A Certain Hogwarts Magician Professor

Chapter 242: Seeing Umbridge Again

Because of Garen, the two had a loose employment relationship, but for Mundungus, who was walking between black and white, these were all normal operations.

He has seen many big people, they may be high above, but they are always inseparable from small people like him.

Felix was curious to ask who the "big man who climbed up" was in his mouth, but Mundungs ​​kept his words from the beginning and never revealed his tone, which made Felix have a good impression of him.

He hesitated for a moment, then said tentatively, "Mundungus, have you heard of the time-turner?"

"What's that?" Mundungus asked, staring.

"One... No, it's nothing, forget about it." Felix denied the sudden idea, even if some ancient families had time converters, they wouldn't sell them. The secret is kept tight.

Despite the harsh conditions of use, the Time Transformer is definitely one of the most magical items of magic, and its origins have always been one of the most deeply buried secrets in the wizarding world.

Mundungus glanced at Felix suspiciously, but he secretly wrote down the name. It must be something unusual to be mentioned by this mysterious wizard. You can pay attention to it in the future. If there is any news in this regard, Sell ​​it to him at a high price!

"By the way," Mundungus said, "I could have gotten some other things, like art, old bronzes, or some loot confiscated by the Ministry of Magic..."

Felix looked at him strangely, your way is wild. But what Mundungus said next caught his attention—

"...and some magical creatures and their eggs or cubs or something."

"Fantastic creatures?" Felix interrupted. "Tell me about the news in detail."

"Oh, oh..." Mundungus froze for a moment. "It's just some creatures that are not allowed to be raised privately. They may be a little dangerous, such as poison horns, sphinxes, and long-horned water snakes."

"Can you get these dangerous creatures?" Felix said incredulously.

"In fact, it's all luck, and every few years someone will sell it. I've even seen fire dragon eggs and Voldemort bats!"

Mundungs ​​said: "In recent years, you can often see some, you know, the Far Eastern power has just disintegrated two years ago, and even the magic world there is relatively chaotic, a lot of good things have leaked out, to be honest, there is no such thing at all. People care, they can't wait to..."

Felix nodded slightly, he really didn't pay much attention to these things in recent years. Including the black markets in the magic circles of the world, he seldom went to it. It has to be said that the travel in the first year of graduation is already a very distant thing in his mind.

After some thought, he told Mundungus that if there was a particularly rare magical creature, he could be notified directly.

Mundungus took another gulp of wine and, with an odd flush on his face, began to talk about his "interesting" experience running around.

"Two years ago - in a black market transaction, the Ministry of Magic Aurors suddenly broke in, and they were well prepared - hiccup! God, I also hid in the mud pit, my butt was pointed at me--"

"Ha—how could I possibly miss this opportunity? I threatened him with handing over everything in his pockets, or I'd cast a Blast Charm on his ass..."

Felix really didn't know what to say, Mundungus finally finished drinking, he wiped his mouth and put on the women's scarf again, "If it's all right, I'll go, those patrolling cameras. Ghosts are annoying—"

"Jingle bell~"

The bell at the door rang, and a cold breath rushed toward the face, and the Pig's Head Bar was silent in an instant, and several guests quietly stared at the dementor who suddenly walked in.

A bandaged, mummified wizard twitched and fell from his seat.

The boss sitting behind the bar suddenly raised his wand, and a silvery white light flashed from the tip of the wand. "Stay away from me, Dementor!" he shouted roughly, his wire-grey hair and beard standing on end, spreading in all directions.

The cold snap in the bar instantly subsided.

Felix noticed that Mundungus lowered his head, shivering, and gave the barkeeper a wincing look. I don't know if I'm afraid of the Dementors, or the grumpy old man who is holding his wand at the moment.

The dementor stood in the doorway and couldn't walk, and the old man was even more angry. He was tall, with bright blue eyes, the silver-white light from the tip of the staff tended to condense into a solid body, and a pair of large horns were looming.

Felix guessed that it might be a horned sheep or a creature like a deer, and the smell of sheep tainted in the house was associated with a male goat.

"No Sirius Black here, you rotten and moldy idiots!" he yelled.

Mundungus whispered, "It's been almost twenty years, and he's still so irritable..."

The Dementor floated high and glanced past the old man at the guests in the room, a hollow in their headscarves, possibly a mouth, as there was a sound of air in the room.

When their eyes swept over Felix, they froze humanely, and then moved their heads a little bit as if their necks were rusted.

Then they floated away without looking back.

'I was found out? ' Felix touched the mask on his face. 'They scared me away when they saw me? Is it through smell or emotion? ’

Felix operated Occlumency, and at the same time put his fingers on his chest and put one by one concealment spells on his body.

After coming out of the Pig's Head Bar, Felix also saw the figures of several Aurors on the street. They were wearing formal combat uniforms, and their eyes kept scanning the passing crowd.

Among them, a stocky witch in a pink dress stood out, speaking in a high, thin voice, and it was Dolores Umbridge.

Felix had met her once at Belby's ceremony, and Belby had said that the most unsatisfactory part of the whole ceremony was having Umbridge as the officiant.

Felix was also impressed by her sweet smile and pink bow, and yes, and the surprisingly short wand she held in her hand.

"How could she be here, I remember that this woman is not the director of the Department of Prohibition of Abuse of Magic?"

Felix and Umbridge's eyes met, and through the mask, he saw Umbridge staring at him suspiciously, and she grinned like a big toad ready to prey.

She pointed at Felix with a thick finger, and the two young Aurors approached cautiously, one of them, Felix, who was actually a Hufflepuff junior who was two years younger than him. .

The reason why he was impressed was that this junior girl's ability was too convenient - she was a very rare natural disguise magus, who could change her appearance at will.

Under the mask, Felix hooked the corner of his mouth, and the next moment his figure disappeared.

He had a hunch that they would meet again.

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