A Certain Hogwarts Magician Professor

Chapter 270 Speech (two chapters in one)

Walsh Cedric was leading the way, and he rushed forward. "We need to hurry. Minister Fudge can't wait."

"I didn't know I was going to meet him again," Felix said.

"It was decided on an ad hoc basis. Minister Fudge's daily schedule is very full. Originally, he would not pay attention to these small things, but - we are here."

He pushed open a heavy door, and a quaint and solemn living room appeared in front of him.

The furnishings in the living room were very similar to the living room No. 3 that Felix had been to before. There were more than a dozen rows of shiny black chairs, and in front of the living room was a small podium.

"This way—" Felix was led down from the curtain on the side of the podium, passed an inconspicuous small door, and came to a more private room.

Fudge was reading a newspaper gravely, with a thick stack of clippings beside him. Hearing the voice, he raised his head and laughed enthusiastically, "Felix Hepp, nice to meet you."

"Minister Fudge, it's not the first time we've met. Do you have anything to do with me?"

"Ah, of course . . . when Dorothea wrote to me, I realized that I had left out an outstanding person—" He patted his bulging belly, the shiny copper buttons struggling to hold The dark red vest did not bounce, "Professor of Ancient Rune, Muggle research expert, and also a master of memory damage treatment - look, I envy you."

Felix knew it, and it seemed that the news of his cure for the Longbottoms had finally reached the minister's ears, and it was Lady Dorothea Boham who had told him.

"...Old Bernie in the Wizengamore office has submitted the proposal, and now we are waiting for the verification results from St Mungo's side. If there is no problem, the second-level medal - this is the most basic; the first-level medal is not without hope."

"Sounds good," Felix said slowly.

"I need to convince some people, use some contacts..." Fudge said, his fat fingers folded. "I like to swap."

"Like what?" Felix asked curiously, wondering what Fudge was thinking.

"Dolores is in some trouble and I hope she'll take over as deputy minister, but she's underqualified right now and needs an indefensible feat, like—catch Sirius Black, of course, in my under his leadership," said Fudge, fiddling with the quill in his hand.

Felix asked patiently: "I can't help you catch him. The Ministry of Magic has a lot of Aurors and Strikers."

"Actually, what I mean is - if you can convince Dumbledore to let Dolores bring some people to Hogwarts... believe me, I'm doing it for the good of the students there, Blake is a murderous criminal, He can do anything," Fudge said indignantly.

Felix gave him a deep look. "I'll think about it, Minister Fudge." He looked at the time. "The speech is about to start, and I need a few minutes to prepare."

Fudge obviously didn't expect him to refuse outright, he was stunned, "I'll wait for your reply, I'll let Dolores find you."

"I may not have time in the near future—" Felix said. "Perhaps, let me make an appointment with Dumbledore for you?"

"Either—actually—" Fudge stammered, his voice a little embarrassed. "It doesn't have to be... well, I'll go talk to Dumbledore."

Felix came out of the room and shook his head. He was a little unsure whether Fudge had really heard the news of his coming by chance, so he tried it by the way; he still had a plan, but judging from the emotions he sensed with Legilimency, Fudge could Not so easy to give up.

He couldn't help thinking: This minister really trusts Dolores Umbridge, doesn't he know that this woman's popularity is pretty bad? When Felix stood on the small podium in the living room No. 3 and looked at the crowd of people below, he suddenly had an idea:

Maybe it's because of Umbridge's bad popularity that he's used by Fudge. At least in the eyes of outsiders, it is not surprising that she did anything bad, and the fire could not burn Fudge's head at all.

He remembered the relationship between the ancient emperors and the ministers. How much of the things the ministers did came from the emperor himself?

Felix's gaze crossed the crowd and officially started his speech.

"Some of you may know me or have heard my name, but many don't know what I do. So far, I've written three Muggle-related books, barely Expert in this." He raised his wand and let his name pop into the air.

Felix quickly skipped the self-introduction part and entered today's topic.

