"Harry went to the school hospital?"

When Felix returned to classroom 7, it was still a while before noon, and many people had not left. He asked Li Jordan, the commentator who had combed his hair into a lock.

As soon as he came in, he heard his passionate commentary, and the hot atmosphere at the scene had a lot to do with him. But it may have been a long time, and his voice was a little hoarse.

"Yes, Professor Haip." Li Jordan said, "he got the invitation card, but his face was not very good. His friend Granger took him to the school hospital, and Fred and George's brother Luo kindness."

While speaking, a figure was thrown out by the black hanging door. Felix gently waved his wand and let her step on the ground steadily.

"Oh, thanks, Professor Hepp," Angelina Johnson said gratefully.

Felix nodded and looked at the black door, which was covered with handprints of various sizes. He saw a student who deliberately squatted and put his dirty hands on the edge of the door. "It's a sign of courage," said Lee Jordan, and Felix smirked.

He raised his wand and pointed to the left side of the black steps. A small lump of soil bulged on the ground. The soil in the center slid down towards the surroundings. The grass on the ground was turned upside down. The top of the soil was opened, and the ground broke out. The stele was about six or seven feet high, and on the smooth stone surface, four names gleamed brightly, shining like stars, and the crowd gathered and pointed—

Cedric Diggory;

Roger Davis;

Collins Foley;

Harry Potter;

The little wizards stared at these four names with infinite envy in their hearts. It would be great if their own names could also appear on them.

When Felix heard Angelina mention the secret that Cedric said, he waved his hand again, and the four words appeared on the top of the stone tablet: courage, wisdom, tenacity, calmness.

"You should realize that everyone can try multiple times." Felix spoke calmly, sending his voice far away so that everyone could hear, "Here are a few more pieces of advice—"

"Every time you fail, it will bring you a huge mental burden. It is best to take a break for half an hour to an hour before trying, unless your character has an extremely tough and strong side."

The little wizards talked a lot, and the words "potter", "amazing" and "really amazing" came out of their mouths, and even the sentence "I will prove it to you" that he encouraged Angelina to be turned out, Draco Malfoy lip-mouthed in disgust: "Saint Potter!"

Felix smiled slightly—

"As for the content of the test, I think many of you have already guessed, and that is to face your fears. Of course, if your fears are some funny stuff, like a garbage mountain, a smelly boot, Then you will be faced with some interesting and strange creatures that I specially prepared, and even Headmaster Dumbledore is full of praise.

It's not just me. I made special reference to Muggle movies and the level monsters that previous Contest players have to face. "

The little wizards who participated in the selection glared at him one after another, their eyes burning with fire. This morning, they were chased and run by monsters, entangled by snakes, stepped on by giant monsters, squashed by giants, and kicked away by the deformed car like a ball...

His encounter is so bizarre that it can be compiled into a storybook of novels.

"It can be seen that you can't wait and want to continue to challenge," Felix said with a smile: "Then, the last point, the whole selection will continue until next Monday, and then I will come back to confirm the final list."

"Don't think about casting spells on the stele and printing your name on it..."

school clinic.

Madam Pomfrey handed Harry a potion in exasperation and oversaw him drinking it herself. Harry endured the discomfort and finished the liquid, which smelled of low-quality vegetable juice, and wiped his mouth vigorously, thanking God that he finally didn't have to listen to Madam Pomfrey's nagging.

Ron was sitting at Harry's feet, fiddling with the invitation card. He stroked the delicate lines on the golden card over and over again with envy on his face, "It's so beautiful."

"How did you do it, Harry, any tricks?" he couldn't help asking.

"My tricks may not be of any use to you, and there shouldn't be anyone chanting a death-killing spell at you..." Harry yawned loudly. Madam Pomfrey's potions had always worked quickly, and he said with all his strength. .

"Are you facing the Death-Slaying Curse?" Ron shivered, the card slipped from his hand, and he hurriedly clamped it with his legs.

