The meeting broke up.

Fudge finally resorted to delaying tactics, agreeing to open an investigation against existing leads, but Felix had no doubts that he would put the promise behind him when the meeting was over.

"You're speaking so bluntly that Fudge might not be able to take it," Dumbledore said outside the Ministry of Magic.

"Yeah, he only has an ounce of heart," Felix said sarcastically. "What do you think of Ms. Burns?"

Dumbledore's sharp blue eyes looked at him.

"You can imagine," Felix looked at the far corner of the street, where there was a mobile ice cream truck, "how much our ministers would get in the way once the war came, and I didn't want to face both Voldemort and the Ministry of Magic at the same time. With time, it is necessary to resolve one side first.”

"Felix, your idea is dangerous." Dumbledore disagreed with his idea. In fact, this statement is considered light.

"Just planning ahead," Felix shrugged, and he changed the subject, "If the war does break out, and Fudge would have no face to stay in that position, he could resign and leave, leaving a mess. "

His idea was simple, if Fudge was unreliable, someone else would come on stage, Amelia Burns looked good, and she would have been one of the closest people to that position.

Felix pondered and returned to the Ministry of Magic. In a way, the meeting came at the expense of Fudge and Dumbledore's public split, and in doing so raised alarm among some, especially Amelia Burns, a woman Felix found to be a key figure.

She controls 90% of the Ministry of Magic's military force, and the combat team alone includes Aurors, strikers, and magic law enforcement reconnaissance teams. She has the right to intervene in any combat operation, even if it is a Dementor not directly under her.

"Sirius seems to know her?" Felix recalled.

In the afternoon, the Aurors practiced rune magic on the field. Their learning progress was actually faster than that of the little wizards in the school. Felix has not been idle in the past two weeks, and has collected a lot of data, which can be used in future teaching.

On the training ground, Felix was sitting in the corner, fiddling with a long red nail. Tonks approached with interest, "Is this some kind of new product? What's the use of it, can it change color?"

Felix smiled and put away Rita Skeeter's nails. "It's a lot more powerful than you think, hopefully there's no chance to use it."

"Is it some kind of weapon?" Tonks clearly didn't believe him. She looked at the venue, "Kingsley is about to succeed."

Kingsley held a wand in one hand, and outlined a flowing rune in the other. A light green magical barrier appeared with difficulty, forming a curtain of flowing water.

"Are you ready?" Delixi shouted from a distance.

At this time, the people around came around and watched their movements. Delixi waved his wand violently, and a few spells hit the rune armor spell, and the surface of the water curtain rippled with beautiful ripples, "Try this again!" Delixi's wand swiped sharply, bright red rune. It flickered to form a flaming fireball, and the fireball swept through the air, blasting the immature water curtain to pieces.

Kingsley stepped back and stood firm. There was applause all around.

"My mission is almost done, and Hogwarts will start in two days," Felix said thoughtfully.

"You can stay forever," Tonks said, "and come anytime, and Scrimgeour said your advisor title will remain."

"It will be an eyesore to stay any longer," Felix said with a smile. He took out his voice-transmitting mirror and flicked it a few times. A gentle voice came from the opposite side, "Felix?"

"Remus, it's me." Felix said calmly, "The company may encounter some obstacles recently, so temporarily stop expansion."

"What happened?" Lupin asked slightly nervously, and Tonks listened quietly with wide eyes.

"Just take precautions in advance and be prepared." Felix said vaguely. "If the company is affected, let me know in time, don't delay, and I will help solve it."

"Is that so..." Lupin said behind the sound transmission mirror, "I have already prepared for this, and I can use this time for staff training."

"I can help," Tonks said suddenly.

Felix looked at her.

"I can help," Tonks said again, and Lupin asked in surprise, "Dora?" "It's me." Tonks said with a smile, she pointed to Felix's voice mirror, Felix graciously handed her the mirror.


Hogwarts, Ancient Rune Office.

Sniff Warren woke up from the cradle. Today was the tenth day of his life alone. Although the Great Demon King asked Hermione to take care of him before he left, he preferred to sleep in his own comfortable little bed.

Happy days when no one cares!


Warren spent a lot of time rearranging his collection, and then happily climbed onto the sofa and flipped through "The Story of Bedouin the Poet". The previous "Little Wizard Mick Adventures" has been read, Felix Si gave Warren the fairy tale book he had brought for reference before, as a teaching material for reading practice.

