowly: "I have an impression... It seems that there was an accident in the research and he was sent to St. Mungo's for treatment. I was too busy yesterday to pay attention to these little things. What happened to him? ' he asked sensitively.

"We'll talk about it at the meeting," Felix replied briefly.

Sirius mused, and after spending a month with Amelia Burns, his sense of smell sharpened a lot, and he immediately realized that it might not be a coincidence. Harry, Ron and Hermione on the side also showed expressions of interest.

"The name sounds familiar," Ron muttered.

"We met him at the Quidditch World Cup camp," Hermione whispered. "He works in the Department of Mysteries?"

Harry also remembered.

"Wait." He connected this matter with Voldemort almost instantly, and he looked at Mr. Weasley. "You told us that the work of the Department of Mysteries is top secret."


Mr. Weasley's expression was startled, but Harry was racking his brains.

"It means that Voldemort wants something in it! Or data or something! And Baldur is either an undercover Death Eater or cursed!"

"Children—" said Mr. Weasley hesitantly.

"It's alright, Arthur," said Sirius, "let's see what they can figure out, and I'll give it to Amelia—I mean, even if I stop them, they'll talk about it in private, better Listen, maybe you can get useful inspiration."

Harry glanced gratefully at the godfather. "Uh." He suddenly got stuck.

"What is the specific job of Bordeaux?" Hermione asked. Sirius frowned, "I'm not too—"

"Which hall does he work in? The Hall of Time, the Hall of Prophecy, the Hall of Brains, the Hall of Space, or the room with the stone arches?" Hermione asked again, and Sirius almost bit his tongue.

"How did you know!?"

It would be Hermione's turn to get stuck, and she took a peek at Felix. "I - oh - I guess, in some book?"

"The Department of Mysteries information is never leaked," said Mr. Weasley solemnly.

"She should have seen it in Nick Lemay's profile," Felix explained, "I gave it to her before the end of the last school year, because there was so much material, I didn't read every one, maybe Nick mentioned it casually in a note."

Professors can really deceive people...

Hermione blinked and put on a "that's it" look.

Sirius and Mr. Weasley suddenly realized.

"Nick Lemay . . . no wonder, that makes sense," said Mr. Weasley. It's no secret that Felix has inherited the entire estate of Nick LeMay since the Beauxbatons students spent a full year at Hogwarts last year.

For some time, newspapers also reported at length.

"I heard Fleur mention it," Bill said suddenly, "and you're still Beauxbatons' trustee."

"Flour?" Harry, Ron, Hermione and the Weasley twins called out at the same time.

"What's the matter?" asked Mrs. Weasley. "Am I remembering wrong. Wasn't she one of Beauxbatons' warriors? A French?"

"She became my new colleague, and she only joined the company two days ago. I promised to help her with English lessons... You know how boring office work can be." Bill shrugged. "I wish the war was over soon."

"That's up to us," Ron muttered. "You-Know-Who won't give in... By the way, Harry, why did Headmaster Dumbledore find you today?"

"Dumbledore came during the day?" Felix asked in surprise.

"Yeah, but he disappeared with Harry all day without saying a word. Harry didn't come back much earlier than you," said Ron.

Several adults looked at Harry.

"Can you tell?" Mr. Weasley asked in a measured way. "If Headmaster Dumbledore tells you to keep it a secret, don't tell anyone."

"Well, I'm not quite sure," Harry said blankly, "We didn't seem to do anything, and Headmaster Dumbledore took me to an old friend's house for afternoon tea and a belly of pineapple preserves. Headmaster Dumbledore also persuaded old friends to move to a safer place..."

"Who did you visit, remember his name?" Felix asked.

"Horace Slughorn," Harry said after some thought.

"Professor Slughorn?" exclaimed Mr. Weasley, watching the others' reactions as he explained: "He's taught us before, Molly and I. He's a great master of potions, and I Guess that's the reason, can't let him fall to the other side?"

After dinner, the adults went to the room for a meeting, and the children sat dissatisfied in the living room. "At least I'm with you," Penello said, scratching Crookshanks' chin as the cat lay comfortably in her lap.


Meanwhile, hundreds of miles away, in an old building. Large tracts of flowers were overgrown with thorns because they were left unattended, casting messy and twisted shadows in the darkness, and the surroundings were deserted and desolate.

A foraging bug did not learn a lesson from his companions and flew straight into the castle. It climbed the beams of the house along the ancient and mottled walls, and in the dim light, it stared at the solemn and depressed crowd below with its compound eyes.


The bug was burned to ashes by the sudden force.

Severus Snape was attending a meeting of Death Eaters.

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