A Certain Hogwarts Magician Professor

Chapter 434 Moody's Homework

Lavender Brown grumbled.

"What did you say I didn't hear?" Moody grumbled, taking a few steps closer.

Lavender was startled, her body leaned back subconsciously, the book on her lap fell off and hit the ground with a bang, she hurriedly picked it up and put it on the table.

"I, uh, I just said, probably because he wasn't targeting me," she said blushing.

There was low laughter in the classroom.

Moody didn't laugh, neither did the few people in the seat—Harry, Ron, Hermione, who knew the answer in advance.

"You think that's a wonderful answer, don't you?" Moody whispered. "What if you happen to get in the way of his plans... what happens next?"

The air in the classroom seemed to freeze. Moody dragged his wooden legs a few steps forward and moved to Lavender, who suddenly shook violently.

Parvati, who was next to her, took courage and said, "Professor Moody, I think... the dark wizard must have a purpose in sneaking into the school, doesn't it? We had a similar situation in the first grade, and a dark wizard wanted to get the hideout. The... uh, magic stone at school?"

"It's the Philosopher's Stone," Hermione corrected in a low voice, staring at the back row with the others.

Moody's intact eye looked at Parvati, the magic eye still on Lavender Brown.

"Miss Patil, you're right. Dark wizards have their own goals in sneaking into the school. Before the goals are achieved, they must be careful. But this is based on the condition that everything goes well..."

"But what if it doesn't go well?" His broken nose quivered, "Like now, I noticed you because of a book, if 'I' was the dark wizard, if 'I' just wanted to divert someone else's attention……"

Moody suddenly drew his wand, and a dazzling light of fire flew from the tip of the wand, the windows of the classroom burst open, and there was a series of screams in the room.

He waved his wand calmly, and the shattered glass and window ridges automatically recovered.

"In the eyes of the dark wizard, that window is no different from a human life. If at a certain moment he thinks that one or two people should die in the school, irrelevant people...why can't it be you who died?

What's more, it's not an ordinary dark wizard, but a more dangerous Death Eater, who is dead set on the black devil, and is dedicated to planning the resurrection for the master-"

"Professor, You-Know-Who is dead!" said one student in horror, looking at Moody as if he had finally gone mad.

"Really?" Moody grinned. "During the war, the Dark Lord occasionally disappeared for a while, and some people thought he was dead, but he always declared his existence with bloody murders. Maybe he liked it. a dramatic scene."

He held out his rough hand. "Miss Brown?"

"What, what?"

"The book," Moody said quietly.

Lavender stood up and, tremblingly, handed him his new copy of Contrary to the Black Horror.

Moody turned two pages with a look of disgust and returned the book to her. He limped back to the podium, sifting through a stack of parchments, "Before I can begin my story, there is one thing that must be done--a problem that suddenly dawns on me: You are too far from war. , I have absolutely no idea in my mind..."

"It just so happened that I was not idle during the holidays and organized some materials." Moody pointed to his head and said, "Professor Hepp suggested that I write down all the things I can remember in the past six months, and draw a line, Maybe some lost memories can be retrieved..."

"I refused to write it down on paper, but I still spent a lot of time reviewing my past experiences, and by the way, I also remembered things from a longer period of time. I think some of them are still valuable and can be used in teaching...Miss Brown, Can you read it for me?"

He pointed at the podium with his wand, and some parchments floated past. Lavender Brown took it and glanced at it, and her face went white with a "swoosh".

"Miss Brown?" Moody stared at her viciously.

"Oh, I... okay." Lavender looked like she was about to cry, and she read the content tremblingly:

"Bellatrix Lestrange, the Death Eater, tormented countless Muggles and non-Dark lords in the Wizarding Wars, and was extremely fond of Cruciatus. She was associated with at least 137 horrors Action-related, the known victims include 206 Muggles and 29 wizards. The list of victims is as follows: Polk Keene, who died of the Cruciatus, and his wife Winnie, five-year-old son. Busney; Salisbury Joshua, slain by the Fire Curse... Bellatrix Lestrange was eventually sentenced to life in prison."

"Rodolphus Lestrange, Death Eater, involved in the vast majority of the actions of wife Bellatrix Lestrange and brother Labstein Lestrange... sentenced life imprisonment."

"Ann, Antonin Dolohov, Death Eaters, involved in the brutal murder of Fabian and Gideon Prewett, who dared to defy the Dark Lord's rule... List of victims... Sentenced to life imprisonment."

"Evan Rozier...killed by Aurors for resisting arrest after the Dark Lord lost ground."

