A Certain Hogwarts Magician Professor

Chapter 372 Ilvermorny and Hogwarts

After the students left, Felix sat alone in his armchair, lost in thought. Several sheets of parchment floated in front of him, lines of letters appearing one after the other, as if an invisible quill was writing words on it.

The thick white mist dissipated as if being illuminated by sunlight, and the unobstructed square, the arena imitating the duel of wizards, the arena with ring walls, and the labyrinth with twists and turns disappeared little by little, as if from never appeared.

It became a dazzling white, the ground was smooth as a mirror, and there was nothing around.

The memories of several professors came out. They looked like real people, but they were just a memory after all. All their emotions are left in the past, and 'this moment' will not bother them.

"It's still too deserted here." The young Albus Dumbledore said, made a carved ottoman for himself, and sat down: "I prefer liveliness."

Felix pulled out his hand on his chin, put a few pieces of parchment together, smiled and said, "Then I advise you to 'self', I can see that the principal has some ideas, this is what I hope, maybe only He will be able to convince Mr Scamander."

"It's not so difficult if it's about Fantastic Beasts... Newt is a very kind man, unless," young Albus Dumbledore looked at him playfully, his auburn hair slightly curled, "you want more."

"That's right," Felix admitted, "I hope he leaves a memory, after all, the knowledge that can be written in books is only a small part of his precious mind."

Young Felix Hepp curled his lips, "It's so devious." He said sharply, "Visible knowledge can help students, but invisible ones can help him."

Several professors present laughed.

Young Minerva McGonagall did not laugh, looked at them with bright eyes, and snorted angrily: "Gentlemen, we should work."

"That's right," said the young Flitwick, who turned his legs into a cloud of mist that floated in mid-air, looking like the god of some lamp from a Muggle fairy tale, "Today we are just trying out our skills. There are still many interesting scenes in my mind, such as the goblin tribe."

Young Albus Dumbledore shook his head, "Can I say that my memories of school are a little boring, but I did spend the summer visiting some interesting people, some of whom I still keep in correspondence with. I also spent considerable time observing giants, centaurs, and troll tribes in order to write my thesis..."

Young Felix Hepp murmured softly: "Compared to them, I'm like a blank sheet of paper." He glanced at his own body, "How about a black market show around the world, where students practice disguise and Sneak in and find someone with ulterior motives? But I need your help."

Felix said sullenly: "What black market? It's just part of the customs of foreign magic circles. I'm just curious..."

But his words were ignored, and several professors got busy.

Mountains, ravines, caves, taverns... Goblins, giants, centaurs, trolls... Various scenes are stacked on top of each other. They appeared for the first time today, but they have been firmly remembered by this space. When necessary, they will serve as administrators. They can be called at will.


Harry has been very busy lately, he declined the invitation of the ghost of Gryffindor, Nick, who was almost headless, on Monday. I heard that they had a party and invited all the ghosts, but Peeves made a scene in the middle. , robbed a precious exhibit.

Hermione was busy too, she seemed to be living in the library. Except for classroom No. 7 and the classroom, no one can be seen at other times. From her roommate's chat, she hadn't been in the kitchen to chat with the house-elves for days. Even the occasional glimpse in the common room, where she hid herself behind a thick stack of books, all he could see was the top of a brown head.

As soon as the get out of class was over, she would pull out small slips of paper from her pockets, schoolbags, and textbook interlayers, count the questions on it one by one, and hold them to ask different professors.

He actually wanted to ask questions, but the point was, he didn't know what to ask. He pulled a copy from Hermione's borrowed book and fell asleep by the second paragraph. He and Ron wandered aimlessly in the restricted area of ​​the library, looking at knowledge that was not theirs. He could only pick and read books with the words "Duel", "Power" and "Compendium of Spells" on their names. Ron was the same. He was very interested in a book of curses bound by chains. The cover of the book There's a wizard howling in pain, who seems to be about to rip his head out of the book.

