A Certain Hogwarts Magician Professor

Chapter 346 The shadow is approaching

The sky gradually brightened, turned a deep blue, and a shimmer of white emerged from the horizon.

Felix stood in the crowd, and kind of understood why Fudge was so afraid of Barty Crouch. He was unsmiling and had an old-fashioned old-fashioned and die-hard style. When Fudge was still struggling with what to do with these hooded men, Crowe Qi has given orders in an orderly manner.

"Take these thugs away," he said sternly. "They will be interrogated until someone can say who is behind this terror."

Fudge wiped his sweat, "Crouch... Buddy, you're taking it too seriously... they're just drunk and mad with no serious consequences... I wouldn't agree to define it as horror... ... if it weren't for the Muggles involved, just a fine."

"Oh, yes? I'll focus on the outcome of the interrogation," Crouch said, his eyes fixed on the hooded men with their masks removed, "some of them I know very well, quite familiar... …”

Fudge cleared his throat. "Okay, let's get back to the ministry with some words—Walsh!"

"I'll give you some of the people, and you'll leave it to deal with the follow-up... er, appease work, I'm going back to the ministry to solve more difficult troubles."

Ministry of Magic staff urgently produced a batch of port keys and left with the man lying on the ground.

Walsh Sidrick arranged for the rest to put out the fire to appease the crowd. Many family members were separated, and the staff of the Ministry of Magic blessed themselves with a loud voice, shouting hoarse in the crowd.

There are also claims, complaints, complaints, and all kinds of appeals are chaotic. Walsh showed good work ethic, took it all, and let them go back and make a list of the losses, not sure.

"I won't lose, I can only admit that I'm unlucky." Sirius said with experience, Harry wanted to laugh but couldn't, so he could only grin.

"Okay, boys," said Mr. Weasley. "You go back to the tent and sleep for a while. It's only a few hours before dawn, and you'll be lining up to get the keys during the day."

Barty Crouch stayed, and he found Felix.

"I want to tell you something, Mr. Hepp." Crouch said sternly. "Let's find a place to talk, what do you think?"

"Of course," Felix smiled, "let's go to my tent, it's intact."

They returned to the tent of the Future World Company, which was very spacious, with empty boxes stacked in the corner, and two magic lamps in the shape of large fire dragons. Crouch glanced at Clemie and Lupin and said nothing. .

The two sat down, and Felix brought a jug of lemon juice.

"Thank you." Crouch said politely with a stern face. He couldn't wait to get to the point. "Mr. Hepp, I want to thank you for stopping the riot in time without causing more serious consequences."

"More serious consequences?"

"Yeah, more serious consequences," Crouch repeated, looking at Felix with sharp eyes, "You haven't experienced it, but I know what they are, to be honest, according to the normal process, that numb The melon family cannot survive."

"Normal process..." Felix raised his eyebrows, "Isn't it what I thought?"

"Death Eaters," said Crouch nonchalantly. "Having fun killing Muggles, when I was head of the Division of Magical Law Enforcement, I handled quite a few shocking cases. So I ordered my Aurors to fight back. ."

Felix fiddled with the goblet, pondering in his heart. At this moment, the curtain of the tent opened, "Barty, I heard that you are here... Ha, it really is."

Ludo Bagman panted, his face sweating.

He pulled a chair and sat between them, poured himself a glass of lemon juice, drank it, and let out a long sigh of relief: "It was a day full of twists and turns, those fans—"

"Thugs, Ludo," Crouch interrupted, correcting him.

"Uh, well, thugs..." Bagman asked. "What are you guys talking about?"

But this sentence is just an introduction, he immediately opened the chat box and looked at Felix with a smile on his face: "It's a pity I missed the good show. I paid a lot of money betting that Bulgaria would score the first goal, and you saw it... I already saw that Bulgaria was not good enough, so I offered high odds!"

"And little Agatha, she's got half of the shares of Eel Farm, she's a little crazy... But, just happened to help me pay off a loan I borrowed from the goblin..."

"No one wants to hear about your business," Crouch said impatiently. "We're talking business, if you realize you're also one of the leaders of the camp."

Ludo Bagman looked at him uneasily, "But, isn't it over? All the troublemakers have been brought back to the ministry. There's Walsh in the camp. He's doing a lot better than me..."

Felix smiled and said, "Mr. Bagman, we were just discussing the Death Eaters."

"Death Eaters...what? Death Eaters..." Bagman's round face began to sweat, "I-I don't quite understand."

Felix and Crouch ignored him, Felix wanted to know why Crouch came to him, so he continued the interrupted topic, "Mr. Crouch, you just said that the Death Eaters killed Ma. For fun, do you think they made today's farce?"

"I can't think of anyone else," Crouch said, word by word. "Only they need to hide their faces, hide their cowardice and meanness, but reminisce about their past glory. Remind us that way that they are doing fine."

His toothbrush-like beard trembled, his eyes protruded, and he looked hideous. Felix doubted that if there were Death Eaters standing in front of him, he would be able to bite their throats with his teeth.

