A Certain Hogwarts Magician Professor

Chapter 282 Shrinking Sirius

Hogwarts, Office of the Ancient Rune Professor.


A bright green flame ignited, and Felix came out carrying a candy box, patted the dust on his body with one hand, and pushed open the office door.

It was the last day of the weekend, and the corridors were full of bustling, rowdy little wizards.

Felix tapped the packaging of the candy box and said softly, "You are already in the castle, what do you think?"

"I'm going to be stunned by the aroma in here." A complaining voice came from the box, "I originally planned to eat a sweet treat."


Felix walked into the headmaster's office, Dumbledore had been waiting for a long time, "Bang——" The candy box fell on the long-legged table, and there was a scattered clatter and a scream of pain——


Dumbledore looked at Felix in amazement, and Felix returned a positive look, "Just as you think... Our guest is a child." So Dumbledore touched the candy box with his finger, The lid popped open immediately.

The box contains half a box of sweet and greasy candies, exploding jellybeans, Bibido flavored beans, ice mice, pineapple preserves, toad mints... Most of the goods in the Duke Bee store are here.

A hand came out of the candy pile, and the palm-sized Sirius grinned and pushed away the chocolate ball that was on top of his head, pulled himself out deep and shallow, and stood on the top of the candy pile. .

He looked up, Dumbledore's enlarged face was smiling at him, the phoenix with golden and red feathers let out a low cry, and Fox flew around the ring office and landed on the long-legged table, tilting his head to look at the box Sirius in .

Sirius looked at it warily, "Don't come here, Fox, I fed you, remember?"

Fox gave a short cry and turned his head away from him.

Dumbledore's blue eyes curved quickly behind the half-moon lenses, and he said softly, "It's amazing, I didn't expect to meet on such an occasion."

"Me too," muttered Sirius, leaning on the edge of the candy box, pushing his arms hard, and jumping onto the table. He looked around, and the oddly-shaped silverware on the table spewed a small puff of smoke that looked like a monstrous monster.

"Hurry up and change me back." He said resentfully.

Unlike Dumbledore's subtlety, Felix laughed happily. He tapped Sirius's head with his wand. His body swelled and enlarged involuntarily. He hurriedly jumped off the table, and when he fell to the ground when it has returned to its original size.

Sirius stood up straight, with a straight back. He looked at Dumbledore and said with a complicated expression, "I'm back."

Dumbledore nodded slightly, "Sirius, although Phineas sent some information back, I still want to hear your story with my own ears."

Sirius did not refuse, he was silent for a moment, sat down in the chair and began to tell the story, he did not look at anyone, but the two people in the office, including the portrait on the wall, were staring intently at him.

"...That's it, I escaped from prison, swam back to the UK, and went all the way north, like a demon who came from a thousand miles to seek revenge."

Dumbledore concluded: "So, you're here for Peter Pettigrew. What about Harry?"

"I haven't had time to figure this out," Sirius said frankly.

"When I knew Peter Pettigrew was alive, all I could think of was revenge. But I did see Harry a few times, on the Muggle street the day he left his uncle's house before school started— I wanted to take a look at him before heading north, but my deformed appearance probably scared him; the second time was at the Quidditch pitch - he flew well, like Jaime, but I dared not stay too long, Left halfway; and over the Christmas break, I raided the Weasley boy near the Willows, trying to catch Peter Pettigrew, and to be honest, I was terrified, and Harry was quick to respond. Extremely."

"The last time we met was yesterday. I used Compound Potion to disguise myself as a Muggle child." He looked at Felix, "This little prop from Professor Heap has made me return twice without success."

Felix bowed slightly.

"How do you know where Harry lives, it's under a spell... yes," Dumbledore smiled. "James told you, I should have thought of that."

Sirius shrugged. "Jaime visited in seventh grade, but the family wasn't very friendly. When he mentioned his favorite brooms and Quidditch, they seemed to treat him like a bum." He The words were full of ridicule.

"Mr. Dursley may not be able to accept the existence of magic," said Dumbledore regretfully. "I had a relationship with him, and I would say, very well-behaved."

Next, Felix spoke about the Marauder's Map, focusing on the magical ability of this magical item in finding people, "Whether it's Animagos, Compound Potion, Invisibility Cloak, or a regular stealth spell. , can't block it."

He suggested earnestly: "I think we can try to recreate a Marauder's map."

Dumbledore pondered quietly, tapping his slender fingers on the table, prompting: "Felix, have you ever thought that the Marauder's Map is probably still at Hogwarts?"

Felix replied slowly, "I did think about it, and it's not impossible..."

"But the scope is too large, students, professors, or caught in a book in the library...and I'm sure if I get it, the secret is well hidden."

Dumbledore blinked, "I think you may have overlooked a possibility." He said to Sirius, "The ideal heir in your mind should be the mischievous Gryffindor?"

Sirius nodded and said, "You are right."

Felix's eyes lit up: "So, the Weasley twins?" This was the first name he thought of.

"It's very possible. In fact, I still have a few candidates in mind. I'm going to write a few letters to confirm, and it won't take much time." Dumbledore said.

Felix felt a little regretful in his heart, but soon cheered up, and whether or not he could find the map, he was happy to see it. If he finds it, he can borrow it to study the finished product, which is more efficient; if he can't find it, he will gather a team, re-research and develop, and develop more functions.

"The worst possibility is that Peter Pettigrew stole the map," he reminded.

"That's what worries me too, he has plenty of time and reason to do it," Dumbledore said. "The only possibility is that he doesn't think he'll be on the map, so he doesn't do anything."

Felix agreed with this point of view, he looked at the time, "Headmaster Dumbledore, there is a small duel match at ten o'clock today. If there is nothing else, I will leave first." He pointed to Sirius and said, " He will give it to you."

Sirius' eyes suddenly lit up, "Duel match? Harry should have participated too? Can I go take a look?"

Felix looked at Dumbledore hesitantly, Dumbledore frowned, "Sirius, you'd better stay in Grimmauld Place, it will keep you safe - the Ministry of Magic is still looking for you, if you are caught We found out that we have no evidence to prove your innocence."

"Just once—" said Sirius pitifully, "let me see Harry up close, and I can be a doll, no one would have thought of that."

His words made Dumbledore silent, Felix cast the spell again, this time Sirius jumped back into the box, Felix tapped his wand lightly, and cast a silence spell outside the box.

Sirius lost his sense of the outside world.

Felix looked at Dumbledore: "Is he not good at Occlumency?" Dumbledore smiled and looked at him, so Felix understood what the Headmaster meant.

He picked up the candy box and walked briskly out of the office.

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