A Certain Hogwarts Magician Professor

Chapter 337 Sniff's Education

Goblins are one of the few humanoid races that have preserved their cultural heritage intact. In addition to their unique goblin magic and superb craftsmanship, they also have their own language, customs and settlements.

Many aspects of them are close to wizards, such as the routine of parents to scare children.

In many fairy tales of goblins, Niu Niu is comparable to the existence of demons. Their prestige doesn't stop there. Even if it is a scolding between adult goblins, if the top ten golden sentences are selected, "Your family is recruited!" It must be on the list, and it is likely to be in the forefront.

"Don't worry, Warren has many treasures," Felix said.

Hearing this, Gonuk felt even more uncomfortable. In the concept of goblins, the more treasures there are, the more eager they are, otherwise, how could he accumulate such a wealth of wealth! He left hastily, and Cremy looked outside for a while, then announced to them with great joy, "Mr. Gonook has chosen the tent furthest from us." The crowd couldn't help laughing.

It was already dark, Felix stayed in the tent alone, took out a stack of parchment, and combed the harvest of his trip.

First of all, there are nine kinds of ancient magic, which is a great harvest. In order to hide his identity, Haierbo left the magic on the slate relatively normal, without any strange things. Felix asked himself, if he broke into this place while traveling, would he be able to leave intact?

Especially Haierbo left some heartfelt words on a slate closest to the dark room. The general meaning is: since you have passed the many tests, then you will get my approval. I have left all my knowledge in the dark room.

uh... it's all a lie.

But this technique is extremely clever, and Felix also re-organized the details before discovering the ingenuity of this strategy. Using nine unadulterated ancient magics as bait, and among these magics, the self-introductions and travels on the seemingly useless slates are what Haierbo carefully arranged.

For example, he first introduced his origins, and then went on to tell anecdotes about his travels, and said a lot of secrets, giving people a powerful, withdrawn, and arrogant image of a wizard.

Such people will never design you, right? Totally not worth it! Wizards of that era had no concept of Horcruxes.

Most ancient wizards set up darkrooms, either to hide treasures or to set up mausoleums. These locations are naturally full of traps, and no one would think of "disclosing" their powerful magic.

Therefore, in Felix's view, with the mentality of the wizards at the time, it was difficult not to fall for the trick.

And when the latecomers identify the image of the wizard fabricated by Haierbo, their vigilance will be greatly reduced, they will only be careful to deal with the "test" of their predecessors, and neglect to guard against the sinister cold arrows behind the scenes.

What's more, Haierbo continued to say some words of exhortation in the later slate, encouraging latecomers to continue to move forward, and left some useless tricks, in fact, to increase his status in the minds of passers-by. .

But he didn't say anything about the key information, just waiting to cheat people. For example, disguising a powerful curse as a pebble and placing it on the only path; or suddenly increasing the power and intensity of the curse, making people caught off guard. But once the latecomers are preconceived and decide that these are tests, they will only think that their strength and ability are not enough, and they will not think of these vicious thoughts.

It is a pity that all the conspiracy calculations can not stop the invasion of time, Haierbo's many arrangements appear so pale and powerless under the long time, even the Horcrux that he has painstakingly guarded, has already been destroyed by himself.

"It is also possible that his skills are not enough." Felix thought, "After all, it is the world's first Horcrux, and some omissions are inevitable."


Among the nine ancient magics Felix wrote down, four are the main ones, namely golden flame, black lightning, corrosive black mist, and malicious deformation; two are defensive ones, silver shield and compressed air, and the last three are They were all auxiliary, and he hadn't had time to study them carefully.

"Well, Haierbo didn't leave the names of these magics, I can only make up my own based on their characteristics..." Felix scratched his head in embarrassment. Forget it, the names are not important.

At this moment, Niu Niu, who was lounging on the tent carpet, came over, Felix tapped his head, and he hummed to the side, followed by two gold Galleons, twelve silver Sikes and six A copper nut.

Felix didn't pay much attention to it. He was still thinking about ancient magic. The most amazing thing was the defense magic of compressed air. In fact, it was not so much compressed air as compressed space, at least to achieve a similar effect.

Although there is no clear regulation, wizards are familiar with the impression that there is a distance limit for casting spells, at least most of them. You can't always expect to throw a disarming spell into the sky, and it can fly directly to a height of 10,000 meters, which is the limit on distance.

Among the magic Felix currently masters, the one with the farthest casting distance is the Patronus Charm. Among his many researches, one direction is to make the Patronus change its shape and become Felix himself. It is also very convenient to buy something or communicate with people at that time, but when he told this idea to Dumbledore made fun of him for thinking too much.

"The Patronus is a reflection of the mind. Instead of thinking about changing the shape, I suggest you put a wizard robe on it..."

Felix gladly accepted the offer, weaving blank memories into a transparent glowing robe, so that at least the Patronus could disguise as a ghost, and maybe a new ghost would wander around Hogwarts Castle after school started.

Felix converged his chaotic thoughts and focused his attention on the magic of compressed air. Its principle is very simple. It builds an air wall in front of the caster, but this air wall compresses a space, allowing the attackers to attack him. Magic is beyond the casting distance and control distance, and naturally disintegrates.

Theoretically, this magic can resist all attacks, even life-threatening spells.

Felix has decided to put it and black lightning at the top of the learning list. Black lightning magic is also very powerful. It is characterized by extremely fast speed and strong penetration. General defense magic is useless at all.

His humanoid iron armor was originally less defensive than normal iron armor, and in the face of these black lightnings, it was as fragile as a thin layer of parchment.

Felix sighed again that Haierbo knew how to invest capital.

"What a good man, it's a pity he died."

In addition to these nine ancient magics, he also experienced a unique curse teaching. Although Haierbo did not teach him a single curse, Felix still figured out some things with his own personal experience, and he now needs to record these things down.


Sniff Wallen got in from outside the tent, and saw Felix writing fluently on the parchment, his shadow swaying in the tent, the light inside flickered, sniff was startled, and copied it by hand. Pick up a gem and drop it on Felix's head.

Felix looked at the gem in front of him, turned his head, looked at Sniff, one big and one small looked at each other and fell into a speechless silence.

A few minutes later, he held the sniff up and flung a pile of gold Galleons and all sorts of odds and ends from its little pocket, including its Merlin Medal and broken time-turner, of course, in the corner. The small pile of dubious gems here is also quite striking.

"It looks like I'm going to give you a good class." Felix transformed a small cup into a small bench and let Sniff sit on it, "Sit down, because I neglected your education. We have...about four hours before returning the stuff."

Sniffing Warren cradled his pink beak in his arms, he had a strong feeling that his carefree childhood was leaving him.

"I need to give you a supplementary basic education, otherwise, when the school starts, it may cause some trouble... I think about the economic books I have read, the part of property ownership is very educational... "

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