Bagman thought of the scene of his trial at the end of the war, and Crouch's expression was the same now, which made him terrified. From this perspective, Fudge’s arrangement was a failure. Bagman did not have the courage to oppose Crouch. He planted the seeds of fear when he was tried that year, so he has been on good terms with Crouch all these years.

"Barty, maybe, maybe..." He was so frightened that he couldn't utter a complete sentence after muttering for a long time.

Felix had a similar guess, nodded and said at the moment: "So there is actually one thing missing today, the Dark Mark."

Crouch looked contemptuous: "They wouldn't dare to do that."

Barty Crouch seemed to say the real purpose before the conversation was over: "The Wizengamore has considered accepting you as one of their members, and in the near future, maybe you can make it to this trial. We You need to get tough on this scum."

Felix looked at his back and felt weird. Is Crouch looking for help in Wizengamore? As far as he knows, Barty Crouch had a bad life before, and there are even rumors that Fudge Going to kick him out of Wizengamot.

But in fact, Fudge is incapable of doing this, because the Wizengamore Wizarding Court is a rather loose organization, usually each member has his own job, and only gets together when there is something important.

When it comes to leaders, Dumbledore is the chief wizard of Wizengamore.


Shortly after leaving, Barty Crouch disappeared in the camp on the grounds of physical discomfort, but he did not go far, but appeared in the woods near the camp.

A man in a black robe and cloak stood in the mist, motionless.

Barty Crouch's expression also became stiff, as if frozen.

The cloak lifted his hood, revealing a young face: "Master."

Barty Crouch's voice suddenly became hoarse, "I went to see Felix Hepp..."

"What!" the cloaked man - Barty Crouch Jr. said solemnly: "Will it be too risky, master... We underestimated him before, but today we are there, and you have passed my father's Eyes see..."

Barty Crouch's eyes turned blood red in an instant, and his pupils became snake-shaped, he said softly: "Before making a plan, always make sure who the enemy is... It turns out that he can't find me... Not even as sensitive as that kid, Harry Potter!"

"But in case he sees through your disguise—" said Barty Crouch Jr. eagerly.

Barty Crouch, or Voldemort, said slowly: "I'm in this state... the biggest advantage is that I can't be killed. Maybe you still have old feelings for your father?"

"No, my master." Barty Crouch Jr knelt at his feet and said reverently: "I hate him so much that I am ashamed of his name. Master, he has imprisoned me for more than ten years. , let me live like a dead man, until the arrival of the master frees me."

This involves a past. More than a decade ago, with the end of the war, guilty people were imprisoned in Azkaban, and Barty Crouch Jr. was accused of torturing the Longbottoms to madness with Bellatrix and others. Crouch denied at the trial and implored his father, who was the judge, to believe in himself-the evidence at the time was not sufficient, because the witnesses were not very impressed with Crouch, and his father was the judge presiding over the trial. There is a good chance of escaping the crime.

But it is a pity that Barty Crouch is unselfish. He has already seen the flaws in the sneaky whereabouts of his son. Combined with vague witnesses, he finally confirmed the guilt of little Crouch and sentenced him to life imprisonment.

After that, Barty Crouch made a big mistake. He couldn't refuse his wife's dying request. At the end of her life, he used Compound Potion to exchange his son from prison, and kept him at home with the Imperius Curse. Let the house-elf Twinkle take care of him, intending to let him live his whole life like this.

Until Sirius escaped from Azkaban with a life-for-life determination to kill Peter Wormtail, Wormtail was terrified, he disappeared for months, found Voldemort, and recovered from Bertha Jokin. He got the news about the tournament and Barty Jr., they broke into his house while old Barty Crouch was away and freed Jr. Crouch, and waited until Barty Crouch was old When Qi came back from get off work, he was attacked by his son and Wormtail, and controlled him with the Imperius Curse.


Voldemort said in an emotionless voice, "What if I let you kill your own father?"

"I will carry out your orders with great pleasure!"

"No hurry," Voldemort let out a chilling laugh, "Barty Crouch is still useful, but he almost got rid of my control in front of that idiot Fudge, and almost broke a big thing, maybe I was hiding in his mind It was too painful for him, and inadvertently reduced the effect of the Imperius Curse."

Barty Crouch Jr pondered, "Will there be any flaws?"

Voldemort sneered and said: "There is no evidence, it's just some temptation at most, but the hegemony is inseparable from him, and things will develop in the direction we expected, the only pity is that I can't maintain this state for too long... I lost the bug. The tail is really inconvenient."

"Master, it's all my fault."

"Okay," Voldemort said. "As planned, we'll go back to your house first. I need to rest for a while, and then we'll go to Mad-Eye Moody. He's not easy to deal with. We must set a trap."

"Master, you have finally gained a body, I can do it by myself... I really can't, let Twinkle..."

"When will house-elves do things for the great Voldemort?" said Voldemort gloomily. "It doesn't matter if Barty Crouch is exposed. I found a way for him to call the curtain."


"That kid from the Black family gave me inspiration. You don't want to appear in front of the world openly? Just let him apologize with death to prove your innocence."

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