In the ancient rune class the next day, Felix was surprised that Harry and the others were in a trance and absent-minded. He secretly wondered if he was putting too much pressure on them, and he deliberately comforted them a few words after class.

In the evening, he received a letter from an owl.

He opened the letter, and the envelope still had a faint scent of men's perfume. It belonged to the head of the British Ministry of Magic's Werewolf Registry--

'Hello, Mr.

As of the first ten months of this year (early November), the number of werewolves in the UK registered in the werewolf register has increased by 20% year-on-year. Such a gratifying achievement is inseparable from the promotion and effect of wolf venom. Thanks to Mr. Belby and Professor Snape for their outstanding contributions, I dare to assert that within ten years at the latest, the werewolves in the UK will be effectively controlled. Will submit a report to Wizengamore to apply for a Merlin Medal for Professor Snape...

The riots at the Quidditch World Cup - defined by the Ministry of Magic as riots, most of those masked wizards are from pure blood families, and their practices are simply shameful to everyone. I can assure you that my family and I will never be that kind of person.

Of those masked wizards, two were sentenced to three months and six months in prison for Azkaban, who admitted to being the mastermind of the accident - one who proposed to march through the camp after drinking alcohol, and one who used despicable means Waking up the poor Muggle Roberts...


The other participants were sentenced to large fines, but their names were withheld due to some political impediment, I don't know much more than you get from the newspapers, just the two ambassadors Names - Amycus Carrow and Walton McNeil. ’

Felix put away the letter calmly.

Over the next two days, owls flew in from all over the world, first from the British mainland, then France, Europe, and finally other continental plates.

Felix opened the second letter. This letter came from St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries and Injuries. Felix had previously taken time to train a group of doctors, including this young therapist——

'Dear Mr. Hepp, hello!

This is the fifth communication between us, thank you for not laughing at my stupid questions, and for being gracious in answering them.

Most of the memory-impaired patients who were judged to be incurable have now regained their senses and can live independently. Five of them were taken back by their families to recuperate and only need to come back once a week. The other two critically ill patients still need to be hospitalized for observation. Please forgive our limited capacity and have never been able to achieve the level of recovery the Longbottoms have.

Regarding what you asked about - this is true. Old Crabbe and Old Goyle suffered serious magical penetrating wounds to their chests and lower abdomens, but they kept it a secret, and they asked a retired old therapist to treat them. What they don't know is that this therapist happens to be my uncle, and I don't want to admit my relationship with him in front of people - my uncle was originally very skilled, but he was addicted to alcohol. The blood grass is regarded as ginger root. You can't imagine what happened to the lady who came to treat the scabies on her face that day... Anyway, he left the hospital sadly because of this incident, and he still had the manic patient on his neck. scratches.

I enclose here the diagnostic report I got from my uncle, two pints of single malt whisky! That old trough horse!

Once again, I wish you a happy life and a smooth work.

Also, I became good friends with your portrait in the hospital, I asked one of my painter patients to paint a candy house on the portrait and he loved it!

On top of that, I've collected your Quidditch World Cup clippings, right on my desk. ’

The third letter was from the Ministry of Magic. It was not signed, only a long list with more than thirty names on it. Felix opened it and read it carefully, remembering these names, with a mocking smile on his face.

The fourth letter was a reply from Damocles Belby, his handwriting was rather scribbled, and the envelope still smelled of potion—


If it wasn't for your reminder, I might have overlooked the issue of the wolf's poison potion. Forgive me for focusing on other potions recently...

After your reminder, I went to the Extraordinary Apothecary Association to inquire. At present, the sales of wolf venom potions authorized by the Ministry of Magic are stable. The Ministry of Magic has recruited a group of werewolves to work. In the past... There are still a considerable number of stubborn werewolves living in seclusion in the fields. No one knows the specific movements of these werewolves, and even they themselves are not clear. It may be in the UK today and cross the strait to France tomorrow...

As far as I know, other countries in Europe have found the Society of Extraordinary Apothecaries, hoping to connect them and convince the British Ministry of Magic to share the recipe for the wolf's poison potion, especially the version improved by me and Severus. Fudge has been busy with this for a while, and he can't see anyone all day - these are what the vice president of the Pharmacists Association told me, and the public doesn't know it yet.

One more thing worth sharing.

I met my old dean, Professor Slughorn, during a visit to the vice-president of the association. He still enjoys life so much, and when I politely advised him to eat less candy canes, he told me it was the greatest joy of his life. ’

The fifth letter is from Maxwell Colbert, proud of France.

He and Felix had an intersection during the summer vacation the previous year. There was a misunderstanding at that time, but after the misunderstanding was resolved, the two had a good relationship.

'Dear Felix Hepp,

Glad you wrote to me.

If you want to know about the law and order here in France, I'm an Auror on the front line. All I can say is it's still the same... those dark corners, can't figure out why you're interested in them, are you going to write a book?

To be honest, I didn't read your first few Muggle books carefully, and when they were handed out by the ministry, I just stuffed them into the cabinet. When I was cleaning up recently, I found out that the bag of civet cat food inside was rotten. I found your book by the way, which also solved my confusion. When my nephew reported suspicious persons to me at the Muggle University in France that day, I thought your name was a bit familiar, maybe I mistook you for someone from a foreign country. black wizard...

Back to the point. The werewolves in France are relatively stable and have no plans to migrate - I'm looking forward to this day. Of course, it doesn't have to be in the UK, it's fine to go south or north (please don't publish the contents of this letter, or it will get me in trouble). Then there are the vampires and the dark wizards, who are fighting for a mine in the south of France. I told the informant to wait and see, and wait for the net to finally close, maybe when we meet again, I will be the director of the Auror office.

In addition, my nephew Karami also chose to become an Auror and is currently learning his skills with me. When I wrote this letter, he was peeking next to me and was kicked out by me.

Finally, cool photos from the Quidditch World Cup. "

The sixth letter comes from the head of the Muggle problem-solving agency under the Swiss Ministry of Magic—

"Felix, it's a pleasure to hear from you. The suggestion you made last time was very constructive, and I submitted it after a few revisions. It's working well so far, and it's strange what else is in your head...

I saw the photo reprinted from the British Daily Prophet. I couldn't believe that such a vicious incident happened at the World Cup. If it was handed over to us, it would never have caused such a mess.

Regarding your question, I learned from my colleague that the giant tribe is still safely huddled in the mountains, and there is no sign of moving out. Of course, I can't be 100% sure that if the observers got too close, the giants would dash towards them and throw stones.

I've attached the address of the giant clan, so be careful if you're planning to seek out secrets. ’

The last letter arrived when Felix was having breakfast on Friday morning. It was from Lucius Malfoy, and the letter was the shortest, without beginning and end, with only a time and place.

'Meet at the summit of the highest peak outside Hogwarts on Friday 4th November at 11pm. ’

He wiped the writing on it and spread a layer of jam on the bread. There is still a day of class to attend today.

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