A Certain Hogwarts Magician Professor

Chapter 307 Parseltongue and Locket

"The Easter holiday ends tomorrow, and it will be the weekend in two days. How about that day?" Felix suggested.

"Can't we do it tonight? You and I, let's do it together." Sirius said impatiently.

"If that place is Voldemort's secret treasure, will he let us leave comfortably?" Felix asked him, especially since Felix was basically sure that was where Voldemort placed his Horcruxes, be careful Always right.

"Sirius, I need to do some preparations, as do you, you look a little impatient now."

"You're right, Felix," said Sirius at last.

Felix smiled slightly, "Come on, Harry is waiting for us."

The two walked into the fireplace one after the other.

Blake's old house.

Harry looked curiously at the frighteningly old house-elf, and he couldn't help comparing it to Dobby, who, despite their completely different looks and clothes, had a surprisingly similar temperament - they both looked like he was in a Muggle. The butler seen on TV.

Dobby's butler temperament is more obvious, because he has a small suit more than the house elf in front of him.

"Hi, what's your name?" Harry greeted kindly.

Kreacher pursed his lips and murmured something, but Harry didn't hear it clearly, he straightened the clean white cloth on his body, bowed respectfully and said, "You can call me Kreacher, distinguished guest. , welcome to Blake's ancestral home."

Harry was a little embarrassed. He wasn't quite used to the welcome speech of house-elves: "I'm actually, ahem, wait, Black's ancestral home? Is this Sirius' home?"

"That's right," Kreacher said, "The young master was born and raised here, although he ran away from home ignorantly when he was young..." He showed a sly look, "but when he was in danger, he always thought of it first. here."

Harry asked the details with great interest. He wanted to know more about the godfather. When he learned that Harry was Sirius' godson, Kreacher was more respectful and willing to say more secret things.

"Young master has been crying for the past few days, Kreacher has heard it, but the young master refuses to admit it..."

"Kreacher! Shut up!" The fireplace flickered again, and Sirius came out of it. As soon as he came in, he heard Kreacher slandering himself, and his nose almost crooked. He strode over, lifted Kreacher off the ground, and said loudly, "Don't mention it to anyone—"

Kreacher said respectfully: "But Mr. Potter is the master's godson, and as your heir, he has the right to know..."

"I said, no!" Sirius' lips trembled, "Go and make tea."

"Yes." Kreacher's figure flickered and disappeared.

Felix watched for a long time, a smile flashed in his eyes, "So, your relationship has improved?"

"Which eye did you see? He's still so annoying..." Sirius muttered.

Harry blinked. He thought he should tell Ron what he saw. Ron always thought that house-elves were servants of nobles and only knew how to obey orders, but the two elves he came into contact with - Dobby And Kreacher, both have their own personalities.

They came to the living room. Harry was here for the first time. He was curious about everything here, and had an inexplicable goodwill. Although the house was a little dark, maybe the lights were not turned on? After all, it is night now, and Sirius lives alone, so there is no need to waste so much...

The air was damp and had a musty smell, which was nothing, just a clean up, and Harry thought he could help.

When I came to the living room, it was a little brighter, the candles by the wall were burning quietly, and the delicate golden chandelier hung from the ceiling, Harry suspected that it was made of pure gold.

"Sit casually, the house is a little messy." Sirius put away the scattered comic books and piled them aside. He stood there for a while, "Oh, by the way, I'll go get something."

Sirius left, and there was a sound of crunching and stepping on wooden boards in the distance, and soon his figure reappeared, returning with a heavy gold locket.

Kreacher served hot tea just in time, and he stood at the door.

"That's the thing... Master Regulus gave it to Kreacher and told Kreacher to destroy it. But there's so much magic on the box, poor Kreacher tried everything and couldn't leave a trace... …”

"Kreacher guessed that it should be opened from the inside, but I couldn't."

Harry watched Kreacher cry bitterly, worried that he would suddenly jump up and punish him the next second. But when he thought about it, he moved in his heart and opened it from the inside? He pondered something vaguely.

Felix leaned closer and looked at the locket carefully. It looked very clean. It should have been cleaned by Sirius. There was a gorgeous S-shaped snake embedded on the surface. bright light.

"S letter." "A snake?"

Felix and Harry said at the same time, they looked at each other, Felix laughed, "We're both right." He tapped the gold locket with his index finger, his perspective began to change, the color like It was washed away by the rain and became gray, and there was a dazzling magic light in the line of sight, layer upon layer, densely packed, in the innermost layer of these protective magic, entrenched a group of extremely evil dark power, it was like a monster. Creeping.

It was the Horcrux, and... Felix found that the Horcrux was more active than anything he had seen before, as if it was about to jump out in the next second.

Felix pondered, it seemed that Voldemort arranged each Horcrux differently, and the diary Horcrux was also active, but it was the memory of the young Voldemort hidden in it that was active, not the soul fragments inside.

As for the crown, it was even more secretive. He didn't see any flaws at all. Combined with the characteristics of the Ravenclaw crown itself, maybe this was part of the trick - a trick that made the person who received the crown silently hit.

Sirius stared at Felix and Harry, who suddenly stopped talking, "What did you see?"

"If I'm not mistaken, this should be Salazar Slytherin's locket, used by Voldemort—" Felix stopped talking, the locket trembled slightly, looking restless.

"I've never seen it like this." Sirius stood up in disbelief, pulled Harry aside, and stared at it warily, the gold chain to the locket twisting wildly, as if trying to restrain them. someone's neck.

"Sirius, Professor..." Harry swallowed hard, "I want, want to do something."

"What are you talking about, Harry?" Sirius asked, worried that Harry was affected by the locket, and looking at his godson worriedly: "Are you feeling sick?"

"No, no," Harry was also surprised by the sudden thought. "It's Parseltongue, I want to speak in Parseltongue!" Sirius stared blankly at Harry, he didn't know Harry at all. And this thing.

"Go ahead and let's see what changes," Felix said calmly.

So Harry stared at the locket, imagining the pattern on it as a little snake, which was easy, especially since the locket was still "buzzing" and there was a rustling sound, and he opened it Mouth, making a "hissing" sound.

Felix is ​​no stranger to this word, having heard it a few times in the back room last year, it should mean—

"Open," Harry said in Parseltongue.

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