But Harry thought that Ron was simply thinking the cover was cool, or that the pointy chin and light hair of the Witcher of Pain was a little Malfoy-like to make him stop, because Ron soon lost interest in it.


Felix found that there were more Hogwarts meetings this year. Sometimes when he just came out of the classroom or was answering a student's question, Professor McGonagall's cat-shaped Patronus would suddenly jump in front of him and bring Professor McGonagall's message.

"Ilvermorny's delegation is coming."

He sat in the long staff lounge with many professors, bathed in the glow of bright and soft magic lights, and listened to Professor McGonagall. Dumbledore crossed his hands and leaned against the back of the chair, a faint smile floating on the corner of his mouth, revealing a confident expression.

But Felix reckoned he was thinking of something else. He also has this skill, and he has deliberately practiced it.

However, he paid more attention to Professor McGonagall's speech, and Professor Sprout had already asked the confusion for him: "So early? Beauxbatons and Durmstrang are almost two weeks away."

Professor McGonagall explained: "The representatives of Ilvermorny hope to come early, familiarize themselves with the environment and understand Hogwarts... This is closely related to everyone here, Dumbledore approved Ilvermorny's students can choose six Seventh grade curriculum."

The professors looked at Dumbledore. Dumbledore smiled and nodded, his beard quivering.

Trelawney, who was confused and confused about the situation, raised her head and said sharply: "I don't accept all students, Dumbledore, if they don't have enough spirituality, I will explain in advance - they won't. Learned more than a troll."

Snape choked, and he was about to speak just now, but Trelawney preempted him. He could only follow her words and say coldly: "I have the same idea, Principal. Some students can be accepted, but they must show enough talent in the subject of potions, otherwise, I can only arrange for them to enter Lower grades, fifth grade, fourth grade..."

Professor McGonagall looked at them hesitantly. Dumbledore smiled and said: "Don't worry, Severus, as far as I know, Ilvermorny also has a potions class, or the founder of Ilvermorny was deeply influenced by Hogwarts. , they are more connected to us than other schools in terms of curriculum similarity."

"Ilvermorny also has four academies - horned water snake, cat leopard, thunderbird, goblin, of course, not the goblin in the garden as we remember it, this interesting error comes from different understandings, when misunderstanding It is rumored that everyone calls it that. In fact, they are native species in North America and are related to the goblins on the European side. According to my speculation, they may be a distant relative of goblins, because they lost their unique culture and put themselves Hidden in a dense forest... but they learned to use poisoned bows and arrows."

"These four colleges represent the wizard's wisdom, body, soul and heart - a unique perspective, which makes Ilvermorny's students show obvious cross-academic characteristics, such as The Horned Water Serpent House combines some of the characteristics of Ravenclaw and Slytherin."

"The difference in this similarity, and the collision of ideas they bring about, is the most precious thing."

"They may have understanding and snooping on our minds, but understanding is mutual, and we should welcome them," Dumbledore told the professors.

After the meeting, Professor Pomona Sprout approached Felix.

She is a professor of herbal medicine at Hogwarts and the head of Hufflepuff House. She is optimistic and compassionate by nature, and has a deep knowledge of magical plants.

"Do you want to keep a memory too, need help?" Felix said with interest. "Of course no problem."

Thank you for the Silver League of Huanyu boss! !

When I saw it, I was a little confused. I wanted to add ten more in one breath, and then I thought about my hand speed. Er, I have everything in my dreams.

At the same time, I welcome the sixth leader of this book, the lyre melodious, thank you, and thank all the readers for their support.

Let's be practical, about Jiagen--

It used to be the seventh watch of the leader of the alliance. Later, in order to complete the plot, chapters were often combined, so consider the number of words (such as 2.4k) to count as one chapter, but even so, the author did not pay off...

I thought about it very seriously, so I didn’t specify the exact number of words (because I might not be able to slap my face), but extended the writing time and reported the results to everyone at the end of the month.

According to the daily update of 6-7k, about 200,000 words a month. The excess part is counted as an update, please supervise.

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