Hermione covered her mouth and asked in surprise, "That spell? The one that Professor Moody demonstrated in class?"

"Yeah, the green light is shooting at you from all angles, and every time I think I'm going to die," said Harry lazily. "The only way to get out of this state is when you get out..."

"It's weird! I tried it a few times in the middle and told myself that it was all fake, and then I went in and forgot about it."

"So do we," said Ron. "Me and Hermione. I tried twice and saw a dozen spiders, and it was different each time. Can you believe it?" he said incredulously. Spider, you just poke it and pus comes out of your stomach, and when my spell hits—" He paused a little, remembering some bad memory, his face puckered.

"I faced all kinds of academic blows, failing an exam, being called to talk by a professor, being kicked out of school for not using magic, or having a magical accident..." Hermione sighed, "With you It's like completely forgetting that we're being tested in a weird place, as if we've suddenly lost our minds and can't remember why we're there."

"Maybe that's what the professor intended."

"But if we don't remember and take it every time as true, how can we pass?" Ron said.

Harry said thoughtfully: "We shouldn't just think about what's going on in the Black Gate. Didn't the professor emphasize potential and growth? Don't forget, in the Black Gate we will forget that we are in the test, but When I go out, I will remember everything. I suddenly realized that the gap between the two trials is the key to overcome our fears and grow.”

"So the test is actually to see if you have reflected and grown?" Hermione said sharply.

"No-ha--yes." Harry's eyelids drooped down, drowsily.

He knocked on his head, "There is something else to tell you. There is a magic on the invitation card, which should be done by Professor Haipu. It is very, very interesting. I strongly recommend you, you... try it!"

Before Harry could finish speaking, he fell asleep on the pillow. He is so tired today.

"What kind of magic is it?" Ron stared at the golden card, looked over and over for a long time, and handed it to Hermione, "I didn't find anything."

Hermione took it, took out her wand and pointed: "Magic reveals! Reveal the secret!" After a while, she hesitated: "It should be a one-time magic, only the first person to get the card will get this reward."

Ron said regretfully, "I really want to shake Harry awake and ask."

After lunch, the two returned to classroom 7 again. They had specially ordered a large bottle of potion from Madam Pomfrey to soothe their spirits. Hermione begged for a long time before Madam Pomfrey reluctantly gave it to her.

At this point, Li Jordan was gone, and the morning commentary put a lot of strain on his throat. Hearing from Neville, he planned to order a box of ice rat candy with Owl in an emergency to reduce the fire in his throat.

Hermione glanced at the extra black stone tablet and snorted slightly.

When it was close to dinner in the afternoon, Harry came back. He first recited the name on the stone tablet with great interest. When he saw "Angelina Johnson", Harry was sincerely happy for her. He also saw Qiu Zhang's name, and he couldn't tell whether he was sad or happy - he already knew that Qiu Zhang agreed to be Cedric's girlfriend.

Before he had time to think about it, Angelina rushed over and hugged him warmly, "Thank you, Harry." She immediately pulled him into the Gryffindor crowd.

"Oh, here comes our Warrior Potter!" the twins roared. Fred bowed pretentiously: "It's a great honor, we're missing a guide."

"No, I'm not—" Harry waved his hands in embarrassment, "I'm not old enough."

The twins hugged his shoulders from left to right, "I can take you a copy of the age-enhancing agent," he said to Li Jordan, "Lee found a way, but at least one ounce is required, we want to find someone share..."

"Don't you have a dividend?" Ron asked.

"That's right, George, we've been a little extravagant recently, forgetting that we still have a debt that we haven't asked for back," Fred said.

"It makes sense, we've only just started this month, and we've spent thirty Galleons," George said.

"Thirty Galleons!" Ron said angrily, staring, "and you guys don't even want to buy a new dress for your brother!"

The twins looked at each other.

"That's how we came here too," Fred shrugged, "and the money has been exchanged for materials, but we can lend you some feathers to stick to your dress."

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