"Old Mulseb, Death Eater...died during the war years."

"Wilkes, the Death Eaters...died during the war years."

"Mulcebe, Jr., accused of using the Imperius Curse on multiple people, forcing them to do terrible things, and continuing to cause chaos and terror... Sentenced to life in prison."

"Fenrir Greyback, leader of the werewolf and werewolf community, was notorious for his fondness for attacking children. Committed to making more people werewolves, hoping to build a strong army against wizards...in war Following the Dark Lord, wanted by the Ministry of Magic, but still on the run..."

Until the end of get out of class bell rang, Lavender had not finished reading, and she looked pale, like a serious illness.

Moody retracted the parchment calmly. "We'll continue with the next class, which I think is very meaningful. Today's homework is to find out the names of the Death Eaters you can look up and list what they do...  ...I've made a sample for you, haven't I?"

"The content of the next class can also be revealed - I just thought of - those who died during the war because of their resistance to the Dark Lord's rule, you can check the materials in advance and preview them."

Moody shuffled away.

The students were quietly packing their things, not in the mood to speak. Lavender let out a retching, and ran out of the classroom crying, with Parvati chasing after them with their belongings.

Ron stared at them and said uneasily, "She's had enough of this class. I thought our class environment would be a little better in the new semester..."

Harry sat pale in his seat.

"Harry, what's the matter with you?" Ron looked at Harry and Hermione shook his head at him, suddenly thinking that Harry's parents had died during the war. He tapped Harry on the shoulder.

"Fenrir Greyback," Harry said suddenly.

"What?" Ron and Hermione looked at him in amazement.

"Fenrir Greyback," Harry swallowed, "Sirius told me that Remus was bitten by a werewolf named 'Fenrir Greyback' as a child, and I thought the werewolf had been Imprisoned in Azkaban, I didn't expect him to escape punishment!"

Ron was taken aback at first, then a look of surprise. He comforted: "Don't worry, he won't have a good end. The big deal is that we meet and arrest him later."

His tone was as if he had heard of a biting cat raccoon roaming nearby, and all he had to do was kick it away when he encountered it.

Harry laughed. Hermione said angrily, "Let's learn the warming spell first. When the ice on the Black Lake melts, we will spend time practicing swimming!"

"Swimming in the weather in January and February?" Ron opened his mouth and seemed to be thinking about it for the first time.

"I prepared a series of spells, waterproof spells, warm-up spells, pull-off spells, bubble head spells or humanoid armor spells, as well as some regular spells..." Hermione ignored Ron and continued: "We'd better Get this done by the end of January, leaving enough time to prevent emergencies—"

"Have you made an appointment with Fred and George?" She turned to Ron.

Ron stammered immediately, "Not yet, not yet."

"Then what are you waiting for?" Hermione said arrogantly, akimbo, Harry and Ron shrugging their necks.

The last few people in the classroom had also left, and Draco Malfoy looked preoccupied, not much better than Lavender.

Ron said sharply, "Maybe he can get a good grade at this job, he just has to write a letter to his family and ask what his dad and those Death Eater friends did..."

Harry paused when he saw Malfoy's footsteps, guessing he should have heard it, but strangely, this time he didn't smile sarcastically, and walked away without looking back.

Harry looked back to see Hermione picking up a book from the back table.

"Oh, it was Lavender, I think she might not be in the mood to clean up...I'll bring it to her," Hermione said, her eyes on the author's name on the cover, she hesitated, "Of course we can too. Let's take a look first."


In the evening, the ancient Rune office.

A beetle crept in through the crack of the window and slowly returned to its human form on the floor. Rita Skeeter was panting. She was particularly reluctant to meet Felix alone, but she couldn't help it. She was about to be driven mad.

Her new home - there were signs of a break-in the day before yesterday, she wondered if that crazy Death Eater did it. She couldn't imagine that the fugitive named 'Barty Crouch Jr.' would risk appearing near her house when the wanted notices were already plastered all over the streets.

'Maybe a radical fan...'

But she couldn't convince herself with that reason, and besides that Blake was trying to find out about her, damn, she didn't even mention the surname 'Blake' in the new book. At most, there is a slight hint in the title and background of the characters...

The lights in the house suddenly turned on.

Rita Skeeter was startled, her eyes widened, and she could barely see the person sitting on the sofa, and she couldn't help but tremble.

"Rita, I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Felix said softly, holding Valen in his arms, and the sniff was looking at her curiously.

"Haw (the worm turned into a man)?"

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