a week later.

Outside Autry St Catchpole, Devon, is a rolling hills and fertile meadow where the Weasleys live.

A red glow appeared on the horizon, and a tall, thin young man emerged from the emerald green field.

Felix walked briskly, along a winding path, past the dilapidated garage, and stood in front of a small yard. In front of you was a crooked house built several stories high, with a sign sticking diagonally in front of it that read "The Burrow".

Some high-top leather boots were thrown by the gate, and a rusted cauldron. A few fat brown chickens pecking in the yard.

Felix looked at the place, just the layout of a house can imagine many stories - from the outside, the first floor is the most delicate, probably the original appearance of the Burrow, and a beautiful red roof. However, the young Weasleys did not expect that more and more children were born, and the space at home was obviously not enough. On the basis of the first floor, a second floor and a third floor were added...

As a result, the whole of the house began to develop in a bizarre direction.

The door of the house opened suddenly, and Arthur Weasley ushered Felix in. They came to the narrow kitchen, where a long, well-wiped wooden table took up most of the space, surrounded by boxes and cabinets. , Mrs. Weasley, wearing an apron, was clinking by the sink while cooking, with grotesque little tunes coming from the old radio.

"Hello, Professor Hepp," said Mrs. Weasley enthusiastically, looking back from her busy schedule. She pointed her wand at the cauldron, and it immediately gave off a burst of heat, then its lid jumped up, and Weasley The lady put the sliced ​​sausages and vegetables in. "Let's have some breakfast together. I made a bisque, and cheese and buttered bread."

Felix smiled and thanked him.

She turned to Mr. Weasley again and said, "Honey, go and wake the children." Before there was a response, there was a loud "crack" explosion from upstairs, Mrs. Weasley's hand shook, and the plate hit the ground. On the pool, a corner was broken.

"Don't be offended, Molly, I'll teach them a lesson." Mr. Weasley hurried upstairs.

"It's like this again... fiddling with their prank products all day, only to get back four certificates," she said angrily, repairing the plate with her wand, "don't say anything to help when you wake up..."

She directs the washed dishes to fly to the long wooden table, explaining, "Charlie and Bill will be back a few days later, and there are only five children at home."

"I saw Charlie some time ago," Felix said.

Mrs. Weasley was attracted and asked him about the current situation of her second son. She said with some concern: "He has always told me that the job is safe, but that is a dragon after all..."

"He's got a solid group of teammates," Felix said, picking up light-hearted topics like feeding dragons to barbecue or something, but Mrs Weasley was visibly frightened, so he turned to Charlie's captain, his Spend all day infighting with a cute little Norwegian Ridgeback over brandy.

"That doesn't sound very smart," said Mrs. Weasley suspiciously.

"Cough! They have a good relationship, it's more like a game..." Felix said. He paced to the living room and looked at the wall clock on the wall. Unlike the clock in the kitchen as a daily reminder, on the big clock in front of him There are nine hands. The end of the hands is like a spoon, and there is a photo of each family member. Where the numbers should be marked on the clock face, it is written where each family member is likely to appear, including "home", " "School", "Work", "On the Road", "Missing", "Hospital", etc., at 12 o'clock on the general clock, marked "Fatal Danger".

Felix secretly pondered the magic used by this magical item. There must be a tracking spell, as well as name magic, and magic to detect the state of the body... Maybe the wall clock itself represents a kind of magic contract.

After a while, two red-haired boys came downstairs, Fred and George, the twins in pajamas, their eyes kept searching, and their eyes lit up when they looked at Felix who was looking at the clock on the wall.

"Professor, you really keep your word!"

"Where shall we go in a minute? Listen to Percy, you plant a castle—"

"What kind of magic is this? Can we learn it?"

"Are you going to buy Joko?"

Mrs. Weasley came out of the kitchen, tucked her waist, and looked at the dresses of the two with a serious face: "Look at the two of you, what you look like, change your clothes, there are guests."

The twins bowed their heads in shame and turned to go upstairs. As Fred left, he kept saying, "Professor, wait for us, we have a new product, I—"

"Fred!" the twins' mother snapped.

Fred immediately shrank his shoulders and pushed George upstairs. Before disappearing, he stuck his head out and said with a smile, "Mom, I'm actually George."

A muffled voice came from beside him: "You're bullshitting—"

"Don't think you said that—" Mrs. Weasley's chest was bulging, but the twins stomped their feet deliberately, making clanging footsteps, pretending they couldn't hear them, and on the third floor, a voice shouted angrily: "Can't you be quiet!"

Mrs. Weasley filled her dishes with food. "That's Percy, he should be writing a report...he's just joined the Ministry of Magic, very aggressive and desperate to get something done."

"Fred and George are also working hard and their couple mirrors are very popular," Felix said with a laugh, without mentioning the bizarre prank products.

"That said..." Mrs. Weasley paused. "I just think that they are still two years away from graduating, so it's too early to think about making money."

"Mrs. Weasley, they just chose the things they love in advance. You should know them best. Based on their personalities, what kind of work do you think they will do after graduation?"

Mrs. Weasley looked hesitant, though reluctant to admit it, she couldn't imagine that the pair would one day dress meticulously and go to work at the Ministry of Magic. Or rather, any job that involves following the rules doesn't seem to work with them.

At this time, Mr. Weasley came back, followed by a little girl with red hair. She was Ginny, the youngest child of the Weasley family, and was looking at Felix curiously. The clothes he was wearing today had nothing to do with the wizarding world. shadow.

Ron yawned and walked behind him, eyes half-closed, as if sleepwalking, and Percy and the twins appeared last, with Percy combing his hair neatly and wearing a neat suit.

"I'm following Mr. Crouch now. As his assistant, every day is very fulfilling. Today I'm going to the Quidditch World Cup." Percy introduced his work. He admired his boss very much, with Felix's eyes Judging, he was deliberately imitating Barty Crouch's dress.

The twins winked at each other and wanted to say something, but Mrs. Weasley found out in advance, "Don't talk during dinner."

Fred murmured, "Mum's too partial, she doesn't care about Percy."

"Yeah, because as a small leader, he manages seven or eight people..."

"More than Dad."

"But what's his job?"

"Wetherby, level the land—"

"The southern auditorium lacks two hundred seats—"

Ron and Ginny bowed their heads and grinned exaggeratedly at the corners of their mouths. Percy was furious: "You guys peek at my notes!"

Mr. Weasley coughed twice. "Children..." He nuked at Mrs. Weasley, who was holding the soup spoon in one hand, her eyes burning like an angry lion, and they died immediately.

The twins swept the plates in two or three times, while Felix put down his knife and fork, and said to the Weasleys, "Thank you for the hospitality. Oh, Mrs Weasley, no more, I've had three bowls. Soup..."

Outside the Burrow, the twins each carried a large bag containing their latest research results.

"There are seven kinds of fireworks that can be fixed in mid-air and stay for a long time!"

"Okay, we've got some time to talk, grab my arm now," Felix said, the twins holding him from side to side. "Is it Apparition? We're almost—" The three of them twisted and disappeared together.

They appeared in an alley in a London neighborhood. The twins looked around curiously, staring at a huge trash can. "Professor, isn't this Diagon Alley?"

"I see," Felix said. "We need to change your clothes first, in case you scare others. We have a very full schedule today."

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