"I'm assuming you're here today out of sheer interest, or because of your work and willingness to take in some fresh insights..."

"From the audience list, you should be the group of people who are most closely connected with ordinary people. To a certain extent, I agree with you. It is the eyes of wizards looking at the outside world."

"But how many people realize that?"

There was some commotion in the crowd, and Newt Scamander in the corner looked at the crack in the wall, but his ears perked up.

A tall, well-proportioned wizard with a sparse moustache said stiffly and indifferently: "Why should we pay attention to some lower creatures?"

"This wizard, your name?" Felix said calmly.

"You can call me McNeil," grinned. "Mr. Hepp, do you think there's something wrong with what I'm saying?" Chesterton Avery next to him pulled his arm, but he was still with Felix. s looked at each other.

"Lower creatures..." Felix chewed the word, "you always have to give me a concrete reason, Mr. McNeil, you're just stating your emotions—you're just letting us know that you're very, very Hate muggles, but that's never an excuse."

McNeil's expression changed, and he said badly: "Ignorance, ignorance, powerlessness, confusion... Do I still need to say it?"

"Heh," Felix looked at the others, "Is there anyone else who holds the same opinion, let me see."

No one expressed support, on the contrary, some people were very dissatisfied with McNeil's statement, most of them were half-blood wizards and Muggle-born wizards.

Felix waited quietly for a few seconds, leaving time for everyone to think. The air was noisy, but there was no utterance that could be heard clearly, like listening to a tape with the sound washed out.

Felix said, "I'll answer your questions at the end of the speech, Mr. McNeill."

He waved his wand and shed a bright silver light, and soon, the silver light filled the entire parlor No. 3 like smoke. He flicked his fingers lightly, and the smoke disappeared instantly.

With the help of blank memory fragments, Felix has been able to temporarily make the Thinking Cabin appear in reality.

"Today I want to introduce some simple things, people who don't know magic, their clothing, food, housing, transportation..."

"The signing of the Statute of Secrecy in 1682 was a very interesting time point. Since then, our knowledge of the outside world seems to have stagnated forever, even if new blood joins the wizarding community every year, this situation It hasn't changed much." Felix seemed to say with emotion.

"Back to the topic, the colors and materials of medieval clothes were relatively monotonous, with black, white, gray, and brown as the main colors; the materials were mainly linen, wool and leather; the style was somewhat similar to the close-fitting wizard's robes, and some aristocrats at that time or The upper class will also wear a cloak, everyone, does that sound familiar?"

In the living room, illusory figures condensed from the air. Their faces were blurred, but the clothes on their bodies were particularly clear. A wizard couldn't help but reach out and touch, but his fingers passed through the phantom.

"In the next few hundred years, more elements have been added, such as large cloaks, embroidery, collage..." Felix said, the corresponding clothes styles were quickly condensed in the air. of attention.

"In the fourteenth to seventeenth centuries, people were concerned with curvaceous beauty and reached a morbid, pannier, corset, and ten-inch-high shoes—" Felix waved his wand, letting the corresponding images appear one by one." Then there were ribbons, lace necklines, long-breasted coats, feathered hats, puffy skirts…”

"I also have to mention some small decorations, such as bows, flower decorations, lace and so on."

The chatter on the seats continued.

"In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, people generally advocated nature and simplicity, and decorated them." Felix said, while changing the clothes of this period, a large number of clothes close to modern aesthetics appeared, such as petticoats, shawls, suits, Tuxedo...

"As for the future, there are too many types, you can see for yourself." Felix hooked the corner of his mouth, he stretched out his hand and pushed, hundreds of clothes with different shapes appeared, and flew towards the wizards under the stage, no The young people leaned back in shock, until the images of these clothes passed through the living room, and they realized that all of them were phantoms.

"It's so real." Someone said with admiration.

Felix continued: "A phenomenon I often see in the newspapers is that whenever Muggle experts introduce something novel, there are always very stubborn people who refuse to admit it and think it's all made up. Does anyone think what I just showed is made up?"

