A Certain Hogwarts Magician Professor

Chapter 264: The Room Behind the Curtain

The seventh-grade wizards and wizards filed out of the classroom, their faces still in a trance and not returning to reality. When they reached the corner of the corridor, a brown-skinned Ravenclaw girl announced loudly: "Ancient Rune The N.E.W.T exam, I pre-booked an excellent!"

Her words were like flipping a switch on them, and the discussion poured out—

"Ha~ I think so too!"

"This class is so exciting, I can't even imagine that the next class is on Friday..."

"Yeah, compared to Professor Hepp, my head is full of weeds."

"Do you think there is any truth to what Professor Hepp said?"

"Well, I'm still planning to join the Ministry of Magic, and now I'm a little shaken. My parents are both employees of the Ministry of Magic, and their lives are not as good as outsiders think."

"Really? Would you like to talk about it..."

Penello leaned over to Percy and asked in a low voice, "Is your target still the Ministry of Magic?"

Percy hesitated for a moment or two, then firmed up: "Yes, I also yearn for the future depicted by Professor Hepp, but I have to grab what I can reach."

"But you shouldn't miss the professor's class?"

"What a joke," Percy said, "I'll give it my all!"

The next day, these seventh graders appeared in other classes, and their unusually excited and dissociated state attracted the attention of other professors, and Felix's actions and words also spread among the professors.

Felix thought that someone would talk to him, and he even prepared a speech, but everything was calm.

In the evening, he recorded his experience in the office——

'Thinking house magic has become stronger and stronger, even I am a little unfamiliar. Without resistance or obvious precautions, I can instantly pull the superficial consciousness of a dozen or twenty people into the thinking cabin, which is also the basis of today's class. Two branches can extend from here—'

'The first branch, the direction of attack; but the Thinking Cabin can't really hurt the opponent. After all, it is only the external reflection of the real consciousness. If the opponent resists, it will fail, and it is difficult to use it in actual combat in a short period of time;'

He paused and remarked that it would be difficult to use it in actual combat in the short term, and it was impossible for him to give up on the looming terrifying prospects that this direction showed.

Come to think of it, at some point in the future, he brings down a whole bunch of wizards with one look...

'The second branch, auxiliary direction, is used for thinking acceleration and ancient Rune teaching. The former is very useful whether it is fighting or studying, while the latter—'

Felix paused and thought, 'The combination of the mind cabin and memory magic is equally amazing, and I have every chance to be the greatest teacher in history. ’

He thought again: 'I don't know whether to be lucky or regretful, memory cannot be infused, this is because a person's memory is a very delicate thing, and rash changes will cause unpredictable consequences, even if my forgetfulness is completely empty, Just minimize side effects as much as possible, not none.

For the most part, the Ministry of Magic's amnesiacs only erase the last few hours of memory, but the people who have been erased are usually accompanied by a day or two, or a week or two of forgetfulness and unresponsiveness... I myself have since This has been verified by the Dark Wizard.

But if you want to instill knowledge, it is not a small, slight change, the impact on people is simply too great...

I have barely bypassed this restriction now, and its real effect is to speed up learning. ’

A series of names flashed in Felix's mind: Severus, Dumbledore, Lockhart, Lady Ravenclaw, the Longbottoms... They were either active or passive, all for the improvement of the Thinking House He has provided arm support, which is also the reason why he has allowed this magic to be used with ease and ease in just one and a half years.

Not to mention, he actually experienced a major upgrade of memory magic, and the full support of the forbidden area of ​​​​the Hogwarts Library...

Felix twirled the parchments and watched quietly as they silently turned to fly ashes, and in the Thinking Room, the parchments re-condensed.

Felix rolled them into a round parchment tube, pulled a silver-green string out of the air, and fastened the tube in place.

He deftly climbed over the piles of books stacked on the dark maroon carpet and stood before the dark green curtain. The curtain rolls up automatically without wind, revealing the tall portal behind it.

He reached out and touched the handleless door, pushed it gently, and the door opened silently.

