A Certain Hogwarts Magician Professor

Chapter 312 The Evil of Horcrux

Black House.

Sirius, Felix and Dumbledore sat in three positions respectively, and the atmosphere in the room was very solemn.

"He needs a funeral," insisted Sirius.

"I totally agree that Regulus was a hero - he also saved an innocent life and has a heart of gold...deserving of that honor." Dumbledore said softly: "However, we Not revealing the existence of the Horcrux would cause a lot of trouble."

His eyes were cast on the long sofa through the half-moon lens. Beside Sirius, a young man lay quietly, his hands folded on his chest, his black curly hair was loose, as if he was asleep.

Regulus' appearance is very similar to his brother, especially the profile, like a young Sirius who has not endured twelve years in prison. His age is always fixed at eighteen years old, but he has completed it. Something that many people will never be able to do in a lifetime.

"Why—I don't understand!"

Sirius felt that his brother's honor had been stolen, and he deserved more, such as a grand funeral. White marble coffins, garlands and green grass, in front of everyone, read the life and glory of Regulus Arcturus Black, and everyone praised his outstanding contribution...

And resisting Voldemort and risking his life to take the Horcrux was an important part of his exploits, and he wished everyone knew that.

"Sirius," said Dumbledore in a deep voice, "I have been trying to avoid the spread of this evil magic as much as possible, even if it is just a name. Imagine when people know that there is such a magic, it only requires simple killing - Excuse my wording, it's really a simple thing for some people - they can touch immortality, what a bargain!"

"I don't think—"

"That's you, Sirius. No one will deny your courage and faith. If one day Voldemort returns, will you pick up your wand again?"

"Of course! I'll fight to the end!" said Sirius without hesitation.

"That's it," said Dumbledore, "but can you face death with equanimity?"

"I won't cut my soul, Dumbledore!"

"Of course you won't," Dumbledore said soothingly, "but what if an extreme situation occurs, and the person you value is dying, or is bound to die, and you desperately want to keep him... At this time, when you hear a Magic that can come back from the dead, do you still care if it is evil or not?"

Sirius hesitated. At this moment, the faces of several people flashed in front of him. He had already lost too much, and he really didn't want the same thing to happen again.

"People will flock to discover the secrets of Horcruxes by all means—selfish dark wizards for themselves, upright people for family and friends, brave Aurors for comrades-in-arms, vile careerists for eternal power... think Think, Sirius, what a horrific scene it was!"

Sirius gasped heavily, thinking of that terrifying picture, his reason had been persuaded, but he was still unhappy.

After a while, he said hoarsely, "Then, then—"

Felix, who was quiet for a long time, said, "It is possible to arrange for Regulus to become a member of the Order of the Phoenix, in the name of an undercover agent, to restore his reputation..."

"No, Felix, I don't want to do that." Sirius refused. "Regulus is a lone warrior, and I want people to understand the incredible courage he showed in making the tough decision against Voldemort. ." He looked at Dumbledore, "Then don't mention the Horcrux, but at least don't ignore his actions against Voldemort, okay?"

Dumbledore nodded. "I'd love to announce this at the funeral."

"Thank you..." Sirius said, in the absence of witnesses, in order for the funeral to not turn into a self-talking joke, there must be someone reputable enough to personally affirm Regulus's contribution, and Deng Brittany is the best candidate.

He would put his reputation on one end of the scale, testify for the one-time Death Eater, the descendant of the Black family who disappeared without a trace, and lift him up high...

As for Sirius himself, many people still don't know the news of his vindication. If he suddenly appeared in Diagon Alley, there would definitely be screams of fear.

"Then, I, uh," Sirius said slowly, "I will determine the process, I will do it myself, and I will also determine the list of invitations to attend the funeral—" He suddenly showed a disgusted expression and muttered: "My Those relatives, there are not many good people."

"I can invite some friends, Sirius," Felix said.

"Thank you, thank you." Sirius said: "Although my brother is not qualified and has been imprisoned for more than ten years, the surname of Blake is worth their trip."

"The influence of the pure-blood family is manifested at this time." He said without emotion, making it impossible to tell whether it was pride or ridicule. He whispered, "Just this time..."

Dumbledore said goodbye, and the fire in the fireplace went up.

"Wait a minute, Headmaster Dumbledore, let's go together," Felix said, rising to his feet. "correct--"

Felix took out a locket from his pocket, and he held the gold chain, and the locket trembled.

"This is the fake Horcrux I took out of the stone basin. I glanced at it, and there was no other magic attached. There was only a note left by Regulus."

Sirius reached out and took it. This fake locket was made by Regulus according to Kreacher's description, and Kreacher only glanced at it at the time, so the imitation was not qualified - not only the size was not correct, but even None of the "S" marks that symbolize Salazar Slytherin.

He mechanically opened the lid of the locket, and there was only a small piece of folded parchment inside. He opened it and took a look, his eyes instantly moistened, and he trembled as he read the words on it—

"To the Dark Lord

When you read this letter, I am dead, but I want you to know: I discovered your secret. I have taken the real Horcrux and intend to destroy it as soon as possible.

I am willing to die, just because you are a mortal of flesh and blood when you meet your opponent.


Kreacher let out a groan and fell to the ground.

Dumbledore sighed, turned and walked into the fireplace, and Felix left with him. In the ancient Rune professor's office, the two had a brief conversation.

"Do you think some of my actions are inhumane, Felix?" Dumbledore showed a tired expression.

"You just need to think too much, weigh the pros and cons, plan the big picture... Albus."

Dumbledore glanced at him in surprise, and he smiled lightly: "Let's say something happy, well, I need to express my gratitude, in fact, in addition to the Hokey line, I have also been investigating Voldemort's childhood life. The Wu's Orphanage, but because of its age, it has been demolished.

But I never gave up, if it wasn't for you, maybe I would have encountered that cave. "

Felix smiled: "With your mana, you will definitely be able to crack his secret... But there is one thing worth noting. I found that Voldemort was very good at curses, and he used to associate curses with human desires."

Dumbledore nodded slightly: "It's worth noting, he may use people's weaknesses to set up traps."

In the end, Dumbledore told Felix that he had to stop revealing the existence of Horcruxes, for the same reason as when he persuaded Sirius, Felix didn't think it was an alarmist.

"Then Harry..."

"I've already talked to him," Dumbledore said with a distressed expression, "he and his friends wanted to find out more about the Horcrux's secrets, and they wanted to ask Elma about it. Fortunately, I found out in advance. "

Felix is ​​also very dangerous, he himself is not interested in Horcrux at all, and he didn't expect the possible consequences pointed out by Dumbledore, plus Harry was destined to face Voldemort, so he didn't have any psychology when he revealed this part of the information. burden.

I guess Harry didn't think of that, so he planned to ask Mrs. Alma Pince, the librarian.


The next time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, it was June. At the beginning of the month, Felix invigilated the final exams for the third, fourth, and sixth grades, and watched the new year's wizarding level exams - O.W.Ls and N.E.W.Ts.

The examiners sent by the Wizarding Examination Bureau were still the same group of people from last year. When the exams were over, the fifth and seventh graders had a lot of fun to celebrate their year of escape from purgatory.

The week before the end of the school year, Felix held the last Rune Club rally of the semester.

All the members of the club are excited, because there is an open secret that has been circulating among them for a long time, and Professor Hep is going to teach them an ancient magic!

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