No one doubts that clothing is such a thing that everyone understands at a glance. Even if he has no knowledge, he will not think that Felix himself has made up thousands of different styles of clothing.

"From the simplest clothes, we can get a lot of interesting conclusions. For example, they have been developing and creating new things..." Felix nodded lightly, without going into depth, he changed the subject , asks the question: "Has anyone thought about how these clothes are made?"

"Hand-stitched?" someone joked. "It's impossible to use magic, right?"

But no one laughed.

In addition to Felix, he said with a smile: "My new book "Magic in the Muggle World" explains the answer to this question in more detail. Those who are interested can read it. If you let me talk about it, maybe three days Ye can't tell. Let's continue—"

The content of his speech is quietly accelerating: "The development of food -" He waved his wand, and a large number of dishes from different periods appeared, the closer to the current time, the more exquisite and attractive;

"Residential——" Various styles of buildings and home furnishings emerged one by one;

"And traffic--" The vehicles of the sky, sea, and land appeared one after another.

With the foundation of the previous content, no one questioned the authenticity of the latter three aspects, but most people entered a state of daze because they received too much information all at once.

After a few minutes, everyone came back to their senses one after another.

Felix asked the question again, "Why am I saying this, folks?"

His eyes became extremely sharp, staring at everyone present, they looked at Felix subconsciously, trying to find an answer.

"Change, the only thing I want to tell you is change."

His eyes fell on McNeill, the sorcerer with a thin moustache didn't know what to think, Felix said to him: "As for the question you just mentioned, Mr. McNeill, why should we look at outside world?"

He walked over step by step and stood in front of this wizard—

"Because the world is never stagnant because of one person, one group, if you don't notice this change, ignorance, ignorance, powerlessness, confusion... These words can also be used on you. Now you understand Is that, Mr. McNeill?"

McNeil blushed, and for a moment, his expression became fierce, and he jerked his wand out, trying to put it on Felix's neck.

"McNeil, stop!" Walsh Cedric shouted across a few people, he couldn't allow this speech to have a fight, especially when the young professor he invited was injured, it would become a scandal for the Ministry of Magic of.

But McNeill's eyes were already red, the tip of his wand was sparkling, and what angered him most was the ironic smile on the face of the man across from him.

He even stretched out his hand slowly, did he want to take away his wand? Damn, what did he think he was doing, acting? When I followed the Dark Lord, he didn't know where in the world he was.

McNeil decided to teach this young over-the-top Muggle researcher a lesson, there are a lot of people here, can't use Unforgivable Curses, and can't use black magic, so how about a bursting spell?

He licked his lips subconsciously, but found he couldn't move.

McNeill watched the man named "Felix Happ" on the opposite side gently pull his wand away, and heard his gentle voice say, "Look, even your most persuasive power, in some It's not worth mentioning in front of people, does that mean-according to your reasoning, I can despise you? Or, play with you at will?"

McNeil's heart froze for a while, as if he fell into an ice cave, and his whole body trembled uncontrollably - a similar feeling, which he had seen from the Dark Lord decades ago.

Walsh Cedric had to stand up and whisper, "Mr. Hepp, you can't..."

Felix smiled at him, "Mr. Cedric, this is also part of the speech, an example that I have carefully prepared, you see, I don't even have my wand out - Mr. McNeil is cooperating with me. "

McNeil suddenly found himself able to move, Felix returned his wand to him, "Take your wand, this is your greatest pride."

McNeil froze in place, if the wand was pride, who was the one who took it away?

Felix returned to the small podium, ready to end today's speech.

"Like I said, time keeps moving forward, and changes follow closely. This is the general trend. It's like the waves are coming, and the best response is to ride the waves."

A young wizard raised his hand as if in class. "But, Mr. Hepp, what shall we do?"

Felix felt a strong emotion in his heart. He wanted to spit it out, talk a lot, and even put his thoughts directly into their minds, but he didn't do anything, just said calmly: "This may be an issue that our generation needs to explore together."

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