Behind the door is his true inner world, hiding all his deepest secrets and memories.

This is a long room with an aisle in the middle, straight forward, as if there is no end. On both sides of the aisle are tall bookshelves, on which are placed books of various shapes and styles. self at different stages.

In the corners of the shelves, there are also handwritten notes, photographs, memory balls, and similar odds and ends.

Felix strode forward, the room gradually lit up, he stood in front of a bookshelf, and with the soft light, he patiently counted the numbers: "Memory Magic - Thinking Cabin - Theoretical Deduction - There is !"

He put the small cylinder on the shelf, and said to himself a little distressed: "Well, the room is always changing, and it takes a long time to find every time I come here..."

Felix came out of the room behind the curtain, watched the dark green curtain fall again, covered the heavy door, and turned back to the real world.

In the ancient Rune office, he looked at the time and waited quietly—

"Knock knock knock!"

"Please come in—"

The door to the office opened, and Hermione jumped in like a thief.

"Isn't it found, Miss Granger?"

"No, Professor. You told me to keep it a secret," said Hermione briskly, two hours earlier, as she was having dinner, when Professor Hep's patron saint suddenly appeared with a blank card in her mouth. card.

When her magic was overlaid on the card, a small line of words appeared on it: Time changer, eight o'clock tonight, secrecy.

Hermione waited anxiously until after nine o'clock before using the time switch to return to two hours ago and appear here.

Felix nodded, and he asked, "What do you think of Sirius Black's attack yesterday?"

He planned to start with this sentence to draw suspicion about Scabbers, but Hermione gave him a surprise, or a fright.

"Professor, we're guessing—Ron's mouse, there might be something wrong!" Hermione said in a low voice, her voice trembling with excitement.

"This...how did you find out?"

"It's Harry," said Hermione. "He overheard Mr. Weasley and Mrs. Weasley talking the night before the third year, Mr. Weasley said, he said—" She held her breath. He took a breath, his eyes widened.

"After Blake escaped, the Ministry of Magic went to Azkaban to investigate and collect evidence, and the guards inside mentioned that Blake had been repeating in his sleep for the past few days - he was at Hogwarts, he was at Hogwarts..."

Hermione's voice sharpened: "We thought Blake was targeting Harry, but yesterday's attack proved not to be, at least not the first target. Plus Blake's anomalous behavior was actually after Fudge gave him a newspaper. What happened later - oh, that's what Fudge himself said, when the Three Broomsticks were talking to the professors - combined with Blake's attack on Ron, we presume it was the Daily Prophet where the Ron family's award information was published. "..."

Hermione was still talking about her thoughts, but Felix couldn't help sighing. It was not only his keen appreciation for Hermione and the others, but also his dissatisfaction with Fudge's negligence. After a long time, the root of all this was on him.

But speaking of it, Harry and the others actually got this information long ago, but it wasn't really connected until yesterday. And he wasn't so lucky, he made the association by virtue of Black's Animagus and Black's unusual attack on Ron.

The most crucial clue here is actually the Animagus. Along this line, many things can be deduced.

"… Harry and I haven't told Ron, oh my god, we can't be sure, but if it were true, how sad he would be."

"Miss Granger," Felix said with a sigh, "the possibility does exist, and that's why I brought you here. I thought—"

He shook his head slightly, "I need to change my strategy."

"Now that you have investigated this far, I hope you will be aware of the possible danger and put your own protection first."

Felix stretched out his hand to attract three coins that could be turned into the Ouroboros Ring and let them fall into Hermione's hands, "This is what I prepared for the Rune Club, and it's no problem to give it to you a few days in advance."

"You can get in touch with me through this in case Harry forgets to bring his sight glass again...Three is better than one.

In addition, your beaded bag should be carried with you at all times. It can fight the basilisk for a short time. Under the sudden activation, the ordinary dark wizard cannot be your opponent.

If you find Banban, choose to stun as soon as possible, don't hesitate, and then find a nearby professor to warn you, or contact me directly. "

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