After coming out of the school hospital, Felix stood in front of the window of the castle corridor, and saw the little wizards who came back from vacation appearing from the bottom of the long ramp. Even if he couldn't hear the sound, he could imagine their excitement from the body movements. Conversation looks like.

"School starts tomorrow. I'd better ask Percy Weasley at the dinner party. Eleven or two years, it's hard not to make people think about this time..." Felix said to himself: "And Dumbledore and Lupin's conversation, although the specifics are unknown, but looking at the headmaster's behavior after that, you can tell a thing or two."

"I seem to be stepping on a critical juncture of a drama. Next, is it a mediocre ending or a shocking reversal?"


Professor McGonagall's voice came from the other side of the corridor, her footsteps hurried, the hem of her robe floating behind her.

"My patron saint didn't find you..." She walked in front of Felix, her chest heaving violently, and said quickly: "Dumbledore arranged a series of tasks, Hagrid and Snape went to the station to pick up the students, Friedrich Wei is going to modify the magic of the school wall, and there are still a few secret passages that need to be temporarily sealed... He himself wants to meet the centaur leader-"

Felix's heart moved, and he asked tentatively, "Did Headmaster Dumbledore mention the order about mice?"

"Oh," Professor McGonagall gave him a weird look: "Dumbledore said you might know, so I don't have to hide it from you. But it's best not to spread the word—"

"I'm going to the school hospital and the common room to see if Weasley's rat is still there, my God, I couldn't believe it when Dumbledore told me it could be a dark wizard's. Animagus."

"Can I do anything, Minerva?"

"There are two secret passages in the castle that directly connect to Hogsmeade. You need your help to block it..."

A little later, in the staff lounge next to the auditorium, Felix saw Dumbledore again, and he was talking closely with Professor McGonagall, the expressions on their faces very serious.

"Twelve years, Percy Weasley told me..."

Besides Mag, he also saw Lupin, whom he hadn't seen for a long time. He looked tired and looked even more tired.

Professor McGonagall was still reporting on the mission given by Dumbledore, "...Hagrid and Snape completed the mission very well, and there were no accidents. Flitwick still needs some time. As for the seven secret passages, there are four very good ones. It has been sealed long ago, the other three secret passages, you let me leave it alone, the remaining two—" She looked at Felix.

Felix said: "The statue of the one-eyed witch on the fourth floor of the castle has been closed by spell casting, and the one behind the mirror on the fifth floor has collapsed."

After a brief pause, he couldn't help but ask: "Dumbledore, I don't quite understand. Are you worried that Black will come in through the secret passage? Why don't we use this to set up a trap?"

Dumbledore shook his head gently, "The risk is too great, they are directly connected to the inside of the castle, I only left the beater Liu Mi Road on the edge of the Forbidden Forest, maybe I can find the trace of Blake."

He looked at the three people present, and said in a low voice: "I don't want too many people to know about the matter before the truth comes out. You three, one is too entangled with the past, one is my trusted deputy, and the other may have discovered There are clues..."

"I'm telling you: Sirius Black's betrayal of the Potters is suspect, because Pettigrew Peter, who is suspected to have been killed by him, may have been alive all along, even as Ron Weasley's pet, Scabbers the mouse. Lived at the Weasleys for twelve full years."

Mag exclaimed, "Oh my God! Is it true? Albus, you told me before that it was a dark wizard..."

Lupin looked at Felix, his face was calm and calm, without showing the slightest surprise, as Dumbledore said - Felix Hepp is a very keen person, this is Slytherin's near future. The most distinguished student in decades?

After half a semester, he had a certain understanding of this scary young professor. When he first learned about Felix's performance in school, he almost dropped his jaw.

This is far more exaggerated than what they did back then, including the duel that caused a sensation in the wizarding world, and he also heard a more complete version. Since then, he has kept a distance from Felix. Your identity may be discovered...

Dumbledore replied softly: "I'm not sure, Minerva. The two most important people, Black is still at large, and Scabbers is missing, and he may not even return..."

Lupin chimed in: "The odds are low, I know him, and if the rat is really Peter, he'll be watching somewhere near and far, where he thinks it's safe, until things play out as he expects. Show up."

Dumbledore nodded and said: "This is also the reason why I don't want to disclose the secret. Except because there is no evidence, I actually expect Ron Weasley's pet to jump out on its own, which will save us a lot of time."

Professor McGonagall asked uneasily, "Albus, are we going to tell Potter them?"

"Better not." Dumbledore rejected her proposal, "Minerva, each additional person who knows the secret increases the risk of leaking information tenfold, not to mention that as long as Potter and the others reveal a little bit, we may Never see that mouse again."

He paused, "And the worst possibility is that the mice will hurt them."

Felix suggested: "Maybe some of the information could be revealed to Miss Granger, we can't always keep an eye on them, and from what I know about these three students, they are likely to investigate on their own."

Dumbledore showed a distressed expression: "This is indeed a question, Felix, you are familiar enough with Miss Granger, do you think she is qualified for this task?"

"I don't think there's any problem," Felix said, glancing at Lupin. "She's very good at finding out the truth and keeping secrets."

At the end of this brief conversation, Lupin couldn't help but ask Dumbledore, "Can we inform the Ministry of Magic so that they will be merciful in the face of Sirius..."

"For what reason?" asked Dumbledore, his azure blue eyes shining in the dimly lit room.

"All of the above is based on assumptions, our guesswork on existing doubts, but Black has always been the Potters' secret keeper, and you agree with that, Remus? I provided this to the Ministry of Magic back then. The key testimony, according to the information I got, he did not have any defense in the private interrogation, so I am completely disappointed in him..."

"We have no proof, and it's very difficult for the Ministry of Magic to accept your testimony based on a picture of a common mouse, and once they know who you are—" Dumbledore said, "your word will be greatly discounted."

Lupin's expression darkened. If he wanted to testify, he would have to tell what happened back then. His werewolf status was no exception, and the entire magical world knew what the Ministry of Magic's attitude towards werewolves was.

"Remus, we've done the best we can."

At the end of the short meeting, Professor McGonagall and Lupin both left, "Felix—" Dumbledore stopped him from behind, and Felix looked at the Headmaster suspiciously.

"If you've caught Blake - I have no doubts about that, I hope you'll keep him under control and not let anyone else know, especially Severus and the Ministry of Magic."

"I understand the Ministry of Magic, but Professor Snape—"

"The misunderstanding between them is too deep, and I'm worried that Severus will do something irrational." Dumbledore showed a tired look for the first time, "I have to think more, Felix. "

"...I promise you, Headmaster."

Felix turned and left the staff lounge. The lively noise in the auditorium formed waves. Everyone was chatting excitedly and loudly. He saw Fred and George tap goblets and empty plates with knives and forks. , making a crisp sound.


The banquet ended with laughter and laughter, Felix went back to his office, reviewed what happened today in his mind, and found that the key to the whole thing was actually Sirius Black and Mouse Banban. The truth will be revealed to the world.

He shook his head and thought about teaching in the new semester. The magic of the Thinking House had undergone earth-shaking changes, giving him a good idea.

"Try it in the seventh grade ancient rune class. The world of thinking is really getting more and more wonderful. Even I can't predict what it will become in the end."

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