The award ceremony went very smoothly, and there was nothing "worried about". Felix felt that Professor Trelawney was wrong again, but it was hard to say that he couldn't get into the Prophecy Hall of the Department of Mysteries to see See if a new prophecy is formed.

The Department of Mysteries is located on the ninth floor of the Ministry of Magic. It is a department of the Ministry of Magic that conducts secret research on specific puzzles. Most of its business is top secret, and even the staff of other departments of the Ministry of Magic are very secretive here.

The sorcerers who work in the Department of Mysteries are known as the Silent People, and these people are forbidden to reveal any details about the content and location of their work. Felix speculates that they may have signed a harsh non-disclosure agreement - while being allowed to conduct dangerous research, Also subject to more restrictions.

However, there are rumors that there is a mysterious room in the Department of Mysteries, and every time a prophecy appears in the world, a prophecy sphere will automatically appear here. Since the founding of the Ministry of Magic, there may be thousands of prophecies that have been recorded, waiting to be verified by future generations.


Felix toyed with a gold medal with a purple ribbon in recognition of his personal "outstanding achievement and effort," Belby told him that the first class was accompanied by a green ribbon, representing the Slytherin College.

"Isn't Merlin from the early Middle Ages, can he be related to Slytherin House?" Felix asked curiously.

"Heh, when some pure-blood families traced their genealogy, they claimed that their ancestors had followed Merlin..."

"real or fake?"

"Who knows! But some families do have a long history."

Felix is ​​back at the office, and with two weeks of Easter break, he can take a good look at his recent work. But the first thing to deal with is the Easter eggs piled up half the house, and he suddenly has a sour tooth, and these chocolate candies will make him eat ten years later.

He picked out some to give to Sirius, and gave him the results of analyzing the Marauder's map recently.

It was a rather rudimentary map, only the size of a palm and irregular in shape. It was like the result of a child's doodles, and it simply marked the castle, the Forbidden Forest, the Black Lake, and Hagrid's hut.

Sirius took it with a look of disgust. There were dense dots on it, which made people dizzy, but some names were marked in small gold letters, and those were people Sirius cared about - Harry Potter, Remus Lupin, Severus Snape, Albus Dumbledore...

"Actually there is Peter Pettigrew, but he can't see it."

Sirius ripped open the wrapper of an Easter chocolate egg with his teeth and took a hard bite of the chocolate on it. "Thank you, or I'm going to go crazy." He kept staring at the piece of paper the size of a palm.

Kreacher said in a low voice, "Young prodigal son goes to the Muggle community to play chess every day, and he brings back a bad smell..."

"Shut up, Kreacher." Sirius growled angrily.

As the days passed, Felix took the time to reorganize the magic items he had researched this year, and recorded the research materials in the Thinking Cabin.

Mundungus went on a planned trip to the Far East and brought back a large number of magical items, and Felix had only one request - ancient.

While enriching his knowledge, he also felt more and more that he was a bit like Flitwick when he was young. He had mastered too many runes, but only a small part of it was really usable.

"This is also the original intention of my plan to write the Book of Rune."

Felix thought to himself, as his thoughts beat, magic symbols appeared in the air one after another, gold, red, blue, green... like a colorful river, flowing in the office.

"Next - The Book of No Name, huh, I remember Ron Weasley calling it the Ghost Book, and it kind of looks like it."

In front of Felix, a half-truth book appeared. The first few pages were real entities, and then they were all illusory, very similar to the untitled book in Harry's hands, but these two are not comparable.

He opened a new page, and one after another rune flew out of the colorful river, jumping into the page, and the pages transformed into various forms of rune——

A falling waterfall, lightning that pierces the sky, a bridge connecting the two places, the green mist that keeps spreading...

Felix watched it all with satisfaction, and if he included all the runes, it meant that he had fully mastered the magical symbols of those runes, although the process could take a long time.

He suddenly thought of a question, how did the original ancient magic come about?

Are wizards born with it? It's a bit unrealistic. He tends to be the ancient wizards who accidentally triggered this inspiration when they were studying magical animals and magical plants.

The difference between the two is that for magical creatures, talent is an instinct that does not need to be learned. Just like people can run and jump, they are born with the ability to release lightning and change their shape, but they are inevitably limited by their bodies.

After the ancient wizards transformed their talents into ancient magic, they unexpectedly got rid of this confinement. Their problem, instead, is to use their minds to control it and not let it get out of control, but from another perspective, they also make this magic more powerful.

Felix moved in his heart and took out a stack of parchment. This is the manuscript left by Slytherin. He once decided to seal it up because Salazar Slytherin's methods were too cruel and not suitable for his rune path. These data, but now it seems that the two have intersected.

Before he knew it, he could already use his own path to parse the path of others.

Felix skipped those bloody and cruel methods, and looked at the records of magical animals, especially the three parchments he had picked out that he thought were suitable for him, which recorded one of Slytherin's early research on blood magic. This idea: how to strip the talents of magical creatures into spells used by wizards.

This seems to coincide with Felix's conjecture - Salazar Slytherin had thought about retracing the path of ancient wizards and drawing inspiration from the wider wizarding world.

But unfortunately, he finally gave up on this idea.

Felix couldn't help but wonder, if Salazar Slytherin chose to give up, what was he looking for? Reminiscent of Helena telling him that Salazar Slytherin went deeper and deeper into the forbidden realm, and his appearance became more and more terrifying, which seemed to imply that Slytherin was experimenting on himself and incorporating magical creatures blood, and probably more than one.

Salazar Slytherin finally became completely inhuman?

Ms. Rowena Ravenclaw's words were still in her ears, "We are magical creatures ourselves."

What qualifies as a magical creature? Or to put it another way, what happens to a wizard when he is called a magical creature? Felix had no way of knowing, but he thought that since Lady Ravenclaw had told him so solemnly, it meant a huge threshold.

And it is very likely that Salazar Slytherin crossed this threshold by relying on transplanted blood. What about the other three, what do they rely on?

So far, he only knew something about Rowena Ravenclaw. Judging from the manuscripts she left behind, she was a real all-rounder, alchemy, transfiguration, spells, potions, all perfect, but The most deeply researched is memory magic.

As Felix went deeper into the field of memory magic, he also had a question: was Rowena Ravenclaw, who he saw in the Room of Requirement, really just a memory?

Or, is that her?

What will the memory node develop into in the end, is it related to the soul?

He had too many questions, but no one could answer them, and he could only go on alone.

On the last day of the Easter holiday, Felix was re-packed and ready for the last part of the school year, but Dumbledore suddenly appeared with a solemn expression and brought him bad news.

"Nick is leaving. He wants to see you one last time."

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