Of course, it must have been nominally a gift to Warren after he became literate.

Warren especially liked the picture above, yawning, and reading the story of the Fountain of Fortune: Three witches and a hapless knight team up to find the fountain of good luck, and they must pass three levels. The first level is a huge white earthworm in the middle of the road. The knight's sword does not work against it. Only "prove it pain" can make the earthworm go away.

Why don't they take a detour? Or drill a tunnel? They probably don't have a sniffing friend, Warren thought, and oh, that's too bad.

It goes on, when a terminally ill witch sees the time ticking by and tears of despair, when the giant earthworm finally makes its way; Valen opens his mouth in surprise.

The second pass is an enchanted hillside halfway up the mountain. They have to "hand over the fruits of labor" to climb over here. They took out all the money on their bodies-Walun couldn't help but shivered- But the Magic Mountain was unmoved, the time went on, and only the second witch persisted, with sweat dripping from her forehead, and they went up again.

Warren was taken aback for a moment. Isn't the fruit of labor money? It's more than happy to exchange sweat for some gold Galleons, just like the Great Demon King made it read.

The third pass is the river that surrounds the top of the mountain. The condition for passing the pass is to exchange "fortunes from the past". The unlucky knight is willing to take out his shield as a boat. It is very happy to see Warren. He dips his thumb cookie in jam and enjoys a leisurely time. afternoon time.

The knight in the story has undoubtedly failed, although he is indeed generous enough. But in the end, it was the third witch who came up with the answer. She was originally abandoned by the person she loved deeply. The purpose of this trip was to use the fountain of good luck to relieve her pain and longing. But here, she extracted the memories she treasured in her mind. - that was her time with her cold lover - throwing them all into the river, where a few stepping stones appeared.

Finally, they came to the fountain of good luck.

When deciding on the ownership of the Fountain of Fortune, the unlucky knight gave up first, leaving only three witches. At this time, the first terminally ill witch suffered from an illness and was dying because of the hard work along the way. They wanted to carry her into the Fountain of Fortune, but she was in too much pain and begged them not to do it.

The second witch discovered that the surrounding herbs had magical powers. She picked these herbs, and with the help of the knight, they made a potion and fed it to the suffering witch. A miraculous thing happened, and she was cured! She no longer needs the fountain of luck.

The second witch also refused the temptation of the spring water. Originally her belongings and wand were stolen by a despicable thief. She hoped that the good luck spring would save her from poverty and weakness, but now she has no use ——She persevered to the end in the second level, she is no longer weak, and she also collected many precious herbs, which can make her rich again.

As for the third witch, she also doesn't need the fountain of good luck. In the third level, she let go of her obsession with the past and was no longer trapped by love.

Finally, the three witches agreed to let the hapless knight soak in the fountain of good fortune as his reward for his heroism. The hapless knight did this, and when he came out of the spring, he thought he had washed away the bad luck that had been entangled in him, and he finally had the courage to express his heart - he was in love with the third witch.

At the end of the story, the hapless knight and the third witch get married, and—because of their solidarity along the way, the four decide to break down the barriers between wizards and Muggles and live together. They lived happily for a long time, until the time of his death, the unlucky knight firmly believed that the fountain of luck had changed his fate, but he didn't know that although the magic garden where the fountain of luck was located was full of magic, good luck Izumi itself has no magic power at all.

But why? Warren couldn't understand. At this moment, there was a knock on the door. It opened its eyes wide and couldn't wait to open the door, and outside stood Hermione. She hugged Warren with a smile, "Take you to eat something delicious."

Hermione took Warren to dinner in the auditorium, and then went to play chess and cards with him in the common room, but he was not very interested.

"What's the matter with you, Warren? Are you sick?" Hermione asked worriedly.

Warren shook his head. In the evening, they walked towards the ancient Rune office. Suddenly, Warren sniffed, and his black eyes suddenly brightened. It struggled to jump out of Hermione's arms and ran out down the corridor.

"Warren!" Hermione shouted from behind it, chasing after him.

They came to the spiral staircase, went down two floors, and then Varen jumped up from the corner, Hermione was startled, but Varen didn't miss it, and caught it with her arms.

"Oh, Warren, did you miss me?" Felix said with a smile.

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